we love asian culture,you've no idea how crazy of the people here celebrating the chinese new year. not only chinese, we also love korean and japanese. welcome
The first time that I traveled to Brisbane, Australia was during Summer vacation in 2013 (the weather was freezing in July and August). There were ups and downs in the trip, but overall it was still fine. (What I learned was that the locals were kind and nice, as well as easy to communicate with them in English.) Then, working and traveling at the same time can balance your life time, Miss Tristan, allowing you to learn about the culture in the country.
Wow, as an American that's been living here in Melbs for the past five years, I forgot all the differences and similarities it was at first! It always reminded me of America in a parallel universe with these minor changes. This reignited my excitement haha
Good Job Tris!!! I'll always support you and your work... never easy to adjust to losing someone closest to you... but keep in mind he will always want to see you smiling!! ^^
Every time I am watching Tristan's video I always can find American humor within but when you listening to her voice you will think she's native in Taiwan
Yup! Just took a two-week trip to Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. It was so much easier for me to get Taiwanese food/drinks than where I live in California.
Enjoy Summer in Australia, It is extremely Cold in various parts of North America. Daylights are going to be longer than in TW because TW is north of the Equator.
You must to visit to Brisbane city, I reckon this city have lots of food and the best night view that I ever watched. The city Surrounded you are able to spent whole days at here, Sunnybank most of the Taiwan cuisine at here.
12:50-13:05 这也是在多伦多核心区一直在发生的:新的高楼盖在旧建筑的上面。这种事情在亚洲那边通常比较罕见吧 This is exactly what's happening here in Toronto core area in the last decade: new high raise on some old buildings. This happens much less in Asia though
謝謝!🥰 我最喜歡配好聽的音樂剪 這支影片使用的音樂: 0:05 Strangers on the Go - Mindme 0:57 In And Out Of Love (Late Yungin Remix) - The Eastern Plane 4:13 Bonus Seat - Trio Leo 4:51 My Ringtone Is a Voice Memo of You Last Summer - baegel 8:57 Yeah You (Thinkin Bout You) (baegel Remix) 9:42 It Will Be Fine in the End - Dayon 12:42 Split Sauce - baegel 15:12 Slabs -Ballpoint 17:28 到影片結束 New Tomorrow - Tape Machines
Hungry Jack's originated from Perth in Western Australia. At the time Burger King was also in Australia but wasn't big. But soon, Burger King realised that in Australia, the market is such that there could not be more than 2 nationwide burger fastfood chains. Given McDonald's was already well established in Australia, Burger King had to leave. So the two chains did a deal with Burger King sold its then outlets in Australia to Hungry Jack's and the latter got support from the former too. Secondly, Convenience Stores in Australia are very expensive and, frankly, rip-off. They also have limited offerings. Go to Coles, Woolworth's and Aldi supermarket stores, you'd get much better selections like you have in convenience stores plus the usual supermarket grocery items. All are at much better quality or/and prices. Many supermarkets open till 8pm and some even late to midnight. Thirdly, in general cooked food in food halls (in shopping malls) and in small eateries in Australia are very affordable. Even tourists with limited budget would get good feed. (British tourist are known to head to eateries to order steaks as one of their first things to do upon arrival in Australia) Australia is a net exporter of agricultural produces and meats and seafoods. So food isn't expensive. But goods sold in shops other than food are much more expensive than vs in USA. Save your money other than souvenirs which are likely made in China. Lol... Milk Tea is all craze among girls and young women in Australia. Many Taiwanese brands are here. In my local shopping mall which is only a mid size, there are 3 outlets inside the mall itself plus one more in the open street shopfront. The cakes and cookies stores are also popular especially among the Asian community here. Lastly, not sure if you are aware of this. The reason that there are 2 buttons on toilet in Australia is this. The one on the left side (as you look at the buttons) is half flush for wee. The right side one is the full flush for you know what. The dual system is an Aussie invention to save water usage. Also, in ordinary homes, shower water flow isn't perhaps as strong as say you experience in Taiwan or US. There is a mandatory water saving retarding plastic cap in the connector point between the plumbing and the start of the shower head fitting. I however took mine off the shower head connector as I used to have a very weak shower flow. The hardware store assistant suggested the solution to me. Melbourne isn't one of my favourite cities at all.. Sydney is much much more interesting and enjoyable.
Hi! Hope you enjoyed Melbourne. I am from Melbourne but live in Taipei now. Was wondering where in Melbourne did you find that badge with the Taiwanese and Australian flag joint together? I really want to grab that as a souvenir for my Taiwanese partner before I leave Melbourne to Taiwan.
墨爾本是最棒的城市 跟台北一樣是咖啡之都
我們不喜歡連鎖咖啡店 所以有很多獨立的咖啡店
澳洲很適合台灣人生活 因為很乾淨 人們很友善 會打招呼 在乎彼此
跟台灣人一樣熱情 有禮貌 也很適合居住
@@stackerliew 有靈異經驗不會只有在臺灣才有,但先敲門還真是臺灣的文化!
@archieun8233 👈這位小紅還真愛賺5ㄇㄠˊ!
@@archieun8233 👈笨核酸紅
在澳洲15年,墨尔本已经是我的second home。最爱的就是这里友善平和的氛围,歧视和不和谐哪里都有但是这里真的是算很少了。
透過妳的影片讓我想起的10年前在澳洲留學時和朋友開車去墨爾本Queen Victoria Market、雪梨跨年、Uluru、Surfers Paradise、Cairns學潛水...,那些回憶頃刻間湧現,好懷念那些在澳洲超chill的日子...
有机会可以来南澳州玩玩啊~Adelaide,Port lincoln, 袋鼠岛都很不错。
爱吃人士一定要去Port Lincoln,权世界7成鲔鱼都这里出来的。
求學時在紐約住過兩年, 2019年後搬來雪梨, 同樣是西方文化但兩邊的社會氛圍蠻不同的, 你的發現跟我初來乍到時的感覺很像, 這裡的人怎麼這麼友善啊!!! 來之前還聽說澳洲以前有歧視問題, 來生活後完全顛覆了過去的印象, 澳洲人的友善讓我有在台灣的感覺
無限完美的女孩 不是只有家人朋友愛妳 我是訂閱者 一樣很愛妳 新的一年 開心 順利 平安
@@PartyRockBJ 會被經理催下班:明天再做啦 我可是不會付加班費的哦
@@PartyRockBJ 人行道安全,自行車道就。。。
我在澳洲住過兩年, 我愛澳洲, 友善的地方, 真希望未來能在那裡定居
有這麼誇張嗎 哈哈
哈~ 我目前也在澳洲... 這裡的人真的很和善... 。 住我附近的白人阿公、阿嬤也喜歡閒話家常,附近誰搬走了,誰搬來了,做什麼工作,那對情侶年齡差很多之類的話題等等.... 八卦跟台灣差不多(哈哈),但也看出澳洲人完全不排外。 在墨爾本CBD或Boxhill算華人聚集地(猜測路人有約40%有中文),說中文也通喔!! 偶爾路上也是會看到怪怪的人拉~ (喝醉的感覺那樣) 自己會分辨吧? 閃遠點囉~
Glen Waverley周邊也是華人區,大概是從boxhill擴散過去的
喝醉的、精神不正常的 避免眼神接觸 趕快走開就好
討錢的就搖搖頭或者說 不好意思我沒錢 就可以了
不吸毒 不參加幫派活動 就可以平安活到老年啦👍
@@yujia-hao3824 那就別待了,像你這樣的種族歧視者越少越好
@@shadowmistress999 哈哈哈,我认为你说得对。😂
@@shadowmistress999 哈 我是不知道你有沒有跟白人相處過甚至成為朋友,但同樣的你也不了解我是什麼樣的人,所以我不怪你說這樣子的話。我只能說他們沒有我們亞洲人有文化,他們沒有我們亞洲人有道德底線,相較於跟白人相處,我更Enjoy跟越南人 菲律賓人 日本人 韓國人 包括印尼人相處,因為他們對人的好是真誠的
@@sho3286 啊啊不是不是,我住在黃金海岸~
我自己的想法是始終認為國旗有兩面吧,外交用的這面🇦🇺是澳大利亞聯邦國旗,這是屬於澳大利亞人的。那面原住民旗子表達了原住民是landowner 的意願,這是他們的土地也是他們的國家。所以每次在街頭總是🇦🇺或者那面原住民旗子~澳洲在成為聯邦前是很多彩色的小小塊的地圖,那些是小小塊地圖是原住民的部落☺️☺️☺️(我自己也有在當地的學校學澳洲的歷史,老師都告訴我們說兩面都是Australian flag, 所以我尊重這兩面)
華人當然也有為當地做貢獻~如今Penny Wong(馬來西亞華裔澳洲人)上台當外交部發言人了,希望華人對diplomat 和Make connection 這方面的貢獻可以被看見吧,畢竟華人從政的很少。
說到原住民更受重視的原因,是因為曾經很多他們的祖先在1788-1930的那段期間在與白人的衝突期間被白人殺害了,尤其是當時的塔斯馬尼亞州,非常慘,簡直是血洗。並且他們在1965年前都沒有土地所有權。所以如今他們,the landowners 得到重視,我覺得也很正常吧。(我最近在看澳洲有關原住民的歷史哈哈哈)
@@sho3286 哈哈哈哈謝謝你!能交流很開心!不是不是,教育行業。所以我也有學原住民的歷史~❤️喜歡他們的藝術~
@@daisyinaustralia9295 你好啊,可以交流一下吗?😊
we love asian culture,you've no idea how crazy of the people here celebrating the chinese new year. not only chinese, we also love korean and japanese. welcome
歡迎來澳洲玩🙌🙌 澳洲真的有很多好玩的地方!hope you enjoy it🎉
澳洲是離亞洲最近的西方國家 也不用調時差!!
我也愛澳洲,不是普通愛,是超級愛 ❤️
澳洲 "微波便當" 不能去 7,要去 Woolworths 和 Coles 的大冰箱找哦。 而且這季節超適合來衝浪者天堂,也歡迎來昆州黃金海岸走走!!
在澳洲有很多古老的national trust building 是不能拆的,為了要善盡利用土地,通常把 façade 留著, 然後在後面蓋大樓。 這個在cbd最常看到。
Renovation, it is. Usually applied to buildings from Victoria - Edward VII Era.
滿喜歡這支影片的拍攝風格. I like it. 👍
The first time that I traveled to Brisbane, Australia was during Summer vacation in 2013 (the weather was freezing in July and August). There were ups and downs in the trip, but overall it was still fine. (What I learned was that the locals were kind and nice, as well as easy to communicate with them in English.)
Then, working and traveling at the same time can balance your life time, Miss Tristan, allowing you to learn about the culture in the country.
Wow, as an American that's been living here in Melbs for the past five years, I forgot all the differences and similarities it was at first! It always reminded me of America in a parallel universe with these minor changes. This reignited my excitement haha
Good Job Tris!!! I'll always support you and your work... never easy to adjust to losing someone closest to you... but keep in mind he will always want to see you smiling!! ^^
Thank you for leaving such a nice and supportive comment!! 😭❤️
Every time I am watching Tristan's video I always can find American humor within but when you listening to her voice you will think she's native in Taiwan
墨爾本 ! 我第二個故鄉 ~ Good Day mate
@@Alex-po1mh 我是覺得墨爾本咖啡太強了,所以顯得星巴克更廢😂
@@wbj-kevin 墨尔本确实是个咖啡气息浓郁的城市,你现在在悉尼那边怎么样呢
@@Alex-po1mh 我去雪梨是去玩和跨年的,只有以前在墨爾本待比較久,不過我現在是回台灣了~
@@wbj-kevin 哦哦 原来是这样 欢迎再次来玩呀!我刚到这边 哈哈哈
璀菜, 羨慕 ! ❤
Thank you for sharing this fun video. You made me wanna travel to Australia
Yup! Just took a two-week trip to Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. It was so much easier for me to get Taiwanese food/drinks than where I live in California.
我在澳洲生活了18年,刚来的时候在Brisbane确实很多台湾人。归功于长荣的每天航班。但是今天的澳洲已经是大陆人的天下了。我喜欢台湾。但在澳洲的台湾人现在基本上working holiday的。
早期台灣很多很多人喜歡去澳洲留學念書~ 現在應該是很多很多人喜歡移民澳洲
Before 2013, the only Taiwan milk tea that hits Melbourne was Chatime. See how many we have here now.
I love Melbourne. Melbourne is my second home. Nice friendly people and food and culture. But now I live in Sydney
Enjoy Summer in Australia, It is extremely Cold in various parts of North America.
Daylights are going to be longer than in TW because TW is north of the Equator.
感覺你會很愛澳洲,可以考慮long stay
BTW,那个老建筑上盖新公寓的是,85 Spring St,一个Melbourne City的旧改豪宅项目,不知道有没有做成豪宅lol
It is indeed the most cultural place reside in Australia 🇦🇺
我住在墨爾本8年,好開心妳們喜歡墨爾本,這裡真的很有人情味的城市,我每天早上都在跟陌生人微笑說早安,市區有汽車待轉區,機車像腳踏車,墨爾本有超多好喝的咖啡,跟奇怪的天氣 😂
You must to visit to Brisbane city, I reckon this city have lots of food and the best night view that I ever watched. The city Surrounded you are able to spent whole days at here, Sunnybank most of the Taiwan cuisine at here.
13:45 海岸线好美
Oh mate, I missed Melbourne so much. Having a great memorie down there.
舊曆年 心年快樂 ~~
謝謝璀璨的分享 很棒的影片❤
恭喜your father
12:50-13:05 这也是在多伦多核心区一直在发生的:新的高楼盖在旧建筑的上面。这种事情在亚洲那边通常比较罕见吧 This is exactly what's happening here in Toronto core area in the last decade: new high raise on some old buildings. This happens much less in Asia though
下次想聽璀璨小姐唱陳百潭的 初戀 一定要成功 振作 為你打拼 這4首都很好聽哦😊
After watch your video , i think i will have homesick if i move to AU ! when i saw 7-11 , o my ! i click " Yes" without 2 nd thoughts!
謝謝!🥰 我最喜歡配好聽的音樂剪 這支影片使用的音樂:
0:05 Strangers on the Go - Mindme
0:57 In And Out Of Love (Late Yungin Remix) - The Eastern Plane
4:13 Bonus Seat - Trio Leo
4:51 My Ringtone Is a Voice Memo of You Last Summer - baegel
8:57 Yeah You (Thinkin Bout You) (baegel Remix)
9:42 It Will Be Fine in the End - Dayon
12:42 Split Sauce - baegel
15:12 Slabs -Ballpoint
17:28 到影片結束 New Tomorrow - Tape Machines
Hungry Jack's originated from Perth in Western Australia. At the time Burger King was also in Australia but wasn't big. But soon, Burger King realised that in Australia, the market is such that there could not be more than 2 nationwide burger fastfood chains. Given McDonald's was already well established in Australia, Burger King had to leave.
So the two chains did a deal with Burger King sold its then outlets in Australia to Hungry Jack's and the latter got support from the former too.
Secondly, Convenience Stores in Australia are very expensive and, frankly, rip-off. They also have limited offerings.
Go to Coles, Woolworth's and Aldi supermarket stores, you'd get much better selections like you have in convenience stores plus the usual supermarket grocery items. All are at much better quality or/and prices. Many supermarkets open till 8pm and some even late to midnight.
Thirdly, in general cooked food in food halls (in shopping malls) and in small eateries in Australia are very affordable. Even tourists with limited budget would get good feed. (British tourist are known to head to eateries to order steaks as one of their first things to do upon arrival in Australia) Australia is a net exporter of agricultural produces and meats and seafoods. So food isn't expensive.
But goods sold in shops other than food are much more expensive than vs in USA. Save your money other than souvenirs which are likely made in China. Lol...
Milk Tea is all craze among girls and young women in Australia. Many Taiwanese brands are here. In my local shopping mall which is only a mid size, there are 3 outlets inside the mall itself plus one more in the open street shopfront. The cakes and cookies stores are also popular especially among the Asian community here.
Lastly, not sure if you are aware of this. The reason that there are 2 buttons on toilet in Australia is this. The one on the left side (as you look at the buttons) is half flush for wee. The right side one is the full flush for you know what. The dual system is an Aussie invention to save water usage.
Also, in ordinary homes, shower water flow isn't perhaps as strong as say you experience in Taiwan or US. There is a mandatory water saving retarding plastic cap in the connector point between the plumbing and the start of the shower head fitting. I however took mine off the shower head connector as I used to have a very weak shower flow. The hardware store assistant suggested the solution to me.
Melbourne isn't one of my favourite cities at all.. Sydney is much much more interesting and enjoyable.
Best Content of my City ( Angles from camera ......)
Aussie Aussie Aussie 🎉
也很好玩~~~~ 😂
我住在Sydney 北區~~~歡迎常來❤
沒機會去Australia 但是在Canada住過 不知道兩個英語國家差別 但是同學住澳洲感覺天氣舒服多了。🍁🍁🍁
Thanks for your sharing.👍👍
Nice shout out to Lincoln, Nebraska! haha
Ben! Taiwan is open to tourists now, just saying 🤪
Welcome to Melbourne!!!!!
welcome to melbourne!
Hi! Hope you enjoyed Melbourne. I am from Melbourne but live in Taipei now. Was wondering where in Melbourne did you find that badge with the Taiwanese and Australian flag joint together? I really want to grab that as a souvenir for my Taiwanese partner before I leave Melbourne to Taiwan.
應該是 璀璨跟九粒太美了~吸引店員源源不決想跟妳們聊天XD
哇 我聖誕節那天也在墨爾本那個公園野餐😆😆😆 你們有坐在那個噴水池前面的草地嗎?
可以分享一下你们住在Victoria market 附近的哪一家酒店吗?😊有没有很贵😢最近在帮朋友找可以至少长住1到2周不太贵的酒店,发现墨尔本的酒店涨价好厉害😢😅