Bassai Dai

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 50

  • @vitordiniz75
    @vitordiniz75 3 года назад +13

    Parabéns e obrigado pelos vídeos. SP Brasil.

  • @weswolever7477
    @weswolever7477 2 года назад +6

    This was one of the advanced kata in Shito-Ryu. It was my favorite kata

    • @leoncella83
      @leoncella83 2 года назад +3

      Advanced kata in shotokan as well. Very beautiful, intense and powerful.

  • @tomnewshamfitness3009
    @tomnewshamfitness3009 2 года назад +13

    Super intense. Could never quite master Bassai Dai.

  • @kalpanamanohar.8239
    @kalpanamanohar.8239 2 года назад

    My favorite Kata is Nassau said & I like it very much

  • @lucasvincent3021
    @lucasvincent3021 2 года назад +2

    This is the last form I need to learn before I can test for my 3rd Dan. Looks super interesting I can’t wait to try it

    • @blueblue5728
      @blueblue5728 2 года назад

      I don't know how to say this bud I don't know if this is only my dojo but orange belt is already teached bassai dai and bassai sho so I'm really confused by your statement or are you talking about mastering it in an a certain extent judge me if I'm wrong

    • @lucasvincent3021
      @lucasvincent3021 2 года назад

      @@blueblue5728 my dojang teaches Korean taekwondo and tang su do which is probably why I’m learning it much later

    • @tuscai1386
      @tuscai1386 2 года назад

      @@blueblue5728 in my dojo you learn this kata at green belt

    • @aslans
      @aslans 2 года назад +1

      3rd Dan or 3rd Kyu? Bassai Dai is part of my Shodan syllabus.

  • @finalbossoftheinternet6002
    @finalbossoftheinternet6002 2 года назад +1

    Crazy good

  • @СпидРан10к-ш9я
    @СпидРан10к-ш9я 3 года назад +12

    Я один смотрю это в 2021😀😀

  • @JadenAltAc
    @JadenAltAc 2 года назад

    If you are wondering how the gii make a sound :)
    They put glue with it when yhey wash it,it is super uncomfortable but if you wanna impress someone then its your choice
    Mine cost over 1k

  • @jatinpatel6562
    @jatinpatel6562 3 года назад +2

    Wow that quick and accurate..very impressive.

  • @ivanpetrov5696
    @ivanpetrov5696 2 года назад +1

    God bless

  • @RodolfoFormagio
    @RodolfoFormagio 2 года назад

    ES - Brazil

  • @keepurvoice3475
    @keepurvoice3475 2 года назад

    thanks senpai

  • @henryposadas3309
    @henryposadas3309 3 года назад +6

    Japanese kata from the very start has become pure performance. The applications taught are unrealistic and tuite techniques substituted for either blocks or tsuki. Kyusho, tuite, kakie and hojo undo are not incorporated in Bunkai. This is because Karate introduced to Japan is for Do (budo) and sport, not for its original jutsu function. The techniques developed and used for fighting is derived from the point system instead. Something that is useful provided you train full contact. However, the original techniques for stand up grappling, the actual locks and throws as well as the kyusho points are all forgoten. Kata has separated itself from Tuite, Kyusho, Hojo Undo, Kakie, sparring and actual Bunkai.

    • @brucelevine6517
      @brucelevine6517 2 года назад +4

      Bunkai are like ass holes every one has one .
      certainly the world karate organization has some weird Bukai going on with the Itaian team .with flying kicks were there are none makes it look like a cock fight ..but 8n the end if your personal Bunkai works for you use it .it's a pesonal expression the only thing that matters is your ability to make it work for your Body type and ability .it's not a one size fits all

    • @pchasco
      @pchasco 2 года назад +3

      A stereotypical opinion from practitioners of Okinawan karate. I practiced Okinawan karate for years before transitioning to Shotokan. Sure, Okinawan practitioners will go on an on about this or that application of a kata, but I have yet to see anyone actually apply any of them with any degree of success that would make me confident it would work in a situation with a resisting, non-compliant attacker.
      But you know what does probably work at least better than some over-engineered bunkai? Hitting people hard and moving out of the way.

    • @stormfalcon72
      @stormfalcon72 2 года назад

      Blah, blah. Kata was good

  • @finalbossoftheinternet6002
    @finalbossoftheinternet6002 2 года назад

    Who is this person holy crap

  • @baranyavuz4730
    @baranyavuz4730 3 года назад +4


  • @lika265
    @lika265 2 года назад


  • @ursuciprian
    @ursuciprian 3 года назад


    @IMPERIUSREX444 7 месяцев назад


  • @lika265
    @lika265 2 года назад +1


  • @arturoingaangulo9182
    @arturoingaangulo9182 3 года назад +2

    Muy bueno

  • @sanberkbayram6814
    @sanberkbayram6814 3 года назад +2


  • @jhoebellequijano2143
    @jhoebellequijano2143 2 года назад

    Im not even black belt i even know how to do every black belt kata

    • @__4lox971
      @__4lox971 2 года назад +2

      It is not a black belt kata it's brown

    • @sarar.7719
      @sarar.7719 2 года назад

      Actually it isn’t as easy as you think it takes a lot of strength and breathing

    • @sarar.7719
      @sarar.7719 2 года назад

      do you even practice karate?

    • @jhoebellequijano2143
      @jhoebellequijano2143 2 года назад


    • @sarar.7719
      @sarar.7719 2 года назад

      @@jhoebellequijano2143 which belt?

  • @brucelevine6517
    @brucelevine6517 2 года назад

    I can't see what you do when you turn your back to me ?

    • @bchnnielvs5864
      @bchnnielvs5864 2 года назад +2

      What are they suppossed to do about it?

    • @keepurvoice3475
      @keepurvoice3475 2 года назад

      bruh if they turn the camera you Will Complately wondering which direction he moves

  • @igustingurahlanangwiraatma5300
    @igustingurahlanangwiraatma5300 2 года назад


  • @senseiahmadyani2422
    @senseiahmadyani2422 3 года назад

    Osh senpai

  • @renoaquatic4727
    @renoaquatic4727 3 года назад

    Osh hangetsu plis

  • @alsennir7051
    @alsennir7051 2 года назад


  • @nikumanihazarika8955
    @nikumanihazarika8955 3 года назад +1

    Oi goru