At the end of your video was 'thanks for watching' and for me, i thank you for not giving up as always and making truely insane world records such as this one and others, amazing, keep it up Zorro, you are legend 👍🏁
To Zorro, I'm saying something about you, you're humiliating hackers, man, it's crazy bro, look at the rank, you're in front of hackers #Legendadventure
This is not the limit... Do a perfect jump at either 5643m or a high jump at 5669 to get on top of the flip structure... Or you could just save ever so slightly more fuel to skip the flip by doing a perfect jump before the rock (also Zorro, Rally Car record is improvable... trust me...)
@@themistoklischristofidis4676 Yes, I do. Racing truck is better on this environment and terrain, plus I think it's fuel is the same. Plus RT has masteries while EV doesn't.
@@writeforright458 It's not improvable, lmao. Even if you'll get a huge boost, you wont be able to fly over the obstacle at 5.7km because of the big hill right before it. It's also impossible, because if you'll try go under, you will crash at the same obstacle like zorro at his last try. And also, you already haven't fuel when you just reach this obstacle.
Idk what to say but this video has multiple alternative titles and many clips that can be used in like a boss or like a bossn't .cooool! NDWG REACTION ERM EHAT THAT SIGMA(THESE WORDS ARE EXPIRED; DON'T SEE THIS OR THE TOP COMMENTER WILL MEET YOU IN ..... YOUR 🏠)
Damn, very strong 💪
Vere spotted 👀
But tbh improvable
One of the best records seen these days
verse shark😍
9:44 Zorro's spirit forever remains in the game 😂😂😂
1:56 nice sync
At the end of your video was 'thanks for watching' and for me, i thank you for not giving up as always and making truely insane world records such as this one and others, amazing, keep it up Zorro, you are legend 👍🏁
9:31 Truck said:
Well, i will gonna do it myself 😅🗿
FS staff randomly making hills, thinking nobody can ever make it. Zorro: hold my beer
Also can tapanc
Zorro try beating ur mountain wr
wasgoing to say the same thing
I hope 20k is possible on Mountain thanks to Racing Truck, and it's mastery.
hope so
@@AmityTheOctoling I honestly thought 18.4km was the limit but zorro is too good
Yo prefiero el bus@@AmityTheOctoling
We watched Zorro actually struggling before GTA 6.
Me with no mastery💀
edut: honestly isalriz 98 km in reef is hardest
I am harder than isalriz
@@BartPEPEpl edut
@@hmod5025 sometimes
The WR: 💀 The video: 🔥
Every time i am looking for a Video from you i'll see the best Gameplay 🎉
You're the GOAT❤
Nahh bro is the type of guy who will say " I got 10km in forest trails" BUT I'm not happy ☠💀☠💀
Who thinks Zorro should improve Mountain
@zorro keep it up bro, your the GOAT of adventure❤
Bro, this guy is a god of adventure. 💀
To Zorro, I'm saying something about you, you're humiliating hackers, man, it's crazy bro, look at the rank, you're in front of hackers #Legendadventure
More is 100% possible. Maybe if your trying more try flying onto the top of that island
Getting a miraculous jump off of a previous top of a hill to get the upper platform is, just very difficult.
I dont think so because its really hard to pull of like zorro but even harder@gsas3012
@@MLIEML Just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's impossible. The jump is possible despite what you say, it just very precise
Just rewatched it. It's impossible to pull off that jump even if you jump shock at that hill, you'll be slowed down by another one
This might be the hardest record, but im the hardest human being😏😏
Make this top comment for no reason
Wrong, I am
This deserves to be top comment
You absolutely DEER in forest trials
Power of mastery and skills 🔥
He came back for it let's goo
Me: I die at 333 meters in forest tests.
Zorro: I urge all faint of heart not to look at my record. XD!
5.37k is a problem when u Fail there💀
9:33 Pedal glitch 😡
Racing truck with mastery is gonna be more op than ccev 💀
Zorro kms after this one infinity ♾️
This is not the limit... Do a perfect jump at either 5643m or a high jump at 5669 to get on top of the flip structure... Or you could just save ever so slightly more fuel to skip the flip by doing a perfect jump before the rock (also Zorro, Rally Car record is improvable... trust me...)
The true hardest thing in the game is fricking getting these masteries
11:53 if you get a good jump from this🤔
Nice record 🤯
I like your videos brothers❤
This is newly fresh record😊
someone beat this, meaning that the 5.7K with a huge amount of luck is possible to pass.
I’ve been showing my improvements in the pa Server. I’ve getting close to your record 😈
2:03 did anyone noticed that wb didn't activated?
It happens sometimes even with wheelie+3
Game: Out of Fuel
RT: Guess im electric now
Somebody beat 5717 metres 😮😮😮
👇🏻Zorro need to top 5719 metres from top 1
Can Tapanç : "let's see if it's really that hard 🥱"
Can u cheat your way out the holes with thrusters?
Why are your videos not full screen?
I don't want to imagine how long you were playing 💀
Zorro Experience a truck beach adventure
9:33 warning! I Had the Same and some hours laters my Account was banned
4.97 mono? Wild
Good run😊
Maybe it can be improved if you fly onto the platform
the tas with ccev couldnt do it do you expect racing truck is beter ?
I think its possible.
I think you could jump shock off of a previous top of hill close to the upper platform where he failed. It would be ridiculous though.
@@themistoklischristofidis4676 Yes, I do. Racing truck is better on this environment and terrain, plus I think it's fuel is the same. Plus RT has masteries while EV doesn't.
Very hard to do
Why don't 'you' do It then
@@ek_do_dhai maybe he doesn't have masteries?
@@yorev26 lol
@@ek_do_dhai I never said it was a bad distance I just said it was improvable and knowing Zorro I think he will do it
It's not improvable, lmao.
Even if you'll get a huge boost, you wont be able to fly over the obstacle at 5.7km because of the big hill right before it.
It's also impossible, because if you'll try go under, you will crash at the same obstacle like zorro at his last try.
And also, you already haven't fuel when you just reach this obstacle.
pls make new wr with racing truck in Mountain
you made another 1
glider already beat the record:(
No words🔥
This is not the hardest record
Isalriz reef still harder. Cc ev desert also harder
Zorro, are you a girl? I have never seen a girl playing hcr2 🗿.
a random turk: nuh uh
use winter tires maybe
or nitro idk lol
Bro 💀that's not how forest trials works
Can Tapanç > Zorro
mono matters
beast good car
@@AmityTheOctoling mid*
Nice you🎉🎉
i love mono
beast is better
@@AmityTheOctoling Both are trash
@@AmityTheOctoling no
@@gsas3012 no
@@nandosc1899 Yes. They are objectively on the bottom 4-5 trash vehicles. Even with masteries mono still sucks
I watched the whole vid
Wie hast du so viel Cash in HCR 2
He's had the game since basically the release and been active ever since
iran is the 5❤
2:42 the money are 228m behind☠️
People who watch it live 🗿
Try to use winter tires instead of landing boost
@@Frank_cz4441 What?
36 minutes early
Ну и зачем это было делать 👉🤡
Number of people who care:
Nice bro! 👍🏾 I definitely care a lot, i mean who would not care the fact you were first?
@@Callisthenicskid stop acting like a npc kid
@@sandhyaranisingh1204hey! Spread some positivity here!!
@@sandhyaranisingh1204 hey!! Spread some positivity around here!
Zorro… nur weil du hier mal n Video reinstellst , bist du nicht automatisch der größte dieser Welt !!! Versuchs mal mit richtiger Arbeit !
Idk what to say but this video has multiple alternative titles and many clips that can be used in like a boss or like a bossn't .cooool!