Lmao 😂😂😂😂😂 i’m the exact opposite even if i win no matter what i request a rematch. If brawlhalla counted my rematch request percentage it would absolutely be above 90%
Boomie can you investigate if random is actually random but there's absolutely no way the blasters god keeps getting blasters legends and the same legend twice too
Ok let's say Barazza is a top 10 character for you. Currently there are 63(?) legends in the game. You got a top 10 character 2 out of 3 games. I think the calculation is that there are 10*10*53*3 + 10^3 combinations of characters that would've led you to say this, out of a total of 63^3 possible combinations. That is 16900 out of 250047 possible universes, aka a *6.8% chance that this situation would've occured.* If Barazza is the exact character you needed, this percentage drops down to 0.0075% chance. i think
Im gonna be honest, I am not a fan of brawlhalla's tournament plays recently. Ever since the stingray "Find the deadzones" crap everyone has been MEGA passive, so in glad you and some other pros tend to actually make a fight interesting and make it tollerable by seeking opportunities and changing movement.
"Lmk in the comments, dont let me know"😂😂
mental warfare against jolly go crazy
12:19 bro just exposed most of us
most sane brawlhalla player
Never do I ask for a rematch, but I accept every single one
Lmao 😂😂😂😂😂 i’m the exact opposite even if i win no matter what i request a rematch. If brawlhalla counted my rematch request percentage it would absolutely be above 90%
I did not expect to click this video and see Boomie absolutely smoke Santy in 2024
jolly here and yea i cant even lie i sceenshotted me winning so fast but overall ur insane lmao ggs boomie
GG Jolly, you beat Boomie
@@crimsnalan7671 my goat
LMAO uninstall the game trash
you would never win against him without cannon 😂
Your weapon does 50 damage with two hits you're boosted
"They patched out double dlight too?" "They patched slight nair?" Im deadddd xD
You mentally dominated that poor Jolly with the rematch thing. Justice for Jolly
crazy that random knew boomie is a one trick blaster player, giving him 5 in a row, loved the vid
8:40 "Yes Santy I can always count on you for those" got me DEAD LMFAO
Bro really went "lemme know in the- ... nevermind"
Bro really said bro really went 😐
Mannnn we've all missed boomies casual commentary. I wish Sandstorm would hop on that upload grind
Nlight into „what does nsig do“ is crazy 😂
seeesh the weekly uploads clutch
You know you're in trouble when your opponent pulls out the sandy cheeks pick
The rematch tech is crazy 😅
They gave this man blasters every game. The RNG is crazy
Boomie can you investigate if random is actually random but there's absolutely no way the blasters god keeps getting blasters legends and the same legend twice too
Please more, your commentary in scuffed ranked games is by far the best content this shitty game has had in years
can we talk about the fact that he played rdm and got only his main wp blasters?
"I hope you learned nothing" he's right cause i didn't lol
“This is gonna be a dismantling of jolly”
When will the ranked 2s videos come out with you and snowy????
its crazy how we just watched blasters masterclass cuz random decided that
Day 1 of asking for feet cam
Let’s make this the 1st and last day of
first and last day of asking hopefully
Wouldn't that cam be more suitable to see woman in heels 😮
what do you need it for, Talib James?
Bro boomie why r u always so funny lmao. Reactions on point
the point of first fighting jolly onwards is so real
Boomie is litteraly insane
Your pretty good you should go pro
Random = Blasters on Boomies account
Your videos are epic please make more as I struggle to eat without your videos
Been waiting for you to post, my fav brawlhalla pro
if you don't offer rematch after a defeat, you admit to accept it, and you're scared to rematch.
Man I be struggling hitting 2100 crazy that 2200 isn’t too far off where I’m at rn
Not the glass of water amp
Love the uploads boomie
Boomie getting snake eyes on the rematch had to be scripted🤣🤦♂️
why he keep adding y to his words LMAO "in a bricky" "doubly good" "stocky"
Random to rank 1 light work for Boomie?
hell no
@@IlyasElMensouri-yi3nu im joking bud
Gun legend into gun legend into another gun legend “ going random btw” 😭
boomie have you heard of mewing
My glorious handsome goat
"i need to get off lowtier, there we go" went from katars to blasters?? No Shot
Youre too fucking funny bro im glad youre uploading again
Why is this so entertaining
Ok let's say Barazza is a top 10 character for you. Currently there are 63(?) legends in the game. You got a top 10 character 2 out of 3 games. I think the calculation is that there are 10*10*53*3 + 10^3 combinations of characters that would've led you to say this, out of a total of 63^3 possible combinations.
That is 16900 out of 250047 possible universes, aka a *6.8% chance that this situation would've occured.*
If Barazza is the exact character you needed, this percentage drops down to 0.0075% chance. i think
Thank you boomie
Lmao Boomie is so funny bro
goat dropped
Jolly lives matter. Screenshots should not equal brutality 😅
Axe looks the same but I cannot tell if they patched the weapon but it's still broken either way
brawlhalla's random has always been broken. It's definitely broken in their implementation
Dont stop uploading please 😭😭
yo boomie wats the name of this blaster skin you playing
goat series
i used to dislike u for no reason, but now i’m warming up to u. ur funny asf
Not stingray getting 3rd with a low teir character in the first 1s major of the year 😂😂😂😂
stingray does not count
Bro im so tired of the fuckin clown music they play in the menu bring back the og character select theme that shit was gas
Java played spear in the last tourney btw
Java didn't play in the last major tourney.
careful, you keep up vids like this and youre gonna accidentally win bcx this year brother
Jolly said three speed btw
Facts never rematch first
I agree cannon is not ok
6k view in 6 hour, nice
Stingray is the NA spear rep....idk....hes the only NA spear main😢😅
Does anyone know his binds?
All fun n games until boomie queues musicalmulch agian
What if boomie replaced "boom" with "freak" and he would be called freakie, and instead of playing brawlhalla he would do a feet reveal
bro reamached you for tyhat free elo grind
Feet cam rn😊😊
W boomster
Make a video with Pavelski
Boomie vs Cake BCX 2019
Genuinely tweaked when he reffered to Seven as a dude, like common man, you cant disrespect best girl
Play bödvar or kiss megdy
Day 2 asking Boomie for 2s
That last game was a piece of Cake
boomie more like coomie
YESSSSSSSS. i sub when he start grinding for rank 1
I'm always being happy when I watch these videos 😢 , even if I don't understand ur accent that much
please make more 3v3 videos before the season ends!
Feet Cam please
Im gonna be honest, I am not a fan of brawlhalla's tournament plays recently. Ever since the stingray "Find the deadzones" crap everyone has been MEGA passive, so in glad you and some other pros tend to actually make a fight interesting and make it tollerable by seeking opportunities and changing movement.
you’re so free😂 worst brawlhalla player