First day OML came back in rotation, all I saw was Palkia and Zygarde leads. I’m assuming that’s why ppl pivoted to zacian…it’s also incredibly flexible
Damn Henry this season, our mons and teams are so similar, lol.. me and Lord Drew came up with rhy palkia avalugg. Same set on avalugg icy wind and eq. The team has been cooking for the last 3 days
@@Shiro_Sage In UL, Zygarde with Crunch and Eq has 518 battle rating and 57.1% win rate whereas Zygarde with Bulldoze and Outrage has 545 battle rating and 68.6% win rate, pvpoke might update in future
Avalugg can learn bulldoze, high horsepower and stomping tantrum
Everyone and their mom running rhyperior lol
What fast move was zamazenta running at 2:20?
@4:41 - "A Moonblast does nothing".... proceeds to do 75% of Palkia's health while being de-buffed. LOL
That’s xern for ya, lol
Avalugg's ground type moves in the MSG include Bulldoze, Dig and High Horsepower and Stomping Tantrum. It can also learn Superpower.
8:24 bro cooked twice. In battle and out of the battle
Death taxes and zacian leads. The three things we hate in life 🤣🤣🤣
First day OML came back in rotation, all I saw was Palkia and Zygarde leads. I’m assuming that’s why ppl pivoted to zacian…it’s also incredibly flexible
Oh cool I saw this as a suggested team by Jonkus a couple weeks ago, nice to see Zygarde not in every friggin team lol
12:54 Omg!! A Shundo Dawn Wings Right There👀✨... Something I would Love to have One day!!
The buffed and the bulky
I caught a perfect IV bergmite yesterday morning and am curious to see how it would play this season.
What's more frustrating loosing with 2 shields unused,or loosing to double charm or loosing close because of perfect lag
It’s got some bulk
In UL do you recomand avalanche or icy wind? Thats that hard one
Ice fang go brrrrr
Very cool joke 🥶
Bulky mon with access to a debuffing move? Tell me whats the difference with breaking swipe steelix...
Ice arguably has the worst typing in the game defensively
@charliecantcap9170 then, what? , its still a bulky mon that makes itself aritifically bulkier, same as dewgong...
@@ulbooleroelegante5144 you asked what the difference was dude, lmao Wym so what ??
@@charliecantcap9170 avalugg will be as annoying as h-avalugg once was so toxic..m
Man why tf did i build the other one lmao
Does Kingdra work in place of Palkia?
Yup, i would build up an XL Kingdra that hits 2900 max
Damn Henry this season, our mons and teams are so similar, lol.. me and Lord Drew came up with rhy palkia avalugg. Same set on avalugg icy wind and eq. The team has been cooking for the last 3 days
Bruh my Safe Switch Zacian is on Wild charge close combat because of you 😂 4:44
It's the same moveset I run as well!
Nothing better than watching Homeslice while slamming down some pizza rolls🤘.
Eskimo table for the win!💪🏻😂
Zygarde with Bulldoze and Outrage is now best moveset in master league
Bulldoze doesn’t do jack. 1 DPE Is pathetic considering it’s not even a guarantee defense drop, which for that DPE it should be.
According to who?
PvPoke begs to differ. Even in UL, bulldoze isn't recommended. It does only a measly 1/4 of health to my A. Sandslash. It's not worth running.
@@Shiro_Sage In UL, Zygarde with Crunch and Eq has 518 battle rating and 57.1% win rate whereas Zygarde with Bulldoze and Outrage has 545 battle rating and 68.6% win rate, pvpoke might update in future
Ice table RISE!
2 hours ago and kinda late