MARTHA'S Matter @christianaattafuah

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • Martha's Matter is a poem that discusses the choices we make as Christians and it's implications. It shows what things the Church of old upheld and the ones today's church glorifies...
    But Truth comes in to order what has been disordered.
    NB: The poem is rendered in Twi (Akan, Ghana) with subtitles in English.
    For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
    2 Corinthians 5:10
    SCRIPT (Written and produced by Christiana Attafuah)
    Ntim's sister Martha might listen to what you are about saying
    Where are the watchmen so that Yaa has raced off to her end
    How come no one stopped her
    The abundance of knowledge presents the case of salvation as though it were unnecessary
    When the creature is called upon, arrogance responds...
    Do not let the one who has lost his way direct you
    Listen to this...
    Bargain for life with your life
    Yes! while you are alive
    Bargain for life with your life
    It won't be long before all the works of flesh (life) will cease
    The one who remembers this will carefully walk with wisdom
    It isn't everything that the flesh desires that should be allowed
    There's a way that seems right but the end thereof is death and it's affiliates
    The sons of disobedience consent to their future sufferings-
    Your decisions in the land of the living is an indicator...
    The wise will walk patiently
    The bulk of consequences for your choices will be waiting for you at the end of your life
    God's wisdom is (Expensive) valuable but the wise will be pleased with it
    Please yourself often partners "had I known" so pay heed to advice and find Jesus
    "I can't be bothered" is not the regular language of a forward looking person
    Christ will welcome his own, that will be full of rest and joy
    The prince of darkness will also meet the children of his path
    Hold on... This is a scary reality
    Man, run for your life
    While you can choose, choose right
    The one who excludes accountability from any story is deceitful
    See, copy what is right
    Make decisions that will matter when you no longer matter ; when this matter you have adorned and so adored is martyred by one thing or the other and doesn't really matter any more... Will you matter?
    Martha, this is the matter of aftermaths and afterhere's..
    I say, bargain for life with your life
    Martha, this is the matter✍️

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