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  • @theyamsareripe
    @theyamsareripe 6 лет назад +7

    Absolutely nothing we can do, neither having Faith nor doing good Works, can justify us apart from the Grace of God. It is only grace that justifies. We accept this grace through Faith, and then we allow this grace to work in us and through in what we call Works. This is the Catholic teaching: that the grace of God must be first accepted through faith, and then we must allow the grace of God to work in us and through us through what we call works.

    • @risingdawn5788
      @risingdawn5788 5 лет назад +2

      Orthodox romans Catholicism teaches otherwise.

    • @Ryan_Zell
      @Ryan_Zell 4 года назад +1

      Very true. But not doing those works that god prepared for us to do will lead to eternal damnation:
      James 2:15-16
      Matthew 25:31-46

  • @besttunesbyventure3481
    @besttunesbyventure3481 Год назад +3

    James said
    works (sanctification) + Faith = justification
    Paul said
    Faith + Grace = justification
    Paul talking about Pure Faith, James warning ⚠️ bout false Faith. I don't see contradictions but only protestants contradict both paul and james. They took paul extreme and left james.

  • @AndrewLane-pm2ro
    @AndrewLane-pm2ro Месяц назад

    Simple question:
    Does James 2:24 say a man is justified by faith alone or not by faith alone?

  • @Ahmedpuno
    @Ahmedpuno 4 года назад +4

    How about romans chapter 4? To him that worketh not...

    • @Ryan_Zell
      @Ryan_Zell 3 года назад

      @Scripture Examined It seems you missed what Paul is stating in Romans 4:5.
      Paul is saying Abraham was justified before the Mosaic Law even existed (Gal 3:15-18) and before even being circumcised - meaning justification literally was ‘apart from (works of) the Law’ (i.e. the Law played no role, not that the Law was an ‘alternative’ to faith).
      LAW here is the Torah.

  • @userscnamesux775
    @userscnamesux775 2 года назад

    Works are always a byproduct of "True Faith", if you believe in your heart & confess with your mouth? My actions are based in my Beliefs, as a Man thinketh so is he. So the linkage is there, Works are always connected to our Faith.

  • @psallen5099
    @psallen5099 3 года назад +4

    If sola Scriptura (Bible alone) and sola fida (faith alone) are all you need why do Protestants have churches and ministers to explain the Bible to them.

    • @davejohnlomabao3063
      @davejohnlomabao3063 3 года назад +6

      You strawmaning

    • @psallen5099
      @psallen5099 3 года назад +1

      @Dave Not straw manning at all. If you only need faith and a book then why have a church. If you read the gospels Jesus never said “just read the book” but he talked a lot about his church. “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church”.

    • @intothekey
      @intothekey 3 года назад +6

      @@psallen5099 Because Scripture told us to have a church.

    • @isaiahguevara8619
      @isaiahguevara8619 3 года назад

      @@intothekey He is right actually. Without the church, there would be no bible at all. The early Christians did not have access to bibles like how we do. So how were they taught? They went to church. It is less likely that ancient Christians had access to a thousand-word book. Even after the bible was compiled it is still less likely that they had access to bibles also because there were no printing presses back then. Yes, there were probably very few people who might have had access to the bible back then and scripture however this might not be true but perhaps can discover in the future but it was the church that unites the Christians under the traditions and church office passed down by Jesus. Jesus gave us that church and tradition. He told us "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me."
      And yes the church I'm referring to is known today as the Catholic church.

    • @dylantaylor8263
      @dylantaylor8263 3 года назад +3

      @ps allen read the verse that comes before that. Jesus is talking about the revelation given to peter from God that Jesus is the Christ and the son of God.
      Jesus is the rock and the rock of our salvation but Catholics will try to use that verse to claim that peter is the rock and that Catholicism is the true church

  • @Jcangel26
    @Jcangel26 2 года назад

    So who was Abraham proving his faith to? Sproul says he's not proving it to God, so it seems the only other option would be Isaac, since Isaac was the only other person there. I just don't understand why God commanded Abraham to kill his son to prove his faith to his son

    • @Nathan987651
      @Nathan987651 2 года назад

      James 2:14 show us that the "justification" is to God because only God can save us, not people.

    • @michaels7874
      @michaels7874 2 года назад

      If people would ask these simple questions a lot of the errors would be easily seen

    • @KnightFel
      @KnightFel 3 месяца назад

      That’s not why God asked Abraham to do that, lol. James uses it as an example. Also, Abraham’s testimony is also before all men who read the story. Abraham acted/had works because he has true faith. It’s not the works in and of themselves that justified him.

  • @ThePreachingOfHisWord
    @ThePreachingOfHisWord 3 года назад


  • @Robbie-vu6pl
    @Robbie-vu6pl 3 месяца назад

    If God is God, why did he let Satan come into the Garden? because God would be an unfair God if he gave us free choice, but then no choices so what choice did they have? God spoke to them, and if they didn’t hear anything else but God, what’s the point of free choice? That’s why he let the serpent in God says something, the serpent says something else, and they believe the serpent and choose to disobey God because God is Holy, they had to separate from God in sin and ever since there’s been a war and the war one day will end when every single person on the planet hears about Jesus has the same opportunity as Adam and Eve. The insanity of Calvinism is clearly told by RC. Sproul on answering a question on predestination, in short “…That God positively decrees and determines in advance those whom he will save namely the elect and in the same method he decrees the damnation of the sinner and that just as on the one hand he creates positively saving faith in the hearts of the elect he in an equally determined fashion creates fresh EVIL in the hearts of the reprobate to make sure they don’t come to BELIEVE “ James 1:13 Jeremiah 7:30-31 - “‘The people of Judah have DONE EVIL in my eyes, declares the Lord. They have set up their detestable idols in the house that bears my Name and have defiled it. They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire-SOMETHING I DID NOT COMMAND, NOR DID IT ENTER MY MIND. James 1:13 “Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one”. Genesis 6:6 debunks Calvinism's false teaching that He "predestined" everything including the fall of man, sin, and evil. Calvinists also believe that God created man and then INTENTIONALLY predestined his fall and predestined sin and evil. If that is true, then it makes no logical sense for God to feel regret and be deeply troubled afterwards. Hence, the errant belief that God predestined the fall of man is debunked and blown out of the water. Genesis 6:6 - The Lord REGRETTED that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was DEEPLY TROUBLED. If YOU create something and then intentionally engineer it for FAILURE, THEN YOU SHOULD NOT BE FEELING REGRET AND BE TROUBLED AFTERWARDS. Jeremiah 7:30-31 - “‘The people of Judah have DONE EVIL in my eyes, declares the Lord. They have set up their detestable idols in the house that bears my Name and have defiled it. They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire-SOMETHING I DID NOT COMMAND, NOR DID IT ENTER MY MIND The Bible teaches John 3:16, NOT "John Calvin 3:16".

  • @Ryan_Zell
    @Ryan_Zell 4 года назад +4

    Every Protestant that proclaims that we are justified by Faith Alone should HEAR these FOUR words by James 2:24 echoing in their heads:
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    "not by faith alone."
    The Protestant Scripture Twister Series #4 - Luther 2:24видео.html

    • @scriptureexamined4664
      @scriptureexamined4664 3 года назад

      Would loving your neighbour as yourself be a work of grace or a work of the law?

    • @Ryan_Zell
      @Ryan_Zell 3 года назад

      @@scriptureexamined4664 Only someone IN CHRIST and baptized with sanctifying grace and the virtues of Faith Hope and Agape, can Love God with all their heart, all their soul, with all your mind and with all your strength and thus you can Love your Neighbor as God Loves, which is with the supernatural love called Agape.
      Read Mark 12:28-31, and you see see that this is now a single commandment. And this commandment was a teaching of Christ's to prepare that Apostles for this commantment:
      The Law has always pointed to Agape.
      John 13:34 RSV
      A NEW commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I HAVE LOVE YOU, that you also love one another.
      We are to LOVE as CHRIST Loves us. That is only possible by Grace.
      For the Christain, the answer is by Grace.
      Muslims, Hindus, atheists and those Catholics in mortal sin can Love their family, their friends, their neighbors, even be altruistic, but only the Catholic who has received the gifts of Faith, hope and Agape can LOVE THEIR NEIGHBOR as God Loves. It's a gift of pure and amazing Grace.

    • @lightandtruth25
      @lightandtruth25 2 года назад +1

      We are not justified by faith alone, we are SAVED THROUGH faith alone. After salvation by genuine faith, the fruits of the spirit begin to appear, which are WORKS produced by God. On the judgment these works will be the justification and proof that our faith was genuine. The works are the justification, not the cause or the means.

    • @KnightFel
      @KnightFel 3 месяца назад

      @@Ryan_Zellyou are delusional if you think you can fulfill the greatest commandment even with the grace of God. What a ridiculous statement. Your anthropology is weak. Also Titus 3 destroys your position. Works done in righteousness don’t count as the apostle so clearly states. It can’t get any clearer. Repent, and believe the gospel.

    • @KnightFel
      @KnightFel 3 месяца назад

      @@lightandtruth25that’s heresy.

  • @Ryan_Zell
    @Ryan_Zell 4 года назад +3

    James 2:24 ~ "You see that a man is justified by works and NOT by Faith Alone."
    Luther 2:24 ~ "You see that a man is justified by Faith Alone."
    I will go with James 2:24. RC Sproul is a Protestant Scripture Twister:
    The Protestant Scripture Twister Series #4 - Luther @

    • @rapzad3623
      @rapzad3623 4 года назад +2

      How do you explain Ephesians 2:8-9

    • @JesusSavesSouls
      @JesusSavesSouls 4 года назад +5

      @@Ryan_Zell "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." - Romans 4:5

    • @Ryan_Zell
      @Ryan_Zell 4 года назад +1

      @@JesusSavesSouls Excellent. And we affirm Romans 4:5. We also affirm James 2:24 and we reject Luther 2:24. WHAT SAY YOU?

    • @Ryan_Zell
      @Ryan_Zell 4 года назад

      @@rapzad3623 I see you did not answer my question? why?

    • @JesusSavesSouls
      @JesusSavesSouls 4 года назад +4

      @@Ryan_Zell I don't really follow the words of men if it contradicts the word of God.
      But how does James saying "a man is justified by works and not by Faith Alone" and then Romans saying "to him that works not hes justified" make sense to you?