I love crafting in this game. I was about to quit the game when one of my friend was like “heck try crafting before you leave idk you might enjoy it” turns out this is the thing that revived my flame of love to this game
This is literally the first I have heard of crafting tea. I got more out of a your 5 minute speedrun than the few hours listening to mentors ramble in the NN. Great vid
Just started playing a couple weeks ago. I have a Ninja 54, Miner, Fisher, and Botanist all at 50, and all other crafting classes between 40 and 45. I am IN LOVE with FF crafting. I've lived 20 miserable years with crap crafting systems in MMOs and FF is like mana from heaven. In FF gathering, weather can matter. Time of day can matter. When it comes to fishing, bait matters. Hell, with fishing, you might have the best chance at catching a particular fish at a specific location with a specific bait at a specific time of day when it's raining after a sand storm, lol. Hell, the bait you have to use to catch that fish might be the fish you just caught! Who DID all this? It's an insane level of detail, and it has me by the freakin balls, man.
Interesting, but you've just very clearly explained in the simplest terms why I do not want to do crafting in FFXIV! To each their own and no judgment of course. Just my opinion and one I'm sure many others hold. That's just the way the cookie crumbles.
Honestly, it’s tough to say what you should make to sell as it varies drastically between servers and data centres. One thing that you can usually rely on is crafting end game stuff such as battle job gear, crafting gear, etc. The best piece of advice that anyone can give to you is to research your market board and just look at prices of stuff that you can craft and then also look at how often those pieces are selling.
@@EllionGrey thank you for advice! So far i maxed only mining and none of the end game ores don't sell, even rare time locked stuff. I'm working on alchemy for now, maybe potions will go better way
theres never a single thing, you gotta be constantly checking whats good, what actually is profitable for YOU (take your time into account) and also be wary of upcoming events in the game like the release of a new raid tier or trial, etc constantly checking the patch notes
I still don't understand the crafting mechanics from this game by watching this. Clearly there's good information here but this isn't very beginner beginner friendly. 😭
Another great video ! Crafting to me as a sprout 🌱 looks interesting but very complex it really is a whole other game within FF I’ve always been used to wow an swtor style crafting same goes with mining an herb collection it’s not just a simple click an move on it’s got all kinds of buttons … however those relic weapons are fantastic an i so badly want them 😆
Are there any use of crafting while in free trial? Since I don’t have access to the market and being gil capped at 350k. I’m waiting til Endwalker drop to purchase the game in bundle. Just finished ARR and now leveling up an alt job almost to 50 and I’m loving the game.
The ARR relic quests require inputs from crafters so if you want to do that on free trial, you must level one since you can't buy the mats off the marketboard. Otherwise you can just level and gear your crafters to level 60 for free and then be ahead when you finally do sub.
@@Longlius woah it’s been 2 months since. I’m in post HW now and my beast tribe’s mount have been keeping my gil under the cap. I guess I’ll level crafting jobs for the crafting beast tribe quest and relic I guess
I'm having a hard time getting stated. I'm lvl 28, and still have trouble crafting anything. Because I can't find the quest giver to craft item. Such as weaving and goldsmithing.
Thanks! I just started FFXIV and oh boy is there a lot of things to do. First thing, focus on 1 task at a time and that’s being an armorer and one day build and have some bad a- armor :D probably should’ve gone with gatherer first but then again I have no clue where that is while armorer is where you start out in
Think back what the most annoying things where as you leveled... then sell those 😁 (think of the HQ crafts for quests , the mats you needed for gathering quests, the glam you liked, the tools you bought)... Gil is in people's laziness
New player here... seems like I have an excessive amount of Gil. What should I be spending it on? Crafting? I'm just not sure. Atm I use for TP, repair and maybe food.
Again, another video that only goes over stat catagories. Thats NOT what people are asking. What we want to know is where is the specific button I push, to actually craft.
just started the game and all these videos are confusing as fuck.I just want to know where to find the person who gives the abilities to craft so i can get a hands on approach.
Great video! Short, sweet and spot on. I’d love to see you do a video (series?) about crafting + job. I’m leveling Paladin after doing some professions, and it was an amazing moment when I realized the jewelry I was looking at on the Market Board I could make myself! So I spent about 20 minutes crafting some gear with Goldsmith, and the sense of satisfaction I had, and still have, knowing I’m wearing my own creations is nothing short of astounding. So a video (series?) outlining what class of jobs + these types of professions @ which levels = making your own gear would be super helpful to many players.
Not helpful at all to me as a new player. All I want to know is how to freaking make maple syrup. I have the mats and equipped the skillet but it wont let me do anything.
Levelled everything to 80, grinded out the gear and tools, crafted my jobs gear. And after all this time I'm told I can use tea AND food at the same time. what the fuck
I can see why many people like this system and it really is the most innovative crafting system in MMORPG's, but I am not interested. It looks like too much work and I would not be surprised if many more people agree. I really don't know how such a system could be improved for people like me, or if doing so would cause those who like it as it is to not like it anymore. This may very well be a catch 22 situation. So many people clamor for innovation in crafting systems, but there may not be any innovation to be had without alienating a large number of people. When you think about it, crafting is a boring thing and I mean taht in the literal sense. When people make things in real life, the "crafting" they do in and of itself, is not what they enjoy about their job. They enjoy some other aspect (you'd have to ask such people for details). Homemade stuff is a bit different, but what I'm getting at is it's still ultimately a very mundane thing and not everyone enjoys it. Just like in real life, crafting in video games, no matter how it's done, will only appeal to so many people.
Crafting is like a whole other game in itself in FF14 unlike other mmos. Their is a craft for everyone, even low level stuff you just have to find your niche.
I love crafting in this game. I was about to quit the game when one of my friend was like “heck try crafting before you leave idk you might enjoy it” turns out this is the thing that revived my flame of love to this game
Genuinely it's the only reason I play, the crafting is just so cool
True story
That Pink Guy clip lmao
We miss you frank 😢
That was totally out of left field lol
I’m late but holy shit it caught me off guard lmao
This is literally the first I have heard of crafting tea. I got more out of a your 5 minute speedrun than the few hours listening to mentors ramble in the NN. Great vid
Thanks a lot!
Just started playing a couple weeks ago. I have a Ninja 54, Miner, Fisher, and Botanist all at 50, and all other crafting classes between 40 and 45. I am IN LOVE with FF crafting. I've lived 20 miserable years with crap crafting systems in MMOs and FF is like mana from heaven. In FF gathering, weather can matter. Time of day can matter. When it comes to fishing, bait matters. Hell, with fishing, you might have the best chance at catching a particular fish at a specific location with a specific bait at a specific time of day when it's raining after a sand storm, lol. Hell, the bait you have to use to catch that fish might be the fish you just caught! Who DID all this? It's an insane level of detail, and it has me by the freakin balls, man.
Interesting, but you've just very clearly explained in the simplest terms why I do not want to do crafting in FFXIV! To each their own and no judgment of course. Just my opinion and one I'm sure many others hold. That's just the way the cookie crumbles.
I agree, it's more fun than the battle system. I liked it so much I'm making my own game which is very similar
How do you have a ninja at level 54
For me hardest thing in crafting is understand what should i craft and sell to make profit. Being a sprout and not knowing values of things is hard...
Honestly, it’s tough to say what you should make to sell as it varies drastically between servers and data centres. One thing that you can usually rely on is crafting end game stuff such as battle job gear, crafting gear, etc. The best piece of advice that anyone can give to you is to research your market board and just look at prices of stuff that you can craft and then also look at how often those pieces are selling.
In most cases, you will profit on stuff that you can gather every material for because the cost is just time.
You can also try selling lower level gear as people will need it as they progress.
@@EllionGrey thank you for advice! So far i maxed only mining and none of the end game ores don't sell, even rare time locked stuff. I'm working on alchemy for now, maybe potions will go better way
theres never a single thing, you gotta be constantly checking whats good, what actually is profitable for YOU (take your time into account) and also be wary of upcoming events in the game like the release of a new raid tier or trial, etc constantly checking the patch notes
Perfect video to watch while quick synthesis is running in the background 👍
Just started crafting! Timing is impeccable!
Now this is what I like to wake up to. Great video as always!
I still don't understand the crafting mechanics from this game by watching this. Clearly there's good information here but this isn't very beginner beginner friendly. 😭
I cannot even figure out how to get to the crafting menu
Another great video ! Crafting to me as a sprout 🌱 looks interesting but very complex it really is a whole other game within FF I’ve always been used to wow an swtor style crafting same goes with mining an herb collection it’s not just a simple click an move on it’s got all kinds of buttons … however those relic weapons are fantastic an i so badly want them 😆
Are there any use of crafting while in free trial? Since I don’t have access to the market and being gil capped at 350k.
I’m waiting til Endwalker drop to purchase the game in bundle. Just finished ARR and now leveling up an alt job almost to 50 and I’m loving the game.
The ARR relic quests require inputs from crafters so if you want to do that on free trial, you must level one since you can't buy the mats off the marketboard. Otherwise you can just level and gear your crafters to level 60 for free and then be ahead when you finally do sub.
@@Longlius woah it’s been 2 months since. I’m in post HW now and my beast tribe’s mount have been keeping my gil under the cap. I guess I’ll level crafting jobs for the crafting beast tribe quest and relic I guess
I'm having a hard time getting stated. I'm lvl 28, and still have trouble crafting anything. Because I can't find the quest giver to craft item. Such as weaving and goldsmithing.
i didn't learn the one thing i wanted to know, HOW THE F#% DO I START?!?
Thanks! I just started FFXIV and oh boy is there a lot of things to do. First thing, focus on 1 task at a time and that’s being an armorer and one day build and have some bad a- armor :D probably should’ve gone with gatherer first but then again I have no clue where that is while armorer is where you start out in
Yay! More Despi!
Just hit 80 and finished Shadowbringers 5.0 on my Bard. Sitting at around 2mil Gil so hopefully leveling up crafting job(s) will get me a big boost
That clip at 25 sec is crazy 😆
Tried selling HQ Exarchic gear but there is so much competition the item went from 360k to 86k in 2 days and i sold none
Exarchic is a trap for first time 80 crafters, I instead make 2mil a day off fish sales and glams
@@cal5365 Damn, those fish must be making bank. I might need to try that.
Think back what the most annoying things where as you leveled... then sell those 😁 (think of the HQ crafts for quests , the mats you needed for gathering quests, the glam you liked, the tools you bought)... Gil is in people's laziness
How do you get your graphics to look so crisp?! WTH. :D
Whats your graphics card and settings please.
G shade or nvidea filter
He actually has a video dedicated on how he set up the filter
@@zillahstar Yeah I searched his videos after my reply haha... thanks tho.
I'm enjoying crafting
What glam is the one you have thats red with a white shirt?
New player here... seems like I have an excessive amount of Gil. What should I be spending it on? Crafting? I'm just not sure. Atm I use for TP, repair and maybe food.
Again, another video that only goes over stat catagories. Thats NOT what people are asking. What we want to know is where is the specific button I push, to actually craft.
Which shade you use from Reshade or Gshade and which one you use Please sad it i will this graphics tooo :(
just started the game and all these videos are confusing as fuck.I just want to know where to find the person who gives the abilities to craft so i can get a hands on approach.
Great video! Short, sweet and spot on.
I’d love to see you do a video (series?) about crafting + job. I’m leveling Paladin after doing some professions, and it was an amazing moment when I realized the jewelry I was looking at on the Market Board I could make myself! So I spent about 20 minutes crafting some gear with Goldsmith, and the sense of satisfaction I had, and still have, knowing I’m wearing my own creations is nothing short of astounding.
So a video (series?) outlining what class of jobs + these types of professions @ which levels = making your own gear would be super helpful to many players.
I like starting from 0 but I also hate it. Getting up to current content in crafting is a chore, but I can see the value in it.
Not helpful at all to me as a new player. All I want to know is how to freaking make maple syrup. I have the mats and equipped the skillet but it wont let me do anything.
Tried crafting foe the first time ever in ff14 and its so fun
Levelled everything to 80, grinded out the gear and tools, crafted my jobs gear. And after all this time I'm told I can use tea AND food at the same time.
what the fuck
Leuschke Ridge
Random pink guy scene out of nowhere xD
only available while crafting!
I just sell dark chestnut logs and somehow that earns me a lot of money
*Gets out calculator for later level crafting* oh boy
Ima just be real nd say I don’t understand 💀 ima learn though
Im new im focusing more on lvl up Botanist and Culinarian first and dye so I can put the others more "easy" on 80 too.
Nice video btw!!
No Skytools?
i´m disappointed x3
great video for a beginner, in the ear and out the other! Literally speaking gibberish to me. You need to make a monke version of this video
Crafting. Truly time -consuming stuff.
Definitely, but so worth it
early levels do the grand company turn ins cheap buy off market massive xp
You had the opportunity to call it "Gillionaire" but you didn't take it smh
I think the distinction that he's made billions is important for people who want proof that he knows what he's talking about.
Exactly this
I see frank i sub lol i ma a simple man
Bruh how is this a beginners guide
Ugh, was that gross cutaway really necessary?
I can see why many people like this system and it really is the most innovative crafting system in MMORPG's, but I am not interested. It looks like too much work and I would not be surprised if many more people agree. I really don't know how such a system could be improved for people like me, or if doing so would cause those who like it as it is to not like it anymore. This may very well be a catch 22 situation. So many people clamor for innovation in crafting systems, but there may not be any innovation to be had without alienating a large number of people. When you think about it, crafting is a boring thing and I mean taht in the literal sense. When people make things in real life, the "crafting" they do in and of itself, is not what they enjoy about their job. They enjoy some other aspect (you'd have to ask such people for details). Homemade stuff is a bit different, but what I'm getting at is it's still ultimately a very mundane thing and not everyone enjoys it.
Just like in real life, crafting in video games, no matter how it's done, will only appeal to so many people.
Crafting is like a whole other game in itself in FF14 unlike other mmos. Their is a craft for everyone, even low level stuff you just have to find your niche.