Is this another way of trying to be famous .This is not the time for that.Let the 2 families cry for their loved one.Let them breathe bakithi.oo Bhaka no Kehlelezi Let them fight or advertise themselves but not here.This is not the platform for that.Masihloniphe please .
Ave Edina nangubaba akafake iPenty ngeke
Uyaquna wazikonke ulokhu unaka uKhehlelezi engakunakile
Kazi inhlonipho yashonaphi kubantu bakithi coz sikhule sazi ukuthi umuntu oshonile nomndeni oshonelwe uyahlonishwa😢😢
Lenkulumo yakho akusona isikhathi sayo okwamanje besicela amazwi enduduzo,Wena Bhaka ukhombisa inzondo,Dr,,,Khehlelezi,,Ayikho into ongayazi ,osali ndawo ekuphaleni
Ake ninike umndeni wakaMbokazi isthunzi kulesimo..awuuuuuu
Izwe alivume ukut uyinkunzi into uykhuluma ikhanye nke.ngiwumlandeli wakho king
Hayi bayaloyana laphaya okhozini asikho iskhathi sokufihla manje 2024 ungasikhohlisi nje 😢
Umona must fall kuwe baba
And I can feel ukty lento iyakucika yaz
Y kungahlonishwa umuntu oshonile let's respect umufi kazi zabanjani leyinyanga zanamuhla nikhulumela safuthi ngabe nipapha abantu senendlulele
King uyindodana emazulwin
Iqiniso smell buti umntu ombulali uyamduduza uthathe ukupila okanye another ways uthetha ukukhanya.honest humanity lets not be evil .
Awuhlukanenokhehlelezi khingibhakawafunanikukhehlelezi
😂😂😂😂 wake wamuzwaphi unkulunkulu othi vula ukhozi fm 😂😂😂 nibuye nihlekise kodwa
Animtholele camera man ukuze engezuku khathala ingalo bandla.
Is this another way of trying to be famous .This is not the time for that.Let the 2 families cry for their loved one.Let them breathe bakithi.oo Bhaka no Kehlelezi Let them fight or advertise themselves but not here.This is not the platform for that.Masihloniphe please