High elo players on the KR server is saying that playing against Rek'Sai in top lane is unfair. 〃 www.deeplol.gg/summoner/kr/1vsAll-KR1 www.deeplol.gg/summoner/kr/Dawnfang-KR1 www.deeplol.gg/summoner/search/Ssumday-2014 www.deeplol.gg/summoner/KR/%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%8C%EC%9C%84%EC%97%90%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%8C%EC%97%86%EA%B3%A0-2006 www.deeplol.gg/summoner/kr/%EC%B2%9C%EC%95%88%ED%83%B1%ED%81%AC%EB%B3%B4%EC%9D%B4-KR1
@@blakebethel3757 Yeah Karthus can do some creative BS. I havent seen this specific gank before, but I did play vs a Karthus jungle this one time who got a super lucky triple kill lvl 1 in a 4v4 in the botlane. He rushed Rylai's and when he came to gank me in toplane later he just popped ghost, ran under my tower and perma slowed me while dealing huge damage. he died of course but they easily killed me with his damage, CC and tanking for the enemy toplaner, then he used the opportunity while dead to ult the rest of my team. He did the same gank in mid and bot a few more times, getting himself killed on purpose but positioning himself such that he would cut off our escape paths with his E. Probably not a very consistent playstyle, and obviously he was much stronger than he was supposed to thanks to his lucky early triple, but MAN did he smash us that game.
Holy crap, this build works. I’ve won 9 of 10 games so far, but replace Sterak’s with Titanic Hydra. You do way more dmg that way and can actually cs properly! Dobby saving my LP again ❤️
When they reworked her, Riot clearly said they did not want her to be played in top (that is why they nerfed her fury generation against minions), so this is most likely getting a nerf :c
This looks sick! I’m and aatrox otp and I decided to play a random champ until 100K mastery and settled on rek’sai, specifically top. She’s so much fun, I’ve watched every guide under the sun and tried every even slightly viable build, be it titanic into youmuus, youmuus into opportunity, titanic sundered sky, titanic cleaver, or rune page and nothing is consistent and idk if I’m just bad or what, but this looks promising and just like everything else ima give it a try. Thanks homie :)
Think he was gonna cut off the escape, route and execute himself, and still get a kill. It’s a pretty smart play except when reksai is borrowed, he can q snipe him.
I thought this could be a problem after I played a few games of Rek'Sai with her reworked kit and saw how massive the heal is. It's even a % max hp heal, so it scales with health stacking. They really need to reduce the rage generation on creeps, or this might end up being a go to blind pick top.
You kidding me ? Sustain is an option literally for all champs. If you want to scale agains a hard matchup you just go second wind + dshield. Poke champs will start malding when they realise they cant cheese you.
Played against this yesterday. If you don't have an insane amount of dmg pressure you just can't do anything to Reksai. Extremely frustrating because of how easy she can set up ganks / runaway as well.
If anyone wondering what the best counterpick to reksai is, its ap varus, as it has anti tank and anti heal in his kit and outscales all tanks, if reksai wants a chance at winning it they have to go assassin build with edge of night
i instantly gave it a try after the rework arrived. her passive is ridiculous but he lacks the damage. i lost the game with 7 kill lead because i couldnt hurt enemy adc who had armor boots.
She's such a strong champion, she can duel a Warwick 2 levels below her, an Olaf with 1/5th of her HP, and Varus after losing multiple waves with a gank. She's probably screwed in top, it's basically unplayable unless you are a god at Rek'sai, and all her non-tank builds got nerfed.
i knew this was gona happen eventually when i saw the passive healing changes the only reason i dont like this champion is the barrowed vision reduction that thing throws me off so hard
Before anyone goes into ranked thiking this is op: is not lol. Its not great either, but is "ok". The fact is that rek'sai top is pretty unplayable, but because of the way they reworked her, if you build tank and take advantage of the % max* HP regen, then it becomes an ok pick. Will u crush lane like old AD reksai? no. But you can be really reliably safe and do ok. In that regard is kind of like a Malphite. U will be fine top on your own, u prob wont feed, and u are a reliable way to start a fight midgame. Its also like lane Master Yi (as weird as it sounds). Lane Yi sucks, but he has his OP W sustain, which is why u can make do in lane even vs some difficult early game champs. Is it great? no, but you can do well on it c: Thx for the cool video o7
this just feels like a the zombie volibear build but you get more sustain early and abit more movement with tunnels and ult, but probably do worse mid and late then voli would with all the low cd heal and shield, also just looking at how close some of these fights are and how much you have to do to pull them off, compared to stand in E hit W mark hit Q ult tower for disable.
I’m still miffed about the true damage removal. I was fine with the minion fury gain being halved as it was strong being able to smack minions to quickly chunk your opponent if they weren’t careful. But they kinda just decided to remove the identity from reksai that voidborne champions had of dealing true damage with atleast one ability.
no, u cannot clear jungle with tank items on reksai. its already pretty slow with dmg item. this only works because u can constantly heal in lane and the enemy cant, but in the jungle healing doesnt matter because its the same regardless of items because its % max hp. it's basically just bad design
Now Rek'Sai top is dead because basic attacks gives her only 5 stacks of Fury (instead of 12.5 after her rework). Which means she can't heal on every trade. 😕
This is literaly why she was reworked into an assassin ages ago, high sustain in lane and team cc in teamfight Riot changing champion to remake mistake they made in the past is always funny to watch
i was plat4 last week sttarted playing rek'sai to see if it will work. Just got emerald 4 right now the build the the abilities the healing. Nobody can win vs me on top i swear to god. I got camped i got ganked i cant die! tbh i really started liking rek'sai not only for her poteential but overall :)
you have 3 options 1) Champ Select > Ban Aatrox 2) Upper right corner > Exit game 3) Uninstall > Send support ticket that riot is run by a bunch of bald fuckheads very easy to counter if you actually try
Unending Despair is a shit item unless you're taking Ingenious Hunter, and this build does not pick up IH. You already have enough sustain. Precision secondary is too valuable to give up.
welp Riot intended her to be an a Bruiser the didnt expected that Tank gonna be better so they prob gonna do small hotfixes to improvise the dmg and clear and just lower the healing a bit so instead of Tank she can go Bruiser and have some use from more than Cleaver Stride and Steraks XD
The actual healing itself won't be nerfed, as Phreak literally stated that he will just nerf rage gained from hitting minions if topsai becomes a thing. That being said I hope we get incentive to build damage again soon because even with a damage build it feels like she doesn't do any.
As a jungler i started rush bami & heartsteel that far to op... AD isn't worth early for your ratio are really poor compare to you base damage & passive regen with a heartstell can easely ramp-up to 300 HP/sec
It's not that broken luckily. Just viable. Esp if enemy don't build anti heal, max health dmg etc. Low elo maybe fine, high elo should adjust very quickly.
@@queenxersai aaaaaah Yees something like that XDD With the current bug this is still a little painful i couldnt play her Now its better but still bugged on W and R
I actually played her top before, ever since they initially increased her Healing, also with Phase Rush. But it wasn't very good. Then after this "Rework", I saw the Passive Adjustment and knew I had to try it again! And yes, the Healing is actually insane, I loved it. However, they gutted her Damage so extremely, that it basically is all she has. I tried building her as a Bruiser, went 3/0 in Lane consistently due to the great early Levels, and proceeded to be completely useless, unable to challenge any ADC or Mage due to lacking any Damage. So I gave up on her again. I thought going from Assassin to Fighter was a fair Compromise. I didn't want to play her as a Tank, because she doesn't have much CC or Utility to speak of, so I discarded that Possibility. But now seeing, that going from Assassin to literal Tank would have been the Solution... damn. I might try her out again. Just wanting to say though: Should they nerf her Healing, I expect Rek'Sai to be severely underpowered. Her Rework took away so much Damage, which the follow-up Patch didn't restore sufficiently IMO (I think her Passive, Tunnels & AoE Knockup were the main good Changes for her Rework, the empowered E is laughable now in Comparison). So if an upcoming Passive-nerf takes away her Sustain, I figure her WR will drop drastically. That being said, why doesn't Riot want her to be played Top? Every Champ gets Adjustments to be played in the Jungle as well, but for Rek'Sai they just say: "But we don't want that!"?
Reksai lost her identity when they removed her old tp ult. That was something truly unique and fitting of her underground theme. Lost interest in the champ long since then.
That entire video was a showcase of the Reksai having to do some massive outplays with trading between burrowed and unburrowed forms to sustain, go in for small bursts then sustain again just to beat the opponent while the other top laners unga bunga their abilities and still nearly win. The level 11 reksai almost lost to the level 9 warwick. Doesn't seem like a good pick, lacks damage.
Today so many tanky outsustain picks top, that just doesn"t make sense. They basically ignore whatever the damage, push the lane, heal, and even do more damage early on, like, what? That game is not interesting.
"Normal" tanking nowadays simply doesnt work , every tank has a negative winrate now , Ornn ,sion, chogath ,shen , are all around 46-47% winrate So the way to be tank now , is healing morr than the opponent
Ngl the new Rek'sai top is insanely good,but whats even better than her burrow healing is the true damage you get from her E,i used to watch another korean challenger play reksai top and he would max E,Q,W because of how much the E scaled with your damage,in combination with what this player is doing,going an E first then w then q then max e would be insane due to the sustain and early game pressure from just aa's and your bite,plus at 2 you can choose to further engage with your burrow and e tunneling to either come back to tower faster or to mess with your opponent and bait them to get rid of your tunnels so that you can go all in for kills
as a reksai main, mostly playing jungle.. reksai tank is so boring and although its based on champion composition,for me the bruiser or assasin build for top lane works better than pure tank.
I played against reksai top. It was so painful to struggle to get perfect trades. Hits minions a couple times, pops W, heals 30-40% of HP while also being resourceless. Yay Riot
High elo players on the KR server is saying that playing against Rek'Sai in top lane is unfair.
Always has been
i prefere to play vs a rek sai than an akshan or a vayne, at least i can hit minions
Great video, as always
Play malphite
That gank at 5:58 is wild
I think he tried to execute himself then get the kill in 7 seconds,but didn't expect rek'sai Q him.
@@cannndy8918 thats actually really fkin smart i didnt even think about that. Had it worked out, wouldve been 300iq
Yeah Karthus can do some creative BS. I havent seen this specific gank before, but I did play vs a Karthus jungle this one time who got a super lucky triple kill lvl 1 in a 4v4 in the botlane. He rushed Rylai's and when he came to gank me in toplane later he just popped ghost, ran under my tower and perma slowed me while dealing huge damage. he died of course but they easily killed me with his damage, CC and tanking for the enemy toplaner, then he used the opportunity while dead to ult the rest of my team. He did the same gank in mid and bot a few more times, getting himself killed on purpose but positioning himself such that he would cut off our escape paths with his E. Probably not a very consistent playstyle, and obviously he was much stronger than he was supposed to thanks to his lucky early triple, but MAN did he smash us that game.
This Karthus probably mistook the red turret for the blue turret :D
@@blakebethel3757 It's normal Karthus shenanigans, what. Only these guys botched the execution big time.
Holy crap, this build works. I’ve won 9 of 10 games so far, but replace Sterak’s with Titanic Hydra. You do way more dmg that way and can actually cs properly!
Dobby saving my LP again ❤️
you provide excellent and unique league content. Thank you
I was just about to play my first reksai games too since her rework looked interesting, dobby the goat
When they reworked her, Riot clearly said they did not want her to be played in top (that is why they nerfed her fury generation against minions), so this is most likely getting a nerf :c
Every champ can be played in all lanes, just not as effective 😂
If they didn't want her in top they would've reverted her healing. If anything the reduced fury generation is fair
champ doesnt look that good ngl
she was originally a played top even after nerfs I think she is still playable just not in high elo
@@eggs_tm6:35 play against zed shows the strength of this builds sustain. I don't think its a dmg carry build that can 1v9
This looks sick! I’m and aatrox otp and I decided to play a random champ until 100K mastery and settled on rek’sai, specifically top. She’s so much fun, I’ve watched every guide under the sun and tried every even slightly viable build, be it titanic into youmuus, youmuus into opportunity, titanic sundered sky, titanic cleaver, or rune page and nothing is consistent and idk if I’m just bad or what, but this looks promising and just like everything else ima give it a try. Thanks homie :)
6:00 you OK Karthus?
Think he was gonna cut off the escape, route and execute himself, and still get a kill. It’s a pretty smart play except when reksai is borrowed, he can q snipe him.
@@crimelord90 so you agree it's not smart
@@christianclark9494not smart but not unreasonable play
Try to abuse his passive but failed miserablely
My low diamond soloQ is going to get interesting
As my emerald soloQ will (I'm the toplaner)
It's already happening in high diamond. Just lost a game cause of it (on my team).
still mad about them removing the true damage from her. removed the themes of void champs (except for k6) doing true damage
@@Geo-co9pd he meant void champs as in void born. Malzahar and Kassadin are only touched by the void. Kai'Sa has void symbiote so that's kinda 50/50.
I thought the theme was only ever really a thing for Vel'Koz, about analyzing living beings and ignoring their defenses.
@@memeaccount5898Cho, bel, vel, rek all have true, tbh didn't even realize rek got rework till I saw this vid and I guess they lost their true
Kog does true? Oh wait, his passive 😅
I thought this could be a problem after I played a few games of Rek'Sai with her reworked kit and saw how massive the heal is. It's even a % max hp heal, so it scales with health stacking. They really need to reduce the rage generation on creeps, or this might end up being a go to blind pick top.
It got Hard reduced
@@johanestebanramirezbarrios1411 it was a 50% nerf to rage gen on creeps, it doesn't matter all that much
music fits so well for this one
I love that you are referencing OnevsAll in your videos too!
I like this playstyle
Sustain became a non option in top - or more so the default
Atleast this sort of playstyle pops up again
You kidding me ? Sustain is an option literally for all champs. If you want to scale agains a hard matchup you just go second wind + dshield. Poke champs will start malding when they realise they cant cheese you.
Shai Hulud
Stilgar has entered the chat.
Rek'Sai has truly become a wholesome chungus
Phreak was wrong😔
Just played against one, i lost and now i get this recommended on yt XD
When Dobby makes a build and says it’s OP, but then STILL says Olaf should not be underestimated, you know Olaf is fcking OP
Played against this yesterday. If you don't have an insane amount of dmg pressure you just can't do anything to Reksai. Extremely frustrating because of how easy she can set up ganks / runaway as well.
Had watched it on Ha Tieu Phu yt channel yesterday and now I watch yours :3 Love ur vid bro, so much that I learn from it❤
always lovely to find some hidden op build especially for top _D
Shes not op
Lmao, if you think Rek'Sai tank is op, you're delusional. Or low elo.
shes meta rn idk what build tho@@leoleo1035
@@leoleo1035 saying op just because xD i dont give a shit i just wanna try new shit
@@leoleo1035 54% wr btw
If anyone wondering what the best counterpick to reksai is, its ap varus, as it has anti tank and anti heal in his kit and outscales all tanks, if reksai wants a chance at winning it they have to go assassin build with edge of night
i instantly gave it a try after the rework arrived. her passive is ridiculous but he lacks the damage. i lost the game with 7 kill lead because i couldnt hurt enemy adc who had armor boots.
She's such a strong champion, she can duel a Warwick 2 levels below her, an Olaf with 1/5th of her HP, and Varus after losing multiple waves with a gank.
She's probably screwed in top, it's basically unplayable unless you are a god at Rek'sai, and all her non-tank builds got nerfed.
when u got two melee champions at 15%hp and they're smacking eachother with autos, a warwick wins that. Olaf similar
Big counter to reksai is CC while she is in burrowed state making her unable to outsustain her opponent
i knew this was gona happen eventually when i saw the passive healing changes the only reason i dont like this champion is the barrowed vision reduction that thing throws me off so hard
Before anyone goes into ranked thiking this is op: is not lol. Its not great either, but is "ok". The fact is that rek'sai top is pretty unplayable, but because of the way they reworked her, if you build tank and take advantage of the % max* HP regen, then it becomes an ok pick. Will u crush lane like old AD reksai? no. But you can be really reliably safe and do ok. In that regard is kind of like a Malphite. U will be fine top on your own, u prob wont feed, and u are a reliable way to start a fight midgame. Its also like lane Master Yi (as weird as it sounds). Lane Yi sucks, but he has his OP W sustain, which is why u can make do in lane even vs some difficult early game champs. Is it great? no, but you can do well on it c: Thx for the cool video o7
played it today as a rek main, went 14/0 in both games and hardcarried, it sop af dia elo
this just feels like a the zombie volibear build but you get more sustain early and abit more movement with tunnels and ult, but probably do worse mid and late then voli would with all the low cd heal and shield, also just looking at how close some of these fights are and how much you have to do to pull them off, compared to stand in E hit W mark hit Q ult tower for disable.
I’m still miffed about the true damage removal. I was fine with the minion fury gain being halved as it was strong being able to smack minions to quickly chunk your opponent if they weren’t careful.
But they kinda just decided to remove the identity from reksai that voidborne champions had of dealing true damage with atleast one ability.
I wonder if something similar in jungle would work with aftershock or phase still?
no, u cannot clear jungle with tank items on reksai. its already pretty slow with dmg item. this only works because u can constantly heal in lane and the enemy cant, but in the jungle healing doesnt matter because its the same regardless of items because its % max hp. it's basically just bad design
Now Rek'Sai top is dead because basic attacks gives her only 5 stacks of Fury (instead of 12.5 after her rework). Which means she can't heal on every trade. 😕
What's the usual build against Morde with this one? I get a good test out but I don't know what build path I should follow.
6:14 if thats the case anyway ... so why not last stand for runes ?
( since we want to be low on HP when we ult them )
its missing hp of your enemy. since your ult is more stacked with enemy missing hp then your ad dmg, it makes sense to just build tank instead of ad
This is literaly why she was reworked into an assassin ages ago, high sustain in lane and team cc in teamfight
Riot changing champion to remake mistake they made in the past is always funny to watch
So much for her not being a wholesome chungus champion
i was plat4 last week sttarted playing rek'sai to see if it will work. Just got emerald 4 right now the build the the abilities the healing. Nobody can win vs me on top i swear to god. I got camped i got ganked i cant die! tbh i really started liking rek'sai not only for her poteential but overall :)
If Riot nerfs this, but lets Varus still be playing in top, they would show that the balance team DOES NOT play they own game at all.
You speak my mind. Varus top building hybrid ap tank is toxic
I@@tranpaul4550 It's so BS. Fought this thing as a maokai,he just stood still while melting my hp. We were both 4 items
no joke went 6 wins 0 loss on this pick and went from d2 to masters, just today XD.
so OP. can't lose lane
It seems like Aatrox is listed as a counter in a lot of these videos for top, so I ask you. What counters Aatrox?
you have 3 options
1) Champ Select > Ban Aatrox
2) Upper right corner > Exit game
3) Uninstall > Send support ticket that riot is run by a bunch of bald fuckheads
very easy to counter if you actually try
Another hard counter is xin xao, that champ terrifies me as reksai
What do you think about pairing this pick with unending despair?
Unending Despair is a shit item unless you're taking Ingenious Hunter, and this build does not pick up IH. You already have enough sustain. Precision secondary is too valuable to give up.
Yeah I was also thinking the same thing, full sustain reksai might be wild, maybe with eclipse as well
It isn't related to top rek`sai, but what about jg rek`sai building sundered sky and eclipse pretty simliar to lee sin?
Stride is better
ngl this looks entirely like cinderhulk reksai
Does sett counter this? Cause when reksai tries to disengage he can just pull back and shield to out trade imo
Yes he can pull or ult he brute force diver her easy 2
if it's still getting countered by aatrox and irelia is her healing really a problem?
If you're relying on heal sustain, isn't it better to have revitalize instead?
Why not have video 1# sett?
Well, goodbye rek sai, sere you in a few patches
Nerfed on 14.7 right ?
这次的改动还算良心 雷克塞的强度确实该提高一下了
welp Riot intended her to be an a Bruiser
the didnt expected that Tank gonna be better
so they prob gonna do small hotfixes to improvise the dmg and clear and just lower the healing a bit so instead of Tank she can go Bruiser and have some use from more than Cleaver Stride and Steraks XD
6:50 wait what was that range????
In general Reksai is too strong. Almost every game you beat anyone in dmg taken and especially healing done. Its so crazy.
throw titanic hydra as third item and you have an amazing build
wholesome chungus
The actual healing itself won't be nerfed, as Phreak literally stated that he will just nerf rage gained from hitting minions if topsai becomes a thing. That being said I hope we get incentive to build damage again soon because even with a damage build it feels like she doesn't do any.
As a jungler i started rush bami & heartsteel that far to op... AD isn't worth early for your ratio are really poor compare to you base damage & passive regen with a heartstell can easely ramp-up to 300 HP/sec
9:22 Ashe jungle?
It's not that broken luckily. Just viable. Esp if enemy don't build anti heal, max health dmg etc. Low elo maybe fine, high elo should adjust very quickly.
I love playing tanks but my main is litteraly Rek'sai
Building her tank without considered as trolling, it is an honor for me
as long as we can play rek right?
@@queenxersai aaaaaah
Yees something like that XDD
With the current bug this is still a little painful i couldnt play her
Now its better but still bugged on W and R
I still miss her :'(
Can u make a tank azir one 😩😩
I actually played her top before, ever since they initially increased her Healing, also with Phase Rush. But it wasn't very good. Then after this "Rework", I saw the Passive Adjustment and knew I had to try it again! And yes, the Healing is actually insane, I loved it. However, they gutted her Damage so extremely, that it basically is all she has.
I tried building her as a Bruiser, went 3/0 in Lane consistently due to the great early Levels, and proceeded to be completely useless, unable to challenge any ADC or Mage due to lacking any Damage. So I gave up on her again. I thought going from Assassin to Fighter was a fair Compromise. I didn't want to play her as a Tank, because she doesn't have much CC or Utility to speak of, so I discarded that Possibility. But now seeing, that going from Assassin to literal Tank would have been the Solution... damn. I might try her out again.
Just wanting to say though: Should they nerf her Healing, I expect Rek'Sai to be severely underpowered. Her Rework took away so much Damage, which the follow-up Patch didn't restore sufficiently IMO (I think her Passive, Tunnels & AoE Knockup were the main good Changes for her Rework, the empowered E is laughable now in Comparison). So if an upcoming Passive-nerf takes away her Sustain, I figure her WR will drop drastically.
That being said, why doesn't Riot want her to be played Top? Every Champ gets Adjustments to be played in the Jungle as well, but for Rek'Sai they just say: "But we don't want that!"?
man i remember back in patch 8.11 when riot gutted an entire class out of the game for doing exactly this XD
Why do full tank builds have to do so much damage as well wtf
Lmfao now the new rework is out this video has no purpose 2 weeks after posting. 😂😂😂
I wish Riot NEVER nerf this cause' is a pick for people that knows how to play Rek'Sai, and that's the 0.2% of League players.
interesting, to bad i just ignore Rek'sai as I proxy using Singed
Ugh this is like Warwick top except no one is used to it yet.
İ did this a wile back but in support its craxy the self dustaib
Reksai lost her identity when they removed her old tp ult. That was something truly unique and fitting of her underground theme. Lost interest in the champ long since then.
Did you watch her film though? She's actually a great actress.
Reksai back to toplane again LMAO
What about playing this Vs nasus
You dont.
Besto waifu
That entire video was a showcase of the Reksai having to do some massive outplays with trading between burrowed and unburrowed forms to sustain, go in for small bursts then sustain again just to beat the opponent while the other top laners unga bunga their abilities and still nearly win. The level 11 reksai almost lost to the level 9 warwick. Doesn't seem like a good pick, lacks damage.
He elo inflated himself 800lp so you tell me
enemies never heard of botrk
even in a good player, it looks bad
원브올이 독을풀었다
anyone tried Unending Despair on Rek sai? Sounds interesting
WTF is that Karthus doing?
Today so many tanky outsustain picks top, that just doesn"t make sense. They basically ignore whatever the damage, push the lane, heal, and even do more damage early on, like, what?
That game is not interesting.
"Normal" tanking nowadays simply doesnt work , every tank has a negative winrate now , Ornn ,sion, chogath ,shen , are all around 46-47% winrate
So the way to be tank now , is healing morr than the opponent
Ngl the new Rek'sai top is insanely good,but whats even better than her burrow healing is the true damage you get from her E,i used to watch another korean challenger play reksai top and he would max E,Q,W because of how much the E scaled with your damage,in combination with what this player is doing,going an E first then w then q then max e would be insane due to the sustain and early game pressure from just aa's and your bite,plus at 2 you can choose to further engage with your burrow and e tunneling to either come back to tower faster or to mess with your opponent and bait them to get rid of your tunnels so that you can go all in for kills
Ashe jungle? 9:00
why mr against jax?
Lane Tank Rek'Sai abusing sustain from Second Wind, DShield and her passive, #NotMyRekSai
her? is rek sai girl?
reminds me of belveth support
At 8:55 built cleaver vs 4 squishy hmm
Still crying for diana vid
6:00 karthus inting wtf
as a reksai main, mostly playing jungle.. reksai tank is so boring and although its based on champion composition,for me the bruiser or assasin build for top lane works better than pure tank.
I played vs this today with Mundo and destroyed them.
Imagine going from hardstuck pisslow to masters 300lp in a few weeks just cause riot made an oopsie with your OTP.
another dobby deep cut
I played against reksai top. It was so painful to struggle to get perfect trades. Hits minions a couple times, pops W, heals 30-40% of HP while also being resourceless. Yay Riot
Riot be like: Oh no! One person is enjoying a niche playstyle, lets remove it!
Not this dog pick again on top ah gr8.
Yas main crying xD
@@wyze7545 🤨
why tf are we learning about some masters reksai top otp 💀💀💀💀
nerfed? she deserved a buff, looks how much skill it took just to have a fraction of others