I beat this when I as a kid. Don't remember it being this long but I remember just lovin Godzilla so much it was my favorite game. Good man for having the patience I couldn't do it now
As a Godzilla fan, this was strangely captivating to watch in a couple of sessions. Nicely done, Mike! Also, that was kind of endearing and detailed as far as ending screens go during the NES era.
As a kid, the first Godzilla movie I ever owned and watched was Godzilla vs The Sea Monster. I always appreciated the fact it was just an excuse to see Godzilla boil some lobster.
1:04:11 Duck Tales must count, that one's a staple I come back to this stream a lot. I can analyze and pinpoint each stage of grief as you reach them playing this monotonous gauntlet. This is one of my favorite games but I've never beaten it in full, at least not no-death. Warping to the last planet, even with underleveled monsters, is one thing - this takes patience!
When this game was made Neptune was further out than Pluto. Pluto’s orbit "crosses" inside of Neptune's orbit for 20 years out of every 248 years. Pluto last crossed inside Neptune's orbit on February 7, 1979, and temporarily became the 8th planet from the Sun. Pluto crossed back over Neptune's orbit again on February 11, 1999 to resume its place as the 9th planet from the Sun for the next 228 years.
I actually like the music in this game, my only complaint is there isn't enough variety.. Add 3 or 4 more original tunes like those and it would be great! I vaguely remember playing this as a kid, I specifically remember using Mothra and being impressed by the graphics.. They were great for an NES game IMHO! And your gaslighting worked, best game ever!✌
I thought the music was pretty well distributed, one song for each of the 8 worlds, one song for each of the 8 monsters. It could have been worse (a song for each of the 8 level types instead of the worlds would have probably been really annoying in parts) but it could have also been better (maybe have 2 songs for the first four worlds, depending on whether there's a monster at the end or not, then repeat for the next four worlds?).
I actually owned this game as a kid and really liked it, to me it was just a game about monsters fighting each other, I didn't know anything about Godzilla. And it is true that playing as Mothra is simply not fun, you want to play as Godzilla, right? Mothra sucks. So at the start of every world (planet), I deliberately kill off Mothra so there's only Godzilla left to play as. Of course, die as Godzilla and it's game over, but at least you don't have to get Mothra to the Base hexagon worldmap thingy (the one with the satellite dish icon), as you now only have to get Godzilla to the Base.
Yeah, that's why you DON'T want a third monster (not even Anguirus). You have to get EVERY monster through the base on the other side of the board to advance to the next planet. Another monster is just going to make the game _that much longer._ We don't even want _Mothra_ there, never mind a _third_ monster!
Was watching a video about the godzilla creepy pasta and was like damn, want Mike to do a playthrough of this. Two hours later, this was uploaded..... Creepy pasta confirmed?
You can just let Mothra (or Godzilla) die in each world and play the whole game with one monster. You have to do it when both are still on the map; if you get one monster to the next map and then die with the second, you get game over.
King Kong vs. a thermostat. You _really_ want to see something like that? I could probably take a gorilla figurine and just... (mimicks holding figurine and tapping it against something) "BREEERGH!" and film _that._
Yup, Mothra has it's uses but pretty much Godzilla can handle the entire game just fine solo, I wonder if someone had tried to do a Mothra solo run... it could be a big pain if it's somehow possible.
If you're trying to think of a good land-based character that could help Godzilla, why not Anguirus? He helps Godzilla sometimes, and in some movies they even make him Godzilla's friend.
This game's music is alright. A hack to cycle through different tracks when you enter each stage on a map, rather than it playing the same track on every stage of a map, would help the game.
I remember renting this all the time as a kid, I never knew what the hell was going on... i just liked the music, the cover art, and smashing shit with Godzilla lol.
Usually at the end of each area either Godzilla or Mothra is sacrificed 1st and then use the other one to take the base to go to the next stage (in the last one to put an end to the game), but dang. You got quite lucky against Gidora while using Mothra and you did quite the damage to make it easier for Godzilla, the game is repetitive but kinda fun as well.
Even if Godzilla was the same size as King Kong, Godzilla would just vaporise Kong with atomic breath. A chimp should never pick a fight with a Komodo dragon armed with a rpg.
Had a friend, who wasn't a Godzilla fan, tell me (a Godzilla fan) this game was decent. I totally disagree. Sure, back in the day that may have been the case, because it was the only one of it's kind. But now? Whoa!
I used to play the Hell out of this game as a kid. If I remember correctly, there's a 'Monster Zero' cheat code that takes you right to the last level. *EDIT* Found some codes for ya', Mike... Y0UC4MP1J6 CLD10GT67
Me and a friend used to play the crap out of this game before and after school back in the day. I have to track down a copy of this game and own it for myself
I've never played this one but from what I've seen and heard it seems like one of those games that seems so close to decent but just decisions made while designing it held it back, like Mothra basicly sucks and atleast borders on if not completely is useless and the enemy monsters weren't even in any Godzilla movies at the time. The worst thing was enemy monsters health restores much faster then your health, if you don't beat them in 1 or 2 fights, so that really gets bad when you have to fight on a map that has more enemy monsters then you have.
I loved castle of illusion and world of illusion as a kid. I watched your video on mickey mania, I loved the graphics in that game like a lot of the platform Disney games of that era but I found it frustrating. Keep up the great work.
I have played this game as a kid and I enjoyed playing it for sure. I’m sure Tony will be talking about it with his love of the Godzilla movies. Have a great day.
I once rented this and Back to the Future 2 and 3 for the NES back in 1990. My Dad was so pissed at me that weekend. Then I rented Total Recall and Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, and he quit letting me pick games.
Easily as depicted from any play through of this game alone shows the length is this game’s big flaw. The chessboard level interface, one I don’t have a big problem with conceptually, has too many tiles representative of levels. Wouldn’t be a problem if one character swap accounted for one character present in the game so you don’t have to move Mothra AND Godzilla simultaneously and well… if there simply were just less tiles, especially on the later boards. A screen like in TMNT1 on NES where you can swap between Godzilla, Mothra, and potentially Rodan.
When you die, it looks like you are backing up godzilla and keeping him in contact with "the bomb" so it drains all your enegy. I think it would be better to just move forward and spend less time in contact with the bomb. Edit: ok so maybe there's not much ypu can do. It pushes you back, doesn't it?
I agree with the sonic thing. I never played the originals at all as a kid. Some years ago I bought the collection that the GameCube had. I was around 19 or 20 maybe and my issue was that Sonic really was too fast. It was hard for me to keep my eyes on him scrolling through the level without my eyes hurting. Plus i felt like i was missing a bunch of stuff. Since then I could never get into classic Sonic. I enjoy the 3d ones funny enough though
The shame is this game is almost good, I like the chess idea and the gameplay is pretty decent. There’s just a handful of flaws that kept it from being good, this game deserves a redux.
Did I'm the only person who noticed that Godzilla sprite not only has transparent eyes (which is weird already), but also missing ONE pixel on his neck, and you can see the background through it? They screw up a sprite for the main character, really?
The funny thing is, Mike could have beaten Gezora easily by just jumping and punching at him, instead of trying to constantly tail whipping and missing.
There's a password for this game that has you fight all the monsters on the first planet. Godzilla starts off at level 8. I think it's DESTR0Y ALL M0NSTERS
I have been trying to beat this game forever and I finally did today. Your playthrough really helped. Thanks for all the great entertainment Mike!
Wow.. nearly 7 hours. You're an absolute beast, Mike.
Ladies man
Beast? He's the reason Godzilla was invented!
@@emc.8501 sexual innuendo.. it actually took me a second. 🤔😂
That's what she said, right!? 😅🤣
Beast? He's a monster of monsters!
Absolutely my favorite NES game, good times
First Godzilla Nes: Godzilla Chess
Sequel: Simzilla
I beat this when I as a kid. Don't remember it being this long but I remember just lovin Godzilla so much it was my favorite game. Good man for having the patience I couldn't do it now
As a Godzilla fan, this was strangely captivating to watch in a couple of sessions. Nicely done, Mike! Also, that was kind of endearing and detailed as far as ending screens go during the NES era.
Mike is def the best twitch streamer of all time! Entertaining commentary and great gameplay!
As a kid, the first Godzilla movie I ever owned and watched was Godzilla vs The Sea Monster. I always appreciated the fact it was just an excuse to see Godzilla boil some lobster.
the first game I ever owned. thanks for the nostalgia trip mike
loved that it included the monster from Space Amoeba and all that. It helped introduce other toho monsters to fans.
I played the crap out of this one with my cousin through '91. I think it's a flawed but fun game. Never beat it, though.
You and Erin should play Time Splitters 2 story co op
Godzilla is my fav AVGN episode i swear to god lol
1:04:11 Duck Tales must count, that one's a staple
I come back to this stream a lot. I can analyze and pinpoint each stage of grief as you reach them playing this monotonous gauntlet. This is one of my favorite games but I've never beaten it in full, at least not no-death. Warping to the last planet, even with underleveled monsters, is one thing - this takes patience!
Jack Nicholson really was the best treatment of The Joker. His demeanor, attitude, everything, he was a damn good Joker.
When this game was made Neptune was further out than Pluto. Pluto’s orbit "crosses" inside of Neptune's orbit for 20 years out of every 248 years. Pluto last crossed inside Neptune's orbit on February 7, 1979, and temporarily became the 8th planet from the Sun. Pluto crossed back over Neptune's orbit again on February 11, 1999 to resume its place as the 9th planet from the Sun for the next 228 years.
Never was huge into the movies but IDK why i used too love this game as a kid
I actually like the music in this game, my only complaint is there isn't enough variety.. Add 3 or 4 more original tunes like those and it would be great! I vaguely remember playing this as a kid, I specifically remember using Mothra and being impressed by the graphics.. They were great for an NES game IMHO! And your gaslighting worked, best game ever!✌
I thought the music was pretty well distributed, one song for each of the 8 worlds, one song for each of the 8 monsters. It could have been worse (a song for each of the 8 level types instead of the worlds would have probably been really annoying in parts) but it could have also been better (maybe have 2 songs for the first four worlds, depending on whether there's a monster at the end or not, then repeat for the next four worlds?).
Used to rent this from Spartan Stores in Mid Michigan
Me too! I lived in Manton, and I was only 7 but I remember the Spartan had some games and the Total on the corner of 131 had some too.
36:05 The look on his face.
Wow, the graphics for this game are surprisingly really good.
I actually owned this game as a kid and really liked it, to me it was just a game about monsters fighting each other, I didn't know anything about Godzilla.
And it is true that playing as Mothra is simply not fun, you want to play as Godzilla, right? Mothra sucks. So at the start of every world (planet), I deliberately kill off Mothra so there's only Godzilla left to play as. Of course, die as Godzilla and it's game over, but at least you don't have to get Mothra to the Base hexagon worldmap thingy (the one with the satellite dish icon), as you now only have to get Godzilla to the Base.
we have pork rolls in Connecticut. Its basically a piece of bologna that you cook on the stove. Its a cheaper and less greasy alternative to bacon.
Mike what are the best shelf’s for nes game?
A Nes Game on a Shelf
Funny enough, I've been snuffing around the creepy pasta. So it'll be a little weird to not see red or solomon or any other monster.
still the best 1973
For as flawed as the game might be, it gave us that nearly perfect lil story
Don't know what kind of black magic do you use but holy shit the game footage looks awesome
Yeah, that's why you DON'T want a third monster (not even Anguirus). You have to get EVERY monster through the base on the other side of the board to advance to the next planet. Another monster is just going to make the game _that much longer._ We don't even want _Mothra_ there, never mind a _third_ monster!
Mikezilla: King of Gamers
Could never beat this without game genie.
Was watching a video about the godzilla creepy pasta and was like damn, want Mike to do a playthrough of this. Two hours later, this was uploaded..... Creepy pasta confirmed?
You can just let Mothra (or Godzilla) die in each world and play the whole game with one monster. You have to do it when both are still on the map; if you get one monster to the next map and then die with the second, you get game over.
Mike is the true AVGN and a true gamer!
King Kong vs. a thermostat. You _really_ want to see something like that?
I could probably take a gorilla figurine and just... (mimicks holding figurine and tapping it against something) "BREEERGH!" and film _that._
I love the music in this game
Especially the ending music.
Did you see the King Kong vs Godzilla trailer?
Do Star Tropics I & II back-to-back for maximum contrast. Grid-based "syncopated" jump mechanics versus the floaty freejump of the sequel.
I just let Mothra die, and power up Godzilla. It's very doable to beat it with just Godzilla.
Yup, Mothra has it's uses but pretty much Godzilla can handle the entire game just fine solo, I wonder if someone had tried to do a Mothra solo run... it could be a big pain if it's somehow possible.
Mike! Did you see the Godzilla King Kong trailer?!?!
He did. He said in the beginning of the stream
King Kong vs. the Thermostat/Barometer gave me a good laugh. Play Super Godzilla next!
If you're trying to think of a good land-based character that could help Godzilla, why not Anguirus? He helps Godzilla sometimes, and in some movies they even make him Godzilla's friend.
On the Uranus stage: the playing field looks like Uranus
This game's music is alright. A hack to cycle through different tracks when you enter each stage on a map, rather than it playing the same track on every stage of a map, would help the game.
Very interesting game to say the least, fun stream, you were starting to really lose your mind towards the end lol
I remember renting this all the time as a kid, I never knew what the hell was going on... i just liked the music, the cover art, and smashing shit with Godzilla lol.
It's been awhile mike best game video ever I was ill with a upset stomach
What did you do to your stomach man
Usually at the end of each area either Godzilla or Mothra is sacrificed 1st and then use the other one to take the base to go to the next stage (in the last one to put an end to the game), but dang. You got quite lucky against Gidora while using Mothra and you did quite the damage to make it easier for Godzilla, the game is repetitive but kinda fun as well.
Love the idea to stream the same game as Erin!
Even if Godzilla was the same size as King Kong, Godzilla would just vaporise Kong with atomic breath. A chimp should never pick a fight with a Komodo dragon armed with a rpg.
Oh no, there goes Tokyo!!!
Love you Mike.
Godzilla graphics are pretty friggin sweet for NES. Damn.
I remember this game. This is the furthest I've ever seen anybody go. Had no idea it was possible in this difficult ass game
Liked the game, but loved the sequel to this one more. I enjoyed that game's strategy and luck-based mechanics.
Had a friend, who wasn't a Godzilla fan, tell me (a Godzilla fan) this game was decent. I totally disagree. Sure, back in the day that may have been the case, because it was the only one of it's kind. But now? Whoa!
Hey Mike, How Do I Turn My Computer On?????
Hocus Pocus (1993) Full Movie what movie name
I used to play the Hell out of this game as a kid. If I remember correctly, there's a 'Monster Zero' cheat code that takes you right to the last level. *EDIT* Found some codes for ya', Mike... Y0UC4MP1J6 CLD10GT67
There's a Destroy All Monsters mode where you fight all monsters at once
This was a hell of a stream. Congrats on beating it!
Any Game Genie codes that handicap you in game to make it harder instead of cheating?
Like Castlevania sub weapons disabled or something?
Me and a friend used to play the crap out of this game before and after school back in the day. I have to track down a copy of this game and own it for myself
Used to rent this all the time from the grocery store. Cover art always grabbed me.
Amazing thumbnail Mike awesome game 🎮🗯️👍
I've never played this one but from what I've seen and heard it seems like one of those games that seems so close to decent but just decisions made while designing it held it back, like Mothra basicly sucks and atleast borders on if not completely is useless and the enemy monsters weren't even in any Godzilla movies at the time. The worst thing was enemy monsters health restores much faster then your health, if you don't beat them in 1 or 2 fights, so that really gets bad when you have to fight on a map that has more enemy monsters then you have.
You should do Dragon Warrior next :D
2016 SHIN Godzilla was it very good?
I loved castle of illusion and world of illusion as a kid. I watched your video on mickey mania, I loved the graphics in that game like a lot of the platform Disney games of that era but I found it frustrating. Keep up the great work.
I have played this game as a kid and I enjoyed playing it for sure. I’m sure Tony will be talking about it with his love of the Godzilla movies. Have a great day.
Mike: Can I end this game in one stream? Highly doubtful...
Also Mike, 6 hours later: Another one to the list!
I once rented this and Back to the Future 2 and 3 for the NES back in 1990. My Dad was so pissed at me that weekend.
Then I rented Total Recall and Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, and he quit letting me pick games.
And rightfully so
Hey Mike, you know about the upcoming Godzilla anime called Singular Point? Jet Jaguar is in it.
Fuck Neptune...Mike Matei 2021
Godzilla Saves the Earth and unleashed are great. Wish they made a Rampage style game of Godzilla other than the crappy Dreamcast game
Use the code DESTROY ALL MONSTERS. You’ll have more life and power bars more monsters on Earth
Never played any of the NES Godzillas but I did enjoy the SNES game
Nice Speedrun mike is this your pb
Easily as depicted from any play through of this game alone shows the length is this game’s big flaw.
The chessboard level interface, one I don’t have a big problem with conceptually, has too many tiles representative of levels. Wouldn’t be a problem if one character swap accounted for one character present in the game so you don’t have to move Mothra AND Godzilla simultaneously and well… if there simply were just less tiles, especially on the later boards.
A screen like in TMNT1 on NES where you can swap between Godzilla, Mothra, and potentially Rodan.
yeah its a drag
I had this game when I was little
Never played this like the visual and music
Thanks for another great video and I hope you are doing well. By the way, that’s what she said Mike. Lol.
This freakin game, I remember maybe getting to overworld screen 3
Mike is a Gangsta
Staying true to the streets.
Masochistic Mike.
When you die, it looks like you are backing up godzilla and keeping him in contact with "the bomb" so it drains all your enegy. I think it would be better to just move forward and spend less time in contact with the bomb.
Edit: ok so maybe there's not much ypu can do. It pushes you back, doesn't it?
Actually just watched the creepypasta for this last night lol
Funny, I did too a day or two ago for the first time.
Say what you will. Godzilla vs. Kong was awesome. Also street fighter 5 was great as far as gameplay goes. The only problem was the roster.
Did Mike realize he actually gained over 10 MILLION points in this game?? Have you ever gained that many points in any game before?? 😲
I think you need points to level up, so if you don't get at least close to that many points, you might not be strong enough to beat Ghidorah.
Frankenstein vs. the Uninvited Brunch Guests
1:30:12 that response lmao
Only Godzilla game i have is destroy all monsters i consider myself lucky
You are.
I looked for this game for years growing up. I gave up by high school. Not even my local funcoland had it
Sonic is the Tony hawk of Minecraft games
You're the best around
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down
I beat the game with my brothers....once we figured out how to advance to the next level. We'd even beaten Godzilla 2 a few times (much harder).
We rented this from video trek in madison indiana
I agree with the sonic thing. I never played the originals at all as a kid. Some years ago I bought the collection that the GameCube had. I was around 19 or 20 maybe and my issue was that Sonic really was too fast. It was hard for me to keep my eyes on him scrolling through the level without my eyes hurting. Plus i felt like i was missing a bunch of stuff. Since then I could never get into classic Sonic. I enjoy the 3d ones funny enough though
The shame is this game is almost good, I like the chess idea and the gameplay is pretty decent. There’s just a handful of flaws that kept it from being good, this game deserves a redux.
4:58:58 🐒
Did I'm the only person who noticed that Godzilla sprite not only has transparent eyes (which is weird already), but also missing ONE pixel on his neck, and you can see the background through it? They screw up a sprite for the main character, really?
More Godhand!!!
I want to see you beat it so you can jump into a Medium and Hard mode playthrough asap!
Stunlocked by Gezora. What an ignominious demise.
The funny thing is, Mike could have beaten Gezora easily by just jumping and punching at him, instead of trying to constantly tail whipping and missing.
Keep posting
There's a password for this game that has you fight all the monsters on the first planet. Godzilla starts off at level 8.
Ahh, yes. God7: Monster of Monsters. My favorite monster.