July 2018 Q&A - Part 1 of 2

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 226

  • @fnrd3858
    @fnrd3858 6 лет назад +128

    When do we get to ask the dog questions?

    • @Jamet707
      @Jamet707 6 лет назад +15

      who's a good boy?

    • @T3hderk87
      @T3hderk87 6 лет назад +8

      No bork, get treat!

  • @tm1182
    @tm1182 6 лет назад +154

    3 gun match with an original L85, cobray terminator, and a nambu pistol. Boom 1 million views

    • @Doinkus98
      @Doinkus98 6 лет назад +25

      The goal is not to kill the presenters.

    • @joelambert7128
      @joelambert7128 6 лет назад +5

      The only problem with a well maintained L85A1 is that the plastic furniture is fragile. They were actually very accurate for service rifles, and indeed quite reliable as long as they were maintained as intended, rather than as FALs.

    • @tm1182
      @tm1182 6 лет назад

      Doom lol

    • @derfurz8618
      @derfurz8618 4 года назад +1

      @@joelambert7128 so thats why they comisioned HK to redesign it for a bazillion pounds, because they could have just trained their troops to maintain it properly

    • @michalbarsfajny4268
      @michalbarsfajny4268 3 года назад

      @@joelambert7128 and ejecting magazines by accident and plenty other issues. Another thing is that if you design weapon for war, you must count with dirt, sand, mud, soldier not being able to clean rifle every two minutes, some soldiers might not be educated, some might be afraid of weapons. Cracking plastic is to me least of it problems. You can fix that easily

  • @skankstro4575
    @skankstro4575 6 лет назад +50

    Question for dog; whos a good boy?

  • @garandman8114
    @garandman8114 6 лет назад +30

    Dharma loves her Dad.

  • @MeowMeowDeathRay
    @MeowMeowDeathRay 6 лет назад +7

    0:36 Bobby M
    If the 86 gun act were to be repelled what smg would you buy new and or what would you build and sell???
    2:48 Joe L
    What are the chances of seeing a match where you just equip yourselves as horribly as possible?
    5:15 Azmi A
    So, what's your opinion on interrupted cycle semi-auto (a.k.a lever release guns like the ones becoming popular in the UK) that could be used to comply with AWB legislation?
    7:56 Jonathan J
    Was there anything specific that made you choose to move to Arizona over other states? (Attractions, climate, cost, etc.)
    10:33 Fudj
    Do you guys have any tips or advice for people just getting into Class 3 items i.e. suppressors. Anything you know now that you wish you would have known when you started. Thanks!
    15:54 Martin S
    Ian, have you figured out what you're going to do to get your Chauchat running?
    17:41 Michael B
    Karl, do you have any advice for someone looking to get into marksmanship-centric competition a la High Power?
    19:18 Matthew J
    Not exactly a question, but I'd like to see a serious 2 gun match pushing the defensive/trench-assault capabilities of the scattergat, with stage scoring that doesn't depend entirely on speed of jamming shells in it - can it be done?
    23:18 ¹¡íÁ·¥úGáB½5@±t3
    What kind of footwear do you folks use during matches?
    25:00 POGLIFE2171
    Hey guys, love the channel even when I don't agree with some of the opinions y'all have your attitudes always have me come back for more. You are part of a modern infantry unit with M4's and 240B light machine guns and are teleported back to ostfront 1944. You run into a German unit with STG44's and MG42's. Who has the advantage?
    28:12 Jonathon S
    InRange/ForgottenWeaposn has seemed to have a growing relationship with Varusteleka. Are you thinking that this may evolve into a much bigger, mutually beneficial thing? (like Patreon supports getting discount codes, monthly giveaways being Varusteleka cards, etc.)
    29:24 Leo G
    Ian, as a fellow southpaw, did you ever consider a left handed upper for the WWSD project?
    32:19 Rhys
    Karl, before WWSD was completed you stated a lone individual on SHTF world should go with a .308. Do you still think that with the success of WWSD?
    34:35 Jacob F
    Would you consider a video/series on finding the most practical ban state rifles?
    35:16 Ymran
    If the constant recoil system generates less felt recoil than traditional systems, why has it been used in more firearms designs?
    36:11 Patrick W
    How would small arms technology have developed if smokeless powder had not been invented until the early to mid 1900's? Would countries still have moved to smaller caliber firearms or would it have just "plateaued" with mid/large bore rifles?
    39:13 Colin B
    Do you feel competive shooting (IDPA, USPSA, 3 gun etc) negatively effects or creates bad habits for law enforcement?

  • @spacecat8465
    @spacecat8465 6 лет назад +1

    I don’t think it’s just because it’s a Q&A that’s its popular, i believe that this audience just really enjoys both Ian and Karl talking in more of a podcast style with a lot more in depth info. Cheers guys keep up the amazing work!

  • @HK_roller_delayed
    @HK_roller_delayed 6 лет назад +54

    What chump would choose to leave an InRange Q&A after just thirty minutes?! I wish they were three or four hours long, if not more.

  • @lougrims
    @lougrims 6 лет назад +41

    Instead of purely crap gun for a match why not try to do a budget match? Something like what is the cheapest you can go and still be "competitive" or at least have fun and not finish last each time..

    • @jayzenitram9621
      @jayzenitram9621 6 лет назад +3

      It would also be interesting to watch them compete with pistol caliber carbines like a scorpion or even a sub 2000.

    • @riverstyxarmory9782
      @riverstyxarmory9782 6 лет назад +7

      Anok what's the budget? Hipoint is cheap, but depending on the budget you can get a sub-sub-milspec AR for ~$400 which for one match is basically an M4, very competitive.

    • @Denjiro1
      @Denjiro1 6 лет назад +4

      Best Bang for the Buck project.

    • @lougrims
      @lougrims 6 лет назад +1

      Good question. I am not sure. Something like the Top gear budget car but for handgun/riffle?

  • @OrangeAmped
    @OrangeAmped 6 лет назад

    Not gonna lie, I laughed out loud multiple times listening to your answers to, "Why don't you shoot more terrible guns at the match?" Watching you guys work through problems with your gear and reflect on it is part of the value of the channel, even if it is at the expense of your own suffering.

  • @kyleturnbow3373
    @kyleturnbow3373 6 лет назад

    In response to the suppressor question, for me the biggest advantage of them is for hunting. For the one or two shots that you need to get off quickly and not have to worry about putting on hearing protection they are priceless. Alot of cans for hunting applications also have built in muzzle brakes so it takes some hit out of the big magnum calibers as well.

  • @benf8487
    @benf8487 6 лет назад +6

    A “trailer park warrior” kit would be interesting to run in a match. For example: S&W m&p 15 sport and Tarus polymer wonder 9 or high point of your choosing. Not necessarily garbage but a budget kit for those of us who cannot afford D-bals and Aimpoints on our Daniel defense laser blasters.

  • @TechGamer45
    @TechGamer45 6 лет назад +7

    The lever release = the bolt locks back and is released with a lever on the side.
    MARS = same but the bolt is released with a second pull/squeeze on the trigger.
    it's only on center fire semi. we can have semi .22 rimfire.

    • @TechGamer45
      @TechGamer45 6 лет назад

      Lever release is based on the AR15 platform and the MARS [ I think ] on the Vz58

  • @nicholashorton2271
    @nicholashorton2271 6 лет назад

    Ian and Karl are together again, all is once again right with the world.

  • @mcjaminroy
    @mcjaminroy 6 лет назад +21

    26days in the field and I still won’t miss a Q&A

    • @TheeCambion
      @TheeCambion 6 лет назад

      Good man:)

    • @tm1182
      @tm1182 6 лет назад +1

      demon Turtle shadilay!

  • @TheBlahblahking
    @TheBlahblahking 6 лет назад

    I watch this while doing other things -washing dishes, whatever - and cutting it into two parts is very welcome, thank you!

  • @atilliar
    @atilliar 6 лет назад +2

    I also have 3 suppressors, and I agree with everything you said, with one caveat: If you plan well, you can get a can/host combo that IS very quiet i.e. an AR in 300BLK with a lightweight 30 cal can (or better yet a bolt action in 300BLK). If you are not careful however you can end up with a very loud combo like an AR in 223 with a can and it will pretty much never be hearing safe.

    • @SK-bu1ft
      @SK-bu1ft 6 лет назад

      My 10yr old daughter and 7yr old son love suppressed .22 pistols and rifles (and the 300BLK with subsonic ammo) because they hate wearing their earmuffs for more than about 15 minutes. Like JH said above, if you plan correctly (and don't buy a shit suppressor) truly hearing safe isn't hard to do.

    • @toomanyaccounts
      @toomanyaccounts 6 лет назад

      there is 223 ammo that out of a can is super quiet to the point the impact of the round is louder then the muzzle noise. this ammo i don't think is on the civilian market. last i heard it was law enforcement, military only and it does cycle the action.

    • @atilliar
      @atilliar 6 лет назад

      I reload and have loaded 223 subs and they are problematic for a lot of reasons. You need a rather heavy bullet if you are going to attempt to cycle the action but when you get up that heavy (around 100gr) the bullets are not generally stable at subsonic velocities (I couldn't get anything over 69gr stable). Also, to make the cartridge subsonic you run into the issue were because you have to use very little powder due to the relatively light bullet, you end up with a lot of empty case space. This leads to very inconsistent velocities (due to inconsistent powder burning). Some will be subsonic and some will be super. The only thing I have shot that reliably cycled the gun was a 100 gr composite bullet that filled up the casing enough but it was a frangible round and would not be useful against people. Lead projectiles are too dense to do that and don't stabilise well.

    • @toomanyaccounts
      @toomanyaccounts 6 лет назад

      these 223/5.56 speciality rounds deposited some sort of resin inside the gun that helped make it run silent. so they were not your typical loads. like i said they were only legally sold to law enforcement/military and the wait time to get some was six months.

  • @VegasCyclingFreak
    @VegasCyclingFreak 6 лет назад

    8:40 I lived in NM when I was a tweenager, before I moved to Las Vegas. I loved it there!

  • @wowfreak195
    @wowfreak195 6 лет назад

    The lever-release guns in question 3 are guns that still have a semi-automatic action, so still have gas pistons and springs, but when the bolt cycles back it locks open. You have to push a lever or pull the trigger to send the bolt forward and chamber a round for the next shot.

  • @unfunnycomedian8573
    @unfunnycomedian8573 6 лет назад

    @InrangeTV lever release guns are actually where the bolt locks to the rear after each shot, a lever (or sometimes another pull of the trigger) releases the bolt to chamber the next round. This gets around the definition of semiauto centrefire rifles as being where the a round is fired, extracted and a new one chambered with a single pull of the trigger

  • @johndon762
    @johndon762 6 лет назад

    Ref discussion toward the end about realistic training. In the military we sometimes use the MILES crap to teach good habits when conducting 1-way ranges. We did buddy team, fire team, squad and platoon level assaults with live ammo. But we armed our ROs with MILES God Guns and all of the GIs wore the laser receptor harness. This enabled ROs to near miss or kill GIs doing silly or stupid things. Normally I dislike MILES since grass is able to protect a person from the lasers but, in this usage I loved it.

  • @vigunfighter
    @vigunfighter 6 лет назад

    With an 'interrupted semi auto, it operates mostly normally, except that the bolt stays to the rear. Then you have to manually release it, then pull the trigger.
    Think of an AR where you would have to hit the bolt release for every shot. This is different than the manually operated conversions of semi-autos.

  • @petesheppard1709
    @petesheppard1709 6 лет назад +3

    This has been a fascinating, wide-ranging video! Thanks for taking the time and sharing it!
    --Better than owning Class III toys is having a friend who does; I got to fire a vz59 machine gun this week!
    --My impression of the M14/M1 (and AK) charging handle placement is that they were a vestige of the earlier bolt action guns; that's just where the charging handle traditionally went.
    --The 'SHTF' caliber is also pretty environment-dependent. Here in wooded Alabama, ranges are generally much shorter, so .223 and 7.62x39 would be more practical.
    --On competition vs 'reality': Ross Sefried, one of the early IPSC masters once described being at the scene of a robbery and why he didn't feel the need to act, since no one was deliberately threatened. Had he been forced to shoot, "The speed would have been blinding; the shots, child's play."

    • @MarvinCZ
      @MarvinCZ 6 лет назад

      What was your impression from firing the UK vz. 59?

    • @petesheppard1709
      @petesheppard1709 6 лет назад

      Shaky. As Ian discusses i his shooting video, the gun's a bit light for the 54R cartridge.

    • @MarvinCZ
      @MarvinCZ 6 лет назад +1

      My friend who served in the Czech military confirmed that as well. They were only fired in short bursts partly for this reason.
      It could probably be improved with some spring / bolt tuning but it is what it is.

    • @petesheppard1709
      @petesheppard1709 6 лет назад

      I was at an indoor range, with the bipod set on a rather flimsy waist-high shelf. Having to bend down to get behind the gun didn't help either. I was aiming at a torso target about 15yd downrange, and kept to short bursts also; I was afraid I'd shoot up the whole range if I held the trigger down, it bounced so badly.
      STILL, it was a hoot! I'll have to stash some boxes of ammo in case it comes out again! ;)

  • @Batmack
    @Batmack 6 лет назад

    I was an MG3 gunner, regarding the MG42 vs M240B, the need for ammo is not inherently higher. While the cyclic rate of fire is higher, it is more to increase the chances to hit point targets given the short time interval in wich they are exposed, pretty much the same advantage the M4s have over the StG44, not unlike skeet shooting. However, the sustained RoF is around the same if you are going for area supression, 3-5 round bursts.
    Some user friendly advantages of the M240 wich would tip the balance on its favor would be a better barrel change, better sights, disintegrating links, and probably easier to keep working mechanically, at the cost of that cyclic and weight.

  • @scooter041031
    @scooter041031 6 лет назад

    Doggo's face for the first min. is priceless! Also funny how he's always coming over to Ian more than Karl he knows who'll give the attention.

    @CATASTEROID934 6 лет назад +7

    I'll just mention that there's a bill currently before parliament that outlines the ban of lever-release rifles under the term "self-unloaders" as well as .50 BMG rifles and bigger or anything capable of delivering over 10000 foot-pounds or 13600 joules despite the vast majority of owners of big bores using pretty light ball ammo as everything else falls under section 5 essentially banning all non-rimfire lever releases, this doesn't impact large smoothbores but autoloading cannon of any kind may well be affected by this bill which paints a gloomy picture for preserved vehicles which for the most part exist in museums or licensed collections. It's not like anything above the 10k foot-pound limit was particularly easy to obtain (even less so now the bobbies involved in providing variations on your certificate don't seem happy providing one for anything punchier than .300 win mag these days) or actually use since the ranges are few and far between and other people legally can't use your big bore rifle or ammunition unless it's on their certificate too which is a real bastard owing to the lengthy deep state vetting and constant police monitoring involved in the process which has already reduced big bore shooting as a sport to about the safest state it could be already which I imagine the fifty calibre shooting club has already made quite clear to the MPs on the committee for the bill.
    Oh yeah it bans bump stock ownership too for some reason despite the lack of semi-autos to use them with if that tells you anything.
    (I used the UK Shooting News' 15/7/18 post as a source; ukshootingnews.wordpress.com/2018/07/15/offensive-weapons-bill-seeks-lever-release-and-50-cal-ban/)

    • @paulmanson253
      @paulmanson253 6 лет назад +1

      Caleb Howes Do a complete stranger a favour would you ? Keep us posted on the outcome of this legislation. I remember being appalled to find out the UK had banned pistols. I used to go shooting once a week at Bisley when I lived in London. The relentless peripheral pressure on what seems issues few even in the shooting sports care about tells me that this is conscious choice to remove things that are just not used in crime. Thus penalizing those who do law abiding things that others disagree with.
      Circle and circle,nibbling away and then take away the last of what is left. Not happy with that. Cheers.

      @CATASTEROID934 6 лет назад

      I'll keep an eye out, some of this stems from the theft of a .50 BMG rifle with it's bolt that was recovered not too long after which probably spurred this typical knee-jerk reaction.

  • @CountArtha
    @CountArtha 6 лет назад

    The coolest thing about Danner is that they'll re-manufacture your boots for free. I knew a couple of infantry officers in the Marine Corps who had owned the same "Boot of Theseus" for years that they sent back to the factory after each deployment. I still wear Bellevilles, though - they're cheaper and seem to be just as durable, so it's hard to justify the upgrade.

  • @OsomoMojoFreak
    @OsomoMojoFreak 6 лет назад +11

    Speaking of the P90, it'd be really cool to see a video on the Five-seveN!

    • @thomasa5619
      @thomasa5619 6 лет назад +1

      OsomoMojoFreak i don’t get it, it’s basically a 22magnum

    • @nekoghostgunner1129
      @nekoghostgunner1129 6 лет назад +1

      Thomas A The primary practical reason for the Five-seveN over a 22 mag handgun is relatively high penetration ability for a pistol. Most people have them just because they're kind of unique, though

    • @OsomoMojoFreak
      @OsomoMojoFreak 6 лет назад

      In an actual military setting having a sidearm that can get through kevlar seems kinda useful at least.

    • @nekoghostgunner1129
      @nekoghostgunner1129 6 лет назад

      OsomoMojoFreak It could be useful in a civi setting as well. In a self defense situation, it won't matter if an attacker has body armor up to IIIA, cause the Five-seveN can penetrate that. The main downside to it of course, is the cost of the handgun, which is why I will probably never get one

  • @jantschierschky3461
    @jantschierschky3461 6 лет назад +9

    I still wonder why you think a MG 42 is an ammo waster ? I am trained on the MG 3 (1200) and for comparison MG 3 (600) I used less ammo with the 1200 rpm. Same experience with M60 and Saw. . There is a reason the German army prefers the 1200 rpm. I hear that they think to beef up the MG 4 because at 600 rpm it fired too slow in some situation in Afghanistan and continue the training on 3-5 round burst.

    • @ericmckinley5777
      @ericmckinley5777 6 лет назад +2

      Very interesting. I would like to know more.

    • @jantschierschky3461
      @jantschierschky3461 6 лет назад

      what you like to know ?

    • @ericmckinley5777
      @ericmckinley5777 6 лет назад +7

      Was it in Bundeswehr service? Do you switch between 1200 and 600 with a heavier bolt? I am interested in MG doctrine. I'm interested to know what sort of drill they had you complete successfully where a high rate of fire was more useful- so was it long range silhouettes, an area target, etc?

    • @commando552
      @commando552 6 лет назад +1

      You switch the rate of fire by putting in a heavier bolt and by fitting a heavier friction-ring spring buffer. I don't think they were so much swapped out as a choice, rather that some countries decided the rate of fire was too high. I think that it was originally developed by Beretta for the Austrian MG 74 and was also used in the Italian MG 42/59.
      The thing with machine guns is that one of their main purposes is the suppress the enemy. To do that, you really want a lower a rate of fire whilst still having a suppression effect in order that you can keep up that effect for the longest possible period without reloading. If you wanted to suppress the enemy for the same duration of time with an MG42 as something with a slower rate of fire you would have to fire in shorter duration bursts with longer gaps between bursts, which would basically mean more time when the enemy would feel that they are not being shot at and they will try and shoot back or move.

    • @toomanyaccounts
      @toomanyaccounts 6 лет назад

      mg42 had a too high rate of fire meaning it chewed through each belt in record time causing the gun to not only have to be reloaded but the barrel changed. US troops got trained to listen to when such change times occured and to advance during that time. a slower rate of fire would mean less belts and barrels that would need to be changed and more time to gun down enemy troops.

  • @Picolinni
    @Picolinni 6 лет назад

    On the MG-42. From listening to family members who used it in combat, the doctrine called for the two to be fired while the remaining four infantry members just refilled spent belts. Caring that much ammo is simplified by the reducing the ammo carried for their rifles. Another relative of mine from Australian service carried 200 rounds readily available to him while my German relative only carried 50 rounds. Ammo box design allowed for carrying multiple boxes of loose rounds to be reloaded into belts. As for weight, it's the military, they don't care about that.

  • @gz7006
    @gz7006 6 лет назад +10

    Oh boys, it's a two parter. Strap in.
    Also, sorry, but you forgot the timestamps in the description.

  • @alexandruianu8432
    @alexandruianu8432 6 лет назад

    38:00 - Given that there was already a tendency towards 8-10mm black powder rounds, I think that would have continued into compressed black powder 9mm becoming the average. I don't see why rimless rounds development wouldn't have continued since there were vertical magazine systems that worked well in BP, and until the eventual invention of smokeless we'd see more development of recoil systems (short and long). Maybe the firs smokeless SLR and LMG would be short recoil.

  • @ArtyTheta
    @ArtyTheta 6 лет назад +27

    Doggo wants to get pet so bad

  • @RTJsims
    @RTJsims 6 лет назад

    @InRangeTV , first off, you guys are awesome. never change. As a fellow left handed shooter, i agree with everything that ian said about a right eject AR upper. I would, however like to add one thing. I own and have shot both right and left eject AR15. my personal rifle is left eject for comfort. there is a marked elimination of cycling gas to the face with my left eject rifle than with my right eject rifle. maybe its just how i shoot, or that sometimes i am relegated to indoor shooting for the most part, but i find that a left eject rifle fits me better. that being said, there is a reason that i also maintain right eject guns... and they are all the things that Ian stated.

  • @LonnieSatter
    @LonnieSatter 6 лет назад +2

    I'm glad that Karl considered NM. Its a great state but AZ does have much more gun friendly laws than NM. Either way, Both of these southwestern states are amazing for Gun guys and gals compared to the rest of the states.

  • @pffear
    @pffear 6 лет назад

    Hi guys, love the show....
    As far as owning MG's when I was in Az. I joined an indoor range called
    (Shooters World) where members could rent MG's by the hourly rate of
    $30 hr (30 years ago) but it gave me a fairly large selection to choose from to have a little fun at a reasonable cost without the BATF hassles.

  • @axlplayer14
    @axlplayer14 6 лет назад

    For ban state option you should consider the fixed mag ar. There are so many ways around the system to make it viable.

  • @CS-xm3be
    @CS-xm3be 6 лет назад

    I completely agree about using competition to increase shooting skill. It's hard to find ranges where you can have enough room/flexibility to setup for 'dynamic tactical training'. I have a decent amount of flexibility at the range I shoot at, but it is still fairly 'sterile' - i.e. it's my setup so I know what to expect and when to expect it before I even shoot it. I started to shoot at a local 2-gun last year and while the course/range rules are not 'realistic'...there is absolutely no question that the induced stress of the competition and nature of shooting a stage I did not setup myself in a very dynamic environment has paid off immensely in my gun handling. I don't use the competition as a 'tactics trainer', I use it as a means to test my gear setup, gun handling, target transition, weapon transition, etc. in a 'one chance to get it right' environment. Not to mention....it's also a ton of fun.

  • @darthhodges
    @darthhodges 5 лет назад

    As for non permissive firearm ideas had the kali-key come out by this time? It replaced the gas key and charging handle on an AR BCG turning it into, effectively, a straight pull bolt action.

  • @annak2597
    @annak2597 6 лет назад

    Q&A videos are always my favorite.

  • @danirizary6926
    @danirizary6926 6 лет назад

    @11:40 This description of the Red Jacket Suppressor could equally apply to the Red Jacket business...

  • @sebastianhabel7312
    @sebastianhabel7312 6 лет назад

    I think repeaters that look like an AR 15 are actually pretty cool, especially if you cannot get a semiautomatic centerfire rifle. They look cool and you can use Ar mags, triggers, stocks and so on. So you get a cool looking very modular and ergonomic straight pull bolt or pump action rifle. Nothing bad about it for someone who is into repeaters.

  • @danieljennerman7549
    @danieljennerman7549 6 лет назад

    On the topic of left VS. right handed ARs, as a lefty myself, I find the standard "right handed" controls on the AR perfectly fine for my use. Granted, I don't shoot against the clock so I'm giving up split seconds of reaction time. Other than that, the standard AR is perfectly functional for a left handed individual.

  • @kangah807
    @kangah807 6 лет назад

    Danners great! Bought a pair in Portland couple years back.

  • @caseybrown5183
    @caseybrown5183 6 лет назад

    Agree with .308 vs 5.56 assessment. Best answer is to have a WWSD AR AND a G3 clone with Spuhr stock located where their relative merits dictate.
    I would add that a .308 battle rifle also requires a reasonably strong user to be run effectively.

  • @Sreven199
    @Sreven199 3 года назад

    2018 Ian: "I really don't want to run a revolver in a match"
    2021 Ian: *honhonhons in MR73*

  • @iekm1996
    @iekm1996 6 лет назад

    On the topic of the most practical banned state rifle please take a look at Massachusetts firearm laws. As a mass resident the firearm laws are some of the strictest now in the country and it seems that most people in the US gun community are unaware of this. With this being said I would be very interested in seeing a series about this. I would think the mini 14, SKS, hi point carbine (optionally with the new high tower armory chassis), and maybe the SCR rifle.

  • @dwightehowell8179
    @dwightehowell8179 6 лет назад +2

    Ion did mention the problem that concerned me. Nobody is shooting back and people don't take cover.

  • @nate_thealbatross
    @nate_thealbatross 6 лет назад +1

    5.56mm vs .308 is a silly debate for two reasons. If I was stranded in Northern Minnesota I'd want the .308 for moose, bear and shooting through light underbrush. If I was stranded in Arizona I'd want a lighter round like 5.56mm because there aren't any megafauna. Heck in Arizona 5.56mm is probably too big for a lot of small game. However, if I had a 5.56mm in the Minnesota wilderness or a .308 in the desert both work just fine. If I have a rifle in either caliber I'd be fine. Of course, if I could only take one gun it would be a 12 gauge so I could use slugs, buckshot, birdshot. I'm not saying you can't hunt ducks or grouse with 5.56mm, but a shotgun is better for rabbits, squirrels, and birds. It also works great for opening doors.

  • @TheR0B0sauce
    @TheR0B0sauce 6 лет назад

    For a SHTF scenario, I would argue that a full powered cartridge may not be optimal due to the likelyhood of dismounted travel leading to weight and bulk concerns when carrying said cartridge on your person. I personally would choose to carry a 5.56 gun because I would really hate to lug around a 7.62 beast all day, and would prefer to carry water and food in place of ammo. End rant.

  • @MarvinCZ
    @MarvinCZ 6 лет назад

    Another point regarding the "modern infantry unit" transported back to 1944: Body armor.
    If your modern troops wear Level III or IV armor, they have a decent chance of resisting an otherwise incapacitating hit.

    • @MarvinCZ
      @MarvinCZ 6 лет назад

      Most of the WWII casualties were from artillery in general. The point of this mental exercise was comparison on a small unit level in a "tactical" battle, so most artillery is out of the equation. Perhaps some small mortars would remain. That's a small fraction of the casualty-producing potential of "artillery".
      About shrapnel - it is just a different projectile and body armor does help against shrapnel significantly. Obviously not 100% but then again it doesn't help against bullets 100%. It's still a significant advantage over unprotected troops.

  • @sethp5876
    @sethp5876 6 лет назад

    Salomon mid height boots are a good choice if you're not used to wearing anything other than sneakers

  • @djohnson1981
    @djohnson1981 6 лет назад

    Gotta disagree on black powder development. We'd already seen military flintlocks start at 80 cal or larger and work down to 58 or 54 cal. Brass cartridge guns had then pushed that down to 45 and 40 cal.
    I think there would have been further caliber reduction as metal forming technology made bottleneck cases easier to make. Bottleneck cases also give better chamber sealing, helping with the fouling issue. Gas operated guns probably wouldn't have happened, but I could see development of recoil operated guns, at which time the rimless case would have happened as well as box mags.

  • @ZAKW42
    @ZAKW42 6 лет назад

    For the question at 32 minutes, I live in Az also, long empty spaces with pockets of close quarters: my experience says you'll meet other people in a vehicle, not on foot. Found a AR-10 style rifle and a compact AR-15 style PISTOL(sbr would be nice but oh well) serves me best.

  • @nuance2317
    @nuance2317 6 лет назад

    Re revolvers in competition, perhaps a time bonus? While I’m certainly in favor of a hi cap semi-auto pistol as a combat weapon, not sure of the need in civilian life. An exception being the zombie issue.
    Jeff, who often practices with, and sometimes carries, a 5 round 3” barreled .357, just cause...

  • @keithlarsen7557
    @keithlarsen7557 6 лет назад

    I'd like a full auto 22LR, with a rate reducer that can be turned on or off so it can shoot 2000 rounds a minute or 6-800 a minute.

  • @bretcalvin1534
    @bretcalvin1534 6 лет назад +1

    I bought some jackboots from Varusteleka I was well satisfied.

  • @kurtbergh
    @kurtbergh 6 лет назад +9

    Speaking about what shoes you guys use in matches, l noticed you're also wearing shoes in this video. l know some Americans wear shoes at home and some don't, but l would've guessed that in a hot place like Arizona you'd be happy to let your sweaty feet breath? Why do you have shoes? l'm Finnish and it doesn't make any sense to me.

    • @ericmckinley5777
      @ericmckinley5777 6 лет назад +1

      I don't, and to me it's just as weird as it is to you, but here is my best shot at explanation. You clean your house anyway, so a little more dirt is no problem, and you probably don't have carpet. Also we tolerate heat better here. I wear pants all year and I wear long sleeve shirts, hat, and shemagh working outside in 35C weather. No sunburn, scrapes, or other injuries is better than a little more evaporation.

    • @paulmanson253
      @paulmanson253 6 лет назад +3

      Eric McKinley Great Uncle Bert was born in 1890. Bought a farm in NY State in spring 1929,somehow survived the Great Depression. Wore fairly heavy clothing such as you describe in 90 deg F, 90% relative humidity with not a cloud in the sky. Looking at him during lunch and seeing the difference between a lifetime of sun exposure on his hands and part of his face,and that which stayed covered,there are perfectly valid reasons for taking lots of water and accepting the sweat.
      By the way,a capful of peppermint oil or some lemon juice in a storage container of ice water stops cramps from drinking really cold water,or lots of water. Well worth knowing on a really hot day. One of many things taught to me when I was a 15 year old kid. There is no substitute for a lifetime of experience. Cheers.

    • @ericmckinley5777
      @ericmckinley5777 6 лет назад

      That's exactly how I feel about it! Thanks for the tip. I will definitely use it!

  • @erikosmundson832
    @erikosmundson832 6 лет назад

    I see that Chartreuse box in the back. I can't decide if I like the stuff or hate it. Like drinking an herb garden!

  • @staguar
    @staguar 6 лет назад

    Have y'all ever considered doing an Evolution of Combat Boots video similar to the helmet video you did in the past?

  • @Blobertbigly
    @Blobertbigly 6 лет назад

    What video features you guys shooting a nagant revolver in a match, i would like to see it!

  • @StevePlegge
    @StevePlegge 6 лет назад +75


  • @iranash1797
    @iranash1797 6 лет назад

    For the modern vs ww2, don't forget non-weaponry stuff like armour, medical equipment, comms, optics, and camo

  • @user-xq4cl4fq4z
    @user-xq4cl4fq4z 6 лет назад

    Maybe y'all could try some WW1 officer's guns, like the Colt 1903 or Ruby in a match along with bolt actions or whatever it is. Seeing how little .32 acp pistols work would be cool.

  • @Strawberry92fs
    @Strawberry92fs 6 лет назад

    Do you guys have a video on that m11a1 with the Lage upper? I thought I remembered seeing one, but a simple youtube search isn't helping me too much.

  • @sablewolfx7
    @sablewolfx7 6 лет назад

    American modern unit vs WWII German unit - the biggest factor not mentioned would be the rest of the soldiers' kit. Modern American units carry NODs everywhere, wear body armor, and would have multiple grenade launchers in the squad.

  • @rachtblaster
    @rachtblaster 5 лет назад

    Karl wher you ever on a red jacket episode when you got your suppresser

  • @Sssaaatttuuurrrnnn
    @Sssaaatttuuurrrnnn 6 лет назад +12

    What's the doggo's name?

  • @bitchfacedmgee7433
    @bitchfacedmgee7433 6 лет назад

    you got the uk gun law thing wrong by the way, he was not referring to semi to bolt action conversions, he was talking about mars action, or manually activated release system, its strange, but you pull the trigger, fire the gun, bolt goes back, pull the trigger to release the bolt, and then pull the trigger again to fire, it is a fairly effective loophole for uk gun law, which i hate, i do like in the uk btw, also their are level release they put on AR platform guns where you have to release the bolt by flipping a tiny lever that is near the fire selector, pull the trigger, fire, flip the lever down to release the bolt, fire, they are not bolt action but they are also not semi auto.

  • @olddirtbiker5088
    @olddirtbiker5088 6 лет назад

    Having lived in Tucson for 25 years, Arizona does NOT have a good climate unless you consider 100 days over 100 degrees good. From March to October it's too hot to mountain bike with your dog. If you enjoy sweating, southern Arizona is for you. You can only get so naked. It's a lot easier to put on a jacket to deal with a cooler climate, like southern Colorado where I moved to. My dogs agree.

  • @douglasshouganai2516
    @douglasshouganai2516 3 года назад

    owning a PS90, i want a better trigger. with a much improved trigger, i'd miss full auto less.

  • @rifles_up2263
    @rifles_up2263 5 лет назад

    These could be 3hrs long and still not boring

  • @MrSzundaraj
    @MrSzundaraj 5 лет назад

    5.7 ammo is not potent? So you against small fast bullet(for handgun/smg) or some got value?

  • @dbmail545
    @dbmail545 6 лет назад

    Karl, doesn't your AK74 with the KNS adjustable gas piston qualify as a "constant recoil" system. I have my 5.45 VEPR equipped with one for use with a suppressor and it seems to be a CR system.

    • @atticuswise6076
      @atticuswise6076 6 лет назад

      dbmail545 Does the bolt and op-rod contact the rear of the receiver to come to a stop?

    • @dbmail545
      @dbmail545 6 лет назад

      Atticus Wise on a properly gassed AK it won't come closer than 1cm to the rear of the receiver. My tuned gun the BCG comes back just far enough to eject the spent case. About 2cm from contact with the receiver.

  • @Agent96006
    @Agent96006 6 лет назад

    Hi Karl, what would your opinion be on a firearm using a electric pulse to set off the primer instead of a firing pin?

    • @mytmousemalibu
      @mytmousemalibu 6 лет назад +1

      Yup, that idea has come to pass already. Apart from elaborate R&D lab guns and "future weapons", electronic ignition is really only used in some military applications. For small arms and the general public, its the answer to a question nobody is asking for. The Etronix if I recall correctly was flavored to be the answer for all-weather reliability in poor conditions and enhanced safety with a key needed to turn on the electronic ignition system. It eas also passed off as given the user a fully tunable trigger simce it was not mechanically linked to the action and the electronic ignition was faster firing than a mechanical system. None of that was significant enough to justify the whole concept or the expensive ammo.

  • @thetobaccoguy1751
    @thetobaccoguy1751 3 года назад

    Think suppressors are worth it. For full power rifle, no. For sub guns, PCC's, and .22's, they're a blast. I love my .22 can.

  • @JohnSmith-bf1sq
    @JohnSmith-bf1sq 6 лет назад

    Ian and Carl for interupted action ARs check out the Southern Gun Company

  • @jbspencer77
    @jbspencer77 6 лет назад

    How about this for a terrible 2 gun choice... Cobray terminator with slugs and Medusa revolver with a hobo bag of random ammo?

  • @Mn-yh2bp
    @Mn-yh2bp 6 лет назад

    You don’t actually know what he’s talking about the liver release action weapons. You’re right then in England they have bolt action ARs and things like that, but what I’ve also seen is an AR where every time you you fire the weapon the bolt locks back and you have to hit the bolt release which stops it from being semi auto. They also move the boat early so it sits right where the safety used to say it directly under your thumb so you can hit it with a very very quickly.

  • @alexandruianu8432
    @alexandruianu8432 6 лет назад

    You keep saying that the 5.7 is less effective in semi auto, but data from the Fort Hood shooting shows that it's remarkably effective as a pistol caliber (especially if it hits bone), even when used in a pistol (FiveseveN).

    • @jeanniebuchholz9923
      @jeanniebuchholz9923 6 лет назад +1

      Alexandru Ianu. I don't have access to a P90 to compare it to but, with such little recoil and a fast trigger finger I believe a "burst" of 3-5 rounds on target can be achieved in semi-automatic with a PS90 relatively fast. I'd like to see a deep dive video on it.

  • @lukedealberdi3713
    @lukedealberdi3713 6 лет назад

    It's always surprised me as a fellow Francophile that Ian wears Danners and not Le Chameau Condors. Should give them a try, really nice high end boots.

  • @jayzenitram9621
    @jayzenitram9621 6 лет назад +46

    Suppressors are like weed in a way: some people only get interested in them because they are "illicit". If they became unrestricted, a lot of people would go "meh".

    • @TheAlexagius
      @TheAlexagius 6 лет назад +11

      Weed doesn't let you hunt without without hearing protection, the fudds may actually embrace suppressors as they do in europe.

    • @joedonnelly387
      @joedonnelly387 6 лет назад +2

      Alex Agius wellllll, neither does weed stop you doing that, go ahead my good friend

    • @gonzo_the_great1675
      @gonzo_the_great1675 6 лет назад +2

      One thing that we do have right bin the UK firearms law. You have to justify each item, to get permission to posess it. And for suppressors, you just say that it is for hearing protection, or to avoid getting noise complaints, or to be able to shoot more rabbits. Easy.

    • @OrangeAmped
      @OrangeAmped 6 лет назад

      I would own many of them if there was no NFA. The legal barriers, tax, and wait time keeps the cost of entry high and accessibility low.

    • @toomanyaccounts
      @toomanyaccounts 6 лет назад

      2 million can transfers are being done each year. the companies making cans are seeing record business and the atf is raking in tons of revenue. if anything the atf would love the hughes amendment being gotten rid of and another amnesty.

  • @joelwalmsley7217
    @joelwalmsley7217 6 лет назад

    Don't be afraid of long videos guys

  • @Red-yt2dk
    @Red-yt2dk 6 лет назад

    "A lot of people out there collect weird anomalous stuff
    *tugs sheepishly on collar*

  • @bush_wookie_9606
    @bush_wookie_9606 6 лет назад

    Pretty sure in the uk you are not allowed a pump action centre fire style rifle, alot of people have a ar platform with a bolt action style upper

  • @ES90344
    @ES90344 6 лет назад

    On the topic of run and gun competition being negative to LEO's. I can see where they're coming from, especially with everything you guys mentioned. I think Pat McNamara's term "institutional inbreeding" can be applied to 2 and 3 gun matches. Things like dumping your pistol on a stage instead of holstering when transitioning to a long gun, only firing 2-3rds on a target, maintaining the 180 etc are things that can get a LEO killed IRL if they don't receive real life training outside of 2 and 3 gun matches to break bad habits. The problem at hand is that, as you mentioned, most LEO don't shoot outside of the couple times a year they have to qual and rarely get tactical level training due to man power shortages, lack of money for training etc. Matches can be a positive if approached the right way however they can also build bad habits.

  • @denizenlocale3441
    @denizenlocale3441 6 лет назад +3

    I suppose a .22 LR suppressor on a rifle like a 10/22 would be worth it because it would take a nearly hearing safe gun to a very hearing safe gun. Neighbor safe vermin dispatcher.

  • @ulysisxtr
    @ulysisxtr 6 лет назад

    How good is a mateba semiauto single action unicorn revolver?

  • @DarkWizard83
    @DarkWizard83 6 лет назад

    So which are the cuter gun channel pets - Ian's dog, or Mishaco's cats?

  • @pledgegamer
    @pledgegamer 6 лет назад

    If you would like, I could send you a pic of the most effictive ban state rifle. I believe I have already built it. I am also making a budget light weight WWSD inspired ban state rifle for my wife since my rifle is too heavy for her. Mostly due to the 39oz non-threaded barrel.

  • @Darkplasm919
    @Darkplasm919 6 лет назад

    Love these videos

  • @samhouston1288
    @samhouston1288 6 лет назад

    As far as NFA stuff goes, I'm really only interested in SBRs. The full autos are expensive to shoot, and stupidly expensive to buy in the first place. An M16 for example is around $16,000+ last time I checked. How many historical firearms could I buy instead? I could have a VERY respectable collection of WWI and WWII rifles and handguns, or a glorified AR-15 that will only get shot occasionally because ammo is expensive and I don't want to spend hours reloading my own ammo just so I can burn it all up in 5 minutes. Suppressors as stated don't really do much unless you shoot subsonic ammo. Outside of .22, 45 acp, downloaded 9mm, and MAYBE 300 blk, what use are they? You just make the gun slightly quieter, for the price of $700 plus $200 for the tax stamp. If you can get the price down to $300-$400 total, then that might peak my interest.

  • @JoeyJoJoJoestarJuniorShabadoo
    @JoeyJoJoJoestarJuniorShabadoo 6 лет назад

    There are .22lr uzis out there for $400 that look really fun.

  • @ozthegreater9320
    @ozthegreater9320 6 лет назад +1

    I loved the Jurassic Park reference

  • @burnsboysaresoldiers
    @burnsboysaresoldiers 6 лет назад

    Tonthe gentleman wondering about British interrupted semi autos. Semi auto rimfire rifles are compliant with British law. Get a ar-15 type rifle in .22magnum or 17wsm 👍🏻

  • @Aurora4804
    @Aurora4804 4 года назад

    The question regarding black powder cartridge bore size is itself misleading.
    While today 45cal may be considered "big bore" in the 1860s even as large as 58cal was considered "small bore" and while different places and people will have varying opinions in general 68cal was the cut off between "big bore" and "small bore".
    So in the span of 50 years when the world moved from 58-70+caliber muzzleloaders to 45caliber breech loaders by their own standards they had in fact moved to small bore cartridges.
    FURTHERMORE the 45-70 as an example only has a 70gr black powder charge. Where as most muzzle loading powder charges in the preceding centuries had been 100gr or more.
    By the standards of someone born in 1800 living into the 1880s they would have seen a similar "down grade" in standard small arms power as someone born in 1900 may have experienced in their lifetime. There are certain trends that seem to carry on throughout time and this is one of them IMO.

  • @LeFeuauxpoudres
    @LeFeuauxpoudres 6 лет назад

    No timeline to find questions :/

  • @SilentNight1647
    @SilentNight1647 6 лет назад

    Not going to lie I like the third party of the QA, reminds me of my hound.

  • @DonziGT230
    @DonziGT230 6 лет назад

    I assumed that the choice for Arizona was because it's the best state for gun lovers.

  • @markneblett2777
    @markneblett2777 6 лет назад

    Suppressors: so I still have some hearing left after setting off a couple rounds inside the house during a home defense event.

  • @4991Ares
    @4991Ares 6 лет назад

    I disagree with your opinion on the development plateau that would happen without smokeless powder. Swiss colonel Rubin pioneered the use of small-bore, compressed black powder rifles, and they would have seen widespread use if smokeless powder hadn't been invented. It might postpone development of something like the Mauser 1898 and Maxim gun for a decade, maybe two, but we'd probably still see WW1 play out largely the same as long as smokeless gets invented before 1900. Maybe with a few more second-line compressed black powder rifles though.