The GoatLife Movie Review by Hamad Al Reyami | Prtihviraj Sukuman | AR Rahman | Malayalam

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • #thegoatlife #prithvirajsukumaran #malayalam

Комментарии • 673

  • @HamadAlReyamiHINDI
    @HamadAlReyamiHINDI  5 месяцев назад +34

    بالعربي انقر هناвидео.htmlsi=3_qsDXPW-rPa6MPf

    • @Whatiseeyousee
      @Whatiseeyousee 5 месяцев назад +1

      One of the best review i ever seen

    • @mohdsulaiman-rightthinker7282
      @mohdsulaiman-rightthinker7282 4 месяца назад

      ‎ماذا حدث للدول العربية؟؟
      ‎العالم كله يتحدث الآن عن الإرهاب الإسلامي؛ لقد كان العالم عالقًا ومصدومًا من وحشية وقسوة داعش والقاعدة وطالبان وحماس وحزب الله بوكوحرام وما إلى ذلك.
      ‎تعاني بلاد الشام من تخلف فكري كبير ولم يحدث في هذه المناطق أي تنمية اجتماعية أو إصلاح أو نهضة أو تنوير أو نهضة، وهذا هو السبب الرئيسي للديكتاتورية والحرب الأهلية والإرهاب الإسلامي والفوضوية وانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان.
      ‎المشكلة الأساسية في الدول العربية والإسلامية هي أنه لا يوجد تطور سياسي وديمقراطي، بل تمارس فقط المملكة أو الدكتاتورية،
      ‎كان الملك كافيا في القرون الماضية بسبب قلة عدد السكان ولكن بمساعدة العلم الحديث زاد عدد السكان بشكل كبير ولم يكن الملك كافيا لرعاية عدد ضخم من السكان
      ‎في عام 1975 شهد لبنان الحرب الأهلية،
      ‎في التسعينيات، شهدت كوسوفو والبوسنة والشيشان حربًا أهلية
      ‎عقد من الحرب بين إيران والعراق (مقتل مليون شخص)، وغزو الكويت على يد صدام حسين الملعون (يمكننا أن نقول عندما نسمع اسمه لعنه الله وآله لعنه الله وعائلته) بقدر القسوة التي ارتكبها في الشرق الأوسط.
      ‎حرب الخليج، هجوم 11/9 من قبل الشباب العرب بقيادة الملعون محمد عطا (يمكننا أن نقول عندما نسمع اسمه لعنه الله وآله لعنه الله وأهل بيته). (مقتل 3000 شخص بريء) آلاف التفجيرات في العراق،( لقد صدمت في حياتي الجامعية
      ‎مع أرقام انفجارات القنابل في العراق في صحف كيرالا الخاصة بي) فلسطين، الأكراد والهواجس، قضايا نعم، سوريا، ليبيا، اليمن، الحروب الأهلية، عدد لا يحصى من التفجيرات الانتحارية، والسكاكين، والشاحنات، والهجمات المسلحة في مدن أوروبا من قبل اللاجئين العرب في بلاد الشام (استضافت أوروبا و إيواء اللاجئين من منطقة لافانت
      ‎تم محو سوريا بالكامل، والعراق وليبيا فوضى كاملة، والآن تمحى فلسطين الآن، لماذا؟
      ‎أحداث 11 سبتمبر كانت أفضل مثال على التخلف العربي لأن الجناة ينتمون إلى كل دول العالم العربي
      ‎لا توجد حداثة -: لا أفكار حديثة، لا حقوق إنسان، لا حرية تعبير، لا ديمقراطية، لا حرية تنظيمية، لا جامعات مشهورة، لا منشورات، لا مهرجانات، لا أنشطة فنية، لا مسرحيات، لا دور سينما كلاسيكية، لا مسارح:- هذه هي أساسيات التنمية الفكرية والاجتماعية للمجتمع
      ‎ببساطة ثلاثة أدمغة لم يتم تطويرها لتناسب المجتمع المتحضر الحديث
      ‎يركز معظم القادة العرب على وجودهم أكثر من اهتمامهم بتنمية مواطنيهم
      ‎من كشمير إلى الصومال ممر المسلمين في العالم (كشمير، باكستان، أفغانستان، إيران، العراق، سوريا، لبنان، مصر، السودان، إثيوبيا، الصومال)
      ‎هذه الدول العربية / الإفريقية / الإسلامية هي "دولة فاشلة" معظم هذه الدول يسيطر عليها أمراء الحرب، والجماعات المسلحة، والجماعات شبه المسلحة، والجماعات الإرهابية.
      ‎في باكستان يدير المالك سجنًا خاصًا.
      ‎دول العربية والأفريقية والإسلامية بحاجة لمعاهد التدريب الصناعي والمعاهد التعليمية بدلا من الجماعات المتشددة
      ‎تشتهر دول الخليج بالسخرة والعنف ضد خادمات المنازل
      ‎انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان
      ‎يجب على الدول العربية أن تتابع التنمية الاجتماعية والنمو في ولاية كيرالا، الدولة الأكثر تطورًا اجتماعيًا ليس فقط في الهند ولكن أيضًا في العالم (في ولاية كيرالا نفسها أنشأت نظامًا للتنمية الاجتماعية من خلال نظام إداري جيد ونظام تعليمي جيد ونظام قضائي جيد وصحة جيدة). نظام، نظام شرطي جيد، نظام ديمقراطي جيد، للأسف جميع الدول العربية والإفريقية فشلت في نفس الشيء
      ‎يمكنك أن ترى الانسجام المذهل بين الديانات الثلاثة الرئيسية: الإسلام الهندوسي والمسيحية

      @ANREACTION84 29 дней назад +1

      Wallikum asalam sir aap agar dilse feel kar rahe hain tho
      Please aap dusre logon ko bacha sakthe hain.
      Dubai Sharjah mea jitne appartment hain sub me police raid karvaou bahouth log phas kar job k liya aake
      Please ek bar aap help karo logon ko bahouth log aake phas gaye hain madad karein please humble request to you sir

    • @leoleofreedom4218
      @leoleofreedom4218 9 дней назад

      ASLAMO ELEYKUM HAMAD SAHIB I HAVE SAME STORY MY FRIEND FATHER ALSO MY UNCAL WORK IN SAUDI AREBIA ALMOST 27 OR 28 YEARS kafeel did not pay his gratuity and dues he died 2 years before all peoples are not same good and bad people exist in every society

    • @muhammadjameelp1316
      @muhammadjameelp1316 8 дней назад

      You swear the Saudis don't do that 🐒u

  • @felixgeorge7611
    @felixgeorge7611 5 месяцев назад +117

    True about the actor who played as a Saudi...I loved the way he portrayed that was natural

    • @ahamedfola1352
      @ahamedfola1352 5 месяцев назад +4

      He is an actor from Oman

    • @santhithomas4623
      @santhithomas4623 5 месяцев назад +2


    • @appleofeye
      @appleofeye 5 месяцев назад +4

      He is Mr. Talib Al- Balushi, actor from Oman.

    • @pardesimunda3493
      @pardesimunda3493 Месяц назад

      His accent is like real Saudi​@@ahamedfola1352

  • @premsadanand1563
    @premsadanand1563 5 месяцев назад +215

    No doubt Malayalam cinema is one of the best in the world and best in india

    • @sonu5893
      @sonu5893 4 месяца назад +3

      This is Real story bro Not only Cinema

    • @Ramumande
      @Ramumande Месяц назад +3

      why you guys talking like that really i don’t understand this is a indian cinema bro why should u say malayam cinema is one of the best seriously its not good bro change your mind set

    • @fasilkareem7709
      @fasilkareem7709 12 дней назад

      ​@@RamumandeMalayalam malayalam malayalam malayalam

    • @Coachscaloni
      @Coachscaloni 10 дней назад


    • @ranjithraveendran
      @ranjithraveendran 9 дней назад

      ​@@Ramumandebecause the fact is - it is a malayalam cinema. Whatever your problem with kerala- the truth is that it is a best malayalam cinema- not typical Akshay kumar joke

  • @kaderkovoor1160
    @kaderkovoor1160 13 дней назад +43

    هذا الفيلم ليس ضد الحكومة السعودية أو الثقافة السعودية، تدور أحداثه حول عمال فقراء يتم خداعهم ونقلهم إلى الصحراء بواسطة مواطن سعودي، ويتم تعذيبهم لمدة ثلاث سنوات ونصف، وأخيراً يتم إنقاذهم بواسطة مواطن سعودي آخر طيب القلب. كيف يمكن أن يكون هذا ضد المملكة العربية السعودية؟

    • @ramayanmourya2839
      @ramayanmourya2839 13 дней назад


    • @miiphone-eu1zw
      @miiphone-eu1zw 12 дней назад +2

      أنا كنت عايش في السعودية بس قضيت هناك سنة وحدة وبعدها جيت على أوروبا في الدنمارك، هنا بيعاملوا الناس من الدول العربية بطريقة أحسن

    • @kaderkovoor1160
      @kaderkovoor1160 12 дней назад

      @@miiphone-eu1zw yes...أعيش في المملكة العربية السعودية منذ 30 عامًا. لمجرد أنني لم أحظى بتجربة سيئة مع مواطن سعودي، فهذا لا يعني أن أي شخص آخر لديه تجربة سيئة أيضًا. أعلم أن هذا قد حدث لكثير من الناس. هذا الفيلم هو قصة مواطن سعودي سيء ومواطن سعودي صالح. وليست القصة التي تقول أن المملكة العربية السعودية ككل هي كذلك

    • @JodhaTrader
      @JodhaTrader 6 дней назад

      saudi arabia 🖕💩🖕💩💩

  • @johnutube5651
    @johnutube5651 5 месяцев назад +51

    Great to watch reaction from an Emirate citizen. I was in Emirate twenty years ago for five years. Never had a chance to meet anyone who is an Emirati during my stay there. Hamad, it was not a mistake that he reached a wrong place. He was kidnapped from the airport by a Saudi. I also endured maybe 10 to 15% of what the character suffered during my stay in Emirate from Arab people from countries as Lebanon and Syria. Emirate citizens those days won't conduct business, they rather permit other Arab nationals to do business on their behalf. I hear original emiratis are benevolent people. There could be large number of people that will share stories similar. Anyway, I could escape to a Western English speaking country pretty soon. Now that I am enjoying all the rights and freedoms as a human; of couse there are responsibilities that come along with that. Enjoyed this movie mostly because I could relate with the character.

    • @goharkhan5241
      @goharkhan5241 8 дней назад +1

      In this film, the role of the responsible broker has been made invisible। Finding the reasons for migration would help many people

  • @premsadanand1563
    @premsadanand1563 5 месяцев назад +75

    So nice to hear a review from the middle East..Your Hindi top class And like you said there is not even an inch of over acting anywhere

  • @AnilKumarIndia
    @AnilKumarIndia 5 месяцев назад +59

    Super fluent Hindi. Proper analysis. ❤

  • @GiteshRohankar-gn8dj
    @GiteshRohankar-gn8dj 5 месяцев назад +29

    Honest review and masterpiece 👌 movie. Natural acting pruthviraj sukumaran.

    @JITHENDRANMUKKRAN 5 месяцев назад +36

    excellent review sir, i was really looking for reviews from those outside malayalam, hindi,tamil

  • @shaheerk4573
    @shaheerk4573 5 месяцев назад +27

    Your Hindi language better than mine. 😊

  • @bharath4803
    @bharath4803 5 месяцев назад +15

    Thank u so much for watching our malayalam movies and your valueble opinion. Pls keep support malayalam movies in future also..🙏.. god bless..

  • @anils1993
    @anils1993 20 дней назад +6

    Similar story told by my mama
    Same thing happened in our village 20 years back. My mama's friend son went dubai for job through agent. There is fight happened between agent and his son and related with job. That agent was bad guy and taken his passport and ran away. Villagers are less educated cant understand these things. He was afraid that he will be in jail for life time. He will consider as illegal immigrant. He was doing small job for 20 years there. Everyone thought he is dead and even family members thought. Once my cousin went dubai as tourist. He seen him there and asked him are u from our village. He told everything about incident agent taken his passport and ran away and it was difficult to escape. My cousin contacted indian embassy and applied for passport. And applied for visa and came back to India. Whole village was celebrating for his arrival. His son was doing graduation and he is happy now in India. Religion doesn't matter.Never give passport to anyone even your friend

  • @thejusjoshi7742
    @thejusjoshi7742 5 месяцев назад +19

    great to know your opinion. very nice analysis.

  • @AsmaAsma-kw9mg
    @AsmaAsma-kw9mg 18 дней назад +8

    Masha Allah im confused aap Saudi ho ya indian ur Hindi is so beautiful voice masha Allah sir im from Karnataka

  • @prashantdevadiga6696
    @prashantdevadiga6696 Месяц назад +8

    Amazing Movie 💞 Deserves Oscars 🎊

  • @sabuk1811
    @sabuk1811 5 месяцев назад +19

    Great review Sir...well explained...❤❤❤ .

  • @ken-adams
    @ken-adams 5 месяцев назад +13

    Was waiting for your review of aadujeevitham !

  • @Nallavanaaya-unni
    @Nallavanaaya-unni 5 месяцев назад +7

    On point 👌..try watching -Bramayugam/Premalu/Manjummal boys/Aattam 😊

  • @jayaprakashthompumkala669
    @jayaprakashthompumkala669 5 месяцев назад +6

    Absalutly correct. Especially malayalam film story is very reality and most of them heart touching

  • @AnjiMusical
    @AnjiMusical Месяц назад +5

    Good analysis and review.. Really it deserves Oscar.

  • @rahatabbas9135
    @rahatabbas9135 Месяц назад +4

    Hamad Al Reyami hats off to your honest review.....i am seeing a poster behind you showing you as Bollywood Superstar..….yes 👍 you are

  • @anku5954
    @anku5954 10 дней назад +2

    You are great person sir ❤

  • @legeshkumarmk7515
    @legeshkumarmk7515 5 месяцев назад +4

    Greate review from a ARABI national. Thanks

  • @sureshkishore
    @sureshkishore 5 месяцев назад +5

    Thanks for sharing your perspective on the movie. Especially about the effort of the actor from Oman who portrayed his character with perfection, even about the dialect of the Arabic language. Wish you the very best!
    I would like to add that for every Indian expat who has landed in one of the airports in the Gulf, with a lot of dreams and hopes, the moment when your sponsor takes away your passport your heart starts to beat faster with fear of the unknown in an unknown land. i worked for a great company in Muscat many years back. I have only love and respect for every Omani i had met, and i was lucky that initial fear that i had was totally un warranted .❤

    • @pardesimunda3493
      @pardesimunda3493 Месяц назад

      Oman and uae is different then Saudia and Kuwait

    • @anwarnayani5849
      @anwarnayani5849 5 дней назад

      UAE and Oman 🇴🇲 are two different countries
      lots of different

  • @JojoJoseph-jx7ec
    @JojoJoseph-jx7ec 5 месяцев назад +10

    Love from INDIA

  • @iliyasshaikh8553
    @iliyasshaikh8553 Месяц назад +4

    You are 100'/' Right this is one of the best movie

  • @vu3mes
    @vu3mes 5 месяцев назад +2

    This film will touch the hearts of everyone who has worked in Gulf countries. Some were lucky to get on with their lives and jobs. For many others it was a struggle for existence. Great review Sir🎉and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Victory for the will of man.

  • @thajumn4928
    @thajumn4928 5 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you sir, your honest reviews, so appreciated....❤

  • @vinoddominic1034
    @vinoddominic1034 5 месяцев назад +7

    Genuine review 👏👏🙏

  • @SatnamSingh-pn7ob
    @SatnamSingh-pn7ob 8 дней назад +1

    Film is an Oscar Winner already. A lot will change for better in Saudi after this movie. This film is an awakening

  • @marykuttythomas5231
    @marykuttythomas5231 5 месяцев назад +2

    Wow Sir Your fluency in Hindi is super. It is very nice to hear a review from a Saudi national about this movie. While there are so many great people in Saudi there are thousands of Saudi citizens who treats their foreign workers very badly including physical,mental & emotional abuse. I hope the new generation there will have more empathy towards humanity.

  • @sagarjackie7366
    @sagarjackie7366 5 месяцев назад +9

    Sir, great respect to you for learning Hindi and giving your review of this movie in Hindi. Your review of this movie has a very very high level of credibility as you understand the language, the environment and circumstances better than any Indian reviewer.

  • @jihadalraisi
    @jihadalraisi 5 месяцев назад +4

    One of the best movie made of true story hates off to entire team and well said Mr. Hamad ❤

  • @sadiqmasih3215
    @sadiqmasih3215 4 дня назад +1

    Great analysis and salute to you gentleman you spoke Hindi nicely. 👏 regards

  • @GulfInfo
    @GulfInfo 5 дней назад

    *Excellent review sir salute sir*

  • @ismailibrahim5496
    @ismailibrahim5496 12 дней назад +1

    A very big thank you to you Mr. Hammad Sir for explaining about the movie in details. Good analysis with a perfect Hindi Language.

  • @user-hx5el9de5m
    @user-hx5el9de5m 5 месяцев назад +4

    Mashallah...hayakallah... jazakallah khair lli review

  • @mmohan623
    @mmohan623 5 месяцев назад +6

    Excellent analysis

  • @BBadri313
    @BBadri313 5 месяцев назад +3

    Sir aapki hindi sunke 😮I am shocked ❤ I think you are great man

  • @Kumarmantuvlog
    @Kumarmantuvlog 10 дней назад +1

    World best movies 💯

  • @user-sr5qb4qi1e
    @user-sr5qb4qi1e 5 месяцев назад +4

    God of music ARR Boss 🙏 musical ❤🎉

  • @sreekantcp
    @sreekantcp 5 месяцев назад +8

    I applause you for your catch on Hindi with less Urdu shabd(labs). And spot on review. Thank you for understanding Malayalam cinema. I'm A neighbor of Najeeb Muhammad, Alappuzha, Kerala.

  • @akanshugupta9629
    @akanshugupta9629 5 месяцев назад +5

    Mene dekhi he ya muvie bahut achi he 😢

  • @ajscrnr
    @ajscrnr 4 месяца назад +2

    Hat's off sir,, love from kerala, very uniqe observations..

  • @wolfoofamily.4838
    @wolfoofamily.4838 20 дней назад +3

    Wonderful review sir very unbiased, as human we should understand other human pain that's what human should do!

  • @sachith30
    @sachith30 5 месяцев назад +2

    I should appreciate you for the factual review, you have detailed, you have touched all aspects of the film beautfully, its very much appreciable to evaluate a Malayalam movie, and presenting a very brief reaction.

  • @kuldeepjalandra5534
    @kuldeepjalandra5534 12 дней назад +1

    Wonderful true analysis. Thanks.

  • @mohamedrafi5233
    @mohamedrafi5233 5 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent review of The Goat Life and what makes me more happy is that it's from a Emarati in Hindi language. It's a well made movie in every aspect. 1) Najeeb was not taken away by sponsor but he was kidnapped by a Beduin. 2) Rick Abey from UAE is the second Arab person in the desert 3) Talib Al Balushi is very known actor in Oman and he is active in TV serials since early 80's 3) Jimmy Jean Luis is from Hollywood who portrayed the Somalian charactor (Qadiri)

  • @saan305
    @saan305 5 дней назад +1

    Very good information sir ❤❤❤

  • @abhilashchellappan1188
    @abhilashchellappan1188 5 месяцев назад +3

    Love from 🌴🍏🌴🍏 kERALA 🌴🍏🌴🍏 🙏🙏🙏🐧🐧

  • @sajanskaria37
    @sajanskaria37 5 месяцев назад +4

    Great review,u r on point..

  • @jaytee184
    @jaytee184 4 месяца назад +1

    Awesome matter of fact review by Mr. Hamad Al Reyami. Well described by his very fluent Hindi. Prithviraj and the rest of the crew really lived in the movie under the super direction of the very talented director Blessy. I pray that this film should get an Oscar for what it is worth. Again wonderful music by A R Rahman was a bonus too!!!

  • @salimnalakath6196
    @salimnalakath6196 4 месяца назад +1

    Good presentation. I watched the Malayalam version with my family. A superb film hats off to the makers of film. Inshallah Oscar here we come.

  • @ZahidKhan-qg2iq
    @ZahidKhan-qg2iq 5 месяцев назад +1

    Perfectly expressed the review of this movie.glad to see you sir.

  • @shreyanvi786
    @shreyanvi786 Месяц назад +1

    Salute to entire team of this movie. This movie deserves an Oscar.

  • @binukarthikeyan7674
    @binukarthikeyan7674 5 месяцев назад +1

    ❤❤❤ 5 star movie... World class... Deserves Academy recognition....
    You ve done an honest review... 👏👏👏

  • @daxterfireball
    @daxterfireball 5 месяцев назад +2

    As you've pointed out, I do not agree with the crowd who say that Prithviraj has overacted at all. If you are forced into slave labor in a foreign country under strangers who speak a foreign language would you not be broken too? Would you not be crying, defeated and heart broken? You could quite possibly never see your wife and kids ever again. Only the goats and camels and your new master's whip as company. The seriousness of the situation and the dearth of it was all reflected on Prithviraj's face. He quiet literally turned into a shell of his former self. None of this is overacted.
    But a problem that I've with malayalam movies, which was unfortunately present in this movie too is the audio mixing. Hearing every little grunt, moans, and cries the actors make at loud volumes is not natural sounding and took me out of the movie from time to time. I can see people confusing this for "over acting".

  • @falalchalil
    @falalchalil 5 месяцев назад +1

    Being in uae great pleasure to see such detailed review 🤝☺️. I haven’t watched yet… i feel like to rush to the theatre soon to experience the movie

  • @mmddssi
    @mmddssi 4 дня назад

    Great movie. The script, direction,act,music,cinematography are at the peak.

  • @janardhanancp5819
    @janardhanancp5819 4 месяца назад +1

    We peoples from kerala who loves adujeevitham movie salute you

  • @cbraj489
    @cbraj489 18 дней назад +1

    Honest review

  • @aadilsiddiqui3414
    @aadilsiddiqui3414 Месяц назад +1

    This movie truly deserves an oscar award

  • @dinezrk
    @dinezrk 5 дней назад +1

    Very good genuine review ❤

  • @irshad4005
    @irshad4005 Месяц назад +1

    Very very sweet and simple review.❤

  • @ZahidKhan-qg2iq
    @ZahidKhan-qg2iq 5 месяцев назад +1

    This movie should get OSCAR AWARD

  • @abdulsamad-dd2hx
    @abdulsamad-dd2hx 4 месяца назад +1

    Master piece
    Maasha Allah awesome movie
    Brother your review is so true and nice

  • @kamalahmad997
    @kamalahmad997 Месяц назад +1

    Super movie, marvelous acting done by all actors, sukumar sir, best 👍👍

  • @Pushpul.Pandey.PP007
    @Pushpul.Pandey.PP007 4 месяца назад +2

    Very good review Sir...

  • @amitking1100
    @amitking1100 Месяц назад +1

    Mai roo para ,ye EK masterpiece movies Hai..thanks for making this movie

  • @toofan9755
    @toofan9755 5 месяцев назад +1

    I really appreciate the way you talk bhai😊

  • @nitinshirsat4801
    @nitinshirsat4801 Месяц назад +3

    Oscar Milana chahiye

  • @nonstopsskills
    @nonstopsskills 5 месяцев назад +2

    Great review sir i appreciate you sir

  • @ss-ib8gm
    @ss-ib8gm 5 месяцев назад +2

    you are very intelligent , your hindi is good

  • @sherabtamang9637
    @sherabtamang9637 8 дней назад

    You are 100% right sir no doubt film like this rare to produce

  • @mpsanthosh6041
    @mpsanthosh6041 5 месяцев назад +2

    Hi, Hamad nice review, did you watch "Manjummel boys"

  • @user-vq1ld2mm1b
    @user-vq1ld2mm1b Месяц назад +1

    Assalamualaikum sir this is true story I am also facing same story in my life😢😢😢

  • @Baloch-c6l
    @Baloch-c6l 13 дней назад

    No doubt malayalam cinema is the best i myself i am a small actor done some stage dramas and seen many actors across the globe but actors like prithviraj sir i think they r blessed hats off to him . And thank you sir for sharing your views with us. Love from oman

  • @humanculturesareautonomous3020
    @humanculturesareautonomous3020 9 дней назад

    Great commentary and analysis. Love from India.

  • @immun3
    @immun3 5 месяцев назад +3

    Are those arabs Muslim? Our prophet SAWS say's All Muslim are your brothers and sister then why not those arabs are not listening Najib problem in first place?

  • @vedjoshi143
    @vedjoshi143 Месяц назад

    Sir, Have you noticed the small details in this movie? Hats off to the director and team, so much perfection and detailing. For eg. 1. Poster title font letters are thick to thin, which reflects his body type. Where he was fit at the start and then becomes slim due to torture. 2. His eyes shine like goats at night where the title appears. Which reflects he becomes one of them. 3. That African guy is like a god, Who shows him the right path and then disappears suddenly. Because, When that African guy disappeared, the sand area where he was sitting was scattered but no footprints around that. Which reflects he never went to any direction he just disappears in the middle when he brought him near the road. And so many details, Hats off to the team🙏

  • @vrindavanguj7361
    @vrindavanguj7361 15 дней назад +1

    Great, Honest Review. 😊

  • @pdpr91
    @pdpr91 5 месяцев назад +3

    Itne saal mein OScar Mein sirf RRR select Hua hein jisme realism ka figment bhi nahi hein

  • @Joan_Laporta62
    @Joan_Laporta62 5 месяцев назад +1

    Try to watch these movies as well👇👇
    Manjummel boys

  • @papparaorao4687
    @papparaorao4687 8 дней назад

    U r excellent sir... Hats up sirji.

  • @Blackkitty-b4o
    @Blackkitty-b4o 7 дней назад

    This movie must get Oscar award 👏

  • @rajanivasudevan6189
    @rajanivasudevan6189 5 месяцев назад +2

    I was impressed by your Hindi.

  • @kiranchauhan1803
    @kiranchauhan1803 Месяц назад

    While watching this movie and after watching this movie my husband and I cried a lot. That too it is based on a real story.
    Prithvi raj sir is an amazing actor.

  • @jagdeepkhatkar3039
    @jagdeepkhatkar3039 8 дней назад

    All of casts of this movie are incredible...I love this Movie all time because this is a common man's story❤🎉

  • @shaikhraziq1577
    @shaikhraziq1577 5 месяцев назад +1

    Good review sir aur aap ki hindi bhi bhot achi hoti ja rahi Hai 😊 walekum As Salam

  • @afjalhindustani4666
    @afjalhindustani4666 10 дней назад +1

    Nice movie sir
    Ye movie dekha to mere aankh automatic aasu aa gaya geret movie sir

  • @joymon8232
    @joymon8232 5 месяцев назад +2

    Hamad bhai plz plz watch manjumel boys its a malayalam movie,,its really awesome movie,,,want to see ur review on it

  • @antimrairai4585
    @antimrairai4585 10 дней назад

    Thanks 🙏 sir for standing with Truth

  • @bihariwallah2.0
    @bihariwallah2.0 8 дней назад

    Nice review sir, the goatlife is superhit movie....
    The reality of 90's century in the Saudi life of the desert is very difficult.......the real story of najib

  • @sanukhan8529
    @sanukhan8529 12 дней назад

    First person I heard who speaks Hindi so well. Now if I get a chance, I would definitely like to meet you once.

  • @fasilmuhammed254
    @fasilmuhammed254 5 месяцев назад +2

    Do more malayalam film review plz❤

  • @user-qi1he1lt7t
    @user-qi1he1lt7t 5 месяцев назад +1

    Actually he's not lost there, he just kidnapped and become a slave

  • @thelive7615
    @thelive7615 18 дней назад

    Thanks for your opinion sir
    I'm happy in the UAE I love my king ❤

  • @adiset1236
    @adiset1236 Месяц назад +1

    It's not just Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE had the same thing going. Let's not deny it. Its still going on. Go to any industrial area in these countries and ask any of the labourers working there. Who haven't been paid, or their companies have taken away their passports.

  • @linujoseph3655
    @linujoseph3655 5 месяцев назад +1

    U have depth knowledge of movie ❤why don’t u direct a movie 🎥

  • @muradwazir4223
    @muradwazir4223 7 дней назад

    Asalamu Alaikum.Iam Pakistani from Saudi Arabia.Living in Saudi from 9Years.There is Extreme Cruetly in this Country.The Sponser(کفیل)Oppression has not Ended yet.