Wednesday's Practice Report, Keeanu Benton Calls In | SNR Drive | Pittsburgh Steelers

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 29

  • @koreycain7263
    @koreycain7263 12 часов назад +3

    That 94/95 def was something for sure 🙌🏼

    • @tomcarey5156
      @tomcarey5156 3 часа назад

      Those were the good old days they had an elite Defense. They had Dick Lebeau as the defensive coordinator he was the master mind architect behind the zone blitz defense that started in Pittsburgh and ended up changing the game.

  • @littlegio4376
    @littlegio4376 9 часов назад +1

    I’m eating spicy ass ramen watching this right now 🙏🏽 appreciate you guys.

  • @jenais65
    @jenais65 10 часов назад +1

    Here we go Steelers here we go

  • @tonymarsiglia1371
    @tonymarsiglia1371 11 часов назад +3

    Benton calls in at 36:21

    @HANKMAINS 12 часов назад +1

    Come on Steelers! On that grind

  • @Letstalkaboutthisnow
    @Letstalkaboutthisnow 12 часов назад +1

    I saw the steel curtain appearing 😶‍🌫️ Golden

  • @koreycain7263
    @koreycain7263 12 часов назад

    I really hope they win this game, this way they can rest guys for KC then they play first half of cincy game 🙏🙏

  • @klove5765
    @klove5765 5 часов назад

    Matt & Dale why the heavy TE obvious run sets that need perfect blocking, why not take defenders out with wide sets

  • @Burgher1605
    @Burgher1605 12 часов назад +1

    Who ride!?!!! ♠️

    • @1sellout39
      @1sellout39 7 часов назад +1

      WE RIDE !!!++LETS GO

    • @jameslee8519
      @jameslee8519 6 часов назад +1

      We Ride let's get go it

  • @1sellout39
    @1sellout39 7 часов назад

    I need Pickens!!!!!

  • @tomcarey5156
    @tomcarey5156 3 часа назад +1

    Was watching the Super Bowl when Russell played against Brady in the Super Bowl what I noticed was Russell started off the game slow didn’t throw a single completion til mid way through the second quarter but when he got traction he took over the game lost a heart breaker. He seems like he was slow getting started wasn’t until, he got a few completions until he gained traction it seems like he needs a few plays to build up his confidence. Maybe setting up Russell with some confidence building short high percentage passes to get him going early.

    @SPIIIVA 11 часов назад +1

    Step 1. Win at Baltimore
    Step 2. Deactivate Watt, Heyward, Highsmith, Queen, Minkah, Pickens and Wilson until the playoffs.

  • @StillersMX
    @StillersMX 11 часов назад +1

    As I see it, just do or die this week, who cares about the rest if they win Saturday in Baltimore.

    • @kaiduncombe188
      @kaiduncombe188 2 часа назад +1

      Well you don’t want the 4 seed and play Baltimore again in the 1st round. You wanna keep the 3 seed or move into the 2 seed and play Denver or LAC. So I would rest guys only if you win and Houston loses on Saturday.

    • @StillersMX
      @StillersMX 48 минут назад +1

      @kaiduncombe188 3rd seed is realistic, I don't see how Buffalo isn't the 2nd.

    • @kaiduncombe188
      @kaiduncombe188 25 минут назад +1

      @@StillersMX I don’t disagree with you. I’m just saying that you would prefer the 2nd or 3rd seed.

  • @johnnamorton6744
    @johnnamorton6744 10 часов назад

    Pickens and Feilds are not needed til Christmas...
    I could tell Watt and hayward to take Sat. off.
    Roberts is a must start,
    Allen could start this game and Bozwell will still win it

  • @123biggame
    @123biggame 10 часов назад

    I was disappointed in Najee, fumbling the ball in the red zone when the team really needed a score!! Hopefully he bounces back this week..

    • @klove5765
      @klove5765 5 часов назад

      If it was a bag with a Million Dollars in it you think he would've caught it

  • @BradEvergreen
    @BradEvergreen 21 минуту назад

    Minkah is very far away from pro bowl this year 😂

  • @This2That1
    @This2That1 11 часов назад

    Nearly 90 minutes ? Too long dudes ! Not listening !

    • @bluespotter1429
      @bluespotter1429 11 часов назад

      You fr?

    • @SPIIIVA
      @SPIIIVA 10 часов назад

      LOL your ADHD is showing

    • @chewyreagle964
      @chewyreagle964 10 часов назад

      Go watch your 20 min. Videos of reporters asking questions and players saying "execution" .

    • @RoninGaijin
      @RoninGaijin 8 часов назад

      That's a personal problem... My guy

    • @theperennialgoat5226
      @theperennialgoat5226 7 часов назад

      You don’t have to watch it all?