I think I ve heard som people say that they play like that bc of stamina issues and bc that help them single tap for longer times, but idk maybe I'm wrong
Guys i think ChaosEater will stop commenting he said it earlier today in another video that he thinks its becoming cringe that every osu video is abt him and not the content of the video (i think it was a machii vid not sure tho)
Its only 8.44 stars and before DT the star rating is 5.89 so its relatively easy 5* patterns. The only thing that makes this difficult is the 270 BPM but even then its not that bad. I think 800 is acceptable.
@@caynhunganuoc9812 theres some filler patterns, the diffspike compared to the somewhat non filler patterns are not as hard, and its not a long map, so it makes sense Edit : they also don't measureakward aim patterns so
one +hr away from being banned NAILS
wrong diff 😢
cookiezi did this in 1679
another dif😢
@NoobBlx fanboy, pleaze touch some grass that weeboo doesnt even care about you
@@eien2183 calm down
@@eien2183bro really takes everything on the internet seriously
1679 BC*
oh shit forum dt'd top diff
Her cursor is always so clean
the long cursor trail makes it even better
That's what playing on full area does to ya
bro i was watching this replay on her twitter post and then this notification pops out wtf
Spazzinator does it again
here before ChaosEater39
holy shit this score bangs
the fact that she can switch from single tapping with her middle finger to single tapping with her pointer finger is kinda insane
I think I ve heard som people say that they play like that bc of stamina issues and bc that help them single tap for longer times, but idk maybe I'm wrong
@@Eternall_skill_issue i mean, i do that too but only to look cool and skilled xD i didn't know it actually did something...
actual wicked score holy
Shes genius
here after ChaosEater39
guys cookiezi did this in 0 because he didnt even touch this diff
she alternates singletapping wtf
I was waiting for squares
3 mod is so close
thought this was the og mapset for a sec
adamkus did this in 700 AC
эх, не тот мапсет(
here before chaoseater
Guys i think ChaosEater will stop commenting he said it earlier today in another video that he thinks its becoming cringe that every osu video is abt him and not the content of the video (i think it was a machii vid not sure tho)
Okay I checked and it's machii's "lifeline and mrekk mixed highlights" video where he states this
@@guineapigbridge accepting ChaosEater39 resigning live reaction
Why is this only 800 lol
Its only 8.44 stars and before DT the star rating is 5.89 so its relatively easy 5* patterns. The only thing that makes this difficult is the 270 BPM but even then its not that bad. I think 800 is acceptable.
@@blazewashere7479there's nothing easy about these patterns
@@blazewashere7479sir.. have you ever played a map with squares?
@@blazewashere7479 how do you consider this pattern "normal" lol
@@caynhunganuoc9812 theres some filler patterns, the diffspike compared to the somewhat non filler patterns are not as hard, and its not a long map, so it makes sense
Edit : they also don't measureakward aim patterns so
When you Spazza it
here before chaoseater39 :)))
How does cpol know what skin the player uses
cpol is peppy's lost russian brother and he watches every player through an algorithm made in Java that was integrated in the game's files
Here before chaoseater39
Cookiezi played the beta
hello ChaosEater39
Ban her
..because she's too clean
where is chaoseater :(
no Chaos Eater under here?
Wrong diff and without hr...
Bouta get banned
cookiezi better
Here before chaoseater39