BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle OST - I Burn (Yang Xiao Long's Theme)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @eruditeminds4887
    @eruditeminds4887 6 лет назад +1201

    Damn, my next combo will bring down Yang and then I can-
    *I B U R N*

    • @emperorpalpatine3088
      @emperorpalpatine3088 6 лет назад +58

      fitting profile pic

    • @Darkoriax17
      @Darkoriax17 6 лет назад +47

      And then you're fucked.

    • @kampa3872
      @kampa3872 6 лет назад +42

      *proceeds to beat the shit out of all of your remaining characters*

    • @MrThisucks
      @MrThisucks 6 лет назад +1

      Everytime I transform I just keep getting beat up

    • @TheTrueBro
      @TheTrueBro 6 лет назад +15

      No wonder why all the Yang players I've encountered always try to switch her off if I have high damaging chars. A well placed Hakumen combo doesn't let her Burn at all v:

  • @fizklinwiedemann1395
    @fizklinwiedemann1395 6 лет назад +1414

    When you fail to kill Yang in one combo...

    • @Darkoriax17
      @Darkoriax17 6 лет назад +121

      Fizklin Wiedemann And then she proceeds to knock the everloving FUCK out of you.

    • @golddust7095
      @golddust7095 6 лет назад +207

      When it interupts that theme you love every single time

    • @Megz_X4
      @Megz_X4 6 лет назад +53

      You’d lose an *arm*

    • @KeybladeWielderXV
      @KeybladeWielderXV 6 лет назад +86

      I may like this song a lot as a RWBY fan. But I can't deny her theme interrupting the other tracks is often irritating.

    • @kaitoalkan
      @kaitoalkan 5 лет назад +17

      @@Megz_X4 I might be late, but this is still too soon

  • @jennytulls6369
    @jennytulls6369 4 года назад +306

    "Now I face out, I hold out, I reach ou-"
    *I BURN*

    • @bomes2084
      @bomes2084 3 года назад +18

      Me: man heartful cry is so sad
      Yang: *P M A*

    • @iamhuman6033
      @iamhuman6033 2 года назад +4

      Standing here, I burn

  • @Darkoriax17
    @Darkoriax17 6 лет назад +763

    For those that are curious, this will only play when Yang activates her semblance when she hits the red zone of her health.

    • @Darkoriax17
      @Darkoriax17 6 лет назад +169

      ...And it will override the music for the rest of the match, much like Sol's "Ride the Fire" Dragon Install theme does in Guilty Gear Xrd.

    • @Chaosknightz
      @Chaosknightz 6 лет назад +18

      And Bang's install thing in BB.

    • @Jimmeeehhh
      @Jimmeeehhh 6 лет назад +9

      It's also in the later part of her mix.

    • @ByaKyuren
      @ByaKyuren 6 лет назад +37

      the difference between this and Sol’s install theme is that Ride the Fire is actually good

    • @TheTrueBro
      @TheTrueBro 6 лет назад +5

      Labrys this one isn't bad but it sounds like something taken from Jem and the Holograms lmao

  • @BzaafiedTheYatagarasu
    @BzaafiedTheYatagarasu 3 года назад +171

    I swear her song just coming out of nowhere is still freaking hilarious. Like imagine if you're watching wrestling and Randy Orton kicks out at 2.9 and suddenly a 295 BPM version of Voices starts blari g in the arena.

    • @sun5et956
      @sun5et956 2 года назад +9

      Bro the absolute CHAOS XD

    • @rabbitalcor1002
      @rabbitalcor1002 Год назад +3

      That would be pretty cool ngl

    • @anonymousgamer5771
      @anonymousgamer5771 8 месяцев назад

      Meanwhile, in another ArcSys series....
      READY ORRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

    • @B4mn
      @B4mn 7 месяцев назад

      ​​​@@anonymousgamer5771 TIME TO REALIZE

    • @anonymousgamer5771
      @anonymousgamer5771 7 месяцев назад

      @@B4mn Yay!

  • @vulcan422
    @vulcan422 6 лет назад +455

    *Y A N G I N S T A L L*

    • @3009793
      @3009793 6 лет назад +14

      Vulcan422 ah if only sol was in the game. Imagine the tables getting turned fast.

    • @blasarcemarino2303
      @blasarcemarino2303 5 лет назад +4

      @@3009793 if sol get's on thegame and the two of them do the're install... whose theme will play?

    • @3009793
      @3009793 5 лет назад +17

      @@blasarcemarino2303 whoever does the install last i guess

    • @ZetsubouGintama
      @ZetsubouGintama 5 лет назад +4

      I want Bang in this game more than Sol.

    • @paperluigi6132
      @paperluigi6132 5 лет назад +1

      They can make a seventh color which is Orange, which is obviously Guilty Gear

  • @SpectralSlugger
    @SpectralSlugger 6 лет назад +710

    they deadass say the words "super saiyan" in this theme

    • @notsharp6148
      @notsharp6148 5 лет назад +100

      And "Johnny Blaze" and "Human Torch" the same character from Fantastic Four (the guy always on fire/burning)

    • @tapp2735
      @tapp2735 5 лет назад +119

      @@notsharp6148 actually, Johnny Blaze is the real name of the Ghost Rider from Marvel, Human Torch's real name is Johnny Storm

    • @klusternider6540
      @klusternider6540 5 лет назад +1


    • @cyronara2344
      @cyronara2344 4 года назад +17

      Super saiyang

    • @1erickf50
      @1erickf50 4 года назад

      @Groisu I think it's because Johnny/John are names related to Joe, a name so common it's got the slang *average Joe*

  • @ttgb2990
    @ttgb2990 6 лет назад +203

    0:34 When you hear that, the match is already over. Don't even bother to try.

    • @tarantulahank8537
      @tarantulahank8537 5 лет назад +13

      Except it isn't because for some reason you can still hit yang after the animation

    • @Terumimi
      @Terumimi 5 лет назад +11

      Yeah, the animation doesn't have I-frames for some reason. You can just combo her after she does this if you're quick enough

    • @dboyriles
      @dboyriles 5 лет назад +12

      What if you're Tager

    • @ichiban9662
      @ichiban9662 5 лет назад +2

      Yang aint shit

    • @rustkarl
      @rustkarl 5 лет назад +6

      When I hear that I know I’m on the home stretch.
      I’ve lost count of the instances where the I Burn starts playing, and either
      A: My opponent gets aggressive and gets easily rekt.
      B: It’s in the middle of a combo that will end in a finishing distortion that will ensure that she won’t be burning for long.

  • @Kirbykid-dd2hw
    @Kirbykid-dd2hw 5 лет назад +361

    I BURN-
    *get one-hit killed by tager.*

    • @rustkarl
      @rustkarl 5 лет назад +40

      I burn!
      “Serpent’s Infernal Rapture!”

    • @Terumimi
      @Terumimi 5 лет назад +28

      _I BURN-_
      *gets slapped and dies because I had missed a single hit of a combo*

    • @jediCaboose96
      @jediCaboose96 5 лет назад +7

      And suddenly I have PTSD.

    • @Konh-Minh
      @Konh-Minh 5 лет назад +6

      @@jediCaboose96 And also missing an arm

    • @ocaraloho4652
      @ocaraloho4652 5 лет назад +13

      Yang: I Burn!

  • @OndoVT
    @OndoVT 4 года назад +134

    Yang mains: You're going to die.
    Me: You fool RWBY music gives me power

    • @CallumTheCalamity
      @CallumTheCalamity 3 года назад +10

      Me, who has used this song enough on loop to play normally on Spotify: I COUNTER YOUR MUSIC WITH MY MUSIC

    • @dudemcguy8949
      @dudemcguy8949 3 года назад +6

      *BlazBlue songs will always be immortal.*

    • @ChrisStriker
      @ChrisStriker Год назад +1

      ​@@dudemcguy8949The funny thing, this song is not original from BlazBlue, but comes from the same series where Yang comes from (RWBY)
      But still, what a fucking good theme

    • @dudemcguy8949
      @dudemcguy8949 Год назад +3

      @@ChrisStriker I know, I think I was trying to say Blazblue music was betteror something. Who knows what me 2 years ago was thinking.

  • @AggressiveSushi
    @AggressiveSushi 4 года назад +152

    Idk why but it’s like there’s a hidden comeback mechanic built into me, when my yang awakens and her theme plays I switch gears and almost always pull off the victory. It’s pretty fucking sweet

    • @kinyon2555
      @kinyon2555 4 года назад +12

      Just got this game last week and whenever this theme plays my adrenaline kicks in

    • @crowmagnon
      @crowmagnon 3 года назад +15

      (Well I mean Yang’s install also adds to her damage and opens up new combo routes)

    • @redgokudera
      @redgokudera 2 года назад +6

      maybe because you play too much defensive or does not take the initiative very often, and the theme makes you go bull charge over

    • @ericmurotake5180
      @ericmurotake5180 2 года назад +10

      Psychosomatic effect of music. This song takes you from "backed into a corner" to "I'm not locked in here with you. YOU'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME!" mode, and sharpens your focus to turn the tables

    • @iamhuman6033
      @iamhuman6033 2 года назад +4

      It's the adrenaline and nostalgia mixed with burning desire to win

  • @Shaxii1
    @Shaxii1 5 лет назад +301

    Huh, so this is the theme of having no neutral

  • @minecraft9794
    @minecraft9794 5 лет назад +131

    Susanoo mains wanting to listen to must die but didn't they kill yang right away

    • @rustkarl
      @rustkarl 4 года назад +12

      Susanō mains be like “Guess I’ll MESSATSU.”

  • @doubledio3061
    @doubledio3061 6 лет назад +353

    I just wanna listen to reach out for the truth ok yang ?

    • @ChiefMedicPururu
      @ChiefMedicPururu 6 лет назад +30

      Then don't put her in danger.

    • @USLJTMamaradloPUPT
      @USLJTMamaradloPUPT 6 лет назад +12

      or kill her with a high af damage cross combo to prevent this

    • @akesan2374
      @akesan2374 5 лет назад +9

      Or Astral Finish the hell outta her

    • @keystone5750
      @keystone5750 5 лет назад +5

      Yang does not want you to reach out to the truth.
      (Before any comments spoil anything, I’ve only played P5, and P4 is on my list right now.)

    • @paperluigi6132
      @paperluigi6132 5 лет назад +5

      For the full experience, play Golden

  • @keystone5750
    @keystone5750 5 лет назад +179

    Bopping out to Scraper Sky High or Gluttony Fang and I’m having a pretty good ti-
    *I B U R N*

    • @rustkarl
      @rustkarl 5 лет назад +4

      I know that feeling.

    • @jennytulls6369
      @jennytulls6369 4 года назад +3

      I tried to imagine what it'd be li-
      *I B U R N*

    • @zawarudoclock3927
      @zawarudoclock3927 4 года назад +2

      Basically me vibing to Reach out to the truth-
      I BURN

    • @jeromesol2725
      @jeromesol2725 4 года назад +1

      Hyde, Linne, or Rachel's theme plays. Maybe this match won't be-
      I B U R N
      Oh, well my Rachel and Yukiko/Hyde/Ruby team is done for

    • @thegrayone5666
      @thegrayone5666 4 года назад

      -hums along to lust sin-
      *I B U R N*
      Oh my god. Can i listen to my goddamn music please.

  • @spiderboy2144
    @spiderboy2144 5 лет назад +239

    EA Is Getting Devil Triggered In The Corner After Reading That

    • @SleepyDonnnn
      @SleepyDonnnn 5 лет назад +3

      Oddly enough yang and Blake were going to cost money at first

    • @spiderboy2144
      @spiderboy2144 5 лет назад +14

      @@SleepyDonnnn it's a rare occasion in today's greedy companies

    • @bomes2084
      @bomes2084 4 года назад +5

      “take this and run”

    • @theomnigamer9177
      @theomnigamer9177 4 года назад +5

      Well Johnny Yong Bosch the voice of Nero is Yu Narukami, it kind of fits.

    • @seenl6eight258
      @seenl6eight258 4 года назад +2

      Yang: Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
      EA: NANI?!

  • @ilivefordisrespect9809
    @ilivefordisrespect9809 4 года назад +51

    This holds a special place in my heart cause it’s the theme that plays whenever someone fucks up a safe jump against me

  • @bagel4943
    @bagel4943 4 года назад +168

    "All I need to do is kill Yang before she can-"
    *| 乃ㄩ尺几*

    • @bagel4943
      @bagel4943 4 года назад

      Very true.

    • @bazalisk5336
      @bazalisk5336 4 года назад +5

      TheIceGuy10 not a Yang player but why shield when the attack button does the shielding for you?

    • @ElricWilliam
      @ElricWilliam 4 года назад +5

      The fact she rushes is a huge weakness, im sure i can even bring the bull down with a well calculated strike xD says the HEMA dork xD

    • @Rigter9029
      @Rigter9029 4 года назад +3

      @@ElricWilliam that reference...

    • @kennethfajardo9102
      @kennethfajardo9102 4 года назад +2

      @@ElricWilliam sir, that is exactly what happened to her.

  • @MisterAnimann
    @MisterAnimann 5 лет назад +86

    We need Sol Badguy in this game so they can have a theme music battle

    • @IAmTheStig32
      @IAmTheStig32 5 лет назад +21

      Sol Badguy: Oh shit
      Ky Kiske: What? Something wrong Sol?
      Sol Badguy: I think that damn girl might be my daughter

    • @TheGarfield0
      @TheGarfield0 5 лет назад

      @@IAmTheStig32 Sol's daughter has a better theme, look up Awe of She from Guilty Gear X

    • @thatnerdinthecomments4678
      @thatnerdinthecomments4678 4 года назад +3

      Bang as well

    • @dudemcguy8949
      @dudemcguy8949 3 года назад +3

      At least Ride the Fire has the dignity to stop playing and put the music back on. Thus, it’s truly a bop

    • @SpeedsonicOddTristan
      @SpeedsonicOddTristan 2 года назад

      @@IAmTheStig32 Technically, Sol's daughter is Dizzy.

  • @trendyhipsta5530
    @trendyhipsta5530 6 лет назад +119

    Why must her theme play eternally after her death! > :0

    • @firepuppies4086
      @firepuppies4086 6 лет назад +24

      Tis tradition. Hailing back from ye olde bang install days

    • @rustkarl
      @rustkarl 5 лет назад +4

      I know...
      I keep getting annoyed over it, even when she gets downed

    • @thatnerdinthecomments4678
      @thatnerdinthecomments4678 5 лет назад +1

      Is good

    • @BadModder
      @BadModder Год назад +3


    • @lecorbak
      @lecorbak Год назад

      because she burns.

  • @Psychicduelistrbd
    @Psychicduelistrbd 6 лет назад +80

    Yang definitely goes Super Saiyan when her semblance activates

    • @firelizardryko
      @firelizardryko 5 лет назад +1

      Imagine if she actually got that 50x boost tho O.o

    • @93ImagineBreaker
      @93ImagineBreaker 5 лет назад

      he wishes

    • @J-starlight-77
      @J-starlight-77 5 лет назад +2

      Funny since that is a lyric at 1:11

    • @lordpotoo1375
      @lordpotoo1375 4 года назад

      More like she becomes a sponge

    • @nikucabj97
      @nikucabj97 11 месяцев назад

      @@J-starlight-77 Funny since Xiao Long means little dragon in Chinese

  • @кто-токоторый-ф5н
    @кто-токоторый-ф5н Год назад +7

    I still play BBTAG from time to time, and still let my opponents beat me to low health just to hear this.

  • @kwaku7226
    @kwaku7226 4 года назад +76

    I can also hear Lucario mains blasting this song whenever they are at 100% in Smash, because when Lucario is at high percent, you're dead.

    • @christianthomas8069
      @christianthomas8069 4 года назад +1

      Not really but I see what your saying

    • @island3609
      @island3609 3 года назад +10

      correction: Terry mains (aka me)

    • @kwaku7226
      @kwaku7226 3 года назад

      @@island3609 Terry works too

    • @island3609
      @island3609 3 года назад +2

      @@kwaku7226 yes

    • @island3609
      @island3609 3 года назад +2

      (ARE U OK memes intensifies )

  • @aleksmemes9082
    @aleksmemes9082 6 лет назад +264

    When your making a comeback

    • @doubledio3061
      @doubledio3061 6 лет назад +10

      Aleks memes when I’ve got a yang player cornered

    • @lux4019
      @lux4019 4 года назад +2

      When you're about to lose more like

    • @Caleb_Amamiya
      @Caleb_Amamiya 4 года назад

      Facts tho

    • @seenl6eight258
      @seenl6eight258 4 года назад +1

      When you literally can’t spell the right “your” for the sentence

    • @Deleto99
      @Deleto99 4 года назад

      When you're a susano'o main and this plays.

  • @LuckiSir
    @LuckiSir 6 лет назад +27

    Of course they bring in this song, who wouldn’t put this song in if yangs in. I mean damn this entire song sung by Casey Lee Williams as well as Lamar’s rap part makes this amazing

  • @apollorock3r244
    @apollorock3r244 6 лет назад +66

    02:02 I just realized that the Human Torch and Ghost Rider are mentioned in this song. I guess someone at the RWBY staff might’ve enjoyed Marvel comics. XD

    • @nift2923
      @nift2923 6 лет назад +5

      APOLLOROCK3R and dbz

    • @metallion2123
      @metallion2123 5 лет назад +2

      And Transfomers if you catch the first part starting

    • @notsharp6148
      @notsharp6148 5 лет назад +1

      And Super Saiyans

    • @K1_Trains
      @K1_Trains 5 лет назад +2

      Its rooster teeth what more can be said

    • @nikucabj97
      @nikucabj97 11 месяцев назад

      Xiao long means little dragon in Chinese

  • @danilog342
    @danilog342 3 года назад +7

    What if Yu
    Wanted to reach out for the truth
    But Yang said:
    "Thought that you could see the truth. 'Till I just burned down the booth"

  • @ShadowTheBloodedge1415
    @ShadowTheBloodedge1415 6 лет назад +18

    1:12 welp it looks like we have a Super Saiyan in BlazBlue

  • @hellhounddex666
    @hellhounddex666 5 лет назад +23

    my opponent: yes I finally beat this guy’s yang!
    me: Sends out my healed yukiko

    • @iceaura3938
      @iceaura3938 4 года назад +1

      Is this meant to mean you've embraced defeat?

    • @hellhounddex666
      @hellhounddex666 4 года назад +1

      Iceaura39 nope, I’m good at yukiko

    • @LightKing1237
      @LightKing1237 4 года назад +1

      SweetTooth_FTW hello fellow yukiko main

    • @hellhounddex666
      @hellhounddex666 4 года назад +1

      kh critical player Hello new friend yukiko main

    • @iceaura3938
      @iceaura3938 4 года назад +4

      @@hellhounddex666 Just a Yosuke main passing through.

  • @archeremiya3938
    @archeremiya3938 5 лет назад +15

    "Ok, Let's see who's stronger" - Yang (BBTAG)

  • @RedDemonSoup
    @RedDemonSoup 8 месяцев назад +1

    I barely played this game and this is why I’m a Yang main

  • @Sheenulus
    @Sheenulus 6 лет назад +15

    When you have Yang in a combo and get her to 10% HP and then 0:34.

    • @givemethecardboardplease3903
      @givemethecardboardplease3903 6 лет назад +3

      0:07 when last attempt to kill her misses

    • @rustkarl
      @rustkarl 5 лет назад +1

      And then she dies

    • @rustkarl
      @rustkarl 4 года назад +1

      Keith Følk
      More often than not, if I have a Yang down to this point, they both die.

  • @WU-KAI
    @WU-KAI 6 лет назад +21

    1:11 she said “Super Saiyan”

  • @dapperash
    @dapperash 6 лет назад +160

    Awww they used the censored version lmao

    • @DJ-bl3bv
      @DJ-bl3bv 6 лет назад +120

      Taylor Ash it's funny because Ragna cusses almost everytime he gets hit like usual

    • @shotsniper009
      @shotsniper009 6 лет назад +137


    • @JoKoBod
      @JoKoBod 6 лет назад +14

      Taylor Ash if they would ever uses the uncensored version, Arcsys would have to amp up the ESRB rating.

    • @cryptix0
      @cryptix0 6 лет назад +14

      Howlingwolfjoey The game is already Rated T I've seen rated T games with worse content than just cussing it's fine because I Burn still sounds good censored in my opinion.

    • @BlueWokou
      @BlueWokou 6 лет назад +18

      I think the funniest thing is that 'ass' is still in but 'bitches' got censored.

  • @terriblyterrified8742
    @terriblyterrified8742 5 лет назад +18

    what if
    you wanted to go to heaven
    but god said

    • @Rigter9029
      @Rigter9029 5 лет назад +2

      Another God answers *"I CAN'T GIVE ALL THESE GIFTS BACK"*

    • @bomes2084
      @bomes2084 4 года назад

      I B U R N

  • @133tony
    @133tony 6 лет назад +11

    0:35 When tables finally turn into your favor

  • @merkuritk2311
    @merkuritk2311 3 года назад +11

    Well, if she worked more like dark phoenix, she would get even more op, and would open even more possibilities... But she is already perfect the way she is

  • @envystxx
    @envystxx 5 лет назад +29

    i dread that theme when i fail to kill yang.

    • @gumdra5990
      @gumdra5990 5 лет назад +3

      What if you were about to hit a super but her I framed said
      didn’t hit me Nuh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • @tylerkinnie9226
    @tylerkinnie9226 3 года назад +4

    Okay this song is pretty cool a perfect theme for yang xiao long

  • @stardustpie1992
    @stardustpie1992 Год назад +1

    Ragna: So I’m allowed to swear up a storm like usual, right?
    AWS: Of course.
    Yang: What about my theme song?
    AWS: Yeah, no, you’re gonna have to replace most of the words.

  • @stornydelcoro2669
    @stornydelcoro2669 5 лет назад +6

    Damn i can kick ass on smite with my yang and this music now * - * perfect

  • @thatnerdinthecomments4678
    @thatnerdinthecomments4678 5 лет назад +5

    Opponent: ok, they activated semblance. They're probably going to do something sm-
    My goofy ass: CAN YOU TAKE THIS?

  • @HeroineWaifuKefla
    @HeroineWaifuKefla 4 года назад +1

    Best moment in the hand when she’s goes I burn and her theme plays I burn.

  • @ParagonFury
    @ParagonFury 5 лет назад +11

    Yang is rather uh....heavier in this pic than normal.
    Not that its' a problem.

  • @Cococrash11
    @Cococrash11 3 года назад

    Awesome BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle OST I Burn Yang Xiao Long's Theme Video.

  • @Rodri34451
    @Rodri34451 9 месяцев назад +1

    Would you lose?
    Yang: Nah, I'd burn

  • @marsh7824
    @marsh7824 5 лет назад +8

    When i hear this theme i also hear my characters dying

  • @ImmaNort
    @ImmaNort 5 лет назад +4

    Man, I love Under Heaven Destruction.
    *I BURN*

  • @nightfox538
    @nightfox538 4 года назад +2

    My Best Yang Moment: Ragna and Yang (Me) vs Blitztank and Susano'o. Yang's 5B armor tanks Blitztank's 5A, combo, which is immediately canceled into Gjallarhorn. This takes Yang down to 1 HP, she does 5B then I Burn kicks in.

  • @samatra478
    @samatra478 5 лет назад +2

    Okay, you have taken a few hits. Now take all of them and more and then when you feel the flame inside grow... let it BLAST INTO AN INFERNO STROM!

  • @mrthanos8140
    @mrthanos8140 4 года назад +8

    When your stuck in a forest in Australia

    • @mrthanos8140
      @mrthanos8140 4 года назад

      Doctor HotCoco MeeM ik i suck

  • @EternumTagerMain
    @EternumTagerMain 3 года назад

    I wish I BURN stopped when Yang goes down.
    Imagine hearing I BURN! Can't hold... ''SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR FRIENDS." and the song coming to a stop 5 seconds in.

  • @zigslotheon
    @zigslotheon 6 лет назад +11

    Blazing Fighter Yang would like to battle.

    • @paperluigi6132
      @paperluigi6132 5 лет назад +1

      In a crossover fangame, it's likely that Team RWBY is the Elite Four

  • @brice6186
    @brice6186 4 года назад +1

    Noobs: Alright’s been taking me hours AND I STILL CAN’T FIND A STRATEGY!
    Veterans: Crap, how many frames does it take?
    Memory: -commits I Burn Fails-
    Me: Yang’s burning stage needs a certain amount of health to be depleted, if I get hit by an experts combo, I’m dead but the best part is that I get to counterattack the burning stage

  • @justinx.8949
    @justinx.8949 2 года назад +2

    "Oops, I failed to kill Yang in one combo; guess I'll die."
    Honestly, her comeback mechanic in BBCTB is what Ky's Dragon Install SHOULD be in GGST. "Oh, you didn't kill the Ky player in one combo? Lmao get fucked."

  • @dragonking2266
    @dragonking2266 5 лет назад +4

    When your opponent uses resonance blaze with I burn on ✌️👌👌👌

  • @grimreaper9115
    @grimreaper9115 6 лет назад +6

    Oh wait, wrong song.
    Keep going...
    Come at me...

  • @AutZentus
    @AutZentus 6 лет назад +18

    Kicking the battle off with a yang!

  • @RickRodGaming
    @RickRodGaming 5 лет назад +3

    *I BURN* - *Instant super while I tried to oki* - *lose a character or 2* ....... Yup, this is the usual scenario for me, and it happens way too often....... and she is apparently getting buffed..... oh boy....

    • @SicklySeraph
      @SicklySeraph 5 лет назад

      She kinda needs it, she's only useful once her semblence is activated, plus her range is very bad so you need to work to get in while others can just get in for free.

    • @RickRodGaming
      @RickRodGaming 5 лет назад +3

      @@SicklySeraph Are you serious? Her super can reach you in a matter of seconds, and if you are far or getting zoned, you can spam her rockets. Don't let me get started on her armor stuff, which is very strong. She can basically tank anything. I know low hits bypass her armor, but sometimes is tough to know when she will use her armor or not.
      What really bothers me, though, is not really any buffs she received or anything she does. What bothers me is how that pause on the "I Burn" activation makes me lose my momentum very VERY often, since it gives the opponent plenty of time to decide how to counter either my Oki or any pressure. That right there is what gets me killed a lot of times

  • @prachetasnayse9709
    @prachetasnayse9709 2 года назад +1

    0:35 yes. I am prepared to counter Yang with my Hakumen

  • @Psykroids
    @Psykroids 4 года назад +4

    Man not even paying off famous collaborations helped Rwby's dying popularity. Too bad they ruined Monty's legacy.

  • @caster25000
    @caster25000 5 лет назад +55

    Ah, yes.
    The single most hated song in all of Cross Tag Battle.

    • @renren2946
      @renren2946 4 года назад +14

      I actually think this song is pretty 'Fire'

    • @jennytulls6369
      @jennytulls6369 4 года назад +13

      @@renren2946 That pun was 'lit' people still use 'lit'?

    • @theadmirableadmiral7408
      @theadmirableadmiral7408 4 года назад +7

      How DARE she interrupt Unknown Actor?

    • @xXIcySparksXx
      @xXIcySparksXx 4 года назад +4

      I think they meant this is the last thing they hear till they are defeated

    • @thelegendaryarrox5559
      @thelegendaryarrox5559 4 года назад

      my favorite B)

  • @ninetails625
    @ninetails625 5 лет назад +4

    love this ost

  • @Viperzilla1
    @Viperzilla1 5 лет назад +5

    When you shoot yang in the face but then you hear some rock music
    Something's wrong i can feel it

  • @WeissIsBae14
    @WeissIsBae14 4 года назад +17

    this is the theme Yang used to break Tifa’s neck

    • @lolstalgic9602
      @lolstalgic9602 2 года назад

      That fight was rigged and you know it

  • @MoleBradRy
    @MoleBradRy 6 лет назад +1

    Who said you could mess with my radio?!

  • @RoninOwin1738
    @RoninOwin1738 4 года назад +4


  • @ZetsubouGintama
    @ZetsubouGintama 5 лет назад +1

    Dream match between Yang, Bang and Sol.
    Yang: That's it! I going all out! *I burn! Can't hold me noooooow-*
    Bang: Good for you girl! Now my turn! FU RIN KA ZAN! *BAAAAA BANG BANG BAAAAAANG-*
    Sol: Bitch please... DRAGON INSTALL! *RIDE OOOOOOOOON (Sick guitar solo)*

    • @thatnerdinthecomments4678
      @thatnerdinthecomments4678 4 года назад +1

      Bang, again: I'm still the strongest ninja here! *JUST BELIEVE JUSTICE! SEIGI JŌTŌ!*

  • @keavinmurcia7026
    @keavinmurcia7026 3 года назад +1

    Wow I didn't realize that they made a clean version of this song for the game... got the guy saying "chumps" 💀💀

  • @topsicles5268
    @topsicles5268 6 лет назад +5

    "And Super Saiyan now"
    Goku confirmed

    • @K1_Trains
      @K1_Trains 5 лет назад +1

      Well arc system works also made fighter z soooooooooooo

    • @nikucabj97
      @nikucabj97 11 месяцев назад

      Xiao Long means little dragon in Chinese

  • @zenni_00
    @zenni_00 4 года назад +7

    me: tries to vibe to persona music.
    my brain: I BURN

  • @akathesk
    @akathesk Год назад +1

    Plays every time she's low on health
    and the song gets copyright claimed on youtube
    and people wonder why everyone dropped this game so fast

  • @tjdragneel5002
    @tjdragneel5002 4 года назад +9

    One of the best themes for a character I’ve ever heard!!!!!

  • @cyronara2344
    @cyronara2344 4 года назад +1

    "Okay I have yosuke at 70% and the yang is almost dead so if I'm carefu-"
    *I BURN*
    *Proceeds to die to 1 combo*

  • @BlastoiseMaster
    @BlastoiseMaster 4 года назад +1

    What if you wanted to listen to your favourite song...
    But Yang said

    • @dudemcguy8949
      @dudemcguy8949 3 года назад

      *I BUUUUURN* her with God Press and corner combo her to death, and get mad that Must Die doesn’t play after

  • @holmsmonster
    @holmsmonster 4 года назад

    For the longest time I thought she was saying "MY TURN" which kinda makes sense if you don't mange to KO her...

  • @AnimeArchaeologist
    @AnimeArchaeologist 5 лет назад +1

    Yang: *I Burn is playing*
    Me: Deus Vult!

  • @achmadraflie9530
    @achmadraflie9530 Год назад

    Flayon: I fear no man. But that thing...
    Flayon: It scares me.

  • @GorinStudios
    @GorinStudios 6 лет назад +5

    Nailed it!

  • @aaronmartin9485
    @aaronmartin9485 4 года назад +1

    Sheesh, why the hell isn't this on the jukebox in the lobby ingame?

  • @Thuliumm
    @Thuliumm 2 года назад

    I played against her on blazblue, and she activated her resonance, and she died afterwards, but the music that kept playing was GOOD

  • @TsuZakiYa
    @TsuZakiYa 4 года назад +1

    That was alot of damage.
    Ok now a grab to ki-
    *I B U R N*
    *swaps so she can heal.*

  • @kerbsanimebattles4131
    @kerbsanimebattles4131 4 года назад +24

    This song has a better plot than the whole show

  • @PopfulAdvantage
    @PopfulAdvantage 3 года назад +1

    This song is great and all but I'm sick and tired of listening to it for most of my matches just because I play as Yang.

  • @mojimiaboboy9629
    @mojimiaboboy9629 3 года назад +1

    The Super armor supers can counter almost anything I swear

  • @lilliemacaroni8591
    @lilliemacaroni8591 4 года назад +1

    When you turn into an s tier when lower than 30% health.

  • @SicklySeraph
    @SicklySeraph 5 лет назад +3

    My panic theme song

  • @acesenpai6971
    @acesenpai6971 6 лет назад +10


  • @Roxas7713
    @Roxas7713 5 лет назад +1

    I BURN... ruby please switch with me, i need to hide

  • @John-Stark
    @John-Stark 5 лет назад +1

    Yang, Chie, Makoto and Azreal in the same game, oh boy...

  • @HizzyVEVO
    @HizzyVEVO 4 года назад

    Opponent after reducing you to red: *messes up*
    Me: so uh good games

  • @EnderKroni
    @EnderKroni 2 года назад +1

    "now you are fu¢ked up" the song

  • @SevenSinshu
    @SevenSinshu 6 лет назад +1

    Such a fire theme

  • @enteriprse33
    @enteriprse33 Год назад +2


  • @OmnicidalClown1992
    @OmnicidalClown1992 Год назад

    2:01 Did this song really compare Yang's fire with the likes of Human Torch or Ghost Rider? Don't get me wrong, I like Yang, but unless if her fire can rival, if not surpass the heat of the sun, or can generate literal hellfire, her fire would be nothing more than candles on a birthday cake compared to the either Johnny Storm or Johnny Blaze.

  • @Alkhemia8
    @Alkhemia8 6 лет назад +26

    surprised they can use super saiyan and not get in trouble good song tho might be my fav rwby song in the game Gluttony Fang still the best tho

  • @pottedplant37_
    @pottedplant37_ 3 года назад

    Bodying the other team: Alright, this going well-
    I Burn: starts playing
    Song ain't bad, just what it entails...

  • @Zerobadniks
    @Zerobadniks 6 лет назад +26

    If you don't like this track but want to main Yang you're really insulting RWBY as a whole, this explains who Yang is.

    • @ByaKyuren
      @ByaKyuren 6 лет назад +26

      Yuki Ren As someone who’s a RWBY fan this is complete bullshit, you can dislike or like whatever you want, and people who main Yang have the option to not like this song, hell, I fucking love Yang but I don’t think this song is that good, in fact I think Armed and Ready is 10 times better than this

    • @SonicMegaKing
      @SonicMegaKing 6 лет назад +1

      >insulting RWBY as a whole
      As it deserves for going beyond mediocrity into complete shite?

    • @Bladehound83
      @Bladehound83 5 лет назад +1

      Not gonna lie, this track made me hate Yang in this game. It's not that bad of a song, but I wanted to listen to Naoto's theme this match, goddammit.

  • @Terumimi
    @Terumimi 5 лет назад +5

    Contrary to popular belief, it's NOT impossible to win after this comes on for the opponent

  • @Lugladen28
    @Lugladen28 5 лет назад +4

    0:34 The last thing you hear befor getting asskicked by Yang