Well yeah but I mean, this group has been actively uploading vids to Apple Texts, IText Pro and Apple Girl channels + they (or someone else) has been reuploading their older vids to Wave Texts and Golden Apple channels. So yeah 😅😂
Hope those kids got put in foster care, they didn't deserve to be part of that family. I don't get women who think kids are a liability preventing marriage. It's not like you can hide them forever. If your not gonna give it to your ex lovers, then don't keep them at all, even if your mom wants grandbabies (she didn't deserve to be a grandma since she was so determined to see her daughter secure a husband, and now she's gonna die of cancer: meaning she wasted her time getting her daughter married for nothing
Well yeah but I mean, this group has been actively uploading vids to Apple Texts, IText Pro and Apple Girl channels + they (or someone else) has been reuploading their older vids to Wave Texts and Golden Apple channels. So yeah 😅😂
Well yeah but I mean, this group has been actively uploading vids to Apple Texts, IText Pro and Apple Girl channels + they (or someone else) has been reuploading their older vids to Wave Texts and Golden Apple channels. So yeah 😅😂
🎶 Guess who's back? Back again? Airtexts is back. Tell a friend. 🎶 I wonder if William, Jean, and Debbie want to catch a criminal case for fraud by deception since Debbie wants to hide her kids from her fiance just so she can run off and live happily ever after.
Just say NO. And if your husband won't back you up, DUMP THE JERK OMG GIRL GROW A SPINE, STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. STOP ENABLING THIS SELFISH WITCH OMG this op is driving me INSANE
Well yeah but I mean, this group has been actively uploading vids to Apple Texts, IText Pro and Apple Girl channels + they (or someone else) has been reuploading their older vids to Wave Texts and Golden Apple channels. So yeah 😅😂
Well yeah but I mean, this group has been actively uploading vids to Apple Texts, IText Pro and Apple Girl channels + they (or someone else) has been reuploading their older vids to Wave Texts and Golden Apple channels. So yeah 😅😂
Either they were trash dads or jean kept them for child support while doing everything in her power to keep the kids away. At least till she found them a hinderrence to the next thing she wants.
Divorce William immediately. He doesn't have your back. She doesn't want the kids
Casey needs to contact CPS and give them the children ASAP
Holy cow! I didn’t realize this was brand new!
Woo. A new video from Air texts! Missed you all
Well yeah but I mean, this group has been actively uploading vids to Apple Texts, IText Pro and Apple Girl channels + they (or someone else) has been reuploading their older vids to Wave Texts and Golden Apple channels. So yeah 😅😂
😂😂doormats are made to be stepped on. I don't feel sorry for people like this. 😂😂😂😂what a loser 😂😂😂
Hope those kids got put in foster care, they didn't deserve to be part of that family.
I don't get women who think kids are a liability preventing marriage. It's not like you can hide them forever. If your not gonna give it to your ex lovers, then don't keep them at all, even if your mom wants grandbabies (she didn't deserve to be a grandma since she was so determined to see her daughter secure a husband, and now she's gonna die of cancer: meaning she wasted her time getting her daughter married for nothing
Welcome back AirTexts! ❤
Well yeah but I mean, this group has been actively uploading vids to Apple Texts, IText Pro and Apple Girl channels + they (or someone else) has been reuploading their older vids to Wave Texts and Golden Apple channels. So yeah 😅😂
About time! I almost forgot about this airtexts like forever.
She doesn’t have to get her anything. She has been babysitting her kids for free.
Missed you lots Air Texts💋
Winter came for that con family!😂 😂😂
Where are the kids bio dads?
Is he OK with becoming his sisters kids, Dad, and giving away the house?
move the children to your in-laws house..let her take the grandchildren in...
Welcome home! Great to see you!❤😊
Well yeah but I mean, this group has been actively uploading vids to Apple Texts, IText Pro and Apple Girl channels + they (or someone else) has been reuploading their older vids to Wave Texts and Golden Apple channels. So yeah 😅😂
Yay. You all are back!
Jean wants to get married and divorced for a third time 😂😂😂
🎶 Guess who's back? Back again? Airtexts is back. Tell a friend. 🎶
I wonder if William, Jean, and Debbie want to catch a criminal case for fraud by deception since Debbie wants to hide her kids from her fiance just so she can run off and live happily ever after.
Just say NO. And if your husband won't back you up, DUMP THE JERK
OMG this op is driving me INSANE
Never give an inch, they always take a mile.
I thought Jean was supposed to get married in 3 months.
we miss you
Well yeah but I mean, this group has been actively uploading vids to Apple Texts, IText Pro and Apple Girl channels + they (or someone else) has been reuploading their older vids to Wave Texts and Golden Apple channels. So yeah 😅😂
@@Lekuster93Quit spamming
@@scotchdeblanc Sorry, too lazy to be creative at the moment 🙏
Welcome back, AirTexts! You've been missed!
Well yeah but I mean, this group has been actively uploading vids to Apple Texts, IText Pro and Apple Girl channels + they (or someone else) has been reuploading their older vids to Wave Texts and Golden Apple channels. So yeah 😅😂
Casey surrendered once at a time
This is what people do in their thirteeees😃 No. Not if they have kids.
I want to enjoy my life too
get it in writing....the last time to babysit...don't be a door mat to the disfunctional S.I.L.
Good evening from Alabama
What happened to the kids? Why did their fathers not take them? Weird story that I sincerely hope is not even slightly based on real events!
Either they were trash dads or jean kept them for child support while doing everything in her power to keep the kids away. At least till she found them a hinderrence to the next thing she wants.
Or they were the result of infidelity
Casey is a sucker……good grief.
Jean you had the kids they're your responsibility. But take your useless brother with you. He can raise them for you
I'm so happy you posted something new! I live this channel, please keep creating!!! ❤❤