I beat this very level on February 20th, 2022, this level would begin a journey that I never thought would even occur. From beating Tetris to going all the way and perfecting Cube, this was the level that kickstarted my journey. With my completion of the 50th level, The Sea on January 7th, 2023, it pushed Deep Space off my personal Top 10 Hardest Levels that I completed. May you personally Rest In Peace, Deep Space, my Top 10 will miss you… And thank YOU, Deep Space, for pushing my skills to levels I wouldn’t dream to achieve in a million years. (2/20/2022 - 1/7/2023)
This game was deleted in playstore, and i have troubled finding it until i remembered the name of the level ive had to go through much suffering. I missed this game, though its literally my childhood game.
Una verdadera tragedia que ya no este disponible para Android. Me habia comprado la version de bolas infinitas. Deje de jugar un tiempo y al regresar veo que ya no estaba disponible en la PlayStore
Me acuerdo cuando esto era tan dificil que paso una semana desde que salio y solo como 15 personas lo habian pasado, aun asi en esa semana llegue a un 67% No se como hice eso a mis 8 años cuando hoy me alegra sacar un 3/5 xD
Veo que muchos extrañamos los viejos tiempos :')
Can you talk english
Wich language do you speak??😕
He speaks Spanish. He's from Peru.
Si mucho/yes a lot
He speaking spanish
It took 3 hours of pain and agony, but i finally beat it
Congrats!! :)
Idk how maybe luck but I was able to complete this perfectly IN 1 SHOT but never was able to do it again ever :/
While i was stuck at 0:56 for 3 days but im making progress
And naw i quitted- imma stick wkth castle in the sky 👁👄👁
1:48 hardest gem of the level
not hard but risky
Its so annoying every time.
So painfull
This soundtrack is so legendary
0:41 the gem now on this part is a falling gem
1:48 is my fave part
I Used To Be Able To Do This Back When The Game Was Still Great...
Deep Space
Deep Space
Deep space
Deep space
Deep Space
The music is so cool
Yes and nostalgic
Like e-labyrinth
It’s called “Where’s the Rum Gone?!?!?” By F-777. Maybe listen to it, it’s pretty good.
Imagine if you hear this music when Aliens start invading
Then I would just dance
أفتقده وهو حنين للغاية
1:58 is my favorite part
1:03 through 1:31 is the best part of the song
If you pause at 1:40 that is where I died at because the hit box for me is big so I got hit...
I bet those rapid side-to-side moves were a pain in the booty
Y’all remember when It went like Relics , Poker , Castle In The Sky and then Deep Space
starts at 0:16
Deep space aka the "you will destroy eardrums level"
Who likes the soundtrack of this level because I do
Where's the rum gone is the name.
@@eleClan It’s a remixed version.
I beat this very level on February 20th, 2022, this level would begin a journey that I never thought would even occur.
From beating Tetris to going all the way and perfecting Cube, this was the level that kickstarted my journey.
With my completion of the 50th level, The Sea on January 7th, 2023, it pushed Deep Space off my personal Top 10 Hardest Levels that I completed.
May you personally Rest In Peace, Deep Space, my Top 10 will miss you…
And thank YOU, Deep Space, for pushing my skills to levels I wouldn’t dream to achieve in a million years.
(2/20/2022 - 1/7/2023)
i beat it february 20th 2023 lol
@@randomvids5883 Oh, nice! To honor the 1 Year Anniversary of my completion of Deep Space, I rebeat it.
just beat it yesterday
I beated november 21st 2022
My phone begging for not throw to floor when i play this level
Deep Space (Dj Montenegro Remix)
Cheetah Mobile, Vanth Corinesa, Dj Montenegro
This level breaking my fingers, so much zig zag grr im 18/20 gems
@@prince_bk 19.999999999999/20
@@coolawesomeboiyt707 where is that balance gem?
Me who try to complete it without any gem: 🗿👌
You'll complete the recent levels?
Yes!! I'll upload in these days all my videos ;)
i miss this game so much, r.i.p rolling sky
But rolling sky is back!!!
especial where is the rum gone
How do u disable the iternal sound?
Go to Settings and you’ll see SFX. Then turn it off
0:35 my favorite part
Name:deep space
Between:geometry (rolling sky fan made guias) and new year chines(dancing line
best beat in all levels
Wow great job where you from
Rolling sky level 13 deep space
How do you do widescreen?
Whos here in 2024?
Just beat it , its really fun when you finally have the skills to beat it 🙃
@@toxic_destroyer265 true
I struggled so much to make my video on this level look good lol I played it over and over for hours again
Wow that's cool and amazing🤩😍😍😍
0:18 - 2:33 is my favourite part
This game is my childhood sadly got removed from play store ;_;
You can still download it from tap tap or other websites.
I play rs on android and I can't access the new level (level 53)
Start: Nice song good beat 3% i’m going to end this man’s whole career PAST ORIGINAL RECOGNITION
I have been grinding this level for 6 YEARS as a jump from… 8-bits. My record is 82% and I got there 73 times
What a shame. After 82%, it gets easier, trust me.
@@holymeto9981 Well I beat it two months ago after 2 fails past 90% I think :D
Que es genial ese juego
El nivel mas espacial que eh visto
I played since there were only 7 levels, this was the last one I beat when it came out 😔
This game was deleted in playstore, and i have troubled finding it until i remembered the name of the level ive had to go through much suffering. I missed this game, though its literally my childhood game.
It’s only available in iOS
@@cracker9877 its removed in android cause they say its cause is ad fraud or whatsoever
eres el mejor de universo
Angela Cruz Hola
Me gusta Roger Sky
como se llama la musica de la intro para buscar
This level took 20 hours to beat💀
Hardest level I passed. It's painful.
Hardest i passed is midnight carnival, I find it terrifyingly hard
hardest level I have passed is happy birthday :D
My is e labyrinth
I passed it but I would say it isn’t as hard as I expected it to be
Onde você baixou esse rolling sky
Great music
your skill is higher than the deep space
Una verdadera tragedia que ya no este disponible para Android. Me habia comprado la version de bolas infinitas. Deje de jugar un tiempo y al regresar veo que ya no estaba disponible en la PlayStore
Pero hay apk
Hooooooooo ere muuuuuyyyyyyy bueno
rolling sky at 35% i die in this game for 0:56
Mi primo ve estos videos y nunca gana pero ya que los vio pudo ganar y los ve todo el dia todos los dias
This is one the easiest 5 star lvls
G: 1:43
Level cleared👍
the music do be a bop tho
Rolling sky level 13 deep space again
i used to vibe so hard to deep space wtf
The Ball in Deep Space should be Cyan, not Orange.
Deep space bros
My first five star level :>
This level is cursed.
Because this level doesn't had a bonus level
I’m pretty sure there were no bonus levels until 1 up.
someone knew that this music from F-777 (Where's The Rum Gone)
It took me 10 hours to do this... so I asked my sis for help but I had to do it😂😂✋ then I finally beat it omg-
Name: deep space gems: 20 crowns: 0 mystery box: no difficulty: 5
Me acuerdo cuando esto era tan dificil que paso una semana desde que salio y solo como 15 personas lo habian pasado, aun asi en esa semana llegue a un 67%
No se como hice eso a mis 8 años cuando hoy me alegra sacar un 3/5 xD
yo me lo pase, estuve como un mes viciando como un enfermo en las clases
I like this level! My highscore is 50% 12/20 gems
Thats really cool mine is 16 :
Mine is 36 with a few revives
Mine is 100% with 16/20 gem
Mine is 47%
Me apareció hoy en "desafíos" y lo superé como en 30 minutos, gracias a este vidéo XD
999+ shields 0:15 lol
Man I bet it and it was a week of pain full gameplay and I got stuck on 81% but I used a shied and it worked
That song sounds like it was made by F-777
It is
like GD easy demon
dang . i only pass 79%
I tried beating it....
*My Hands Hurt So Bad*
With the help of Pro RS YT Players i completed Deep Space with several revives :)
Your a legend
Thx 😉
Ye no prob i cant even beat deep space
Space legend
No one:
Idk how but after beating 3rd birthday I can beat any levels easily ._.
Tired fingers?
4 years have passed, I haven't beat this level, I'm still stuck at 72% (╥﹏╥)
Im stuck in 81%
I fluked this level from 5% to 37%
My hardest level is City.
so hard :'v
Я тоже так умею
Last Hardest Hours
me who cant even beat this level
Deep space is so so so so so so so easy I dint die even once
Says no one ever
yesss 😙😙😙👍👍👍
I died at 80% and I got 18 gems and I using pumpkin skin and 1 try’s and I am 9 years old. Call me da daredevil.😂😂😂😂😂
lol I can do unique ways
You got copyrighted :(