Now we know why Congresswoman Cheney slapped Jordan's hand in the House Chamber on 1/6, claiming "you did this" as he attempted to escort her to safety.
@@ltvbuilders As many as the number of BRAIN CELLS a GOPer has? Y'all have the FREEDUMB to DIE from covid, just STAY OUT of the hospitals. They're busy.
@@ltvbuilders it doesn't matter how many times your lies and conspiracy theories get proven wrong you Trumptard cult members stand by them. Wasn't it 3 people who voted for Trumptard from Florida just get arrested for voter fraud? Keep drinking the Koolaid!
So Pelosi, Schumer all the people that denied the national guard? The cops that opened the doors? The people from the FBI that were listed as “person 1, etc” should all be charged as well. Even the people that walked in because the police opened the doors to usher them in the building! Yep, ur right. Keep putting ur mask on and getting the jab, lol
@Brupe Boring yep, conspiracy theories lol. I’ve learned that the diff between the truth and a conspiracy theory is about 6 to a year. That’s about how long democrats can keep it under wraps! I might mention let’s see: wuhan lab leak, trump going to the church, the Russian collusion, the Biden laptop, bidens call with Ukraine, oh and don’t forget UFOs! But by all means keep thinking that republicans are the “conspiracy theorists” lol. We just look for the truth instead of watching CNN!
Everyone involved in this insurrection should be charged to the fullest extent of the law, if everyone involved isn’t charged, this country will fall into further chaos
the country is already in chaos. the two party system is corrupted and nothing gets done. the politicians are getting paid to protect their powers and please their donors. all "great empires" followed the same path of destruction. From within. Persian-Hellenic-Roman-Byzantine-Ottoman had the same luck. Thanks to the internet now things are moving 1000 times faster.
and you have no clue what happened so why dont you wait and see first. Your just as guilty as antoune simply because you are a democrat... the worst leadership the world has ever witnessed... lokk how fast you idiots destroyed the country
Agreed, the people who have been fighting the audits preventing the truth from coming out must be held accountable. Note. The Adam Schiff “version” of Jim Jordan’s text was edited to influence your opinion. Why would an innocent person feel the need to edit evidence?
Why is Trump, Jim and others involved not in handcuffs up till now? If these guys don't go to jail, trust me, this will be the beginning of the end of American democracy!
Elias Noah, because in America you are innocent until proven guilty. We just need to let the judicial process happen, and I have full faith in Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the judicial system. The tides are beginning to turn, Trump will be held accountable at some point.
@@spir5102 I don’t know but honestly DT has gotten away with so much and each time he has just gotten more empowered by republicans that sometimes I even have doubts that he will ever face justice.
Holding Trump accountable for January 6th is like holding the head of BLM accountable for all the cities burnt down in the peaceful protests around the Country. This is nothing but a witch hunt!
Cnn the fake news Sexual pervert site . a former producer recently fired after being charged with a series of disturbing child sex crimes. CNN senior producer John Griffin, 44, of Stamford, Conn., was quickly fired after the Justice Department charged him with three counts of attempting to entice underage girls into sexual activities.
exactly, this guy jim imo should had been prosecuted for the lies about sex crimes, consequences why change shitty behavior if there are no consequences our country has been going to shit for how long now?
@@angebasso893 so now you're doing trans stuff in your mind? I see from your other comments you're pretty sick in the head about other people. Why do you hate the first amendment so much? And why don't you do your fourth estate bashing in the original 88 speak? If you want to act like you don't know what I'm referring to ask your conservative republican buddies like Strom Thurman, Chester Doles, and
@@angebasso893 And Trump became criminal. Did Trump hire 500 Polish illegals then try to get out of paying them? Complete court proceedings are online.
Scream and divert attention from your own crimes or lies. Jordan's number one strategy. Notice that he never allows people that he questions to answer the questions but answers the question himself.
He'll end up going the way of that other sanctimonious, fast-talkin' Trump defender, Doug Collins. The burn-out rate for these tools is extremely high.
Don’t forget Devin Nunes who was stonewalling the judiciary committee during the first impeachment who was investigating Ukraine meetings that *he himself attended*.
@@larryroberts4984 Sure Blame her for Jan. 6th. Rightwingnut.... Even if everything was laid out for you in alphabetical order you would still deny the facts
@@ltvbuilders interesting fact. Out of the 470ish cases of voter fraud found in the 2020 election (Most of which were caught and did NOT count in the election) the highest number of offenses were found to be for Donald the CONald. So your comment applys toward Republicans... So go try to make those right wing extremists Honest for a change.
If these "Law Makers" and I'm sure someone in the Supreme Court was also involved aren't held accountable and removed from their positions, then we've become an anarchy.
The cover up is just amazing and we all should be worried about what took place on 1/6/2020. Those members of congress who took part willfully and knowingly must be prosecuted too the fullest. By not doing so would only imply that the constitution has no value.
The only reason there are any Republicans on the committee is because Pelosi named them as part of the seats that the Democrats get to choose. The seats the Republicans would have chosen are empty. I don't agree with Cheney or Kinzinger on policies but I have to give props to whoever came up with the idea of seating them. It was a stroke of genius.
If our politicians tried shit like this the Australian people would fucking lynch them before dinner that same night we take democracy seriously here and we don’t tolerate traitors to the nation period
@john Napier - don’t arrive in a conclusion that have not happened yet. These idiotic stupids will face justice in a right time. Unless the USA become a banana republic with a dictator on the seat of power like trumpo
CNN has tried to bring down every pro Trump Republican 😂 Gaetz, Greene, Cawthorne, Cruz, Jordan. Soon they'll try for Hawley and others as the election gets closer. Of course, none of this fuckery is gonna work but that won't stop these idiots. Keep it up! See you at the voting booth 😊 LET'S GO BRANDON 👍🏾
That was such an obvious lie on his part. You can't tell me he doesn't remember whether he spoke to the President of the United States before during or after a riot at congress which he helped incite.
Im loving how Adam Schiff got caught editing it to fool people about the context, not only did they have to admit it, but it was two days ago. CNN still continues to tell you disinformation in a edited disingenuous manner.
We cannot have someone with no respect for the rule of law serving on the judicial committee. If GYM cannot protect or serve his nation according to his oath and the Constitution, he has no place in Congress! If he betrayed his Oath and aided and abetted others in the assault on the Capitol or democracy itself he should suffer the consequences.
@@01Lenda It damned sure isn't lying, eating " hamberders ", watching Faux network, or cheating at golf. Rest assured he's trying to get something done instead of pleasuring himself at the thought of you MAGATS slurping his butt, like you have been doing for Nostradumbass!
@@gotohellqultist7770 I can see how someone could take McCain as a "con". But it's for the wrong reason and I don't think he was. I believe him to be "principled" but not so good a pilot for having crashed five planes previously. McCain was very divergent in his thought process. He wasn't called "the democrats favorite Republican" for nothing.
@@cutlets6152 still better than most Republicans today. At least he had integrity unlike gaetz, Jordan, McConnell, and trump. Maybe that's what the problem is. Republicans lost all integrity when they joined up with a well documented conman from the 80s.
@You Tube lmao, dude, tds isnt a real thing. Just a way for a man baby to explain to himself why people dont like him. Kinda like you calling McCain "mcstain". Really shows the emotional maturity of a 10 year old.
Are you being sarcastic? Why would this democrat committee want honest Republicans? It should be obvious that they would specifically want dishonest Republicans.
@@johndowner2196 Republicans were supposed to be equally represented with the chair and the ranking member choosing their own committee members. Pelosi moved the goal post by rejecting Jordan and Banks. Pelosi is the chair, she can do that. It's politics. To be honest, she could've picked almost any Republican. Most of them hate Trump and his supporters. The US has been run by unelected bureaucrats since the great new deal. There's barely a handful of politicians that actually stand for and support the American People.
@@muchoed5119 The Retrumplican Rinos turned down an independent partisan committee. Don't want to hear your whining now! You sound just like Chump!! 😭😭😭😭😭
Never get tired of seeing the nervousness displayed by JJ when asked about his conversations with the Don on the 6th. I sorta feel embarrassed for him.
@@brianwalsh1401 has nothing to do about being Republican and everything you do with being educated. Only an ignorant person would suggest removing the electoral college.
They should all be fired every single one of them that had anything to do with January 6th should no longer be allowed to hold any type of federal law will run for any office ever again but you know what nothing will happen absolutely nothing they'll get away with it and it'll just make things worse they should all be fired they should all be removed from office immediately
Jordon will say he isn't a liar because he didn't speak but sent a text . Given his character no doubt there will be many more incriminating text before the week is out .
I love how politicians frequently must backpedal when caught in a lie or misleading information. They will generally say whatever is necessary to remain in power.
Wow. We have a bunch of traitors telling us that it is a sham. Ha ha. Yeah, if someone told me I was shoplifting and had the item in my hand while I got busted I could say "this is a lie, a sham" but it just doesn't hold water.
They all are liars & just turn things to make it look like Pelosi or others are doing it one sided but they all are connected to the insurrection just like McCarthy talking 💩when he stood up there saying that he talked to Trump & that he should be held accountable for this but then a week later he goes to see Trump & changes sides again so that shows right there what they’re all about & they’re all liars & corrupt & need to be put in prison.
Our grandparents had the perfect saying for a situation such as this.... allowing Jim Jordan on the committee would be like "allowing the fox to guard the henhouse"!! 🐺🦊 look at the resemblance 🐁🐀
Wow! So a hand picked Dem committee that only allows evidence they pre approve is not the fox watching the hens? I see you've lost your ability to think for yourself!
idk why they are slow rolling the revelations and investigations... except maybe they hope these alt right freaks will go so far defending the indefensible that they'll all go down with the ship rather than being able to explain away why they were wrong about trump? idk
President Trump... Best economy, lowest gasoline prices, best border immigration policies and protection. Biden is all opposite!! What happened on January 6th 2021... Is what made America great, because it has happened prior to 1776 and after 1776!! If we don't fight for what is right...socialism will take over...mark my words. TRUMP/JORDAN 2024...
@@mikehall6912 Really, now you're going give a damn about someone lieing? Quick question, hypocrite mike, if your wife lied right to your face, 3,500+ times in the last 4 years, would she still be your wife today.... Or just your cousin ?
@@LAlan-pi2oc Look in the mirror fool. Biden has lied more than Trump ever did your media overlords just don't do a story on it every 3 seconds. Back to your pasture sheep.
Yes, it does seem that the main job of the White House Chief of Staff after learning that their side had lost the election would be to call a meeting to begin planning the transition and putting together a team for the peaceful transfer of power to the new administration; - - - not to call together a team to plan a coup and how to overturn the election. WTF!
Meadows was Tea Bagger//"Freedom Caucus"; they were from that outset absolutely opposed to compromise -- which caused problems even for moderate Republicans. In contrast, the democratic legislative process is: debate, negotiation, COMPROMISE, consensus. As often said, no "side" involved gets all they want. The "Freedom Caucus" has always been about getting ONLY what THEY wanted.
@@jnagarya519 John Boehner couldn't keep his caucus in line, the speaker has to control the legislative narrative and he let the "freedom caucus" disrupt the house. The best thing he could have done was work with the democrats and get legislation passed, for the country and he would have looked a lot better historically. I think he was a good person but not a good speaker.
I thought this too. And that is why McCarthy wanted him on the committee. All he suggested where deep into conspiracy theories, they would have been fools in the committee, if they had not denied them. The Republicans can not do one honest and decent thing. Chomsky said it, the GOP cannot be saved. My comment: They are not political party any longer. They do not act like politicians, so they are no politicians.
You can research it under....Dr. Strauss, Ohio State University team doctor, sexual assaults of wrestlers. The Doctor killed himself in 2005 after police investigations of decades of assaults became public knowledge. JJ had been an assistant wrestling coach there for years and named in more than a few affidavits as having ignored wrestlers who reported the assaults directly to him.
Yes, DON’T LET IT DIE KEEP ASKING FOR JUSTICE FOR THESE BOYS. As assistant coach he was told by numerous boys that the head coach was molesting them. Gym Jordan did NOTHING. Ultimately the coach killed himself before it want to court.
@Scott Manerez Is this the lie you're telling yourself so you dont have to deal with the reality that the corrupt liars are in your party. You got conned and are now lying to yourself to deal with it.
Thomas Paine once said:" the biggest threat to democracy is when Congress ignores the Constitution." No Jacket Jordan is an example of what Paine was referring to.
Jim Gardner: I am 100 percent in agreement with you! I believe this plot started with the founding of the TeaParty! How else could so many traitors end up in one party at the same time? We know that the TeaParty was the creation of the far right wing of Republican think tanks!
The GOP had an opportunity to engage in the committee. But they put forward people who would only have been obstructionists AND given what has come forward about Jim Jordan, a significant conflict of interest.
@@ltvbuilders Speaking of election frauds, where is your evidence? 65 cases filed, 65 losses. Pathetic. You believe the orange pathological liar when he offered ZERO evidence??? Sad 😢!!!!!!
There is a difference: Biden stuttering is a speech disorder. Anyone can have it regardless intelligence, finance status or beliefs. Gym Jordan´s stutter is caused by his dishonesty, his insurrectionist tendencies, and desperation for being Trump´s doormat besides being a coward and disgusting human being. Ok?
@@angrypatriots1776 as a so called patriot do you alway put your flag and country before any one man? If you don't your not a patriot angry or otherwise 👍
Lol…you guys still have hope. Bush is not in prison for war crimes… No Republican will be prosecuted for any real crimes, they’ll just write a strongly worded letter🙄
Gym Jordan: The guy that refuses to wear a jacket. He deliberately wears only a shirt and tie to make a personal political statement. He is DISPICABLE !!!!
That snippet of Jim Jordan being questioned still me makes me laugh out loud each and every time I see it. Jim Jordan is so pathetic with his lies..."hum man na, hum man na, hum man na"...
@@lynettedaniel3718 yeah anderson cooper , adam schiff , nancy polosi,the dems , and cnn and the msm can really be trusted 😆 😆 . how'd that mueller russia thing turn out 😆 ?
Is this really a surprise from crazy lil Jimmy Jam though? He doesn't care about freedom or democracy. Just being able to sit at his version of the cool kids table. Just like the rest of them. 🙄
The dawn of American democracy didn’t come in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence. It didn’t come in 1788, when the Constitution was ratified by the states, or in 1789, when George Washington took office. According to Harry Rubenstein, chair and curator of the Division of Political History at the American History Museum, the symbolic birth of our system of government didn’t come until its noble ideals were actually put to the test. On September 19, 215 years ago, Washington published his farewell address, marking one the first peaceful transfers of power in American history and cementing the country’s status as a stable, democratic state. This moment, Rubenstein says, “is crucial for creating the in-and-out system of government that we have. And this is unique. In that time and era, politicians would gain power, or kings would stay in office until theyDie.” At that nascent stage in American history, before precedents such as the two-term limit were even set, many were uncertain about what would happen after a galvanizing figure like Washington resigned office. But at this critical juncture, the leadership of Washington and others proved more than adequate to preserve the democracy. “Stepping down is unique,” says Rubenstein. “It’s a powerful statement about Washington and American democracy.”
When we picked sides for dodgeball in high school, we never picked the ones that would throw balls at our own team, or the ones that just stood there and wiped boogers on their shirts. Same principle here i think.....
@@scabcrawler632 Right, the earth is flat. The sun comes up at night. The east is west. The check is in the mail. Lies are lies. Those that lie or repeat those lies. Get a grip. Your reality is not the same as the truth.
Griffin, 44, has been a producer with CNN for about eight years. "The charges against Mr. Griffin are deeply disturbing," a spokesperson for the network said in a statement Saturday. "We only learned of his arrest yesterday afternoon and have suspended him pending investigation." The charges stem from conversations between Griffin and the purported parents of minor daughters, in which he allegedly tried to persuade them to "allow him to train their daughters to be sexually submissive," as well as an incident in which prosecutors allege unlawful sexual activity occurred with a 9-year-old girl, the news release said
Sorry you are delusional Guess CNN didn't mention Bidens poll numbers are in the toilet and Harris is the most disliked VP in history and you've lost the Independent vote and the Hispanic vote Keep dreaming
Fingers crossed you are right. But the way the Republicans have re-districted certain key states, the way Trump in Rupert Murdoch's medie empire has a propaganda machine as effective and resourceful as Hitler had in Joseph Goebbels and the Propaganda Ministerium, blaming Biden for anything and nothing to create support for Trump, and the fact that there is a senator named Joe Manchin who make Biden appear weak, I would not place money on it. Especially not since midterm elections tend not to be kind to incumbent presidents.
Jordan sounds like a 4 year old caught stealing candy at a store. He thinks if he talks really, really fast people will either get confused or believe his nonsense.
He’s usually the loudest out in front but NOW for some reason( we all know/knew why no one’s surprised at his involvement) he seems all tongue tied can’t answer a simple question ...wanna know why????because he’s a liar and has been lying for years. How does it feel JJ to be grilled like a piece of meat????
Republicans had an opportunity to participate equally in a 1/6 investigation, and republicans refused, so now they have no right to cry partisanship while refusing to participate.
@@peggyivey5828 NO? Really? Literally all of the testimony has been by life-long republicans, Trump appointees, and others like Republican State AG's. So obviously the "clown show" is not the J6 Committee! The clown show is Trumps Gang of Deplorables that incited an insurrection on our country's Capital and the fools that support them.
This is about Ukraine, not this video. The woman you interviewed and her three children is the best statement of the pain and the strength suffered every day. Please let her know we love her. Her husband is so brave to be fighting, it is clear he misses his family. She should be a CNN heroine.
Now we know why Congresswoman Cheney slapped Jordan's hand in the House Chamber on 1/6, claiming "you did this" as he attempted to escort her to safety.
Really? I've not seen this.
@@selah71 yes really.
@@selah71 Yepвидео.html
Say what we did about the Bushes and Cheneys back in the day, the modern GOP has given me rose-colored glasses to look back upon them with.
Thank you. Good on Cheney for her restraint. If it had been me I would have pounced on him like a duck on a June bug.
GQP complains Nancy is playing politics. Remember the endless investigations and hearings of Benghazi and email severers?
speaking of cons... how many ballots you got saved up for 2024
@@ltvbuilders As many as the number of BRAIN CELLS a GOPer has?
Y'all have the FREEDUMB to DIE from covid, just STAY OUT of the hospitals. They're busy.
@@ltvbuilders it doesn't matter how many times your lies and conspiracy theories get proven wrong you Trumptard cult members stand by them. Wasn't it 3 people who voted for Trumptard from Florida just get arrested for voter fraud? Keep drinking the Koolaid!
@@ltvbuilders 11,791 to be exact... oh wait who said that..??
Because those were crimes
Anyone that is involved in the Jan 6th needs to be charged
So Pelosi, Schumer all the people that denied the national guard? The cops that opened the doors? The people from the FBI that were listed as “person 1, etc” should all be charged as well. Even the people that walked in because the police opened the doors to usher them in the building! Yep, ur right. Keep putting ur mask on and getting the jab, lol
It's taking too long.round them up fast, guilty as hell.they know it.
@Brupe Boring yep, conspiracy theories lol. I’ve learned that the diff between the truth and a conspiracy theory is about 6 to a year. That’s about how long democrats can keep it under wraps!
I might mention let’s see: wuhan lab leak, trump going to the church, the Russian collusion, the Biden laptop, bidens call with Ukraine, oh and don’t forget UFOs! But by all means keep thinking that republicans are the “conspiracy theorists” lol. We just look for the truth instead of watching CNN!
@@natemartin7697 - Tell Elvis I said hi (wingnut).
The stench of desperation from House Republicans is almost overpowering!!
Everyone involved in this insurrection should be charged to the fullest extent of the law, if everyone involved isn’t charged, this country will fall into further chaos
the country is already in chaos. the two party system is corrupted and nothing gets done.
the politicians are getting paid to protect their powers and please their donors.
all "great empires" followed the same path of destruction. From within.
Persian-Hellenic-Roman-Byzantine-Ottoman had the same luck.
Thanks to the internet now things are moving 1000 times faster.
and you have no clue what happened so why dont you wait and see first. Your just as guilty as antoune simply because you are a democrat... the worst leadership the world has ever witnessed... lokk how fast you idiots destroyed the country
Agreed, the people who have been fighting the audits preventing the truth from coming out must be held accountable.
Note. The Adam Schiff “version” of Jim Jordan’s text was edited to influence your opinion. Why would an innocent person feel the need to edit evidence?
@@nothingishere111 So... your argument on fighting corruption is that there already is corruption, therefore we should do nothing...?
Haven't you heard the F.B.I said there was NO insurrection..look it up!
Why is Trump, Jim and others involved not in handcuffs up till now? If these guys don't go to jail, trust me, this will be the beginning of the end of American democracy!
Elias Noah, because in America you are innocent until proven guilty. We just need to let the judicial process happen, and I have full faith in Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the judicial system. The tides are beginning to turn, Trump will be held accountable at some point.
@@spir5102 I agree as hard as it is to wait there will be justice.
@@spir5102 hahahaha just like Hillary was huh?
@@spir5102 I don’t know but honestly DT has gotten away with so much and each time he has just gotten more empowered by republicans that sometimes I even have doubts that he will ever face justice.
Holding Trump accountable for January 6th is like holding the head of BLM accountable for all the cities burnt down in the peaceful protests around the Country. This is nothing but a witch hunt!
I'm loving their words being thrown back at them
Cnn the fake news Sexual pervert site . a former producer recently fired after being charged with a series of disturbing child sex crimes.
CNN senior producer John Griffin, 44, of Stamford, Conn., was quickly fired after the Justice Department charged him with three counts of attempting to entice underage girls into sexual activities.
Watch the bully of the sand box kick them out. Call them looosers.
@@boracay12 yup he was fired and charged immediately, and rightfully so. How long did it take for Fox to oust Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly?
Lock him up
Like she must be believed, or my body my choice.
It's amazing how people have a sudden lost of memory when their guilty or caught!!
It's amazing how some people can destroy evidence, lie, create/fabricate a false "Russian collusion" narrative and never get charged with any crime.
We need to do far more than, "call it out." There must be consequences, or the American experiment is over.
exactly, this guy jim imo should had been prosecuted for the lies about sex crimes, consequences
why change shitty behavior if there are no consequences
our country has been going to shit for how long now?
It was over when Joe became Brandon
@@angebasso893 ?
@@angebasso893 so now you're doing trans stuff in your mind?
I see from your other comments you're pretty sick in the head about other people.
Why do you hate the first amendment so much? And why don't you do your fourth estate bashing in the original 88 speak? If you want to act like you don't know what I'm referring to ask your conservative republican buddies like Strom Thurman, Chester Doles, and
@@angebasso893 And Trump became criminal. Did Trump hire 500 Polish illegals then try to get out of paying them? Complete court proceedings are online.
Scream and divert attention from your own crimes or lies. Jordan's number one strategy. Notice that he never allows people that he questions to answer the questions but answers the question himself.
Is that why the fraud squad are so loud and obnoxious?
He'll end up going the way of that other sanctimonious, fast-talkin' Trump defender, Doug Collins. The burn-out rate for these tools is extremely high.
Don’t forget Devin Nunes who was stonewalling the judiciary committee during the first impeachment who was investigating Ukraine meetings that *he himself attended*.
@@scabcrawler632 Who/what is the fraud squad?
Explain how the Biden Admin is doing well?
No wonder he didnt want to move forward with the committee. When involved in a crime of course you dont want it investigated.
Indeed 😠
Pelosi sure knows how to run a railroad. 😆
@@larryroberts4984 Sure Blame her for Jan. 6th.
Even if everything was laid out for you in alphabetical order you would still deny the facts
speaking of cons... how many ballots you got saved up for 2024
@@ltvbuilders interesting fact. Out of the 470ish cases of voter fraud found in the 2020 election
(Most of which were caught and did NOT count in the election) the highest number of offenses were found to be for Donald the CONald.
So your comment applys toward Republicans...
So go try to make those right wing extremists Honest for a change.
If these "Law Makers" and I'm sure someone in the Supreme Court was also involved aren't held accountable and removed from their positions, then we've become an anarchy.
The cover up is just amazing and we all should be worried about what took place on 1/6/2020. Those members of congress who took part willfully and knowingly must be prosecuted too the fullest. By not doing so would only imply that the constitution has no value.
Is that the pedophiles cover-up or the sexualising abuser coverup?
@@01Lenda says QLenda
the sad fact is that these guys get away with murder while the people they inspired, and brainwashed are the ones getting the full brunt of the law
shid ain't gonna happen
Americans have nothing better to focus on.
There is no “witch hunt” Marjorie. We know where you are!
is it a witch hunt though? Don't detectives and district attornies investigate the person or people suspected of a crime?
Ahole 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Lmao fr
Republicans don't cry about the committee. They voted against a 50/50 split. I like the name Jacket-less Gym
The only reason there are any Republicans on the committee is because Pelosi named them as part of the seats that the Democrats get to choose. The seats the Republicans would have chosen are empty. I don't agree with Cheney or Kinzinger on policies but I have to give props to whoever came up with the idea of seating them. It was a stroke of genius.
@Neil Rusling 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@Neil Rusling wrong
If our politicians tried shit like this the Australian people would fucking lynch them before dinner that same night we take democracy seriously here and we don’t tolerate traitors to the nation period
What needs to happen is to form a Special Council so that this investigation will not go away if Congress changes hands.
Why would she put anyone who is guilty of treason on the committee?
@john Napier - don’t arrive in a conclusion that have not happened yet. These idiotic stupids will face justice in a right time. Unless the USA become a banana republic with a dictator on the seat of power like trumpo
CNN has tried to bring down every pro Trump Republican 😂 Gaetz, Greene, Cawthorne, Cruz, Jordan. Soon they'll try for Hawley and others as the election gets closer. Of course, none of this fuckery is gonna work but that won't stop these idiots. Keep it up! See you at the voting booth 😊 LET'S GO BRANDON 👍🏾
Let's go Brandon, damn clowns
@@AS-vq3wt I don't get it, there politicians won in the election, why they so salty?
Didn't these idiots refuse to be on the committee, other than the actual insurrectionists?
This creep should be in jail.
Agree, Anderson cooper is despicableвидео.html what the media don't let you see ...jan 6thw
No doubt, Anderson is as sleazy as they get
@@angrypatriots1776 as a lifelong democrat, surely you don’t believe that
@Brupe Boring angry?maybe. Patriot, nah.
Would like to see this badgering, interrupting, thinks-he's-smarter-than-everyone-else, creepy Gym Jordan go down.
Jordan is a bully. Now he is whining. I'm not especially sorry.
Lol and nothing to say about Adam
Like a bag of luke-warm dog shit.
Yep. Nothing about Schiff.
With all respect for Ohio, how can they vote for such a low person.
When Jordan says "I ah, ah, ah don't know..." I think he's telling us that he DOES know.
Gym Jordan=LIAR!!! v
Gym sounds a lot like looney tunes Porky Pig, ;
"...Th, th, th, th the, th,th, th, th, that's all folks"
That was such an obvious lie on his part. You can't tell me he doesn't remember whether he spoke to the President of the United States before during or after a riot at congress which he helped incite.
I thought he was going to continue, 'Ooo, eee, ooo, ahhh, ahhh, walla walla bing bang ...'
speaking of cons... how many ballots you got saved up for 2024
I'm sick of this!!!
They're guilty period. End this and get back to the BBB bill that's being gutted.
Yes indeed and I'm sure nothing will happen 😠
Agree with you Also the
BBB BILL needs a ⚰️ !
Let's Go Brandon!!
BBB is dead ! Go Brandon !
Im loving how Adam Schiff got caught editing it to fool people about the context, not only did they have to admit it, but it was two days ago. CNN still continues to tell you disinformation in a edited disingenuous manner.
We cannot have someone with no respect for the rule of law serving on the judicial committee. If GYM cannot protect or serve his nation according to his oath and the Constitution, he has no place in Congress! If he betrayed his Oath and aided and abetted others in the assault on the Capitol or democracy itself he should suffer the consequences.
🤔🤣😂 what exactly the f uck does Hiden Biden do everyday?
@@01Lenda It damned sure isn't lying, eating " hamberders ", watching Faux network, or cheating at golf. Rest assured he's trying to get something done instead of pleasuring himself at the thought of you MAGATS slurping his butt, like you have been doing for Nostradumbass!
@@01Lenda idk please tell me and you do have evidence yes? Please be quiet and stop saying stupid statements that you have no evidence for.
@@01Lenda , he works. He chooses WORK OVER GOLF, tRUMP tramp. Do you need something GRABBED?
Such a sad example of our legislature.
“I don’t like ex-presidents who are con-men” - John McCain
No wonder Trump hated him so much. Such a manchild....
@@gotohellqultist7770 I can see how someone could take McCain as a "con". But it's for the wrong reason and I don't think he was. I believe him to be "principled" but not so good a pilot for having crashed five planes previously.
McCain was very divergent in his thought process. He wasn't called "the democrats favorite Republican" for nothing.
@@cutlets6152 still better than most Republicans today. At least he had integrity unlike gaetz, Jordan, McConnell, and trump.
Maybe that's what the problem is. Republicans lost all integrity when they joined up with a well documented conman from the 80s.
@You Tube lmao, dude, tds isnt a real thing. Just a way for a man baby to explain to himself why people dont like him. Kinda like you calling McCain "mcstain". Really shows the emotional maturity of a 10 year old.
The Committee could only find two honest and democratic Republican Representatives! Becomes more evident as each day passes.
Are you being sarcastic? Why would this democrat committee want honest Republicans?
It should be obvious that they would specifically want dishonest Republicans.
@@muchoed5119 Sarcastic yes but I'm talking about Representatives ON the Committee
@@johndowner2196 Republicans were supposed to be equally represented with the chair and the ranking member choosing their own committee members. Pelosi moved the goal post by rejecting Jordan and Banks.
Pelosi is the chair, she can do that. It's politics. To be honest, she could've picked almost any Republican. Most of them hate Trump and his supporters.
The US has been run by unelected bureaucrats since the great new deal. There's barely a handful of politicians that actually stand for and support the American People.
You mean they could only find two that would allow your circus!
@@muchoed5119 The Retrumplican Rinos turned down an independent partisan committee. Don't want to hear your whining now! You sound just like Chump!! 😭😭😭😭😭
To the voters of the state of Ohio........How can you accept and support Mr. Jordan as your state representative in Congress????
Idk.. how can you listen to a place that spews lies, covers for pedophiles and sexualising abusers?
@@01Lenda you just described gym jordan
Really, it's one district in NW Ohio, not the whole state.
@@01Lenda deflect deflect deflect deflect deflect
Does that ever grow tiring?
@@01Lenda Yes, I agree. That's Jim Jordan your describing. Same with Matt Gaetz and Trump.
Never get tired of seeing the nervousness displayed by JJ when asked about his conversations with the Don on the 6th. I sorta feel embarrassed for him.
Jim Jordan also at a loss for words when asked about Ohio State wrestlers sexual abuse.видео.html
That is because he took part in it.
@@rooster1012 Yes he did.
@@rooster1012 💯%
Now we know the man can lie!
We need to abolish the electoral college immediately.
Republicans are never going to let it happen.
Why should the electoral college be abolished?
@@brianwalsh1401 has nothing to do about being Republican and everything you do with being educated. Only an ignorant person would suggest removing the electoral college.
They should all be fired every single one of them that had anything to do with January 6th should no longer be allowed to hold any type of federal law will run for any office ever again but you know what nothing will happen absolutely nothing they'll get away with it and it'll just make things worse they should all be fired they should all be removed from office immediately
Anybody who supported the blm riots should be imprisoned for life. Say bye to Joe, Kamala, Obama, Hillary
Jordon will say he isn't a liar because he didn't speak but sent a text . Given his character no doubt there will be many more incriminating text before the week is out .видео.html what the media don't let you see ...jan 6thвидео.html what the media don't let you see ...jan 6th
They should be fired out of a cannon.
I love how politicians frequently must backpedal when caught in a lie or misleading information. They will generally say whatever is necessary to remain in power.
Republicans must remember Power Belongs To God Almighty.We know not the Hour of His Appearance.So Watch it Publicans.Carry On Mr Biden in Gods Name.
And this is EXACTLY why Pelosi didn’t want him on the commission.
Yeah it’s like having the defendant in the jury. Smart guy.
speaking of cons... how many ballots you got saved up for 2024
@@ltvbuilders that’s not how it works🤦🏿
@LTV ask the Floridians in retirement homes how many times they plan on voting for trump next election
Dominion knows
In America, when someone lies, he/she says "I don't recall"
That's their playbook
You mean I, I, I, I, I don't recall!
Not only in the US. It’s a political habit
@@cornpopishuntersrealdaddy4690 sorry trump and the January 6 event told me that
Suddenly Jim Jordan stutters a lot . I’ve been waiting for this news cycle for five damn years
I am no expert but it seems like he is lying 🧐
Why the media continue covering the lies.????
Anderson Cooper he Can hold back the lies..!
Me too
@Barbara Hamilton why is the media covering the lies?
To trigger your little pointed head, of course
Wow. We have a bunch of traitors telling us that it is a sham. Ha ha. Yeah, if someone told me I was shoplifting and had the item in my hand while I got busted I could say "this is a lie, a sham" but it just doesn't hold water.
"did she set the committee to be one sided? Yes" well when the other side was and still is in on it what choice did she have?
It never happened. That was Antifa and BLM
@@casper191985 good one lol
@@casper191985 YES! Why should the Trumpcons care about them especially the ones in jail?
They all are liars & just turn things to make it look like Pelosi or others are doing it one sided but they all are connected to the insurrection just like McCarthy talking 💩when he stood up there saying that he talked to Trump & that he should be held accountable for this but then a week later he goes to see Trump & changes sides again so that shows right there what they’re all about & they’re all liars & corrupt & need to be put in prison.
Our grandparents had the perfect saying for a situation such as this.... allowing Jim Jordan on the committee would be like "allowing the fox to guard the henhouse"!! 🐺🦊 look at the resemblance 🐁🐀
Agree, a snake.
A Constitutional breaker. Never read it.
More like allowing a hen into the Fox Committee
Wow! So a hand picked Dem committee that only allows evidence they pre approve is not the fox watching the hens? I see you've lost your ability to think for yourself!
“Just say it was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the (R) congressmen.”
Case closed, guilty.
idk why they are slow rolling the revelations and investigations... except maybe they hope these alt right freaks will go so far defending the indefensible that they'll all go down with the ship rather than being able to explain away why they were wrong about trump? idk
@@emma-eventing , I'm glad they're taking their time. This way it's done correctly.
Please hold mark meadows and Jim Jordan accountable for the part they played in the January 6th.
How does someone forget when and where he spoke to a president of the US?
I don't know what's so surprising about that. The pos can't even see kids he was supposed to care about being abused.
@@michaelrees3216 why can’t I from england reply?
@@michaelrees3216 Good point!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@pateicialane4740 what do you mean ?
Jim Jordan is the first person in the history of the republic that can’t remember having a conversation with the sitting president. Ya right!!
President Trump...
Best economy, lowest gasoline prices, best border immigration policies and protection.
Biden is all opposite!! What happened on January 6th 2021...
Is what made America great, because it has happened prior to 1776 and after 1776!!
If we don't fight for what is right...socialism will take over...mark my words.
@@TruePatriot59 trailer park patriots like you is why revenge has no time limits…I can’t wait, I’m so looking forward to it.
@@TruePatriot59 you're a clown, magat
Especially when he's talked with him "thousands of times." 🤣🤣
Very convenient that Gym Jordan “can’t recall” - just as he couldn’t recall knowing about the students who were being molested…
That Gym Jordan clip never gets old
Neither do Matt Gaetz' girlfriends.
@@mypillowguy445 zing!
I, I, I, uh, uh, uh…
@Axlerod Horowitz LOL, reminds me of Jackie Gleason lying to Alice on the Honeymooners!
NEVER!!! It's one of the few times this clown is Not totally prepared with his nauseating talking points. LOCK EM' UP!!
These people should be in jail after being tried in court
He sounds like a little boy who just got caught lying by his mother these people got to get them out 🤔
Yes exactly
He actually sounds like he always does when he talks about anything. You know kinda like how Biden always sounds like a drunken fool.
My son acted just like that.
He stops just short of saying, Id have to go back and check my records. Yes please, let’s examine your phone and text records in detail.
Jim Jordan: brought to you compliments of extremely gerrymandered Republican districts. Unfortunately the new district maps aren’t any better :/
Iv never seen ol' Jimmy stutter like that. He was tryIng so hard not to have to lie and have to cover it up later lol
Imagine the stammering Jim being on the committee. What a sham that would have been.
It would have resulted in more coverup !
But your ok with known liar Adam Schiff?
@@mikehall6912 Really, now you're going give a damn about someone lieing? Quick question, hypocrite mike, if your wife lied right to your face, 3,500+ times in the last 4 years, would she still be your wife today.... Or just your cousin ?
@@LAlan-pi2oc Look in the mirror fool. Biden has lied more than Trump ever did your media overlords just don't do a story on it every 3 seconds. Back to your pasture sheep.
he is a sham for sure, we have way to many of them running the show don't we
sounds like Greene I don't recall, I don't remember 🤔
Jordan never has had principles. Example where was he when he was a coach and those young men desperately needed him to do the right thing?
Remove all judges including the ones on the Supreme Court who were appointed their positions by Trump.
At least ask them ALL what their LSATS were.
How implicated is McCarthy and all of this from the beginning. He seems awfully motivated and involved and continuing it.
Yes, it does seem that the main job of the White House Chief of Staff after learning that their side had lost the election would be to call a meeting to begin planning the transition and putting together a team for the peaceful transfer of power to the new administration; - - - not to call together a team to plan a coup and how to overturn the election.
Meadows was Tea Bagger//"Freedom Caucus"; they were from that outset absolutely opposed to compromise -- which caused problems even for moderate Republicans.
In contrast, the democratic legislative process is: debate, negotiation, COMPROMISE, consensus. As often said, no "side" involved gets all they want. The "Freedom Caucus" has always been about getting ONLY what THEY wanted.
I wouldn't trust any Republican in any of this.
speaking of cons... how many ballots you got saved up for 2024
@@jnagarya519 John Boehner couldn't keep his caucus in line, the speaker has to control the legislative narrative and he let the "freedom caucus" disrupt the house. The best thing he could have done was work with the democrats and get legislation passed, for the country and he would have looked a lot better historically. I think he was a good person but not a good speaker.
Thank God Chaney and Pelosi are gone🇺🇸
He's also at a loss for words, beyond being asked about his attempted coup, when asked about the SA against men in his care at Ohio State
He should be in prison for aiding in the SA cases!
Sick SOB!
@@Chereese0808 Jim Jordan for POTUS in 2024! FDNC
That sob can lie .
@@thomwessels2281 And you're just as deranged as he is.
He sold his soul to the devil long ago!
MTG doesn't like the committee, oh my! She was a key player in the insurrection.. So of course she wouldn't want to be subpoenaed or prosecuted.
That bitch should be in jail.
And republicans wonder why they didn’t want him on the January 6th committee!
No wonder at all. They wanted him there to obstruct the whole thing.
I thought this too. And that is why McCarthy wanted him on the committee. All he suggested where deep into conspiracy theories, they would have been fools in the committee, if they had not denied them. The Republicans can not do one honest and decent thing. Chomsky said it, the GOP cannot be saved. My comment: They are not political party any longer. They do not act like politicians, so they are no politicians.
And wr wonder how someone van siy and listen to hate America daily and not question anything.
Its a big show
It’s really time all of those people should be put in prison it’s simple
Didn't Jim Jordan protect someone who was hurting very young students? That scandal seemed to have nicely gone away for Jordan.
You can research it under....Dr. Strauss, Ohio State University team doctor, sexual assaults of wrestlers. The Doctor killed himself in 2005 after police investigations of decades of assaults became public knowledge. JJ had been an assistant wrestling coach there for years and named in more than a few affidavits as having ignored wrestlers who reported the assaults directly to him.
This wrestler testifiedвидео.html
speaking of cons... how many ballots you got saved up for 2024
It faded away the same way Chandra Levy did.
Yes, DON’T LET IT DIE KEEP ASKING FOR JUSTICE FOR THESE BOYS. As assistant coach he was told by numerous boys that the head coach was molesting them. Gym Jordan did NOTHING. Ultimately the coach killed himself before it want to court.
Jim shows a marked consciousness of guilt... manifested in that stutter.
Makes you wonder how he could even be a coach..
@Scott Manerez Is this the lie you're telling yourself so you dont have to deal with the reality that the corrupt liars are in your party. You got conned and are now lying to yourself to deal with it.
It's all coming down to the American people vs the fascist leftвидео.html
Spell his name correctly, its gym jordan
Oh course he shows nerviosness, his guilt is on his voice and face.
Thomas Paine once said:" the biggest threat to democracy is when Congress ignores the Constitution."
No Jacket Jordan is an example of what Paine was referring to.
Jim Gardner: I am 100 percent in agreement with you! I believe this plot started with the founding of the TeaParty! How else could so many traitors end up in one party at the same time? We know that the TeaParty was the creation of the far right wing of Republican think tanks!
Translation- We didn’t get our lie together about that yet. Gym Jordan.
The GOP had an opportunity to engage in the committee. But they put forward people who would only have been obstructionists AND given what has come forward about Jim Jordan, a significant conflict of interest.
In other words the leaders of the republican party at this point in time.
good call by pelosi....
You mean they'd ask tough questions That's why Comrade Pelosikov refused to sit them Instead chose Haliburton Cheney
@@collins48lc yes let's have criminals on the jury .. what could go wrong..??
@@brianwalsh1401 , that isn't a party anymore. It's a cult.
As soon as Jim started stuttering he was lying, he wanted on the board to clear his name, man’s a crook.
Your man biden has a bad
Stut oh never mind 😂😂😂
@@DP-qf6bb , Our man is a real president as opposed to your orange freak show.
When his lips moved he was lying.
When a verbose prattler stuttles...
May God deal with these liars.
What does God do with the people that believe the lies???
@@letthedeedshaw7541 As long as they repent on their deathbed, it's all good.
Why? Your Sky Man didn't do anything to protect those students at Ohio state.
@@grandpaobvious And that's hilarious.
@Tyson Markus don't know anybody named brandon. You nimrodpublicans aren't any good at learning names, eh?
Omg, don’t let Jordan chair anything. The man is a grandstanding liar.
Gym Jordan's response is straight out of the training course - "How to tell when somebody is lying" 🙄😂
Textbook stuff. Right out of the "liar detection handbook." I hope Gym (and the rest of these jackals) goes DOWN *HARD!*
@@michaelmccoy1794 name the crime
He knew everything that happened in that locker room. He was probably involved. Why isn't he in jail. They should get the death penalty for treason.
It’s an snl skit it’s so ridiculous!!
@@FreddyTurner tough guy….social media turns losers into bigger losers
Seditious conspiracy. 20 years in prison. I would love to see Gym do hard time and hope he will be very popular in prison.
“I called the January 6th Committee a corrupted committee.” - Gym Jordan
Now we all can see why.
speaking of cons... how many ballots you got saved up for 2024
True blue hypocrite
@@ltvbuilders Speaking of election frauds, where is your evidence? 65 cases filed, 65 losses. Pathetic. You believe the orange pathological liar when he offered ZERO evidence??? Sad 😢!!!!!!
Three hours long they must thought they were going to Gilligan's Island on a three hour tour. 😀😀😀😀
Amazes me that people complain about Biden's stutter after listening to Jordan try to talk
Joe Biden is the president, Jim Jordan is not. You 🤡видео.html what the media don't let you see ...jan 6th9
There is a difference: Biden stuttering is a speech disorder. Anyone can have it regardless intelligence, finance status or beliefs. Gym Jordan´s stutter is caused by his dishonesty, his insurrectionist tendencies, and desperation for being Trump´s doormat besides being a coward and disgusting human being. Ok?
🐤💨 @@angrypatriots1776
Are you angry ?
@@angrypatriots1776 as a so called patriot do you alway put your flag and country before any one man? If you don't your not a patriot angry or otherwise 👍
Now we're really going to see if anybody is above the law
Finally... *Breathes deeply*
Lol…you guys still have hope.
Bush is not in prison for war crimes…
No Republican will be prosecuted for any real crimes, they’ll just write a strongly worded letter🙄
@@nomsashezi9775 true true..
Gym Jordan: The guy that refuses to wear a jacket. He deliberately wears only a shirt and tie to make a personal political statement. He is DISPICABLE !!!!
I have heard him called "Jack-et off Jordan" on more than one occasion....and I live in Central Ohio, near Ohio State......just sayin....
And smelly.
Yes he is INDEED 😠
Some people just have a shady look to them : Gym Jordan and the clown disgraced twice impeached ex president
He likes to show off his muscles. Too bad you don't have any to show off!
MTG should be in prison….what a tool!!
Jim Jordan sounded nervous as hell. 😂
Yes.when he's nervous and lying he gets into that auctioneer voice mode.😂
I thought he did a good job of impersonating Porky Pig.
He's headed for a long prison term, that's why!
@@mariemanygoats3001 Hahaha!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Gym should be nervous. He's about to get rung up for some very serious crimes.
That snippet of Jim Jordan being questioned still me makes me laugh out loud each and every time I see it. Jim Jordan is so pathetic with his lies..."hum man na, hum man na, hum man na"...
What a weak wimp, silent when the young boy wrestlers were being molested by the team doctor.
Me too!😂😂🤣🤣
I enjoy this segment every time I see it! His stuttering!
Shartin in his pant no doubt!
@@lynettedaniel3718 yeah anderson cooper , adam schiff , nancy polosi,the dems , and cnn and the msm can really be trusted 😆 😆 . how'd that mueller russia thing turn out 😆 ?
Thank You LIZ CHANEY and The Committee 🙏
GOD BLESS EVERYONE on the Committee 🙏.......
Amen 🙏
I'm ashamed that Ohio elected this guy. Sheesh.
One cannot have members on a select committee that are implicated in the events being investigated.
Is this really a surprise from crazy lil Jimmy Jam though? He doesn't care about freedom or democracy. Just being able to sit at his version of the cool kids table. Just like the rest of them. 🙄
Indeed good thing Nancy Pelosi turned down Jim Jordan for the J6 Investigative Committee
Adam Schiff doctored text messages AGAIN. Should he be on the committee?
Its all good when its a repuklican.
The dawn of American democracy didn’t come in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence. It didn’t come in 1788, when the Constitution was ratified by the states, or in 1789, when George Washington took office. According to Harry Rubenstein, chair and curator of the Division of Political History at the American History Museum, the symbolic birth of our system of government didn’t come until its noble ideals were actually put to the test. On September 19, 215 years ago, Washington published his farewell address, marking one the first peaceful transfers of power in American history and cementing the country’s status as a stable, democratic state.
This moment, Rubenstein says, “is crucial for creating the in-and-out system of government that we have. And this is unique. In that time and era, politicians would gain power, or kings would stay in office until theyDie.” At that nascent stage in American history, before precedents such as the two-term limit were even set, many were uncertain about what would happen after a galvanizing figure like Washington resigned office. But at this critical juncture, the leadership of Washington and others proved more than adequate to preserve the democracy. “Stepping down is unique,” says Rubenstein. “It’s a powerful statement about Washington and American democracy.”
King Trump would make King Ralph look competentвидео.html what the media don't let you see ...jan 6thвидео.html what the media don't let you see ...jan 6th
What’s the point in copying and pasting all that?
@@josephozturk3288 Report it as spam, exactly what that is.
When we picked sides for dodgeball in high school, we never picked the ones that would throw balls at our own team, or the ones that just stood there and wiped boogers on their shirts. Same principle here i think.....
I used to do that all the timeвидео.html what the media don't let you see ...jan 6th
You clearly had more self awareness than this lot.
Great analogy 😂😂👌
That's it! I'm calling it! You won the Internet today! 😂
Jordan is the poster child for section 3 of the 14th amendment!
When the president of the Senate calls out the electoral votes, his or her opinion of their validity is immaterial.
@@rosemaguire994 Do what?
@@GTelles Replay the first 1:34 of the video and try-------> REAL HARD
@@rosemaguire994 once a state has certified an election and sent the electors to the senate there is no capacity to change it (legally) that is
Try explaining that to a ReDumbPlican
Really, so how and why did Arizona just over turn the election into Republican win. The reason VOTER FRAUD.
It's about time Jordan starts paying the price for his deeply dishonest behavior over the last 4 years
Name the crime.
Put Gym Bag Jordan in charge of doing laundry for the prison wrestling team. And teach him the correct way to grab his ankles.
@@davidsalo8397 so charge him with a crime then
He’s a pervert nd Ohio voters …keep voting for him! He’s so guilty
His body language and his stuttering shows his guilt!😢very sad!
Is death penalty treason
That's right! No trial, no evidence, no defense! The mob has proclaimed him guilty! So it shall be written, so it shall be done!
Cooper is a Cool smart human being that just gives the truth and peace! From All The Good Peace in this WORLD!
Note how he blubbers about the answer. If that isn’t a long term liar, I don’t know who or what is.
Mainstream media is and all
They say and do they all deserve death
He wasn't 'blubbering' - he was imitating Porky Pig.
@@guymandudely324 I was thinking the same thing 🤣
@@KingAries85 ?
@@sharonrenedavenport8995 I say death to mainstream media they are all agenda based
No wonder Jordan was evasively flip flopping with his answers about his conversations with his beloved ex president.
Trump won. Biden is a fraud
Get your evidence to the pillow guy, he can't find anything.
@@scabcrawler632 Right, the earth is flat. The sun comes up at night. The east is west. The check is in the mail. Lies are lies. Those that lie or
repeat those lies. Get a grip. Your reality is not the same as the truth.
speaking of cons... how many ballots you got saved up for 2024
I love the “hamana hamana hamana” from Jordan, he is guilty!
speaking of cons... how many ballots you got saved up for 2024
Nothing yet
thanks I was trying to spell Hamana hamnana
Anyone involved should be stripped of office
Just like any child caught in a lie. Jordan's voice went higher the faster he spoke.
I noticed that to, he has a lot of tells .in a poker game I could clean him out
He sounded like Porky Pig!! 🤣
Tell me that boy ain't using meth!
That gesture of Jordan’s with his eyes was a Tell.
Jordan sounds exactly like a kid that got caught with their hands in the cookie jar...😂😂😂
Griffin, 44, has been a producer with CNN for about eight years.
"The charges against Mr. Griffin are deeply disturbing," a spokesperson for the network said in a statement Saturday. "We only learned of his arrest yesterday afternoon and have suspended him pending investigation."
The charges stem from conversations between Griffin and the purported parents of minor daughters, in which he allegedly tried to persuade them to "allow him to train their daughters to be sexually submissive," as well as an incident in which prosecutors allege unlawful sexual activity occurred with a 9-year-old girl, the news release said
Attack Dog Gym suddenly turned into Porky Pig!
@@halfpintpete5630 Roger Ailes, Bill O'reilly, Bill Shine, Eric Bolling, Ed Henry, shall I go on?
@@InSurrealtime just saying... 9 year old girl..... no need to go on about that... they're all sick and wrong !!!
Sorry GOP, you will NOT take the house.
You will LOSE seats.
Oh yeah, a Blu Wave is definitely on the horizon. All hail the Brandon in Chief!
Sorry you are delusional Guess CNN didn't mention Bidens poll numbers are in the toilet and Harris is the most disliked VP in history and you've lost the Independent vote and the Hispanic vote Keep dreaming
Fingers crossed you are right. But the way the Republicans have re-districted certain key states, the way Trump in Rupert Murdoch's medie empire has a propaganda machine as effective and resourceful as Hitler had in Joseph Goebbels and the Propaganda Ministerium, blaming Biden for anything and nothing to create support for Trump, and the fact that there is a senator named Joe Manchin who make Biden appear weak, I would not place money on it. Especially not since midterm elections tend not to be kind to incumbent presidents.
Kevin McCarthy they called your bluff now you fold like a cheap suit
MTG is a frightening humanoid. Sadly, there are far too many clones of her in this nation.
If BS was an Olympic event, Jim Jordan would get a gold medal
I'm not sure about that. When the BS is this obvious and unconvincing, are you really good at it, or just voluminous?
Jim Beekman, I know liberals think like they are from another planet, which planet are you from ? Are you an alien ?
@@serendipityshopnyc I’m talking about Jim Jordan, he failed Ohio state athletic and now government, just my opinion
you you had any sense you would jump off a bridge and yell for Naddler to save you instead of spider man... your reality is smeared by corruption
He’d cheat at that also and get disqualified
“I don’t like ex-presidents who are losers” - John McCain
If John McCain were alive, what would be some critical statements he would have made of trump? for 200
John McCain serviced his captors with his mouth 😳видео.html
@@reality6968 Well in that case why hasn't your Vietnam hero didn't .
@@reality6968 russian bot
Losing McCain was a big loss. An honest republican is a rare thing these days. There are only 2 left at this point.
You are spot on
The narcissist's playbook in full view.
Jordan sounds like a 4 year old caught stealing candy at a store. He thinks if he talks really, really fast people will either get confused or believe his nonsense.
Body language was 3 year old fibbing child.
He’s usually the loudest out in front but NOW for some reason( we all know/knew why no one’s surprised at his involvement) he seems all tongue tied can’t answer a simple question ...wanna know why????because he’s a liar and has been lying for years. How does it feel JJ to be grilled like a piece of meat????
Republicans had an opportunity to participate equally in a 1/6 investigation, and republicans refused, so now they have no right to cry partisanship while refusing to participate.
Exactly. I told you so isn't gonna work this time,,,,,
There are no Republicans on the clown show.
@@peggyivey5828 NO? Really? Literally all of the testimony has been by life-long republicans, Trump appointees, and others like Republican State AG's. So obviously the "clown show" is not the J6 Committee! The clown show is Trumps Gang of Deplorables that incited an insurrection on our country's Capital and the fools that support them.
@@ricklichau9176 They testified under oath?
@@peggyivey5828 If you have been paying attention you should know that, yes, most, if not all testified under oath.
This is about Ukraine, not this video. The woman you interviewed and her three children is the best statement of the pain and the strength suffered every day. Please let her know we love her. Her husband is so brave to be fighting, it is clear he misses his family. She should be a CNN heroine.