Still Making a Metroidvania | Solo Dev YesterSol Devlog

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 51

  • @NeatGames
    @NeatGames  Год назад +1

    Wishlist here: (^_^)v

  • @Vakore
    @Vakore Год назад +1

    Looks great! You've made lots of progress since I last looked at this.

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  11 месяцев назад

      Thanks for checking it out again! Hopefully I can get a lot of work done in the winter break too :D

  • @pyreling
    @pyreling Год назад +1

    Looks like you've gotten a lot done in a year! The core mechanic of using the spear as a platform looks like it will be fun.
    I've got the game wishlisted on steam, looking forward to release

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Oh thanks a bunch! A year goes by quick hehe, keep it up with your game as well :D

  • @StealthyShiroeanGames
    @StealthyShiroeanGames 11 месяцев назад +1

    Great work! It seems like there was amazing progress made. I really like the idea of setting your homepage to something linked with your project. I think I'll do the same with my Trello board! Also, よいお年を!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  11 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for watching~ it does help :D

  • @Skeffles
    @Skeffles 11 месяцев назад +1

    Progress on the game is looking fantastic!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  11 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks Skeffles and happy new year! I'm still at it hehe

  • @AnEmortalKid
    @AnEmortalKid Год назад +3

    I find working on the game a little bit a day helps with consistency. Sometimes it gives me that “cant wait for work being over to work on my game” energy.

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Very true indeed! Thanks for watching :D

  • @lj479
    @lj479 7 месяцев назад +1

    Very nice visuals!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  7 месяцев назад

      Thanks! I hope they are unique and nice :D

  • @StephenBarr
    @StephenBarr 11 месяцев назад +1

    Wow, this is seriously impressive. Keep up the great work, I love seeing it! It's added to my wishlist. 😄

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  11 месяцев назад

      Hey thanks for checking out the video here :D I'll keep working on it hard!

  • @ShinyEmeraldGames
    @ShinyEmeraldGames Год назад +2

    Nice progress! Gotta check out the PreAlpha Build

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Hello Emerald! If you have time, please do :D

  • @BoredDeveloper
    @BoredDeveloper 10 месяцев назад +1

    Wow, the game looked good before but now it’s absolutely breathtaking! Fantastic job man!
    And thanks for the tips!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  10 месяцев назад

      Thanks for watching BoredDev, Happy 2024 :D

  • @YosuraDev
    @YosuraDev Год назад +1

    I really like the aesthetics from your enemies and the atmosphere in general in your different areas. The ambient sound effects are also helping with that!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks a bunch :D I hope players will enjoy the atmospheric world~

  • @mizpah_dev
    @mizpah_dev Год назад +3

    You've put in so much time and effort into this, and I respect that soo much. Great work! Also, the purple electricity effect really ties it all together!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +2

      Thank you so much Mizpah! I'll finish it someday~~ for sure hehe

  • @Kyjor_
    @Kyjor_ Год назад +2

    Let's go!! I was just thinking about if you were still working on this the other day. Can't wait to watch this!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks Kyjor! I'm still chugging along hehe :D

  • @이마늘-t3f
    @이마늘-t3f Год назад +2

    Very pretty!

  • @RockyMulletGamedev
    @RockyMulletGamedev Год назад +2

    Great progress ! Really nice to see you are still at it, focusing on the game over focusing on youtube.
    It's been fruitful. Can't wait for the release.

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks a bunch Rocky :D It was nice not stressing about YT or social media, but I do gotta remember to market the game hehe

  • @mrozon8480
    @mrozon8480 Год назад +1

    Nice work! you out did yourself with the 2d lightning!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Thanks :D They are fun to use, but gotta be careful cuz they effect performance~ I had way too many in the glow mushroom caves and found out the hard way heh

  • @marxy37dev
    @marxy37dev Год назад +1

    I like the new changes very much!! Especially the new UI, looks so pretty and polished!! Good progress NeatGames!! 👍

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      Thanks Marxy! I had so many different versions of the main menu hehe, think I'll stick with this one for awhile :D

  • @daatdoodles
    @daatdoodles 7 месяцев назад +1

    Such a relaxing vibe !

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  7 месяцев назад

      Oh thanks for watching! I think I made it a little toooo relaxing hehe

  • @His0ka
    @His0ka 11 месяцев назад +1

    Looks very cool, i hope you still work on the combat , when you hit an enemy that it has as much impact like when the Player gets Hit. Right now it seems like there is no impact. Iam gonna wishlist

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  11 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks! Yeah I'll try to improve it :D

  • @allensoliday2315
    @allensoliday2315 Год назад +1

    The sounds are really nice! Maybe a bit low though?

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад

      True there needs to be some more balancing, also I need better headphones I think hehe

  • @SkylinerGaming
    @SkylinerGaming 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  11 месяцев назад

      Oh thanks for checking it out :D

  • @Faninfo9138
    @Faninfo9138 9 месяцев назад +1

    I litteraly discovered you on a collector lore video comment section

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  9 месяцев назад

      Haha super cool :D

  • @jorava8768
    @jorava8768 Год назад +1

    That's some nice progress there. I like the spear-throwing mechanic! The enemies look kinda samey though - do they all need to be purple?

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Thanks for watching! That's true about the enemies haha, the color theme right now is yellow vs purple, and they are all various insects with mosquito heads (because the main baddie is the Mosquito Deity Culex) I think I might make the new enemies purple + another color?

    • @jorava8768
      @jorava8768 Год назад

      Yeah, having a second color would probably help! @@NeatGames

  • @TomInbound
    @TomInbound Год назад +1

    Great trailer, I love the lighting effects and parallax you have in this game. I enjoy watching vimlark as well, how was his feedback?

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  Год назад +1

      Thanks Tom! He liked what he played :D He could only play for 30min, and luckly no bugs hehe.

  • @JergoYT
    @JergoYT 11 месяцев назад +1

    Yo! Looking like a solid game already! Wishlisted your game and if you want me to showcase your game on my channel, feel free to send me an alpha key (but make sure you are ready and satisfied to reveal your game :) )
    Some notes I made while watching your video:
    1) I really like the sound design so far. The little tittle tattle of the tiny bug feet of the enemies for example
    2) The Dialogue Window is pretty. I like it. I think creating a good looking HUD is way harder than most people think (might be wrong on that one but I never developed a game before ^^')
    3) IMO the health bar needs a different font for the HP number. It looks "generic" if that makes sense
    4) Please, for the love of god, dont put too many instakill things on the screen. That being said its a good change that you only lose one Health Point if you touch instakill stuff. Thats the same way Aeterna Noctis did it and that worked out alright. Aeterna Noctis is my favorite Metroidvania of all time and I think you should check it out too, could give you some inspiratio and it kinda fits your games charm aswell
    5) Check out these Metroidvanias, IMO they fit your games artstyle and narritive pretty well, maybe you find something that you can take inspiration from
    - Aeterna Noctis
    - Islets
    - Hollow Knight (obviously)
    - Momodora Reverie under the Moonlight
    Keep Deving!

    • @NeatGames
      @NeatGames  11 месяцев назад +1

      Wow! thanks for the super awesome feedback, I'll add it all to my notes~ I'll for sure send you a key once it's ready :D

    • @JergoYT
      @JergoYT 11 месяцев назад

      @@NeatGames Happy to help Indie Devs and Im looking forward to your game!