Milton William Cooper UFO Secret Gov Lecture

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • The best UFO Lecture ever. William Cooper was shot dead by the police outside his own home. He was part of a Naval Intelligence Briefing Team and was a true American Martyr/Hero. He is also the author of a book called 'Behold a Pale Horse.'

Комментарии • 16

  • @markmanuel5821
    @markmanuel5821 Год назад

    Awesome that's what I was feeling.... doing my best to keep it simple but pure.... thanks 👍

    • @jimrandle5958
      @jimrandle5958  Год назад

      So many people have closed minds and won't change their opinion or accept new things but your mind seems to be more open and more accepting.

    • @jimrandle5958
      @jimrandle5958  Год назад

      Maybe you should google 'the Baha'i Reference Library' or maybe order a few books from 'Baha'i Books UK' or in USA 'Special Ideas' or 'the Baha'i Bookstore'.

  • @VooDooTube...
    @VooDooTube... Год назад +3

    Do you see the two grey aliens above his head on the white background. Probably just shading but still interesting coincidence.

    @AOXOMOXO 3 месяца назад

    LOL LOL ..........1:13:08 LOL crowd's reaction 1:13:44 Crowd knows bullshit when they hear it.

  • @jimrandle5958
    @jimrandle5958  Год назад

    Bahá'u'lláh said "Know Thou that every fixed star Hath its own planets and every planet its own creatures Who's number no man can compute."

  • @jimrandle5958
    @jimrandle5958  Год назад

    Progressive Revelation
    Jewish Moses 1600BCE
    Christian Jesus 1CE
    Islamic Muhammad 622CE
    Bábi the Báb 1844CE
    Bahá'í Bahá'u'lláh 1853CE
    Unknown Future Prophets

  • @jimrandle5958
    @jimrandle5958  Год назад

    Bahá'ís believe that science and religion should go hand in hand. I am a Bahá'i. 'Abdu'l-Bahá says that any religious teaching which contradicts science is sheer superstition. We do not believe in superstition. We are not 6 day creationists. We do not believe that Jesus will appear in the sky in front of everyone. They would all die of shock. We believe in Evolution as well. The Earth is obviously 4.6 Billion years old and the universe started with a big bang 13.78 Billion years ago. The act of creation remains a mystery. You don't need to bring God into the mathematical equations of Physics. God sometimes intervenes such as the birth of Jesus or Baha'u'llah etc with healing miracles and coincidences of fate ie synchronicity. God sends messengers to Earth all down the ages throughout history, Jesus was one of them and Bahá'u'lláh is the latest. We believe that Bahá'u'lláh is the Second Coming of Christ. The Christians are still waiting for him to come like the Jews are awaiting the Messiah. This universe is humungous and other planets in the various galaxies with advanced or not so advanced civilizations must have messengers coming to their planets all down the ages throughout their history. Bahá'ís believe that all of the Great World Religions come from the one same God even alien religions on other planets come from the one same God. We might bump into some of those religions in the near future if any UFO sightings are genuine. I like to explode myths for sciences sake. Also I am not prejudiced against atheists, nor anyone’s religion, race, class, politics, country or gender. Education should be unbiased and universal. 'Abdu'l-Bahá said "when you meet those whose opinions differ from your own, do not turn your face from them. All are seeking truth and there are many roads leading thereto. Truth has many aspects, but it remains always forever one."
    Jim Randle

    • @markmanuel5821
      @markmanuel5821 Год назад

      Ok... well I read on.... really interesting.... thanks.

  • @jimrandle5958
    @jimrandle5958  Год назад

    Progressive Revelation
    Part 1
    Don't forget the Jews don't believe in or even read the New Testament and neither do they believe in Jesus. They believe that he was an impostor and are still awaiting the Messiah. They have no idea who he will be but that it will be obvious when he comes. They believe in the Old Testament which is known as the Tanakh because it contains three sections (i) the Torah (ii) the Nevi'im and (iii) the Kethuvim which has the three initials T, N & K, hence Tanakh. When Abraham said 'they have Moses and the Prophets. let them hear them' he was referring to the Jewish book 'the Tanakh' not the New Testament. Jesus' audience were Jews and Lazarus was a Jew. Remember that in those days the world was teeming millions and the Christians only a handful. Just because we all know about Jesus today it doesn't mean that the Jewish populace had any idea who Jesus was. They don't even now. Converts had to be made one heart at a time so it was a very slow process apart from the way Jesus personally taught which was infinitely superior to the way his disciples preached after he was gone. If you preached and drew a crowd most likely the mob would attack you like when Paul preached. So its taken 2,000 years to get this big but its a testimony to the greatness of Christ that there's 2 billion Christians and millions of Churches and I say that as a member of the Bahá'í Faith not Christianity although we are a multi-faith religion in a multi-faith society.
    Part 2
    May I just add that Jesus wasn't preaching what the people already knew, his message was new and difficult to recognise for the Jews and Gentiles. The Pharisees (clergy) were teaching what the people already knew ie Judaism. Today the Persian Prophet Bahá'u'lláh (1817-1892CE)is not teaching what the people already know whereas the Christian clergy are teaching what the people already know ie Christianity. Baha'i's believe that the Prophet Bahá'u'lláh is the return of Christ and he has written 100 volumes and spent 40 years in prison and exile. The Baha'i's are heavily persecuted in Iran the land of its birth.
    Part 3
    The Father of Judaism was the Prophet Abraham (2,600 BCE approx). Later on came the Prophet Moses (1,600BCE approx) and He freed the Children of Israel from the Iron grip of the Hand of Pharaoh. Later on in the days of King David and King Solomon there was a Jewish Golden Age and Israel became a centre of great learning. Don't forget the Jews believe in the Old Testament (the Tanakh) and not the New Testament. Christianity inherited the Old Testament from the Jews. The Early Christians must have said to themselves "well Judaism is the Old Religion and Christianity is the New Religion, so we will call the Jewish book the Old Testament and the Christian book the New Testament and put it into one Book the Holy Bible." Jesus came at a time when Judaism had become old and corrupt. It was time for a new religion. Jesus sent his followers out to teach His Religion to the whole world. There was a Christian Golden Age. When Christianity came into temporal power and earthly riches it became old and corrupt so it was time for a new Prophet and a new religion so God sent Muhammad with a new religion called Islam. The Prophet Muhammad sent his followers out to teach His Religion to the whole world. Their religion grew until there was an Islamic Golden Age when they were the most advanced Nations on Earth. Eventually it became old and corrupt so it was time for a new Prophet and a new religion so God sent the Báb (the Gate) (1819-1850CE) who announced the coming of a greater One who would come after Him. The Báb announced His mission in 1844CE. He sent His followers out to teach His Religion to all mankind. In 1850CE the Báb was shot by firing squad. The One promised by the Báb was the Prophet Bahá'u'lláh (1817-1892CE) who announced his mission in 1853CE. Once again He sent out His followers to teach His religion to all mankind. He wrote 100 volumes and spent 40 years in prison and exile. His successors were his eldest Son 'Abdu'l-Bahá who wrote many books and Bahá'u'lláh's Great Grandson Shoghi Effendi who wrote many volumes. In the future there will be a Baha'i Golden Age of Peace and harmony between all of the races and religions on Earth. There will be a much more advanced Global Civilization with no more war, starvation, poverty, disease or environmental disaster. Eventually the Bahá’í Faith will become old and outworn and it will be time for a new religion. A new Prophet will come and we will start over again. He will send out his followers to teach His religion to the whole world. Bahá’u’lláh predicted this new Prophet but he said that he won’t come for a thousand years. There will be a new Religion with a new Golden Age. Eventually it will become old and outworn and yet another Prophet will be born and he will start a new Religion so we will start all over again. The Prophets will keep on coming indefinitely.

    • @markmanuel5821
      @markmanuel5821 Год назад

      That's a lot.... do you think there is one God?

    • @jimrandle5958
      @jimrandle5958  Год назад

      @@markmanuel5821 Only one God for everyone to pray to.