Funny how politicians were once there to serve us, and now they get chauffeur driven in Mercedes Benz and go to champagne coctail parties and call themselves elites!!!
Regarding president-elect of Belarus Sviatlana Cichanoŭskaja: don't you know that she was elected in 2020 at the elections in Belarus, which were falsified by the dictatorial regime of Lukashenka (supported by Russia), followed by brutal mass repressions of Belarusian people and de-facto Russian occupation, so Sviatlana Cichanoŭskaja and hundreds of thousands of Belarusians had to escape abroad (mostly to Poland and Lithuania)??? There is nothing to do with the upcoming parliament "elections" in February 2024, which you mentioned. You should research the topic better before commenting it.
coin bureau is a fraud I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for globalist oligarchs. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”― Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket , a short book and speeches written in 1935.
The sad part is so many misunderstand power and control and will ultimately turn it into a conspiracy theory (probably focusing on Taylor Swift, a pizza shop, and something to do with gender).
The majority lives in denial and does not even believe this would ever be rolling out or that it is actually rolling out already. They will wait until it knocks on their doors. Interestingly, the phases and elements of which the new, WEF's concept is built from, majoriti is considering and treating isolated from the whole thing, diminishing so the chances to succeed in stopping the new concept as a whole.
We need to organise more, buy direct from the farmers ,and grow our own... Small farm start -ups ? anything to cut out those who keep us apart. There are groups springing up connecting customers to farmers direct.
The happy part comes when the brain implants go mainstream. Give 'em time, mate PS: I realized the irony of the give then time joke since in reality with the populace continuing to divide and idle... we're in effect doing just that - giving them all the time they need.
Look at how the prices have gone up in the last few years and how poorer we are. There's still the same amount of money in circulation but it's all being hoovered up by the likes of Blackrock.
Your mother and father REGISTERING you at birth like you REGISTER a motor vehicle is the creation of the Birth Certificate Trust and then you applying to the Government for the Birth Certificate to obtain Government identification is the CONTRACT so they can TAX you fine you send you to war and jail you. The signature has enslaved you.
We who are aware of these so called ''elites'' and their plans have to share it with people who are still asleep or not aware of whats going on. They are already concerned about pushback. The numbers are on our side. Dont loose hope.
Great to hear it ONLY takes 3.5% of us to change things! KEEP PUSHING OTHERS, especially the ones that took the clot shots, they are weird now more than ever!
Same with family and friends I know only one out of all the people I know are preparing. Even my grown Children are blind. Trying to put a little back for them, since I know they will come to mom for help.
I don't find many people paying attention to anything. That is the effect of game show politicians, no point in listening to anything since our is just jabber. Look at the current US congress, least effective in US's history
It isn’t that the WEF doesn’t understand trust, it’s that they define it differently. For them, trust is a synonym for compliance, which need not be voluntary.
Yep. I'm feeling afraid. NASA has been here since November, and now we have all these man - made fires. NASA is ' predicting' an earthquake/ tsunami in South Africa. I live at the bottom tip of South Africa , Cape Town.
We better get off our butts and do something about it on a physical plane rather than just talking about it and supposedly waking up. Just talking about it ain’t gonna get it done.
Keep sharing all these crazy insane protocols they have for our lives God gave us our life we can't let them take it from us in my belief they are playing psychological warfare on us Evil like we could ever imagine is here Poisoning food air and water vaccines That should tell everyone that they are Really doing this. Look up bioengineered food. It's everywhere now I know this is true ! Farmers market and whole foods and local farmers please believe me that this food will destroy our health. Hard for me to believe also share all these WEF videos. Then the blind may see
Will you surrender the Birth back to whence it came then and all Government identification created fromit would be a good start as that’s the contract.
@@bigboii1150The registering of the CHILD by your unsuspecting parents at Birth creates the Birth Certificate, later when you want to open a Bank account or Drivers license you need their Birth Certificate created especially for you to do so. This is the Contract to Government some people Surrender the Birth Certificate and any identification back to Government to break the assumption you are a CITIZEN of the Government and operate in the Private instead of the Public.
The only thing to be "done" is non-compliance. If everyone just ignored these WEF people and their governments and stopped voting and stopped paying taxes, then all of this would just go away
Laughing out loud, google Foreign Agent's Registeration form, All USA employees are required to file a Foreign Agent's Registeration form due to bankruptcies checkmate. So, Who's really in control
@@TheDarksideoftheMoon360 Well yes, its so hard to chose right way how to tell ppl who normaly dont care and yes mostly they will not notice, but resistance is necessary, not because of them but because of your own resposibility to your soul and truth. Till the bitter end
It has been shown it is the predator Davos people and their ownership of CIA FBI NSA and DEA etal MI5 & MI6 that are involved in Epstein trafficing. They want to use Ai to make our people slaves and the Larry Fink's Black Rock, Jamie Dimon JPMorgan Chase, Steve Schwarzman Blackstone who is buying student loan and o make a killing off the misery of our people that never should have had to take the but for corruption for the predator class. Now you know why Biden refuses to cancel government student loans even 28 year old loan by the elderly. Do not buy the Biden ads on forgiveness. Trump forgave all PPP loans that were just 2 years old and billion upon billions of dollars forgiven. The Supreme Court did not say those government lians were not fogiveable did they?
Strange, there was no mention of ESG regulation regarding private jets, Like the ones they all arrived in. Why not regulation start with the WEF and then government just to make ensure that it’s user friendly.
It's all about expanding wealth of the elites and controlling, slaving the masses. The personal motives of the elite are aimed at global influence, because they already have an abundance of money and power.
@@SurLaMer_ Offsetting carbon should not be allowed unless you are no longer driving a car and taking public transportation or only walking and biking a pedal bike.
Ty Sir for your work. Control the media narrative ... Control the food... Control the resources... Control online access... Damn that sounds familiar and its not de moc racy
Yeah and soon you will have a chip on your hand and you wont be able to buy or sell without one and with crypto dollar everyone has to take it Revelation 13:16-17 He causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one may buy or sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. This was written almost 2000 years ago,
*Heavily present. I tried totell a dissenter they didn't belong here, YT said service unavailable, I changed it to 'you need to be here and pay attention' and voila, comment posts. Thought police in full effect, you think like me, you encounter this 100 times a day, everywhere.
According to the stated numbers .. about 20% of the US population did not get ONE CV19 JAB .. that is roughly 66 million individuals. That probably represents a more correct statement of resistance!
As long you vote for your government they don't need extra permission to do whatever they want! I am seen a lot of people saying we didn't vote for all this!
Good and complete overview of everything that will take away the freedom of the people and further subject them to a gang of sociopaths. They have a sickening amount of money and an almost uncontrollable greed to exert power and influence.
The guy talks about libertarianism yet puts Goldman Sacks in charge. The guy talks about eliminating the country's central bank yet puts his country on a dollar standard. He looks every bit an agent working for a foreign govt who has been inserted into power.
@@mtrest4smart person It's called "Controlled Opposition" He acts unstable deliberately, mixed w/ sane policies Think DJT, AJ, D. Icke, Jessie Ventura, Joe Rouge
That guy is nuts. He acts as if his own country did not violate human autonomy by mandating masks until vaccines for covid was at 70%. How many people were harmed? No one has the right to clim any OTHER country is socialist when SO IS THEIR OWN!
"Heil Hydra" with Doctor Evil from James Bond running the show... Never knew that the Captain America and James Bond films was such accurate prophecies.
It's whoever supports labour unions, real corporate profit sharing with workers, ranked choice voting, term limits and who fully rejects corporate sponsorship to get elected.
They are powerless!! Bottom line. They only deal with billionaires and billionaire investors that’s how they get there money. They have NO say . but the companies influencers DO. Otherwise Klaus is like any other dude ranting about how he wants to change the world. Those idiots on stage they are nothing but minions spreading lies and brainwashing us. It’s the ones sitting in their sits in the dark is who u need to worry about.
@coinbureau Perfectly outlined Guy! As I should say... beautiful. We must hold strong over the WEF and all its partners and anyone who speak out for them. Disrupt them relentlessly and fearlessly. We must speak 'loudly' and openly to out friends and families who are unfortunately blind to all this and try to open their mind... The more we do it the more minds we'll free... Then, there will be nowhere the 'elite 💩' can hide. 💪🏻
Yes but he's the one who showed how CBDC ( Central Bank Digital Currency) would be able to control people when he blocked the Canadian truckers from their bank accounts.
This video kept getting recommended for me and I was just like yeah yeah whatever I already know everything about it. I’m so happy that I clicked on this video to watch it. This is so informative. Thank you thank you thank you for digesting that and processing that for us.
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Funny how politicians were once there to serve us, and now they get chauffeur driven in Mercedes Benz and go to champagne coctail parties and call themselves elites!!!
Regarding president-elect of Belarus Sviatlana Cichanoŭskaja: don't you know that she was elected in 2020 at the elections in Belarus, which were falsified by the dictatorial regime of Lukashenka (supported by Russia), followed by brutal mass repressions of Belarusian people and de-facto Russian occupation, so Sviatlana Cichanoŭskaja and hundreds of thousands of Belarusians had to escape abroad (mostly to Poland and Lithuania)??? There is nothing to do with the upcoming parliament "elections" in February 2024, which you mentioned. You should research the topic better before commenting it.
Thank you for this summary!
Oddly enough, I didn't get any of this from the lamestream media
Did the German Chancellor just admit she is a dictator?
coin bureau is a fraud
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for globalist oligarchs. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”― Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket , a short book and speeches written in 1935.
My blood boils with rage when I see these evil bastards , its them or us now
The same here 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Let’s boycot products from Zwitserland.
The problem is this... "us" is only theoretical. There is no "us" in practice. "They"... made sure of that.
99,9% of them are all 1 particular skin color 🙄
@@SAINTMAURICE-tl7kb irrelevant
We are dealing with very sick egotistical, sociopaths and narcissists with money and power which is a bad prescription!
Yes .. also it’s possible that there are other creatures involved, not humans…
@@ofrapeters3952indeed they live
They have a short time, for in the end God wins.
Nazis by another name.
Aka the j 00's!
The WEF has earned our mistrust 1000 times over.
say that again till some people will click 🙄🙄🤦🤦
Stop calling them elites and start calling them psychopaths.
Excellent 🥇
We will overcome ✌️
I agree we should always mention that nobody think of them as “elite” but themselves. We could refer to them as self-proclaimed “elite”.
Agree, they are far from elites, the word opposite to elites is dregs. Just for your information and joy.
@chivomartinezPsychopathic Elites - is technically correct!!!
The sad part there are still tons of people who think it is a conspiracy therory.
The sad part is so many misunderstand power and control and will ultimately turn it into a conspiracy theory (probably focusing on Taylor Swift, a pizza shop, and something to do with gender).
That's called the cia brainwashed dupes'
Full conspiracy in progress
The majority lives in denial and does not even believe this would ever be rolling out or that it is actually rolling out already. They will wait until it knocks on their doors. Interestingly, the phases and elements of which the new, WEF's concept is built from, majoriti is considering and treating isolated from the whole thing, diminishing so the chances to succeed in stopping the new concept as a whole.
A lot less though than before
I think being a Farmer always was Nobel Their Protests accross Europe is STRONG
Keep exposing these scumbags. Good work
Farmers are making a stand, us plebs need to get behind them, they feed us after all 😢
everyone should be supporting farmers if you are not you do not want to be alive 👍
We need to organise more, buy direct from the farmers ,and grow our own... Small farm start -ups ? anything to cut out those who keep us apart. There are groups springing up connecting customers to farmers direct.
Big news for the WEF: most people of the world already "own nothing" and "they are not happy"; so much for the ideas of the WEF.
The happy part comes when the brain implants go mainstream. Give 'em time, mate
PS: I realized the irony of the give then time joke since in reality with the populace continuing to divide and idle... we're in effect doing just that - giving them all the time they need.
But they do want to keep them happy so they can keep there eyes off them
he owns nothing! illusion dellusion
Look at how the prices have gone up in the last few years and how poorer we are. There's still the same amount of money in circulation but it's all being hoovered up by the likes of Blackrock.
Well that only means their job is already half done
May god protect us from these devils and their age of darkness that they will bring .
They cannot bring darkness, because they're in the spotlight!
He ain't coming to protect you from anything.
@@Poppa_Capinyoaz it's actually to the contrary! speak for yourself as the man who posted this, doesn't have a sock puppet account like yoo.
@@Poppa_Capinyoaz Read the bible. What's happening is bible prophesy.
I don’t remember voting for those programs either.
Exactly ❤
"Your complianze vill suvfice" - K Schwab
Your mother and father REGISTERING you at birth like you REGISTER a motor vehicle is the creation of the Birth Certificate Trust and then you applying to the Government for the Birth Certificate to obtain Government identification is the CONTRACT so they can TAX you fine you send you to war and jail you. The signature has enslaved you.
You only vote which puppet will follow them
You’re adorable
The world supports the farmers!!
"Enough gaslighting to keep Europe warm through the winter" That killed me hahaha!
Haha...Good One.
This is the by far the best reporting I have seen on Davos 2024. You have earned my subscription.
Me too.
Zwitserland boy koten. die werk hier aan mee
We who are aware of these so called ''elites'' and their plans have to share it with people who are still asleep or not aware of whats going on. They are already concerned about pushback. The numbers are on our side. Dont loose hope.
The crypto scammers will save us….amirite?
But none of them think it’s will happen to them / here. Still asleep.
Great to hear it ONLY takes 3.5% of us to change things! KEEP PUSHING OTHERS, especially the ones that took the clot shots, they are weird now more than ever!
they will get us. do not take the chip and jesus will come
I try even forwarding videos, people dont want to know or get involved.
Rebuild trust 😅😅😅 Noone in their right mind would trust these lunatics, the fact this is on their agenda says it all.
Why does the “greater good” always line their pockets with my tax dollars?
Because you don't pay attention.
These people are not interested in the pennies from taxes, they want to control EVERYTHING we have
😂 you’ve got that one right!
Most people around me are sleepwalking and not paying attention to this type of stuff.
Same with family and friends I know only one out of all the people I know are preparing. Even my grown Children are blind. Trying to put a little back for them, since I know they will come to mom for help.
I don't find many people paying attention to anything. That is the effect of game show politicians, no point in listening to anything since our is just jabber. Look at the current US congress, least effective in US's history
They are in denial
Great job Guy
Just one thing, the word is Parasites, not elites!
It isn’t that the WEF doesn’t understand trust, it’s that they define it differently. For them, trust is a synonym for compliance, which need not be voluntary.
his followers will eventually turn on him. Isn't that Grand⁉️
That is scary. Where are the FEMA camps? They have been building more and more in the last 10 years prepping...
Trust is earned. They lost it with the pandemic debacle and ongoing lives lost.
Sho be right
Sounds like compliances by no other option. We are being funneled into their version of the world. For me. Give me liberty or give me death.
It really feels like something big is gonna happen soon, the world is changing rapidly but not in a good way. We will need to stand up
Yeah its ww3
CBDC - govt will subcontract its implementation to the private sector as will the implementation of a social credit 💳 score.
Like in movie paycheck when he predict the future chain events
read book of revelation. we will get a chip in our hands to buy and sell. jesus will return
Yep. I'm feeling afraid. NASA has been here since November, and now we have all these man - made fires. NASA is ' predicting' an earthquake/ tsunami in South Africa. I live at the bottom tip of South Africa , Cape Town.
Deff to the WEF.
Claus: Our fake news is the only news you are allowed to hear
he's a coward that will end in begging not to judge him Salute !
must believe by identifying with it; is their goal.!
Our fake news are true news. Now repeat with me: "2 + 2 = 5".
Well played 😂
More people need to watch this video. Please share far and wide. Thank you CB team
We better get off our butts and do something about it on a physical plane rather than just talking about it and supposedly waking up. Just talking about it ain’t gonna get it done.
Keep sharing all these crazy insane protocols they have for our lives
God gave us our life we can't let them take it from us in my belief they are playing psychological warfare on us
Evil like we could ever imagine is here
Poisoning food air and water vaccines
That should tell everyone that they are
Really doing this. Look up bioengineered food. It's everywhere now I know this is true ! Farmers market and whole foods and local farmers please believe me that this food will destroy our health. Hard for me to believe also share all these WEF videos. Then the blind may see
Will you surrender the Birth back to whence it came then and all Government identification created fromit would be a good start as that’s the contract.
@paranoidandroid9825 would you please explain this is simpler terms
@@bigboii1150The registering of the CHILD by your unsuspecting parents at Birth creates the Birth Certificate, later when you want to open a Bank account or Drivers license you need their Birth Certificate created especially for you to do so. This is the Contract to Government some people Surrender the Birth Certificate and any identification back to Government to break the assumption you are a CITIZEN of the Government and operate in the Private instead of the Public.
The only thing to be "done" is non-compliance. If everyone just ignored these WEF people and their governments and stopped voting and stopped paying taxes, then all of this would just go away
If their plan is so great, we must make sure they will be living the same way. What's good for the goose is good for the gander!
“Stakeholders” is just another way of saying “ everyone is equal. Some are more equal than others.”
Alternately "stakeholders" refers to those who made under the table deals at the many untelevised and unrecorded meetings that take place at Davos.
Depends on how big your stake is.
@@Arise4Fries90 18 oz rib eye thanks.............
Laughing out loud, google Foreign Agent's Registeration form, All USA employees are required to file a Foreign Agent's Registeration form due to bankruptcies checkmate. So, Who's really in control
Another kind of stakeholder will emerge. They will carry wooden stakes.
Thanks for exposing those thugs!
Thank you so much for this content. Resistance forever!
resistance is futile. i share this with soo many people over the years and they just take no notice.
@@TheDarksideoftheMoon360 Well yes, its so hard to chose right way how to tell ppl who normaly dont care and yes mostly they will not notice, but resistance is necessary, not because of them but because of your own resposibility to your soul and truth. Till the bitter end
“Nobody notices, nobody cares”
"They will own nobody and be unhappy".
"make the world China" is a motto of Davos, along with "through targeted viruses and limited wars, we will deal with the human problem"
Not a motto of the tourist town Davos, it’s the WEF motto.
It has been shown it is the predator Davos people and their ownership of CIA FBI NSA and DEA etal MI5 & MI6 that are involved in Epstein trafficing. They want to use Ai to make our people slaves and the Larry Fink's Black Rock, Jamie Dimon JPMorgan Chase, Steve Schwarzman Blackstone who is buying student loan and o make a killing off the misery of our people that never should have had to take the but for corruption for the predator class. Now you know why Biden refuses to cancel government student loans even 28 year old loan by the elderly. Do not buy the Biden ads on forgiveness. Trump forgave all PPP loans that were just 2 years old and billion upon billions of dollars forgiven. The Supreme Court did not say those government lians were not fogiveable did they?
@@ilovesuisse1 I don’t see anyone on Davos or Switzerland having a problem with the WEF
We need to ensure voting for candidates that will appose WEF / UN
Voting is their game. If you vote, you are to blame.
Yes we need to vote for someone that’s not got ties to the WEF. So who can that be?🤔🤔
@@moneypox2628 true libertarians? but these are basically non-existent.
Strange, there was no mention of ESG regulation regarding private jets,
Like the ones they all arrived in. Why not regulation start with the WEF and then government just to make ensure that it’s user friendly.
Oh but don't you know? They buy carbon credits to offset their pollution! It's all good! 😂
Carbon at 4%.. so think were alright
You will never hear a word of truth from government.
It's all about expanding wealth of the elites and controlling, slaving the masses. The personal motives of the elite are aimed at global influence, because they already have an abundance of money and power.
@@SurLaMer_ Offsetting carbon should not be allowed unless you are no longer driving a car and taking public transportation or only walking and biking a pedal bike.
Thank you for sharing this information and waking people up 🙏
Ty Sir for your work. Control the media narrative ...
Control the food...
Control the resources...
Control online access...
Damn that sounds familiar and its not de moc racy
No tyrannical
I think you mean de-mock-racy!
Yeah and soon you will have a chip on your hand and you wont be able to buy or sell without one and with crypto dollar everyone has to take it
Revelation 13:16-17
He causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one may buy or sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
This was written almost 2000 years ago,
Trust = obedience
You guys are awesome, I love this channel. Thank you for the knowledge and honesty.
This could be the most important video you’ve made. Thank you brother.
All w/ no YT advertisements
Every time....Wef is unbelievable. I'm scared of the future. Censorship is already present.
U being scared is part of the agenda. They want u to be scared. They count on it
Totally. Can't even talk normal now when speaking mind on RUclips. 90% of comments of substance get auto deleted.
Who cares They know deep in their soul that they lose For now they're a woke
*Heavily present. I tried totell a dissenter they didn't belong here, YT said service unavailable, I changed it to 'you need to be here and pay attention' and voila, comment posts. Thought police in full effect, you think like me, you encounter this 100 times a day, everywhere.
@@Poppa_CapinyoazNanny state in full effect.
You do FANTASTIC work! THANK YOU for all that you do.
There will be more than 3.5% of the population to make a stand when the time comes. ✊🏽
The Revolutionary had only 0.5% less
The more they restrict our lives the more the resent will build up. We are all equal on this planet not 1% imprisoning's the 99%.
According to the stated numbers .. about 20% of the US population did not get ONE CV19 JAB .. that is roughly 66 million individuals. That probably represents a more correct statement of resistance!
@@MerwinARTist an excellent statistic! Well found..
The time to make a stand is about gone.
As long you vote for your government they don't need extra permission to do whatever they want! I am seen a lot of people saying we didn't vote for all this!
We didn't vote for THIS! The Election was stolen from us...
Awesome summary thanks Guy!
From HS in New Zealand.
nz must unite
IMHO, this is one of the best Coin Bureau videos I've seen lately.
Good and complete overview of everything that will take away the freedom of the people and further subject them to a gang of sociopaths. They have a sickening amount of money and an almost uncontrollable greed to exert power and influence.
Thank you for breaking this down! 🙌🙌
Been following you for years now. Thank you for everything you do you are a gift to humanity.
So in a nutshell, their #1 priority moving forward is stopping any and all information and opinions that are contradictory to their goals.
Thank you for all the effort you've put into covering Davos 2024. For some reason it hasn't had as much scrutiny by others this year.
People are waking up to the Evil
Not enough
They may be waking up. But they still are in their bed pondering?
The best part of Argentina’s president’s speech was the part on social issues. The part you left out.
The guy talks about libertarianism yet puts Goldman Sacks in charge.
The guy talks about eliminating the country's central bank yet puts his country on a dollar standard.
He looks every bit an agent working for a foreign govt who has been inserted into power.
@@mtrest4smart person It's called "Controlled Opposition" He acts unstable deliberately, mixed w/ sane policies Think DJT, AJ, D. Icke, Jessie Ventura, Joe Rouge
That guy is nuts. He acts as if his own country did not violate human autonomy by mandating masks until vaccines for covid was at 70%. How many people were harmed? No one has the right to clim any OTHER country is socialist when SO IS THEIR OWN!
As usual another fantastic break down of the event. Thanks to Guy and his team!!!
Thank you for covering this!
We are powerhouse of love and light .precious precious people of goodness and grace. The light is here purdy good people 🤗🤗🤗😍😍😍💖💖💖❤❤❤💗💗💗
evil cannot overcome those who are with love and light in their hearts never ever
Great work, these types of videos are a lot of fun and gives us a general idea of what’s going on in the world.
Thank you for your content
I LOVE this kind of videos. Thank you so much for this.
We all really appreciate all time and effort you all put into all of your informative content, all things WEF, in particular. Thank you.
"Heil Hydra" with Doctor Evil from James Bond running the show...
Never knew that the Captain America and James Bond films was such accurate prophecies.
hes bald and got an egg head🤣
hydra can be overcome, you need to know how
This was your best work to date!!!! keep up the good work
Where can we find a list of politicians who oppose the WEF? This would be very very useful
That's like trying to find a needle in a haystack
Doesnt exist turn to Jesus and get as rich as possible
nobody even those who the people think like trump etc. controlled opposition
It's whoever supports labour unions, real corporate profit sharing with workers, ranked choice voting, term limits and who fully rejects corporate sponsorship to get elected.
Trump 2024 🇺🇸
Great Show
I mean all we have to do is get a list of all the people who attended, find their public trades and just give em a GameStop
Will we probably not, because while they’ll build trust with us and themselves they’ll dismantle trust among public
Thanks a lot Guy. Seems the WEF and its allies are like the empire in star wars. May the force be with us!
Thank you for making this
Excellent work on this video! Very thought provoking!
Excellent video, thank you 🙏
Great job!
Scary as hell! Thank you for reporting on this!! 2030 is a deadline often talked about inside military channels as well.
Very good summary. I also enjoy your humor. Thank you!!
Thank you so much for this summary and making time to share this craziness. You’re a champion Guy 😊
this was an AMAZING breakdown. loved every second thanks!
Fink (Black Rock)is a major player on a new token system.
Major❓ How's about The current player..
so he can force behavior changes
Very complexity.Bravo for your ef
The WEF is out of control.
Needs to be permanently disbanded and its members forced to get a real job ! Same applies to the UN/WHO/ EU !
Great stuff. Keep spreading the word!
Guy, that was a brilliant commentary!
Thanks for keeping us updated on so many important topics and for summarizing the key points!
great info thanks
I don’t remember voting for anything WEF proposed… 😤
They are powerless!! Bottom line. They only deal with billionaires and billionaire investors that’s how they get there money. They have NO say . but the companies influencers DO. Otherwise Klaus is like any other dude ranting about how he wants to change the world. Those idiots on stage they are nothing but minions spreading lies and brainwashing us. It’s the ones sitting in their sits in the dark is who u need to worry about.
Thank you
Thank you for this report! Haven't seen any other proper report.
Your video is spot on.
Havier is a wef young global leader, of course he was thrilled by his master.
magnificent & instructive!
You are a fantastic Guy!❤❤❤
Thanks for this Guy, great video and coverage.
@coinbureau Perfectly outlined Guy! As I should say... beautiful. We must hold strong over the WEF and all its partners and anyone who speak out for them. Disrupt them relentlessly and fearlessly. We must speak 'loudly' and openly to out friends and families who are unfortunately blind to all this and try to open their mind... The more we do it the more minds we'll free... Then, there will be nowhere the 'elite 💩' can hide. 💪🏻
Thanks a brilliant synopsis. 😊
Any entity which has some sort of control is corrupt in some way
Thanks for this analysis, CB
There's nothing more greedy than socialist. They actually believe that they have the rights to the fruit of your labor.
King Charles, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Zelensky are socialist?
Don’t you ever get tired of so fundamentally misunderstanding the most basic economic and political tenets….
You’re doing a service out here, Guy.
The test case for the World Economic Forum's world domination is Canada and Klaus Schwab's apprentice Jason Trudeau.
You're only slightly right. The WEF has their leaders in every country.
Yes but he's the one who showed how CBDC ( Central Bank Digital Currency) would be able to control people when he blocked the Canadian truckers from their bank accounts.
His name is Justin, not Jason. And he is for the most part despised and laughed at here (Canada).
@@tyegress1708 YES I stand corrected. However I blame the evil Bourbon for my error.
@@paulcaldwell116😂 Well I for one look forward to forgetting more than just his name.
Please keep it going...
This video kept getting recommended for me and I was just like yeah yeah whatever I already know everything about it. I’m so happy that I clicked on this video to watch it. This is so informative. Thank you thank you thank you for digesting that and processing that for us.
TY!!! shared on FB
I’ve been waiting for this video!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️