DLC is confirmed for Pokken tournament, including Darkrai and Empoleon. So a Pokken 2 would be pointless, but maybe it will be on the switch when it comes out.
Before: People whining over nintendo doing weird shit, like motion and touch controls. Now: People whining over nintendo NOT doing weird shit, like VR.
No one can make everyone happy. The system could print out $20 bills and people would complain that the serial numbers are not in sequential order. (Or if they were, someone would complain that they weren't)
Not really. Obviously I played them at friends houses and enjoyed them, but never owned the console. I kept hold of my SNES for quite some time. Lost interest in gaming for a bit (was a young teenager and more interested in girls and metal). The next console I bought was a Dreamcast.
+juho mäensivu because NVIDIA!!!! we are looking any where from XB1 performance if it is using a Maxwell GPU, to more powerful than the PS4 if it is using a Pascal GPU.
The Tegra Series uses its own cores and an arm a15 quad core. Imagine about anywhere from a ps3 to xb1 its a rebooted shield tablet with in built controllers forums.geforce.com/default/topic/880188/shield-android-tv/specs-amp-performance-shield-tv-vs-xbox-360/ The original specs we do not know the core but it will be more powerful
motion control is a gimmick. useless tablet (cough WiiU cough) is a gimmick. 2 in 1 console is not a gimmick. Nintendo can't fight Sony and Microsoft in their own league. Seriously, mainstream users won't buy Nintendo console over PS4/X1 even if it was beefy. I mean think about it, typical CoD/Battlefield/FIFA player pick a Nintendo console just because it can run those games? Answer is no.
***** innovation is taking something that already exists and improving upon/expanding it, gimmick is coming up with a different way of achieving the same result that ends up getting in the way so no, the switch mechanic is not a gimmick
Rage Vanover Touch screen doesnt kill the battery and it's useful for games like Mario Maker... Could you imagine having to place every block with a grid and a cursor? Wouldn't work without a touch screen... Granted, its all speculation. Touchscreen would be useless when its on a TV though because it is on the dock....
Rage Vanover Adding touch to a screen doesn't make it lose any more battery than a normal screen... Screens drain battery. Just because it's a touch screen doesnt mean its going to drain batterys like crazy.
Yeah, of course it is, this isn't your your bias, all these reviewers who praised it and said it's great to experience games in (virtual) reality are just laying! Support one platform! Only one company does things right, other technologies are shit, nothing in between, yeah!
Ice Climber How the hell is VR gimmick? Only people who haven't tried a true VR headset will say that. I understand some people don't like VR, but to say it's a gimmick is pure ignorance.
I loved mine -- it's just a pain to look at the low resolution after getting so used to modern tablets and iPhones (which, with a good game controller like the gamevice, comes very close to competing and even surpassing the 3DS Catelog) .. Nintendo still had the slight edge with it's unbeatable classic IP . The Switch looks to cure that fault completely -- even if it's only 720p , it's good enough -- maybe even BETTER if it translates to longer battery life .
1. I don't care about touch screen and grubby fingerprints all over my screen 2. I don't care about VR, its a rich person's hobby, I'll save my money for good games.
+Larry Coetzee I agree with the VR part, and true that the screen would be dirty from fingerprints and stuff, but I do sort of like the touch screen, since it's NINTENDO
I'm sorry, but let me shoot these "two things it doesn't" down. A: VR is an (expensive) gimmick I'm not willing to fork over cash for (and I know I'm not the only one). This device however did catch my interest. And if you look back at the past of console gaming, it's more safe to bet money on the Switch than on VR gaming's success (even if only for the price tag). Though I'm probably biased on this and we should probably first see what games are going to be released for it. Because the Vita already told us in the past: "Tech doesn't sell consoles; games do". B: Also, this not having touch? You honestly don't believe that yourself, do you? Both the Wiiu and 3DS had a touch screen. Every tablet and and smartphone has a touch screen. This not having a touch screen would not make sense, and would be suicide if Nintendo wants to intrude the tablet market. The reason the people in the trailer did not use the screen was because these people were probably looking at empty screens to begin with during filming. It's a clever marketing trick to only "paste" game footage later on, after the rest of the trailer is made. It helps the developers to finish footage for this trailer without compromising on development.
+MaJuV it better have Call of Duty and tons of other M-rated games like the DS Lite! I feel burned by the 3DS only having Resident Evil Mercenaries and Resident Evil Revelations as exclusives, with Remasters of Moon and Dementium (which I already had on DS Lite).
if you need M-rated games to feel like a system is good, are you sure your a real gamer? back in the day, M-rated games didnt even exist cus the tech wasnt good enough AND the ESRB didnt exist either...but people still thought gaming was pretty damn fun! even teenagers and younger adults! people need to stop looking at gaming, and especially as if "m-rated games are required" because they arent and pretending they are only showcases the biggest problem in the gaming industry - perception the SNES was a really amazing system back in the day and it did NOT thrive because of M-rated games, and it DID have its fair share of them! but back then, gaming wasnt dictated by this system of perception that it is nowadays which has ruined many game genres also CoD can kiss my ass...go play a real FPS game, not that rehashed-yearly regurgitated garbage thats also destroying the FPS genre the FPS genre used to thrive on diversity, but nowadays everyones trying to clone CoD which is going to be a disaster in the long-term, cus eventually everyones gonna get tired of CoD (its actually started happening already if you look at sales numbers for the last few CoD games, they have NOT been performing very well in the last 2 installments) but whats gonna happen in the FPS genre when suddenly 95% of people are sick of CoD and want something different for once? and we have a market so over-saturated with CoD and CoD Ripoffs that developers dont know how to MAKE anything else? your gonna have a situation where the market is gonna stagnate and go to shit, and interest in the genre is gonna go to shit along with it
Lavos2007 i was introduced to gaming on PC and GBA, so i didn't have any of the "terrible graphics" systems. did i play any M rated games then? no, i was 8 and it would be irresponsible to do so. then i got the DS Lite in 2006, i was blown away by the graphics, Animal Crossing Wild World, Race Driver Create and Race, Mario Kart DS, all beautiful games... but it wasn't until MOON that i was introduced to videogames as a Deep Intriguing STORY! from then on i have been addicted to First Person Shooters! i don't want to scroll through attack menus in Role Playing Games, i want to be in the ACTION!!! 1. i know that when i pick up a First Person Shooter, i am going to get a story! 2. is A collection of mini-games fun? it can be. is it something i will spend a lot of time on? no, it has no story! 3. are racing games fun? yes, if it has pretty graphics, good handling, great track designs. 4. are tower defense games fun? no, i don't like waiting. 5. are side scrolling beat em up fun? no, no story, generally bland graphics, 2D boringness. 6. are 2D platforming games fun? no. i have not played a single one i liked. 7. are turn based role playing games fun? no, i hate menus and waiting! 8. am i a "true gamer"? NO! you can take your old school and shove it! i want 3D environments and save points! i want games like Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Resistance Fall of Man, Bioshock, Dead Space, BLACK, ARMA 2, Far Cry 2&3, Lost Planet 1&2, Resident Evil 4&5, Monster Hunter Tri, Mad World, Red Steel 1&2, Conduit 1&2, Blazing Angles Squadrons of WW2, Top Gun (DS), F.E.A.R., Tomb Raider (2013), Just Cause 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Kill Zone 2, Portal, Crysis, Resistance Retribution, Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow, Pursuit Force Extreme Justice, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1&2, Red Faction Guerrilla, Battlefield 3, Destroy All Humans Big Willy Unleashed, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem, Shadows of the Damned, No More Heroes, ATV Offroad Fury Blazin Trails, Gran Turismo 5, Wipeout Pulse, Excite Truck, Test Drive Unlimited, Trackmania... and all the FPS and racing games i have already mentioned for DS Lite. special mention for Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, perhaps the most fun game ever! do i have ANY other games? yes. a bunch of educational/learning games, Animal Crossing PG WW CF NL, Endless Ocean Blue World, Skylanders Spyros Adventure, Flower Sun and Rain, MYST, Guitar Hero World Tour & On Tour, Elite Beat Agents, Super Mario 64 DS, Adventure Time Hey Ice King Why'd You Steal Our Garbage, and Metal Gear Solid (the only "classic" game i have ever been interested in enough to finish). i buy ALOT of games, 90%+ would be considered "ultra violent". but the most important part is the STORY! Uncharted Drake's Fortune is THE REASON i wanted a PS3, until you have played that game, you might as well be living in the dark! the graphics and story are SO FAR BEYOND any other game of 7th gen! i have the 3DS as stated before, i bought it because i expected the thriving FPS scene of the DS Lite, i have bought Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate... so THE ONLY REASON for Wii U is Bayonetta! that is the only Exclusive that the Wii U has that mature audiences have any interest in. the children who grew up with Nintendo are now adults and still want to play Nintendo, but all the games they want that they can now legally purchase by themselves are ONLY ON OTHER SYSTEMS! i can't buy a Wii U for just ONE GAME! it doesn't even have a proper Animal Crossing! M-rated, Story-driven games are required, that is why the Wii U failed! because it only had 1 exclusive! that and they killed backwards compatibility when they shut down the Wii and DS servers. and of course no Blu-ray player. to say there are any games on the DS Lite that are better than the First Person Shooters is simply wrong! the shooters had amazing storys! the story of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 on the DS put the console version to shame! MOON will stomp any other game on the DS in the story, game play, and graphics department! Seriously, name a better game on the DS Lite! there aren't any that come anywhere close to MOON in story or graphics! gameplay is very subjective... but as far as shooters go, it is super tight and totally on point, it even used the Rumble Pak for the DS!
Trainboy1EJR you really dont know FPS games as a genre do you? and actually RPG games are the ones known for story...and M-rated FPS games usually have little to no story... look im not tryin to hate on your age and when you got into gaming, but you clearly dont have a good grasp on the topic, nor do you know the history of the genre which is limiting your perspective, now im not entirely blaming you for that either, clearly you were too young at the time and missed alot of outstanding FPS games, but at least your parents were doing their best to be responsible which is actually a good thing when i say "the good old days" regarding FPS, im not necessarily referring to ones that didnt have story, but rather those that were action-packed and the story was a secondary objective if you want story, thats what RPGs and other genres are for, FPS games, much like Fighting games, traditionally dont have much for story, thats not their strong point, never was but does that mean old FPS games like the Mechwarrior series (while not entirely FPS as the later entries had optional 3rd-person view) Half Life series, the Unreal Tournament series, most of the Quake series, Doom series, AVP (no not the crappy 2010 " AVP1 remake" game or Colonial Marines, those were terrible games, im talking AVP1 and 2, on PC, which were before your time if i follow your logic correctly) were bad series? of course not! pretty much all the series i just named got their start in the 1990s and most of them had at least 2 or 3 games in their series for many people who love FPS games and grew up playing them, those are some of the best series that ever existed and alot of these people have become disheartened with the state of the genre in recent years where its just clone after clone of CoD and games straying from that are few and far between look, ive played most of the games you mentioned, ive been gaming since approximately mid-1992, ive been around the block, played on most of the systems that were around both during and since i started without series like AVP, UT and to an extent Doom you likely wouldnt have CoD because AVP and UT are the 2 franchises that really made the FPS genre mainstream especially in the late 90s with internet multiplayer being new technology at the time which really let the games shine, they embodied what people loved about the genre, fast frenetic action with danger lurking around every corner, got your adrenaline pumping and made your brain work in autopilot mode by "think fast or die", thats what FPS gaming was all about, there was no regenerating health or plasma shields or anything crazy, which made the games all the more intense cus any hits you took didnt just go away after 15 or 20 seconds,
Lavos2007 but the question remains... have you played MOON on the DS Lite? have you played MW3 on console and on DS Lite? MOON is the best game on DS Lite, play it and you'll agree! MW3 on console is just a copy of Black Ops revenge nonsense, MW3 on DS is actually Call of Duty! not all games I listed are M-rated first person shooters, I had a mix of 3rd person shooter and racing games rated 13+, I was listing the games I liked. RPG are boring, scroll through menu, fight animation, repeat 100x, cutscene... i'd rather just watch it as a movie. Lost Planet 2 is a game I would say is Perfect, beautiful cutscenes, lots of different weapons, amazing battles, some really amazing level design, 4 person campaign co-op. I guess i'm just not Hardcore enough to enjoy your "blink and die" titles. sometimes I just want to enjoy a game without going back to the beginning if I die! have I played anything 8th gen? no, the only games of interest are Uncharted 4 and Bayonetta 2. no other games have peaked my interest enough to consider buying a new system. going from 720p 30fps to 1080p 30fps is not a big enough improvement. DOOM 2016 does look like it will be fun, but I would want it on PC, that way I can enjoy it in 4K! Black Site Area 51 and Singularity are perhaps the most generic Sci-fi FPS games ever made, do they have high replay value? no. do they have an interesting story and adequate gameplay? yes. shooters and racing games are all that I consider to be fun. is my gaming library diverse, no, because I only like shooters and racing games, with an occasional minigame like Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, and a Sumulator? like Animal Crossing because I fail to understand what friendship is in real life. oh, and Microsoft Train Simulator 1, that was so much fun! I like trains... but Train Simulators aren't a Console thing. and speaking of fun, I only watch action-comedy anime! I don't want that drama nonsense, I just want glorified violence! perhaps it is too simple of me to think pretty graphics, violence, and a story is all it takes to make a game fun... then again, i'm happy playing these games, and you clearly aren't! i'm glad to be as simple as I am, if it means I get to enjoy as many games as I do!
Look at this guy thinking they aren't going to make it self-destruct after x amount of months, like everyone seems to be doing with phones now. Also someone is going to make a (seemingly) better console at some point anyway.
I honestly think that VR today is like 3D displays from 5 years ago. It is flashy and cool in a display setting but the average consumer isn't going to spend the money to buy it, and those that do will hardly use it. As far as the touch screen goes, I suspect the Switch has one but it will mostly be used for navigating menus and might be used for mini-games.
HappySqrl very true I'm one of those that spent $1500 on a 3D Samsung smart tv 4 years ago,and I have only used the 3D feature like 5 times I know because i only have 5 3D movies,if Nintendo plays their cards right and it looks they will and price the switch competitively Sony and Xbox will have a worthy competitor from Nintendo.
I will kill myself if it has Twitch connectivity; that would be amazing but it will never happen. Nintendo just doesn’t bother getting on the same wavelength as hardcore gamers.
what does the scd do we still do not know heck they patent it an still have not used it and nintendo said they will o vr when they can make it safe to use for long game play.
"please Nintendo no more gimmicks" "what? no VR?" VR is far more of a gimmick than anything Nintendo has ever done, and due to ludicrously prohibitive costs, will fail hard.
there's a difference between Nintendo making a console that RELIES on a gimmick, and a console that is only COMPATIBLE with a gimmicky device that a lot of companies are investing money into and lots of people are buying.
So wait ... Using cartridges is a bad thing because they are small and can be lost? Um... You can't exactly carry around a bunch of full sized optical discs. Isn't this actually a good thing that you can carry so many around with you?
Indeed. It's done pretty often, to prevent glare and reflections and such.. This was a concept preview to show what the system is and what it can do. The footage is filler and a few teases of upcoming content and support.
Honestly I actually like the Wii's console design. It's fairly slick and the verticality of the console is reminiscent of the PS2 which could be stood up.
I feel like this is going to be Nintendo's magnum opus, and they won't top it for years to come. There's a lot of hate surrounding this console due to the incredibly improbable scenarios in the reveal trailer but let's be honest, this thing is going to sell like HOT CAKES and when a lot of people have it, you're going to see a lot more impromptu gaming happening. This has far-reaching implications, as it could mean that games that take full advantage of the platform will be designed with spontaneity in mind - for one, thanks to the use of cartridges you're going to see quick loading times - and second, barrier-to-entry is going to literally go out of style. The most successful games for this platform that take advantage of the Joy-Cons in "SNES mode" will be designed to be able to just be picked up and played with little to no player training. At the same time it can handle more sophisticated games, satisfying 3rd party devs who just want to port their game to the system and get those extra sales, while also making users who don't want to have to own 3 gaming systems happy. On top of it, it's a sexy handheld with a gigantic screen that can play EITHER type of game! And here's the most mind-blowing part. Technically, IT CAN BE UPGRADED. For much cheaper than it would be to buy a new console. You'd only have to buy the latest version of "meat" of the taco i.e. the tablet. You can't deny that Nintendo is going to become very rich off of this. So long as the game lineup doesn't suck.
The Switch Snap they constantly use for the logo is ridiculously catchy. Just something about how it does a slight echo or reverb effect clicks with me.
Finally Nintendo got it right. It has the feeling of the Gamecube days with friends over playing Mario Party and having a lot of fun (as well as fighting). Such sweet nostalgia.
Also touchscreens are more annoying than helpful during actual gameplay. That has been my experience anyway. It just feels like the developers put those elements in there to be "different"
Well I remember the WiiU presentation featuring support from EA and many other 3rd parties but we know how bad it went, so I'll wait until June 2017 to really believe its getting a strong game library with plenty from in house and 3rd party support.
A few split seconds in at 4:25 you see the person pointing the controller down. Is this because there's going to be a infrared line like the retron 3 had ? Would we have to keep the controller in line ?
And with this the rumors of NX/Switch having no physical media have thankfully been laid to rest. Good, this means that it will actually be worth looking forward to.
I honestly haven't paid much attention to any rumors, just waited for official information/confirmation. That one came right with the first rumors of it existing at all, though, so a bit hard to miss.
Marek Lilleleht Yeah, I don't pay attention to any rumors about the Switch either. Nintendo pretty much proved that they learned with the sampling/list of developers working on the Switch. It's on Twitter though.
If they did do vr it would probably be through a upgrade to the docking station. I don't imagine a way that it could be portable friendly, but due to the modular design switching out the dock might be a good way to upgrade the home experience, and good business for Nintendo, being able to sell optional updates like that.
My gosh, this made me realize, the Switch CAN handle VR just because of the way it works. All they gotta do is make a headset to hold it in front of your eyes, and hey presto, VR on the Switch!
wait wait wait! by thinking about it, the VR! if you can remove the controllers on the console itself and put it inside a helmet like that keep the screen forward to you and uses the function like a real headset for VR and the little controllers could be like the motion controllers.. who knows? might be truuuee :OOOO we'll need to see but yeah its a possibility
Solartic Fair enough. Though I tend not to compare it to the Gamecube controller since the button layout is different and Nintendo itself chose a different layout for Wii and Wii U.
Eurogamer had a convention at the NEC in Birmingham, this had tons of cheaper VR. If we want VR, we'll go to conventions and gaming museums for it. Thanks Eurogamer
Hey, I never said they were good ;) Still, considering Nintendo have made a big thing of both touchscreens and motion controls, sticking with them despite some criticism, it's quite something to not see either here
The Splatoon scenes looked like Gyro-Control-based. Which is very good because most Splatoon gamer use this control style. And I also don't want to play a shooter with slow imprecise analog sticks. The combination of analog stick for bigger/wider movements and gyro for quicker and more precise movements/aiming is the best way to play those games on consoles. And about the touchscreen (what i said in another comment): It has to have touchscreen. Otherwise say goodbye to games like Mario Maker, to the possibility of playing the Nintendo mobile games (no matter if you are interested in them or not, it's a way for Nintendo to make money), the possibility of playing Hearthstone, the possibility of quickly choosing options on menu screens or typing names. Also: A tablet-like device that has no touchscreen? I don't think so. And to think touchscreen and "core" would block each other - to be honest - that's just bullshit. Using the touchscreen would not be mandatory.
1. I own a switch and it has multi-touch, which is an upgrade from the 3ds and wiiU.2. Motion controls on some games for the camera for it take use of that and it does VR pretty well.
TylerWildX so was motion controls. the difference here is that you either need a beefy af pc or a current gen console, plus the actual space to use it. it is gonna die, the only question is when
Right now, I think it's smarter to not have VR on your console. The technology is too new, and it's way too clunky and annoying to use. Nintendo did motion controls first with the Wii, but the fact that they're sitting out on the VR Wars means they can focus more on making connections to 3rd party developers and building a better online functionality. I think the best thing from the trailer was that four people were playing NBA against one another on teams and there seemed to be no wifi connection involved whatsoever. That means you can meet up with people on the go and face them in battle or even play a campaign cooperatively without needing wifi. If that's not the coolest shit ever I don't know what is.
Tbh I think that the NBA players in the trailer were in fact using Wi-fi for the consoles to communicate, likely in their own localized console to console zone only, it would be the best choice for multiplayer gaming on the go. Unless Nintendo adds a communication cable, similar to old game boys, for those finicky people who want as little lag as possible.
Nintendo actually has a functionality that they've been using with the 3DS where if one person has a copy of the game and other people have a 3DS nearby, they can all play together. One game that has this function is Mario Kart 7. That means that they could bring this functionality to the Switch since it's a portable console, and you can play co-op campaigns and stuff with your friends even if they don't have the game.
the intro video's main aim is to showcase the controller and dock concept. everything else is secondary. The game screens are probably superimposed, it'll be tough to simulate touchscreen where the actors have to pretend they're interacting with menus and on-screen buttons.
VR? Who cares. Myomoto said until VR can be enjoyed by the whole family, they'll be no VR. I think there are some surprises though that we'll hear about later.
Vr is not even necessary because the technology is not at the point where you can make full games for Vr and there probably is a touch screen for menus
Well someone probably pointed this out, but the switch does have Multi Touch, meaning there is touch screen. Also, when not using the game pad, you can use a remote as a Pointer to the tv
TopOfAllWorlds My point is that it needs to be roughly on par with the other two consoles otherwise it could affect third party support, remember the Wii U? that was supposed to have lots of third party support too.
well power was a factor but the architecture was also what ruined third party support for wii u. it was more difficult to port games to the wii u and more costly to do so compared to xbox one and ps4. however the switch is said to be very easy to port games to and rumored to be around the strength of xbox one.
VermillionCain Wii U WANTED third party support... For months a ton of 3rd party developers have been extremely giddy for the switch.... If you look it up, a ton of 3rd party developers claimed the NX made them excited... The Wii U didn't raise any eyebrows however.... But developers are excited to work with Nintendo on this one because this time it's not a gimmick... This could change the future of gaming in general... Entirely HD, AAA games can essentially be in your pocket... Sure its not going to be AS powerful as the ps4 or xbone even.... But that doesnt matter when all the games on it are portable to literally anywhere you go.
This is pretty cool, let's hope it doesn't get downgraded. The wiiu controller was supposedly able to bring in the car, on the go and you can't even take it downstairs without disconnecting.
Xoreign 3 hours life time for a laptop in 2016 is not fine mate. Also the Switch has a shorter battery time than the psp who has roughly 5 hours. And a Gaming laptop in general should have about 6-7 Hours.
Xoreign I don't know what computers you are looking at but those are NOT 2016 models not even 2015.. And seeing how Nintendo switch is coming out 2017, comparing them to a 2016 model laptop is your best choice. and most (if not some cheap shit laptop) will have 6-7 even 8-10 hours if you go high end.
I had a recent thought. Given how bad my 3DS's battery life is, will the Switch be able to charge when you are on the go via a charge cable or something like that? I recently had a very long train journey (22 hours one way, then 22 hours back a few days later). I was able to survive the trip because trains have outlets to plug things into now. (Yes, I could have flown but I hate flying and avoid it whenever possible. It was worth the extra travel time to avoid motion sickness and the TSA. Also, it was a hell of a lot more comfortable.) If the Switch does not have the ability to charge without the dock, I'd find myself bored pretty damn quick, plus lugging what appears to be a fairly fragile looking handheld around (note: protective cases? It looks like they'll be necessary, but tedious as they'l have to constantly be taken on and off). And the 3 hour battery life I've heard rumored does not inspire confidence. Especially as tablets have a longer battery life and often are running far more programs in the background.
I really doubt that Switch won't have a touch screen; it's been a Nintendo staple for the past decade and it would be crazy to a have a tablet-like device without it. In all likelihood, it was left out of the trailer so that the message could stay focused on what makes the Switch unique.
UPDATE: Nintendo won't actually say if there's a touch screen or not, so it might not even be finalised, also nobody touched the seen in the video because the images on the screen are simulated ...
i can see many people thought nintendo is the first to create this idea"console quality games on the go" but they completely forgot about the ps vita. killzone mercenary,uncharted golden abbyys,assasins creed 3 and gravity rush proved that sony was the first to create this idea but failed to execute it to the public
It does have a touchscreen, 10 point touchscreen to be specific, it's just that nintendo knows that we're tired of gimmicky control methods and decided to showcase the games using joysticks and buttons.
one question, where does the joycon controllers would fit a battery and for how long it will endure? will they be capable of work for as long as the console itself?
I think the fact that it is not a touchscreen is a guess too because you know how they release a bunch of trailers for things now a days? Well they could come out with a second trailer showing the touchscreen. Still I don't think they will personally.
It seems like a lot of third parties were interested in the GameCube, Wii, and Wii U as well at first (an almost complete reversal of the N64 which seemed to have actually gained third party support later on), so how can we be sure all this third party support won't diminish quickly like it did on Nintendo's last three consoles?
They didn't promote it, but ppl have said that the screen is multi-touch pressure sensitive, which makes it superior in touch capability to the 3ds and the Wii U, also the switch design seems ready made for one of those smartphone receiver type VR headsets, since it's already designed to slide in and dock to a base-station connecting it to TVs.
a)Just because they didn't use a touch screen in the trailer doesn't mean it doesn't have one. b) Low end VR would certainly be possible...albeit around the quality of the Oculus DK1. Slot the console into a headset for mobile like VR (with the bonus of a wireless controller per hand already included).
technically, super smash bros is pretty competitive too
And Pokkén Tournament (Pokkén 2 for the Switch, with more characters and game modes?)
DLC is confirmed for Pokken tournament, including Darkrai and Empoleon. So a Pokken 2 would be pointless, but maybe it will be on the switch when it comes out.
pokkén is nothing compared to the smash
I don't know, Pokkén *is* Tekken, which is a pretty big, competitive fighter
TopHatter4243 ._. splatoon players aren't rapists/wifebeaters
Before: People whining over nintendo doing weird shit, like motion and touch controls.
Now: People whining over nintendo NOT doing weird shit, like VR.
No one can make everyone happy. The system could print out $20 bills and people would complain that the serial numbers are not in sequential order. (Or if they were, someone would complain that they weren't)
@Liam Wenzlaff I'd complain that hyperinflation has ruined the economy :P
Kurai D'edman FR people hate gimmicky stuff and now that they finally do something normal they get mad!! some people just hate everything nintendo :/
nintendo did do VR but it was shitty due to the technology at the time
That is because VR is not gimmicky.
I wanted Playstation VR but I'd rather save my money for the new Nintendo system.
Jose Martinez same here. And if NS turns out to be crap, the PSVR should be cheaper by that time
Krzysztof Bobkowski is not fucken going to be ass it's going to be fine as wine
Good choice, PS4VR is overpriced shit anyway. I was considering getting PS4 Pro for it though until *this* beautiful thing was revealed
good choice, so far VR is still overrated/overpriced...
VR is still in its infancy right now. You have nothing but simple demo games for it, so wait a few years before getting into VR.
This is the first Nintendo console I've had any interest in since the SNES.
Not really. Obviously I played them at friends houses and enjoyed them, but never owned the console.
I kept hold of my SNES for quite some time. Lost interest in gaming for a bit (was a young teenager and more interested in girls and metal). The next console I bought was a Dreamcast.
how can the tablet run thoese big games
oh damn
+juho mäensivu because NVIDIA!!!! we are looking any where from XB1 performance if it is using a Maxwell GPU, to more powerful than the PS4 if it is using a Pascal GPU.
The Tegra Series uses its own cores and an arm a15 quad core.
Imagine about anywhere from a ps3 to xb1
its a rebooted shield tablet with in built controllers
The original specs
we do not know the core but it will be more powerful
>it won't do vr
This is a good thing, it means Nintendo has given up on gimmicks
***** you people seem to like getting "gimmick" and "innovation" mixed up
motion control is a gimmick. useless tablet (cough WiiU cough) is a gimmick. 2 in 1 console is not a gimmick.
Nintendo can't fight Sony and Microsoft in their own league. Seriously, mainstream users won't buy Nintendo console over PS4/X1 even if it was beefy. I mean think about it, typical CoD/Battlefield/FIFA player pick a Nintendo console just because it can run those games? Answer is no.
I'm not the only one!!!
***** innovation is taking something that already exists and improving upon/expanding it, gimmick is coming up with a different way of achieving the same result that ends up getting in the way
so no, the switch mechanic is not a gimmick
+SonicSP it is far to early for VR to be innovative.
"No touchscreen" good riddance:
1. Kills battery
2. Calls for more parts--bigger system
3. There's no dual-screen--not necessary
Only the 3ds makes touchscreen work.
Rage Vanover Touch screen doesnt kill the battery and it's useful for games like Mario Maker... Could you imagine having to place every block with a grid and a cursor? Wouldn't work without a touch screen... Granted, its all speculation. Touchscreen would be useless when its on a TV though because it is on the dock....
TheLegendOfLame "Doesn't" kill the battery? 😒
Rage Vanover Adding touch to a screen doesn't make it lose any more battery than a normal screen... Screens drain battery. Just because it's a touch screen doesnt mean its going to drain batterys like crazy.
daniyal sidiki No information based on the games that will be available for the console has been disclosed yet.
VR is gimmick, and one Nintendo has been burned by before.They will not go into it at all.
Above all on consoles, that are barely able to play standard games.
Yeah, of course it is, this isn't your your bias, all these reviewers who praised it and said it's great to experience games in (virtual) reality are just laying! Support one platform! Only one company does things right, other technologies are shit, nothing in between, yeah!
Calm down console fanboy
Ice Climber How the hell is VR gimmick? Only people who haven't tried a true VR headset will say that. I understand some people don't like VR, but to say it's a gimmick is pure ignorance.
Won't say it when VR gets mastered by developers and becomes a better/more immersive way to play
I skipped the wiiu and 3ds, and I am damn ready to play some Nintendo again. I can't wait for launch, I'm buying one for sure.
3ds was the shit, you shoulda got it
Yeah, I have no excuses.
I loved mine -- it's just a pain to look at the low resolution after getting so used to modern tablets and iPhones (which, with a good game controller like the gamevice, comes very close to competing and even surpassing the 3DS Catelog) .. Nintendo still had the slight edge with it's unbeatable classic IP . The Switch looks to cure that fault completely -- even if it's only 720p , it's good enough -- maybe even BETTER if it translates to longer battery life .
the 3ds is a quality purchase, but the wii u was a disappointment
The Boone The 3DS was great and still is. You missed out man
1. I don't care about touch screen and grubby fingerprints all over my screen
2. I don't care about VR, its a rich person's hobby, I'll save my money for good games.
Larry Coetzee because a touch screen could NEVER come in use...
Larry Coetzee I always wanna try VR but it's too expensive so I'm like FUCK IT!
Nintendo already made a VR device. About 20 years ago
What's my name? it's so fucking fun
+Larry Coetzee
I agree with the VR part, and true that the screen would be dirty from fingerprints and stuff, but I do sort of like the touch screen, since it's NINTENDO
I'm sorry, but let me shoot these "two things it doesn't" down.
A: VR is an (expensive) gimmick I'm not willing to fork over cash for (and I know I'm not the only one). This device however did catch my interest. And if you look back at the past of console gaming, it's more safe to bet money on the Switch than on VR gaming's success (even if only for the price tag).
Though I'm probably biased on this and we should probably first see what games are going to be released for it. Because the Vita already told us in the past: "Tech doesn't sell consoles; games do".
B: Also, this not having touch? You honestly don't believe that yourself, do you? Both the Wiiu and 3DS had a touch screen. Every tablet and and smartphone has a touch screen. This not having a touch screen would not make sense, and would be suicide if Nintendo wants to intrude the tablet market.
The reason the people in the trailer did not use the screen was because these people were probably looking at empty screens to begin with during filming. It's a clever marketing trick to only "paste" game footage later on, after the rest of the trailer is made. It helps the developers to finish footage for this trailer without compromising on development.
+MaJuV it better have Call of Duty and tons of other M-rated games like the DS Lite! I feel burned by the 3DS only having Resident Evil Mercenaries and Resident Evil Revelations as exclusives, with Remasters of Moon and Dementium (which I already had on DS Lite).
if you need M-rated games to feel like a system is good, are you sure your a real gamer?
back in the day, M-rated games didnt even exist cus the tech wasnt good enough AND the ESRB didnt exist either...but people still thought gaming was pretty damn fun! even teenagers and younger adults!
people need to stop looking at gaming, and especially as if "m-rated games are required" because they arent
and pretending they are only showcases the biggest problem in the gaming industry - perception
the SNES was a really amazing system back in the day and it did NOT thrive because of M-rated games, and it DID have its fair share of them!
but back then, gaming wasnt dictated by this system of perception that it is nowadays which has ruined many game genres
also CoD can kiss my ass...go play a real FPS game, not that rehashed-yearly regurgitated garbage thats also destroying the FPS genre
the FPS genre used to thrive on diversity, but nowadays everyones trying to clone CoD which is going to be a disaster in the long-term, cus eventually everyones gonna get tired of CoD (its actually started happening already if you look at sales numbers for the last few CoD games, they have NOT been performing very well in the last 2 installments)
but whats gonna happen in the FPS genre when suddenly 95% of people are sick of CoD and want something different for once? and we have a market so over-saturated with CoD and CoD Ripoffs that developers dont know how to MAKE anything else? your gonna have a situation where the market is gonna stagnate and go to shit, and interest in the genre is gonna go to shit along with it
Lavos2007 i was introduced to gaming on PC and GBA, so i didn't have any of the "terrible graphics" systems. did i play any M rated games then? no, i was 8 and it would be irresponsible to do so. then i got the DS Lite in 2006, i was blown away by the graphics, Animal Crossing Wild World, Race Driver Create and Race, Mario Kart DS, all beautiful games... but it wasn't until MOON that i was introduced to videogames as a Deep Intriguing STORY! from then on i have been addicted to First Person Shooters! i don't want to scroll through attack menus in Role Playing Games, i want to be in the ACTION!!!
1. i know that when i pick up a First Person Shooter, i am going to get a story!
2. is A collection of mini-games fun? it can be. is it something i will spend a lot of time on? no, it has no story!
3. are racing games fun? yes, if it has pretty graphics, good handling, great track designs.
4. are tower defense games fun? no, i don't like waiting.
5. are side scrolling beat em up fun? no, no story, generally bland graphics, 2D boringness.
6. are 2D platforming games fun? no. i have not played a single one i liked.
7. are turn based role playing games fun? no, i hate menus and waiting!
8. am i a "true gamer"? NO! you can take your old school and shove it! i want 3D environments and save points!
i want games like Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Resistance Fall of Man, Bioshock, Dead Space, BLACK, ARMA 2, Far Cry 2&3, Lost Planet 1&2, Resident Evil 4&5, Monster Hunter Tri, Mad World, Red Steel 1&2, Conduit 1&2, Blazing Angles Squadrons of WW2, Top Gun (DS), F.E.A.R., Tomb Raider (2013), Just Cause 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Kill Zone 2, Portal, Crysis, Resistance Retribution, Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow, Pursuit Force Extreme Justice, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1&2, Red Faction Guerrilla, Battlefield 3, Destroy All Humans Big Willy Unleashed, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem, Shadows of the Damned, No More Heroes, ATV Offroad Fury Blazin Trails, Gran Turismo 5, Wipeout Pulse, Excite Truck, Test Drive Unlimited, Trackmania... and all the FPS and racing games i have already mentioned for DS Lite. special mention for Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, perhaps the most fun game ever!
do i have ANY other games? yes. a bunch of educational/learning games, Animal Crossing PG WW CF NL, Endless Ocean Blue World, Skylanders Spyros Adventure, Flower Sun and Rain, MYST, Guitar Hero World Tour & On Tour, Elite Beat Agents, Super Mario 64 DS, Adventure Time Hey Ice King Why'd You Steal Our Garbage, and Metal Gear Solid (the only "classic" game i have ever been interested in enough to finish).
i buy ALOT of games, 90%+ would be considered "ultra violent". but the most important part is the STORY! Uncharted Drake's Fortune is THE REASON i wanted a PS3, until you have played that game, you might as well be living in the dark! the graphics and story are SO FAR BEYOND any other game of 7th gen!
i have the 3DS as stated before, i bought it because i expected the thriving FPS scene of the DS Lite, i have bought Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate... so THE ONLY REASON for Wii U is Bayonetta! that is the only Exclusive that the Wii U has that mature audiences have any interest in. the children who grew up with Nintendo are now adults and still want to play Nintendo, but all the games they want that they can now legally purchase by themselves are ONLY ON OTHER SYSTEMS! i can't buy a Wii U for just ONE GAME! it doesn't even have a proper Animal Crossing!
M-rated, Story-driven games are required, that is why the Wii U failed! because it only had 1 exclusive! that and they killed backwards compatibility when they shut down the Wii and DS servers. and of course no Blu-ray player.
to say there are any games on the DS Lite that are better than the First Person Shooters is simply wrong! the shooters had amazing storys! the story of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 on the DS put the console version to shame! MOON will stomp any other game on the DS in the story, game play, and graphics department! Seriously, name a better game on the DS Lite! there aren't any that come anywhere close to MOON in story or graphics! gameplay is very subjective... but as far as shooters go, it is super tight and totally on point, it even used the Rumble Pak for the DS!
you really dont know FPS games as a genre do you?
and actually RPG games are the ones known for story...and M-rated FPS games usually have little to no story...
look im not tryin to hate on your age and when you got into gaming, but you clearly dont have a good grasp on the topic, nor do you know the history of the genre which is limiting your perspective, now im not entirely blaming you for that either, clearly you were too young at the time and missed alot of outstanding FPS games, but at least your parents were doing their best to be responsible which is actually a good thing
when i say "the good old days" regarding FPS, im not necessarily referring to ones that didnt have story, but rather those that were action-packed and the story was a secondary objective
if you want story, thats what RPGs and other genres are for, FPS games, much like Fighting games, traditionally dont have much for story, thats not their strong point, never was
but does that mean old FPS games like the Mechwarrior series (while not entirely FPS as the later entries had optional 3rd-person view) Half Life series, the Unreal Tournament series, most of the Quake series, Doom series, AVP (no not the crappy 2010 " AVP1 remake" game or Colonial Marines, those were terrible games, im talking AVP1 and 2, on PC, which were before your time if i follow your logic correctly) were bad series? of course not!
pretty much all the series i just named got their start in the 1990s and most of them had at least 2 or 3 games in their series
for many people who love FPS games and grew up playing them, those are some of the best series that ever existed and alot of these people have become disheartened with the state of the genre in recent years where its just clone after clone of CoD and games straying from that are few and far between
look, ive played most of the games you mentioned, ive been gaming since approximately mid-1992, ive been around the block, played on most of the systems that were around both during and since i started
without series like AVP, UT and to an extent Doom you likely wouldnt have CoD because AVP and UT are the 2 franchises that really made the FPS genre mainstream especially in the late 90s with internet multiplayer being new technology at the time which really let the games shine, they embodied what people loved about the genre, fast frenetic action with danger lurking around every corner, got your adrenaline pumping and made your brain work in autopilot mode by "think fast or die", thats what FPS gaming was all about, there was no regenerating health or plasma shields or anything crazy, which made the games all the more intense cus any hits you took didnt just go away after 15 or 20 seconds,
Lavos2007 but the question remains... have you played MOON on the DS Lite? have you played MW3 on console and on DS Lite? MOON is the best game on DS Lite, play it and you'll agree!
MW3 on console is just a copy of Black Ops revenge nonsense, MW3 on DS is actually Call of Duty!
not all games I listed are M-rated first person shooters, I had a mix of 3rd person shooter and racing games rated 13+, I was listing the games I liked.
RPG are boring, scroll through menu, fight animation, repeat 100x, cutscene... i'd rather just watch it as a movie.
Lost Planet 2 is a game I would say is Perfect, beautiful cutscenes, lots of different weapons, amazing battles, some really amazing level design, 4 person campaign co-op.
I guess i'm just not Hardcore enough to enjoy your "blink and die" titles. sometimes I just want to enjoy a game without going back to the beginning if I die!
have I played anything 8th gen? no, the only games of interest are Uncharted 4 and Bayonetta 2. no other games have peaked my interest enough to consider buying a new system. going from 720p 30fps to 1080p 30fps is not a big enough improvement. DOOM 2016 does look like it will be fun, but I would want it on PC, that way I can enjoy it in 4K!
Black Site Area 51 and Singularity are perhaps the most generic Sci-fi FPS games ever made, do they have high replay value? no. do they have an interesting story and adequate gameplay? yes.
shooters and racing games are all that I consider to be fun. is my gaming library diverse, no, because I only like shooters and racing games, with an occasional minigame like Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, and a Sumulator? like Animal Crossing because I fail to understand what friendship is in real life.
oh, and Microsoft Train Simulator 1, that was so much fun! I like trains... but Train Simulators aren't a Console thing.
and speaking of fun, I only watch action-comedy anime! I don't want that drama nonsense, I just want glorified violence!
perhaps it is too simple of me to think pretty graphics, violence, and a story is all it takes to make a game fun... then again, i'm happy playing these games, and you clearly aren't! i'm glad to be as simple as I am, if it means I get to enjoy as many games as I do!
I'm gonna be the woman who takes the switch to the party!
zoob m screw it, im bringing the switch everywhere!
zoob m ps vita is better
There's memes about her everywhere XD they call her Karen
zoob m .
prepare to get mugged
Once you buy this you never have to buy another console again
Look at this guy thinking they aren't going to make it self-destruct after x amount of months, like everyone seems to be doing with phones now. Also someone is going to make a (seemingly) better console at some point anyway.
I honestly think that VR today is like 3D displays from 5 years ago. It is flashy and cool in a display setting but the average consumer isn't going to spend the money to buy it, and those that do will hardly use it.
As far as the touch screen goes, I suspect the Switch has one but it will mostly be used for navigating menus and might be used for mini-games.
HappySqrl very true I'm one of those that spent $1500 on a 3D Samsung smart tv 4 years ago,and I have only used the 3D feature like 5 times I know because i only have 5 3D movies,if Nintendo plays their cards right and it looks they will and price the switch competitively Sony and Xbox will have a worthy competitor from Nintendo.
That aged.
I hope the pro controller has an audio jack.
It does; I found it in my trailer breakdown video!
A controller can have a audio jack, yet the iPhone 7 doesnt
why do you need a audio jack on a controller ment for play at home where you can get high end speakers and use those
justin rivera
For voice chat, silly! Hopefully this means the Switch has a voice chatting app.
I will kill myself if it has Twitch connectivity; that would be amazing but it will never happen. Nintendo just doesn’t bother getting on the same wavelength as hardcore gamers.
wait.... could it be....
that nintendoes...?
Milkshake Mastery nintendoes what segcan't.
John Egderp nintendon't what sonycan
ScrewFearMe Nintendo is worth more than Sony now
Milkshake Mastery sadly yeah
Hey, VR Sucks and is NOT the future of gaming, it's just a gimmick, a shitty one.
Thank god nintendo isnt following it.
Jorge Gómez I'm fine if Nintendo doesn't do VR. I don't think it sould really fit them.
what does the scd do we still do not know heck they patent it an still have not used it and nintendo said they will o vr when they can make it safe to use for long game play.
troll lol....
Xavier Lemay this isnt a troll, vr is just a big expensive gimmick.
"please Nintendo no more gimmicks"
"what? no VR?"
VR is far more of a gimmick than anything Nintendo has ever done, and due to ludicrously prohibitive costs, will fail hard.
They did VR. With the Virtual Boy...
These guys aren't criticizing the console for not being able to do VR. They are just pointing out that it (likely) can't. There is a difference.
nintendo did vr
there's a difference between Nintendo making a console that RELIES on a gimmick, and a console that is only COMPATIBLE with a gimmicky device that a lot of companies are investing money into and lots of people are buying.
well well well
So wait
... Using cartridges is a bad thing because they are small and can be lost? Um... You can't exactly carry around a bunch of full sized optical discs. Isn't this actually a good thing that you can carry so many around with you?
VR didn't even cross my mind. I don't think anybody wants Nintendo console for VR
ralph carter after virtual boy amirite
ralph carter except Mario Kart thatd be cool
This aged so well
Congrats Eurogamer you guys completely predicted Switch, even form factor which is crazy.
Look closely at the base you see no HDMI cable plugged in
Obviously it has one to connect to the TV. But, this is a commercial after all. All you see is "staged".
if you look evern closer you notice that they had nothing acully playing, they just overlayed the games in post.
Indeed. It's done pretty often, to prevent glare and reflections and such..
This was a concept preview to show what the system is and what it can do. The footage is filler and a few teases of upcoming content and support.
mrdante361 Yes, I'm sure that Mario was just a tech demo.
+Epicvids (Ketti08) It's probably going to be in the docking stations.
1. It does have a touchscreen, I know that this was released on October.
2. Nintendo is planning VR on the Switch.
Honestly I actually like the Wii's console design. It's fairly slick and the verticality of the console is reminiscent of the PS2 which could be stood up.
Actually it DOES have a multi-function touchscreen, more like a phone and less like the Wii U/3DS
I feel like this is going to be Nintendo's magnum opus, and they won't top it for years to come. There's a lot of hate surrounding this console due to the incredibly improbable scenarios in the reveal trailer but let's be honest, this thing is going to sell like HOT CAKES and when a lot of people have it, you're going to see a lot more impromptu gaming happening. This has far-reaching implications, as it could mean that games that take full advantage of the platform will be designed with spontaneity in mind - for one, thanks to the use of cartridges you're going to see quick loading times - and second, barrier-to-entry is going to literally go out of style. The most successful games for this platform that take advantage of the Joy-Cons in "SNES mode" will be designed to be able to just be picked up and played with little to no player training.
At the same time it can handle more sophisticated games, satisfying 3rd party devs who just want to port their game to the system and get those extra sales, while also making users who don't want to have to own 3 gaming systems happy.
On top of it, it's a sexy handheld with a gigantic screen that can play EITHER type of game!
And here's the most mind-blowing part. Technically, IT CAN BE UPGRADED. For much cheaper than it would be to buy a new console. You'd only have to buy the latest version of "meat" of the taco i.e. the tablet.
You can't deny that Nintendo is going to become very rich off of this. So long as the game lineup doesn't suck.
The Switch Snap they constantly use for the logo is ridiculously catchy. Just something about how it does a slight echo or reverb effect clicks with me.
but one question...
GameEnder No, but it will toast
Jian Ling Lim good. I don't have to worry if I accidentally drop the switch into a blender.
But what if I mistake mine for bread and drop it into a toaster!
GameEnder no but it will toast my bread. Damn I love me some grilled cheese
I- that was perfect
What Nintendo needs to do:
Add an optional "disk converter" to put your Wii U games on digital
"hard drive space" why do people assume that a portable console will have a hard drive rather than nand storage?
To be fair most people aren't aware of the difference between storage types, mostly interested in the amount of space they'll be able to use.
Wanna stop the arguments lol? Just call it internal storage.
Finally Nintendo got it right. It has the feeling of the Gamecube days with friends over playing Mario Party and having a lot of fun (as well as fighting). Such sweet nostalgia.
I actually think no VR (less expensive) and no touch screen (less parts) are only upsides.
Also touchscreens are more annoying than helpful during actual gameplay. That has been my experience anyway. It just feels like the developers put those elements in there to be "different"
coming at you 2 years in the future, the Switch has touchscreen.
1:10 hey look! a spot for a disk! so backwards compatibility for wiiU in the dock, i wonder if there will be 3ds compatibility...
I really do hope that the nx will become the next best consle.I just see too many people on the ps4 and xbox all day, and trust me, NINTENDO'S BETTER.
NintenDOES what Xbox and ps4 CANT.
It wont because it has mobile phone graphics
OpalQuartz Sony copies Nintendo
CoolToMmO1995 you realize phone graphics now a days are usually 720p or 1080p thats really good
OpalQuartz Good joke bro
Well I remember the WiiU presentation featuring support from EA and many other 3rd parties but we know how bad it went, so I'll wait until June 2017 to really believe its getting a strong game library with plenty from in house and 3rd party support.
Aww. He missed the chance to say "2 things the Nintendon't"
A few split seconds in at 4:25 you see the person pointing the controller down. Is this because there's going to be a infrared line like the retron 3 had ? Would we have to keep the controller in line ?
And with this the rumors of NX/Switch having no physical media have thankfully been laid to rest. Good, this means that it will actually be worth looking forward to.
it was out there for quite a while, and made people freak out
Yeah, it was pretty much the first rumor that came out together with the name NX.
I honestly haven't paid much attention to any rumors, just waited for official information/confirmation. That one came right with the first rumors of it existing at all, though, so a bit hard to miss.
Marek Lilleleht
Yeah, I don't pay attention to any rumors about the Switch either. Nintendo pretty much proved that they learned with the sampling/list of developers working on the Switch. It's on Twitter though.
If they did do vr it would probably be through a upgrade to the docking station. I don't imagine a way that it could be portable friendly, but due to the modular design switching out the dock might be a good way to upgrade the home experience, and good business for Nintendo, being able to sell optional updates like that.
Well with the VR con they don't have a VR headset to use. They might release that in another year or so.
dragonoidx well what is vr. A headset housing with some lenses, for a screen with a brain. played with two hand remotes...
My gosh, this made me realize, the Switch CAN handle VR just because of the way it works. All they gotta do is make a headset to hold it in front of your eyes, and hey presto, VR on the Switch!
The Duck It doesn't nearly hold the dpi for immersive non painful VR, so no.
why everybody keep saying "old skyrim" obviously they showed that because of the remastered edition.
is this the same eurogamer that leaked the nx?
SonicSP oh ok. thx!
2:37 Throwing shade at Apple?
I don't think any part of that console or the controllers is brushed metal. Look like matt plastics to me.
What has the fact it's a trailer got to do with anything? I was just disagreeing with Mr. Higton.
Ben Church actually nintendo stated that it was made of metal sooo...
Ben Church jk m8
Ben Church tell that to the material when you see one in person sexy
Great video. Cheers.
Why did he say the wii and Wii U look bad like if you think the wii and Wii U look cool
Also he called platoon splitoon
The more Switch videos I watch, the more hyped I get!
shut up and take my money!
You ever look at something and know that it's going to be big? This is that thing.
Your saying " shut up and take my money" because of the thumb nail of this video. Right?
wait wait wait! by thinking about it, the VR! if you can remove the controllers on the console itself and put it inside a helmet like that keep the screen forward to you and uses the function like a real headset for VR and the little controllers could be like the motion controllers.. who knows? might be truuuee :OOOO we'll need to see but yeah its a possibility
not everyone NEEDS VR in it´s house |D
Hopefully there will be AR functionality like with the 3DS.
Updated Wii U Pro Controller? WIth an Xbox 360/One controller layout?
i think you meant "with a GAMECUBE controller layout"
Solartic Fair enough. Though I tend not to compare it to the Gamecube controller since the button layout is different and Nintendo itself chose a different layout for Wii and Wii U.
it looks almost identical to the xbox one controller
+Galderhast I think you mean to say it looks like the Nvidia Shield Tablet Controller!
Galderhast well, the nutton layout it's different, but this kind of controller used by xbox was first made by nintendo
Eurogamer had a convention at the NEC in Birmingham, this had tons of cheaper VR. If we want VR, we'll go to conventions and gaming museums for it.
Thanks Eurogamer
Thing it can't do, maybe, no.3
Motion controls? Didn't notcie any of that, either
Actually even on the WiiU and Xbox One nobody cares for Motion control
It had it's chance in the past but it failed terribly
Hey, I never said they were good ;) Still, considering Nintendo have made a big thing of both touchscreens and motion controls, sticking with them despite some criticism, it's quite something to not see either here
Hey, but Just Dance 2017 was announced for Switch.
The Splatoon scenes looked like Gyro-Control-based. Which is very good because most Splatoon gamer use this control style. And I also don't want to play a shooter with slow imprecise analog sticks. The combination of analog stick for bigger/wider movements and gyro for quicker and more precise movements/aiming is the best way to play those games on consoles.
And about the touchscreen (what i said in another comment):
It has to have touchscreen. Otherwise say goodbye to games like Mario Maker, to the possibility of playing the Nintendo mobile games (no matter if you are interested in them or not, it's a way for Nintendo to make money), the possibility of playing Hearthstone, the possibility of quickly choosing options on menu screens or typing names. Also: A tablet-like device that has no touchscreen? I don't think so.
And to think touchscreen and "core" would block each other - to be honest - that's just bullshit. Using the touchscreen would not be mandatory.
1. I own a switch and it has multi-touch, which is an upgrade from the 3ds and wiiU.2. Motion controls on some games for the camera for it take use of that and it does VR pretty well.
while the idea of vr is cool, let's admit it, it's something you wouldn't be playing for hours on end.
It would also murder your already taxed battery
Typical 12 year old RUclips Commenter That is a stupid comment, I'm pretty sure you would be able to tell if someone broke into your house
rompadompa doobelidoo well said my friend
If Skyrim and Fallout come out for the Switch and can support VR, Then I will think it's a great idea.
I've heard it might actually have touch screen support
When I travel, I go sightseeing and discover new places. I don't need a video game with me everywhere I go.
just saying
VR will never be a thing, so im indifferent about it not being on the switch.
Dude, VR is everywhere.
TylerWildX so was motion controls. the difference here is that you either need a beefy af pc or a current gen console, plus the actual space to use it. it is gonna die, the only question is when
It most definitely will not die. If you tried TRUE vr and not that google cardboard samsung gear shit then you wouldn't be saying that.
xDenP i would love to, but as a general consumer with an avarage-sized appartement and a decent pc (I.E. incapable of VR) i will not be able to.
xDenP and my phone doesn't support either google cardboard, or samsing gear, with it being an s3 and all.
I hope that click sound is heard whenever you turn in the NS. Like what the GameCube did with it's catchy jingle
Right now, I think it's smarter to not have VR on your console. The technology is too new, and it's way too clunky and annoying to use. Nintendo did motion controls first with the Wii, but the fact that they're sitting out on the VR Wars means they can focus more on making connections to 3rd party developers and building a better online functionality. I think the best thing from the trailer was that four people were playing NBA against one another on teams and there seemed to be no wifi connection involved whatsoever. That means you can meet up with people on the go and face them in battle or even play a campaign cooperatively without needing wifi. If that's not the coolest shit ever I don't know what is.
Tbh I think that the NBA players in the trailer were in fact using Wi-fi for the consoles to communicate, likely in their own localized console to console zone only, it would be the best choice for multiplayer gaming on the go. Unless Nintendo adds a communication cable, similar to old game boys, for those finicky people who want as little lag as possible.
Nintendo actually has a functionality that they've been using with the 3DS where if one person has a copy of the game and other people have a 3DS nearby, they can all play together. One game that has this function is Mario Kart 7. That means that they could bring this functionality to the Switch since it's a portable console, and you can play co-op campaigns and stuff with your friends even if they don't have the game.
the intro video's main aim is to showcase the controller and dock concept. everything else is secondary. The game screens are probably superimposed, it'll be tough to simulate touchscreen where the actors have to pretend they're interacting with menus and on-screen buttons.
VR? Who cares. Myomoto said until VR can be enjoyed by the whole family, they'll be no VR. I think there are some surprises though that we'll hear about later.
I’m from the future and guess what
@@NvanRoblox what? I don't know anybody with VR. Not saying it's not good and i' d love to try it but if any item is cleaning house it's the Switch.
@@joeb2588 I mean labo vr is on switch
so... if there's a powercut and tv is off accidentally, i wont be able to restart the tv when power is on and boom.. no game
I'm so fucking excited.
Vr is not even necessary because the technology is not at the point where you can make full games for Vr and there probably is a touch screen for menus
Tell me that there's GTA franchise on Nintendo Switch
I'm glad this did not turn out to be a gimmicky VR console, however it will have multi-touch screen.
Anders Hansen The touch screen is optional and only to get the tablet market on it
Also navigation in menus and browsing the net when off-TV
Anders Hansen it's actually a single screen experience
not multiscreen.
The Fusion Gamers Anders said multi-touch, not multi-screen.
who the f cares about VR ?
Tallz Blue Blood Gamers. Gahhh
Tallz I don't think VR is not going to stick around long
clay jack I hope not.. I dont wanna put this big ass goggle on my face
this is exactly what I tell people. SAO is a wonderful dream that won't happen in my life if ever, which is why VR doesn't excite me.
Lol.. 😂😂
3:25 lol fromsoftware.inc a popped up when he said from software
who wants to be that pissed on the go by playing dark souls 😂 prepare for the rage
Imagine people chucking screens at each other on plane while screaming like maniacs .)
Well someone probably pointed this out, but the switch does have Multi Touch, meaning there is touch screen. Also, when not using the game pad, you can use a remote as a Pointer to the tv
It looks cool but I'm dubious about how powerful it is compared to the PS4 Pro or Xbox One Scorpio.. or their predecessors.
and that to me is the problem.
VermillionCain it's not meant to be a pc, it's jist supposed to be fun, and more powerful
than the last system.
My point is that it needs to be roughly on par with the other two consoles otherwise it could affect third party support, remember the Wii U? that was supposed to have lots of third party support too.
well power was a factor but the architecture was also what ruined third party support for wii u. it was more difficult to port games to the wii u and more costly to do so compared to xbox one and ps4. however the switch is said to be very easy to port games to and rumored to be around the strength of xbox one.
VermillionCain Wii U WANTED third party support... For months a ton of 3rd party developers have been extremely giddy for the switch.... If you look it up, a ton of 3rd party developers claimed the NX made them excited... The Wii U didn't raise any eyebrows however.... But developers are excited to work with Nintendo on this one because this time it's not a gimmick... This could change the future of gaming in general... Entirely HD, AAA games can essentially be in your pocket... Sure its not going to be AS powerful as the ps4 or xbone even.... But that doesnt matter when all the games on it are portable to literally anywhere you go.
So we're looking at more than just games on here. Did you see Autodesk as one of the third-party developers at 3:49? That's awesome!
What Nintendo does... and what Ninten-don't.
Slash2324 Hahhahahhaaha!
This is pretty cool, let's hope it doesn't get downgraded. The wiiu controller was supposedly able to bring in the car, on the go and you can't even take it downstairs without disconnecting.
Only problem I can see is its 3 hour battery life.
Myrre and Friends thats fine for most gaming laptops
Xoreign 3 hours life time for a laptop in 2016 is not fine mate. Also the Switch has a shorter battery time than the psp who has roughly 5 hours. And a Gaming laptop in general should have about 6-7 Hours.
Myrre and Friends Most are around 4 ish hours with light use. HD
Xoreign I don't know what computers you are looking at but those are NOT 2016 models not even 2015.. And seeing how Nintendo switch is coming out 2017, comparing them to a 2016 model laptop is your best choice. and most (if not some cheap shit laptop) will have 6-7 even 8-10 hours if you go high end.
yes, and we can also use a power brick
I had a recent thought. Given how bad my 3DS's battery life is, will the Switch be able to charge when you are on the go via a charge cable or something like that? I recently had a very long train journey (22 hours one way, then 22 hours back a few days later). I was able to survive the trip because trains have outlets to plug things into now. (Yes, I could have flown but I hate flying and avoid it whenever possible. It was worth the extra travel time to avoid motion sickness and the TSA. Also, it was a hell of a lot more comfortable.)
If the Switch does not have the ability to charge without the dock, I'd find myself bored pretty damn quick, plus lugging what appears to be a fairly fragile looking handheld around (note: protective cases? It looks like they'll be necessary, but tedious as they'l have to constantly be taken on and off).
And the 3 hour battery life I've heard rumored does not inspire confidence. Especially as tablets have a longer battery life and often are running far more programs in the background.
Unfortunately, no Rockstar Games in the list of partners.
Hopefully, they'll join later.
Take-Two is there and they own Rockstar
I would do ANYTHING to be able to play San Andraes on Switch. ANYTHING!!
Sucky Sucky 5 dollar?
+Forill Maybe a remaster will be made for GTA SA. We don't know so let's just wait to see if it happens :)
Jin Tsurugi Take two interactive is on the list and they own Rockstar Games
Thanks, folks, for correcting me!
My fault.
I really doubt that Switch won't have a touch screen; it's been a Nintendo staple for the past decade and it would be crazy to a have a tablet-like device without it. In all likelihood, it was left out of the trailer so that the message could stay focused on what makes the Switch unique.
I have a wiiu I have a 3ds............ Nintendo switch!!!
PPAP refrence aha
I think that it will be touchscreen to allow for possible backwards compatibility with Wii U, DS, and 3DS games through virtual console.
anyone else remember the name "nintendo fusion" that they bought rights to?
What if there was extra hard disk space in the charging base? A space base!
UPDATE: Nintendo won't actually say if there's a touch screen or not, so it might not even be finalised, also nobody touched the seen in the video because the images on the screen are simulated ...
Where did you see brushed metal? The pro controller they showed is a dark translucent gray. I wish it was brushed metal tho.
i can see many people thought nintendo is the first to create this idea"console quality games on the go" but they completely forgot about the ps vita. killzone mercenary,uncharted golden abbyys,assasins creed 3 and gravity rush proved that sony was the first to create this idea but failed to execute it to the public
It does have a touchscreen, 10 point touchscreen to be specific, it's just that nintendo knows that we're tired of gimmicky control methods and decided to showcase the games using joysticks and buttons.
one question, where does the joycon controllers would fit a battery and for how long it will endure? will they be capable of work for as long as the console itself?
I wonder if it will be connectable to evry tv cause I dont see any wires
For number 2, what kind of cartridges does it use? Ds, or 3DS? Or new ones only for the switch?
Can the mario kart game be played in all 3 ways listed because I could imagine controlling with those little controllers may be uncomfortable?
I think the fact that it is not a touchscreen is a guess too because you know how they release a bunch of trailers for things now a days? Well they could come out with a second trailer showing the touchscreen. Still I don't think they will personally.
It seems like a lot of third parties were interested in the GameCube, Wii, and Wii U as well at first (an almost complete reversal of the N64 which seemed to have actually gained third party support later on), so how can we be sure all this third party support won't diminish quickly like it did on Nintendo's last three consoles?
They didn't promote it, but ppl have said that the screen is multi-touch pressure sensitive, which makes it superior in touch capability to the 3ds and the Wii U, also the switch design seems ready made for one of those smartphone receiver type VR headsets, since it's already designed to slide in and dock to a base-station connecting it to TVs.
I'm wondering if the skyrim shown will be the special edition with mods or just the original game
Wow, no touch screen? Everything has a touch screen now especially tablets. This will be a major fail without a touchscreen.
I wonder if you can use the the complete three piece controller to play on the small screen
Nintendo could easily make a VR headset wherein you put that tablet inside it, use the L & R joy con motion controllers and off you go.
How can they play splatoon without a touchscreen? how will they superjump or use beacons?
a)Just because they didn't use a touch screen in the trailer doesn't mean it doesn't have one.
b) Low end VR would certainly be possible...albeit around the quality of the Oculus DK1. Slot the console into a headset for mobile like VR (with the bonus of a wireless controller per hand already included).