VirtualBox 7 How to install the Guest Additions for better functionality

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 32

  • @supriyochatterjee4095
    @supriyochatterjee4095 2 года назад +3

    Great to see you back Sir after a long time, waiting for your new videos on Windows Server, Active Directory, Azure, VMWARE troubleshooting series

    • @techpub
      @techpub  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for watching. I've been busy making videos for Microsoft on LinkedIn Learning. If you have a library card, you should be able to log in for free.

  • @alialiyev6168
    @alialiyev6168 4 месяца назад

    Such a helpful guide. I wanted a VM for my old games, but it wasnt working. Now that I installed guest additions its smooth. Thank you so much!

    • @techpub
      @techpub  3 месяца назад

      Glad it helped!

  • @SupraNork64
    @SupraNork64 4 месяца назад +1

    woah, straight to the point tutorial? awesome!

  • @ImmyYousafzai
    @ImmyYousafzai 3 месяца назад +1

    where can I find the iso

  • @Noone-1980
    @Noone-1980 11 дней назад

    This is great. Thank you very much! I can drag a folder out of the VM to my Desktop, but I cannot do vice versa. Can you please help?

    • @techpub
      @techpub  10 дней назад +1

      Try right clicking and copying and pasting.

    • @Noone-1980
      @Noone-1980 10 дней назад

      @@techpub Thank you very much!

  • @judeleon8485
    @judeleon8485 Год назад +1

    I like the way you teach. I run my VMs on windows 10 machine. I just upgraded to Virtualbox 7 and was trying to upgrade the guest addition by clicking on the "upgrade virtualbox guest addition" option listed under the Device menu but it was mistakenly aborted midway due to unexpected shut down of my machine. Now, I can't upgrade because the "Upgrade virtualbox guest addition" option is now disabled. Is there a way out of this?

    • @techpub
      @techpub  Год назад +2

      Thanks very much. The only thing I can suggest here is to uninstall VB, reboot and install the new one. Find the VM locations first before doing so. After reinstalling, double click on these VMs and they will auto add back in.

  • @sqxddy
    @sqxddy 11 месяцев назад

    Hey, i dont see the top bar with the Devices section since i upgraded to virtual box 7. Is there any way of getting it back?

    • @techpub
      @techpub  11 месяцев назад

      right ctrl C will get it back.

    • @markbayern7018
      @markbayern7018 7 месяцев назад

      @@techpub I'm also looking for the 'devices' section. My Vbox 7.0 running under Win11 Pro shows "File Machine View Input Help' -- no Devices.

  • @christianoleks3661
    @christianoleks3661 Год назад

    I'm trying to setup a windows XP server and I've followed all the steps till the end of this video, once I rebooted after the guest additions wizard my virtual box server screen is just black when I start the server, is this a common occurrence because its windows XP? I also setup shared folders and that does not seem to appear on the Windows XP server

    • @techpub
      @techpub  Год назад

      I don't know if XP is still supported on the latest version, but it sounds like a video problem. Give the video more memory and try an older version OF VB to see if that helps.

  • @elbambinoxdicapo8120
    @elbambinoxdicapo8120 Год назад

    sir, how can i add the cd drive of the guests addition on my virtualbox?
    i don´t see the optical services inside my windows 11 virtual machine

    • @techpub
      @techpub  Год назад

      It does it automatically when you select it from the list.

  • @abdullahsharafedin406
    @abdullahsharafedin406 Год назад

    many many thanks for you

    • @techpub
      @techpub  Год назад

      You are most welcome

  • @heeenryk
    @heeenryk Месяц назад


    • @techpub
      @techpub  10 дней назад

      Glad to help

  • @Lightwind6
    @Lightwind6 Год назад

    Thank you! Super fast and straight to point. Why is it not installed by default. .

    • @techpub
      @techpub  Год назад

      Glad it helped and good question.

  • @ivanyalamov5109
    @ivanyalamov5109 Месяц назад


    • @techpub
      @techpub  Месяц назад

      Much appreciated.

  • @kristenyoung2086
    @kristenyoung2086 Год назад

    Thank You!!!

    • @techpub
      @techpub  Год назад

      Thanks for watching!

  • @thecrew2algeria472
    @thecrew2algeria472 2 года назад


    • @techpub
      @techpub  2 года назад

      Thanks for watching