Children's liturgy is a novelty in the Novus Ordo. While superficially, it may seem a good idea, the fact of the matter is that children when they grow up are left with the impression that Mass is for kids, not for grown-ups so they no longer go. One apostolate in England notes that prior to Vatican II 80% of Catholic school-leavers remained practising. For decades this is more like 3% and I would further suggest that those grown-ups attending children's liturgy are not fulfilling the Sunday obligation.
Children's liturgy is a novelty in the Novus Ordo. While superficially, it may seem a good idea, the fact of the matter is that children when they grow up are left with the impression that Mass is for kids, not for grown-ups so they no longer go. One apostolate in England notes that prior to Vatican II 80% of Catholic school-leavers remained practising. For decades this is more like 3% and I would further suggest that those grown-ups attending children's liturgy are not fulfilling the Sunday obligation.