HDOE iz the funniest mf in the mound, Sematary iz close but nothin comparez 2 those HDOE livez "thank u 4 ur service, that fool waz jus a pilot. aye gang what u gotta say?!"
@@spinmymeat The venue was kind of cramped and half the audience was in the coat check line the whole time so we didn't have the ability to go as crazy as other shows not really our fault but still a good show.
sematary telling a whole crowd of ppl to jump some one (one of his fans who paid to see him) because hes wearing a trump hat made him lose a lot of respect
Turnabout was so hype for the whole tour
incredibly real, i help up heart hands at him and he held em up too and pointed at me lmao
We gonna talk about how seamless that early morning ritual transition was
if sem gave me his cig i’m keeping it forever
5:50 homie just wanted to dap up buck lmao he should’ve just stage dived
dawg fr
2:03 lmao bigfoot walk
Creepin' Round
turnabout carried the butcher house tour
Nah hackle
Forsure he had the most energy every show
Forsure he had the most energy every show
Buckshot easily had the best set
hdoe lives are so fucking funny
jitt got sturdy fr in tha beginning
keep making these compilations they go dumb funny 😂
I'm tryna do one every 2 months so I can get enough new clips and more old shit surfaces so aslong as i have clips there will b comps 💪
Politics aside, calling for your crowd to go beat someone's ass is an easy way to catch a case. Specially if you got a few phones recording you
2:58 damn I hoped they faced tha rest of that shit
Security took it lmao
Toronto show was hype asf
3:07 anvil face so funny 😳
3:58 i filmed this clip 😭😭 im glad to get in HM moments
Thats a Legendary Video man I'm glad you got it on vid!!
Lmao thank god u got that shii Bc that was me in tha bunny suit 💀
@@lilsterben8029 😭 Legendary!!
Hackle in Europe is unhinged😭
at 6:30 bro looks like peep
That was peep yeah
bae wake up spinmymeat posted
they goofy chilling
why hackle so funny
I’m so ready for this one🧟♂️🧟♂️
I love these vids sm
5:13 what song is this!? Anybody? Sounds amazing
I got no clue dawg my bad
Gucci Mane - nights like This ft.waka flocka (sematary edit)
0:38 whos goofy ass laugh bruh
My homie turner lmao
hackle walking up to a random guy in the airport: Hi
not goner meeting general ock, wtf thats so sick
Ock Mounded these days
At the velvet undergrounddddd
Love these vids
toronto show was lit
was that anvil and lil peep?
buck didnt show up for dumbo in az :(
love these vids sm
they talk in europe like english is their first language
knew there was gonna be some cool clips from the tour maybe use one of mine next compilation gang 🙏
Gotchu dawg... they on ur yt or u tryna send em over ig?
Now wait a minute was that peep at 6:30
Peep and anvil back in the day yea!
HDOE iz the funniest mf in the mound, Sematary iz close but nothin comparez 2 those HDOE livez "thank u 4 ur service, that fool waz jus a pilot. aye gang what u gotta say?!"
what happened in 1:44
4:35 still snippet?
Yeah... gonna be on his new tape tho
so many Toronto clips lol
Yea mb lmao I was at the Toronto show lol
Song at the end ? Sounds like some res evil or sh shit
Haunted mound reapers... or the outro is 2:15 on Crucifixion by Sematary
@@spinmymeat found it , it was GrausamkeitIm Zeichen Des Bösen
I couldn't think of the sample but yeah thats the original... My outro uses sematarys version but I like that other one better can't lie
@@spinmymeat thank you kindly
0:27 i was there no way
Fellow Canadian?!
Reminds me of early gothboiclique
man i fuckin love ya
Was your footage recorded at the Toronto show?
Yessir... the Thursday show to b exact
@@spinmymeat no way. I was there too. You should send me your Instagram. I’ll send you some of the clips I got at the Thursday show
what happened to the guy in the trump hat
@prodglammer apparently he just got pushed around and someone stole it, that was it
@@coloniser.- lol sematary is so cringe for being a butthurt raging liberal
@@tonysopranooo1 real, it kind of put me off him a bit
3:32 track please i'm newbie
10000 weeping choirs
@@spinmymeat thank you!
@dzmc no problem... Its off the warboy ep too I shoulda said that aswell
how does anvil know lil peep did they make shit together?
He's pretty established in the underground apparently... i didn't know he knew peep either
Anvil produced for cold hart a lot of times before he produced for haunted mound.
@cloud-zu9if thats sick af had no idea
What sprite dat 🤫🤔🫠
I was at the Toronto show it was fucking awesome
Right! People were hating on it but I thought it was pretty sick
@@spinmymeat The venue was kind of cramped and half the audience was in the coat check line the whole time so we didn't have the ability to go as crazy as other shows not really our fault but still a good show.
@Dingo Tang True that, I couldn't even get to the front till sematary came out too but still a sick first concert
my 10k choirs video made it to hm moments lit
yo can you send me the skate 3 vid
Whats ur @ on like ig or snap
Friday show was better in toronto
Nuh uhhhhh
sematary would be less cringe if he wasn't a raging liberal
Lol there from the sticks and don’t like trump blinddd
sematary telling a whole crowd of ppl to jump some one (one of his fans who paid to see him) because hes wearing a trump hat made him lose a lot of respect
Ngl sem being anti trump ruins the music
He has said multiple times how he doesn't like right wing people... me I couldn't gaf but he's politically left wing
lol crying about a trump hat is so lame
Keep them commming
1:52 wtf happened the guy lmao
What is the name of the song at 5:18
Prolly sum mix goner made