Ian, you are getting me through a night shift. I’m watching this video during my breaks. Idk what I would do without you. Your daily uploads are something I look forward to everyday. Keep doing you, bro.
Absolutely LOVING the 40 min videos, the 15 to 20 minute vids always feel like theyre ending too soon lol. Appreciate it, pls keep it up! Cant wait to see that kappa container
Bbbrrruuuhhh, the scavies do be nutso atm. Keep gettin bonked by these T-1000s. LOl, Abney totally got caught by the fella that knew his voice. Aqua has a unique voice as well, easy to pick out.
I'm convinced Abney is just Hexloom's alternate twitch channel, and he just hired some guy to lip-sync for him when he speaks. Their voices sound way too similar, there's no way this is just a coincidence.
This channel has always has multiple editors. If you want to know the editor of a specific video we always list them in the description. Hope that helps. -Kings
Breaking News: Popular Streamer AquaFPS found after missing for 3 years, he was found hitchhiking on the side of a road, when a kind Samaritan gave the lost man a lift Comments on this article: "CARRIED" "CARRY" "GOUT STREAMER"
Golden rule If someone keeps asking you to talk or saying “I can’t hear you” They’re trying to figure out exactly where you are based on your voice Bro literally replied saying I can’t hear you but how would he know to say that unless he.. heard you Anytime someone’s trying to get a quest done I tell them go ahead we don’t need to meet up none of that shit do what you gotta do and leave if you come near me I’m treating you as a hostile Has worked 10/10 times except when I had an over confident asshole who still got dropped (thanks for the free Spear)
If i ever found out anyone was talkin crazy about Aqua… i’d have a damn platoon behind me. Dont worry, poppa. No ones gonna talk about you on the net without us fightin back
a 44 minute video! best bedtime ever
I was literally going to comment the exact same thing 😂
I've been watching his videos for atleast two years in bed falling while falling asleep. Epic end of a day routine.
YES, I saw 44 minutes and literally said "Hell yeah!" out loud.
😂😂😂😂 so true
Ian, you are getting me through a night shift. I’m watching this video during my breaks. Idk what I would do without you. Your daily uploads are something I look forward to everyday. Keep doing you, bro.
Aqua shooting at his teammate then saying " WhO killEd him I might've headshot him" 😂 37:15
That nade kill in the scav freak hole! lol
Aaaabney DUUUUUUUDE. Y’all’s demeanors actually compliment each other really well
@@isgrig210 no?
@@Paprikawastaken I thought the same thing, but I googled it and well TIL
yes. can't post a link cuz comments get removed instantly, but just google "compliment vs complement" @@Paprikawastaken
Really loving the new editing of the last few videos.
What I love most about Aquas videos are the rotation of editors. Keeps things fresh.
You guys are an awesome duo, fun to watch
Absolutely LOVING the 40 min videos, the 15 to 20 minute vids always feel like theyre ending too soon lol. Appreciate it, pls keep it up! Cant wait to see that kappa container
Aqua and his crew deserve all the love with this consistent content gotta love it❤
Their crew is honestly my favorite among all streamers
These videos are way behind…
That left for dead witch music for the Bush scav was spot on
Me and my friend talk about you all the time. You’re objectively one of the most entertaining tarkov streamers
I’m a simple man, I see aqua, I watch.
I absolutly love the editing in this video adds so much more to enjoy
Their duo is like an unspoken rivalry
Loving these longer videos. Lots of Aquantent.
Yaaaaay! I love the longer videos :) Its all relative really, the longer, the lovlier when it comes to this Hydration Station.
Bbbrrruuuhhh, the scavies do be nutso atm. Keep gettin bonked by these T-1000s. LOl, Abney totally got caught by the fella that knew his voice. Aqua has a unique voice as well, easy to pick out.
I like watching the screen on his mic arm.
This is the most serious game play by aqua I’ve ever seen!
The L4D witch music set off my fight or floght lode immediately 😂
God I knew it and I knew I was afraid of it but didn't know why.
my day is not complete without a alsoaqua video.. and 44 minutes! yessir!
Please keep uploading these I look forward to them every day (:
Whoop whoop! Abneydude has some bangers on yt!
Finally giving us longer videos to try catch us up huh.
I really enjoy the longer video! I could watch them every night.
42:00 deja vu
More aqua and abney! Great team!
Well aqua you’ve done it again, another banger
Aqua, you are a family man. When are you gonna dibble dabble with the juice man?
The ergo on that svd was brutal
aqua gaslighting abney by saying "this door is open too" as he turns the key in the fucking doorknob LMAO
damn my boy was zooted this stream he wasn't payin attention to shit
who ever did this edit needs to be your editor of choice.
Lovinggggg the 40 min videos!!! More pleaseeee
Call em giggle master the way he be having me giggle
I close the door after leaving locked rooms in resort all the time specifically to make people uncomfy haha
Aqua misses every shot. "I didn't have the ammomo". Lol
Loving these longer vids! Thanks guys! *Mwah* 😚
oh that pilotwings intro song lol
Last day in Mexico on vacation, no place I’d rather be than watching aqua
Good lord the witch sound scared me
Love the longer vids
Every night while falling asleep
Long videos are tight, please don't forget a splint Aqua
Ill never forgive Abney for spoiling Dune 2
Who's editing Amnesia Dark Descent music into a fuckin Tarkov video? That shit is scarring
I was there for Aqua trying to vault through the windows. You're all lucky it was sped up
Loved this one
I thought "Aqua" and "luck" couldn't be in the same sentence
The Left 4 Dead incapacitated music gives me PTSD
I'm convinced Abney is just Hexloom's alternate twitch channel, and he just hired some guy to lip-sync for him when he speaks. Their voices sound way too similar, there's no way this is just a coincidence.
„I didnt have good enough ammo to shoot him through his helmet“
>0 hits
aqua learning that scav ammo dosnt cut it late wipe? what the heck
Idk if there is multiple editors but I like the recent style video editing!
This channel has always has multiple editors. If you want to know the editor of a specific video we always list them in the description. Hope that helps. -Kings
@@AlsoAqua I see, I didn't know, thanks!
Witch: Aqua you must play with that man again. You look so cute in his backpack.
TOP 500 BABY!!!
my friends and I do indeed sit in a discord call and talk about aqua deaths.
Finished my hideout today! Getting the FFGPS was a PAIN, but this wipe I'm goin all out! I'll race you to Kappa Aqua!
We will never sleep. Cuz sleep is for the weak😌
is tht vault glitch patched now?
did you make the thumbnail urselves aqua?????
"If I had better ammo, I would have killed him" *Post-raid screen 2 shots zero hits*
But do you lurk in the comments aqua?
AquaFps stars in: Gout Of War!!
What happened to aquas other channels?
Breaking News: Popular Streamer AquaFPS found after missing for 3 years, he was found hitchhiking on the side of a road, when a kind Samaritan gave the lost man a lift
Comments on this article: "CARRIED" "CARRY" "GOUT STREAMER"
"what an ass--"
Keep the long vids comin!!!
I drink a pint of milk every day, people call me milk 🥛
Lmaoo finally the snow is gone
Kung Pow reference. Take my Like dam you
Thank you for saving my life aqua (I’m not in danger at all)
love you aqua
Nice reserve action. Certified freak!
Do people know bout the led x spawn on customs?
pilotwings pog
I’m liking the 40 minute videos, more aqua to want to kiss
Happy birthday babycakes
The witch music from left for dead has traumatized me.
Golden rule
If someone keeps asking you to talk or saying “I can’t hear you”
They’re trying to figure out exactly where you are based on your voice
Bro literally replied saying I can’t hear you but how would he know to say that unless he.. heard you
Anytime someone’s trying to get a quest done I tell them go ahead we don’t need to meet up none of that shit do what you gotta do and leave if you come near me I’m treating you as a hostile
Has worked 10/10 times except when I had an over confident asshole who still got dropped (thanks for the free Spear)
This is old where is the snow?
How many times Aquad missed a good snipe chance because of the VPO lol, just get a non suppressed SV98 with T46M for 40k for god sakes
Daddy aqua
Hello fello Ian
when will he stop using the MBSS oh my god
Day 53 Of Marking My Daily Traditional Sessions Of Watching AlsoAqua.
wait, Aqua's an Apple user?
wow I wish I had teammates that would carry me and give me free loot
shot a man from 2 meters away with EKO and didnt pen his helmet
Aqua u can buy wig y'know, if u go bald soon
If i ever found out anyone was talkin crazy about Aqua… i’d have a damn platoon behind me.
Dont worry, poppa. No ones gonna talk about you on the net without us fightin back
American milk must be crap.. I hear so many Americans say milk is nasty..
Am I having Deja Vu or was this a report