This man, prophesied over me, after I went to his conference. I never met him. He pulled me out of the crowd and told me about my past and my life. This guy was the real deal.
My pastor said he prophesied over him as well and it was spot on. This is how I came to know about him, in church one Sunday for Father’s Day he played the video titled the blessing. I’ve listened to that video sooo many times. I would have loved to have met him. ♥️
I like how he takes the dark or demonic out of for contextual purposes what is supernatural and how through the appropriate channel (truth/source) the divination and signs that are provided in dreams prophesy all that.
Sometimes my walk is so dry all I do is pray the lords prayer but I never go more than 24 hours without it. Some beat me down for it. Consistency is very important. Awesome to see you're hungry.
Watching as of 16 November, 2024. May 10, 2024 was my 48th birthday. On this day, I discovered my partner had been cheating on me for the past 4 years. It's been a battle to forgive but also a wake-up call to stop living outside His will. Please 🙏 for me. God Bless.
I stumbled upon his lessons in very late 2013 and Feb. or March of 2014 he suddenly passed away. I felt like he had a mind and heart of truth. Oh I miss him but Yahawah knows best!👑
I didn't receive this word the first time I heard it, months ago. But this week a friend of mine was doing warfare against a principality and GOD stopped her in her tracks, mid-sentence. He explained to her that WE are NOT given dominion to do this. He gave her several scriptures for her to study and get an understanding. She later shared her story with me. I was amazed! I told her about this video....she'd never heard of it. She'd never heard of ANY teaching on this topic. I told her I'd find the video and send her the link. That's what brought me back here tonight. Thank you God for Your Word and for always protecting and teaching us so we can rightly divide the word of truth!
@@tonem220 we are not told how to war.... We cannot bind principalities and powers. They are wrestled, on Gods command and instructions. Wrestling a principality who commands legion of demons doesn't take an hour, or two, or three..... When the principality hits back, you will know they are not mere demons we can cast out. JESUS SPOKE OF SOME DEMONS CANNOT GO WITHOUT PRAYER AND FASTING.. AND A PRINCIPALITY RULES OVER THOUSANDS OF STRONG DEMONS.... BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU ENGAGE THIS ENTITIES. DO SO IF YOU CLEARLY HEAR FROM GOD, IF NOT, STICK TO PRAYING IN. THE SPIRIT, GODS WORD, PRAISE AND WORSHIP, WHICH DOES MORE DAMAGE THAN WE THINK.
I've been exposed to Spiritual Warfare since I was a child, and for the first part of my life I didn't understand what it was. We've been taught about Spiritual Warfare from one of our home churches and gained a very cohesive understanding between good, evil, God's Word, and God's gifts of power and authority *THROUGH JESUS CHRIST ALONE* . Did your friend test the spirit that STOPPED her from doing spiritual warfare? Satan KNOWS and QUOTES Scripture, but is she indwelled with the Holy Spirit to give her that discernment? I have encountered spiritual warfare physically and spiritually, and ONLY USING JESUS' MIGHTY NAME did those leave. And, yes, once in prayer for my dying father's soul, my mind went completely blank and I could not remember ANY Scripture. I tried three times but the Holy Spirit gave me the wisdom that I was being blocked from speaking, that it WAS spiritual warfare I was encountering. I rebuked it and cast it out in Jesus' Name, and the Holy Spirit led me back to praying Psalms 91 and the Lord's Prayer in Matthew, among other Psalms. My father's lips tried repeating the Lord's Prayer, and he passed about twenty minutes later. I wondered if my father who had lived a lifetime of evil and a dedicated follower of satan received Jesus Christ as his Savior and the Holy Spirit gave me a wisdom: If your father's soul was completely satan's, satan would NOT have had a need to block your prayers. The lesson: *God fights for each person 's soul* *literally until his/her last breath.* I've been delivered from spiritual and physical warfare by the Name of Jesus Christ, and ANY and EVERY attempt to stop that battle is NOT from God, for it only serves satan. Pray for God's wisdom and discernment *always* . Maranatha (He comes) !!!
@@tonem220 principalities are the princes that God Himself set over the nations when He scattered people after Babel. Yes they are wicked, and they also have God’s permission to rule over the nations as judgment over the people who had all rebelled. Satan is the little “g” god of this world. This is why we are specifically told in Scripture to separate from the world because love of the world is enmity with God. Our mission is to spread the gospel and disciple people so they follow God and not the wicked world. Hope this helps.
This word is true. Now I understand. I engaged in warfare against the principalities and since then my life has changed for the worse. God showed me many dreams of my condition. First my soul was arrested by a powerful deamon in a place that look like a dump, I cried and cried desperately to get out because I couldn't accept that I belong there. Another dream, my pastor was telling me that we're not as strong as we think we are. Another dream. I saw my self having to cross a very dangerous bridge, I couldn't cross it because I felt dwon in very dirty disgusting deep waters, that vision repeated like 3 times in the same dream. Another dream I saw my house in fired. Slowly I stopped praying and reading the Bible. Is a disaster. All of this happened within few weeks. I pray for God to save me today with all of my heart and this video was recommended. Never in my Christian life I hear this things but I know is true. The Holy Spirit is giving testimony. I'll repent right now and be set free in Jesus name 🙏 God bless you all.
Sierva de Cristo!!! Your testimony will be heard by many!!! Use your testimony for the KINGDOM!! God is doing great things in your life, yiu just have to GRAB IT!!! God bless 🙏
@OscarLvera Hi. After I repented and confessed my sin ,instantly i felt like i passed from one demention to another. But the battle of Satan against the believers is non-stop. But ours is the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 Stay blessed 🙌
Rules of engagement is the same with all kinds of evil. Overcome what has been allowed to be afflicted onto you by praying, praising, fasting and loving. No need to overthink it. The Lord will fight for you.
Praise is the absolutely most powerful weapon, but even praisers do need to rebuke demons when confronted with them. See Prison to Praise by Merlin Carouthers.
I love hearing his voice! My heart is so sad that John Paul's not still here with us, but I'm so grateful for the awesome and pure legacy he left us to glean from!
@Linda Miscandlon sad for us - not for him. The body of Christ has suffered a great loss. May our faithful God raise up an end-time Elisha to carry JPJ's mantle.
I am a resident of India, I still have not met a person who would understand what God has been trying to do in my life, it seems so bizarre to everyone around me, but I can see clearly see through the eyes of faith. I wish I had someone like Elizabeth to whom Mary (mother of Jesus) could share and be with
I JUST WANT TO THANK YOU !!!! JOHN PAUL JACKSON.....I also had been praying wrongly...I asked GOD forgiveness and things are is true its like throwing a hatchet straight up ..its going to come back down and hit you in the head. I'm going to better at my prayers now..THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely must say that God does act without being asked! I have been the recipient of Divine intervention when in danger of dying more than once. No one prayed, no one even knew what was going on or where I was!
Oh but he has Intercessor da that he has pray on others behalf .. prayers were answered for you ... by those who don't know you.. so Gods love is so indescribable ! Blessings
I have an incredible book to challenge your faith, whether you believe it or not is up to you, but it is scripturally sound and biblical with Bible verses to back it up. It’s called, ‘The Maharishi Of Mt. Kailash’ by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. It’s about a 400 yr old intercessor of God who has been praying for the people of God ever since he was appointed and is still alive.
For we do not know what we should pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes with groans not expressed in words. And the one who searches hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to God's will.
Sad to see comments accusing JPJ of being a false pastor. This man was deeply founded in scripture and spoke with revelation. For those struggling to understand why he says do not step outside of your domain, he means we all have a hierarchy of authority God has given to us. Read Jude 1:9 even arch angel Micheal did not rebuke the devil but prayed God will deal and rebuke him. This is bearing in mind Micheal is a high rank arch angel, he won't even step out of his domain by rebuking Lucifer! The message explains that when it comes to principalities and powers address your prayer to God directly. This is consistent with Colossians 2:16 Jesus has defeated all principalities and powers. Therefore when we pray ie ask the Lord to deal with the spirit of homosexuality raging rife over our nation, not you trying to bind the principality of homosexuality yourself. He also explained we can cast demons out of people on earth because we have dominion here. Hope this helps your understanding.
Well answered! We must be careful not to jump to conclusions, but study and pray and ask the Holy Spirit For wisdom knowledge and understanding of the Word of God. I received A prophetic word that my intentions were good in praying but I needed to be careful about how I prayed Because I was being attacked in every area of my life. The man of God is correct we are to stay within our God-given boundaries. Amen!!! And AMEN!!!
Karen Lawson I remember praying during warfare coming against demons and oh my goodness I went through the worst warfare ever. I prayed and the Holy Spirit said never speak to the demons of darkness directly! He said to use the word of God. Whew ! let me tell you I’ll never ever make that mistake again.
I first knew of this man 10yrs ago snd God used him to open my eyes. His father's blessing which was played during his tribute service will forever be a landmark moment in my life. I felt the impartation. You're sorely missed JPJ!!! ❤
Nice to hear John Paul Jackson through his video teachings.. missing his presence in ministry here on earth with the living. Thank God for the videos. I’m very sure he is enjoying God’s Presence as we speak🌹
I started watching this yesterday night, went to bed n i dreamt the encounter i had oh my. Its been awhile i had that. Ill keep soaking myself with the scriptures n your teaching. God is so real.
I thank God for this msg.These days I pray to God and my prayers are answered on the spot! I used to pray wrongly as he has said and get terrible attacks.
The explanation John Paul ends with is just terrific. Starting at the 19:19 minute mark, he really sums it up beautifully. I've served the Lord as a missionary for 50 years and have heard all kinds of sermons and talks and this is one of the most inspiring talks I've heard. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I was just now reading some of the negative remarks here and I could pick each one apart, but I think if we just judge the way we'd want others to judge us, we'll be softer in our speech.
For WE are not FIGHTING against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
everyone one speaks before acknoledging the truth and god lord jesus never lies please stop hurting God what is wrong in this world is his vail im removing from your eyes see and put faith in lord blood jesus i hold all gods people for love peace and hope most of all love whom made one those who love and are made of love come fourth those who nothing of my lord learn look
I disagree we are seated in heavenly places in Christ & God will, when we are led by Him give us as part of His Body responsibility for regions being effected by demonic forces in high places. This goes hand in hand with the other strategies & obedience to God. Yes there will be a battle, but those who aren’t taking up the fight are no threat & still get attacked anyway. God will teach us to cover our families. This will also expose every secret sin & repentance will need to be a way of life. For instance if you church is involved in coming against the spirit of murder, you need to ask God is there anything in my family that is an open door, that’s where we are vulnerable, not being free ourselves, but we can get free. Our cities are not transformed by being scared of the enemy. Like everything else this is Spirit led, we don’t decide we are doing this, but it is definitely part of the big picture. I’m not saying God hasn’t spoken to this man & there are definitely those who are unwise, but I’m only commenting because we cannot be afraid. I had a demon come in my room at night & tell me He was going to take everything from me, he tried....but God! We cannot settle for surviving Jesus paid for victory.
@@juliatherese9460 I totally agree with you dear Julia. Actually most of the people are apt in giving sheep advice and only sheep take that advice. Jesus never said it would be easy. He also pointed out there are few laborers and harvest is heavy! It meant there are few spiritual warriors for no one wants attacks from Satan and let go of little luxuries they have. So they keep saying Jesus has done his job and now we have only to enjoy whereas Jesus clearly pointed that whosoever follows me follow with cross daily. He also says For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Actually everyone wants resurrection but none wants sufferings/attacks from minions of Satan! I do agree we can not do on our own we have to pray and seek our Father and Brother and His Spirit Help but then it does not mean we wont be persecuted and it would be an easy sail through the valley of Satan!
This popped in my feed just as i needed! I woke up at 10last night rebuking with holy oil out, it was the enemy who came to me in a dream and was after my child and i woke up to hearing banging on the floor, it wasnt until i started to pray to jesus and read scripture it fully went away and stopped, i always have the crazy experiences and dreams or paralysis and its gotten worse. Only through jesus can we over come everything.
Before you go to bed Read Matthew 4 When the enemy was tempting the LORD JESUS Christ and his responses. Also, if it's happening just as you fall asleep...You're mind is yet engaged, so realize whose child you are. And immediately tell it to go. ! And Read Psalm 16:7-9 "I Bless The LORD Who Counsels me, Even at night my Heart Exhorts me. I keep the LORD Always before me. With the LORD at my right I shall never be shaken." PSALM 27. As well. Happy Reading Scriptures. 😊
i am so grateful for JPJ teaching even though he is home now it continues to help us. amen i am so thanjful we will meet you JPJ at hone mt brother thank you jesus
Very interesting preaching, I am just realizing how much spiritual warfare has been with me in the pass; being that I was a activist. I was pushing too hard on my own. Thank you for your teaching, Looking forward to future teachings I Thank You
Amen, thank you for this message JPJ. From his very first message I heard, I was drawn to this man of God. I understand now thru this message how we pray when we are being attacked by Spiritual Warfare. 😇🙏
Oh, Lord help me not to exceed your authority structure. I know you are a God of order, and I want to honor and obey your laws. On earth as it is in heaven.
This is good teaching. Change our hearts Lord. May we truly be humble before God who knows what's best for us and wants the best for us. I agree with JPJ s teaching. All glory to God!!!
He is NOT saying we should refrain from taking authority over demonic powers in our lives or lives of others. He IS saying we are NOT to make an attempt to take authority over/rebuke principalities over REGIONS. This is not our jurisdiction. You pray to God to address those principalities OVER the REGION as we also pray for the transformation of the people in that region.Those powers have AUTHORITY to be there because of the SINS of the people in that region. Therefore, in order to REMOVE the dark powers OVER a REGION you must pray for the HEARTS of the people to be changed. When the people change then the PRINCIPALITIES lose the authority they have over the REGION and thus they will be removed by GOD. I understand that there are also those that believe to be called by GOD to take authority over demonic principalities over a region. If anyone believes they are given authority in an office to war with principalities over a region, go ahead. Make sure you are commissioned to do so by GOD. The consequences are severe if you mis-step. Listen to it again.
God is light. there is no darkness in Him or any shadow of turning. We can venture into areas we shouldn't but it is not God that sends problems. Good teaching. We do not pull down Anything but wrongs thoughts, high imaginations. In the name of Jesus we command sickness to leave and it goes.
When I fast usually 3 times a week I physically mentally and spiritually feel the armor of God how cool is that that's why I fast so often. Yes I believe that my presence changes the atmosphere I believe in Jesus Christ for 30 years maturity in Christ does not come overnight
The content is great as usual but I must say the quality of production is topnotch, the set, lighting and the props are all on point. Great Job Dreams and Mysteries team!
I have been dealing with my wife about this lately because I begin to feel through the Holy Spirit that we have been praying wrong and it caused a lot of confusion in our household. But to God be the Glory. He’s an on time God. I tell you stick close to God during these times and he will show himself to you in all things. Amen
Today I was listening to the audio Bible and I remembered your voice, John Paul Jackson, I used to watch these a lot maybe 7 years ago. I am so shocked to see this video in my RUclips feed. I know God led me to this.
miss you so much, still have so much to learn from you. I know you are well w the Lord at Home in Heaven. I will still serve God all the days till I go home too.
Amen! So sad to see a powerful man of God, taken away from us. I greatly appreciate JPJ's wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the word of God. This subject of 'spiritual warfare' has been severely misunderstood and incorrectly taught in the church. I remember 20 years ago, when I left my home country, and the first church I attended in the country where I worked in, the pastor told of a situation when well known intercessors went to Turkey to pray against the Queen of heaven and after that, they suffered severe backlash from the enemy! So he told all of us to be careful with spiritual warfare. We need a proper biblical perspective on this subject. I agree that we must put on the full armor of God every day and stand firm in our faith, so that the evil one's weapons (assignments) against us, will not prosper or be successful. Thanks to JPJ for this excellent teaching and hope to see him in the third heaven, soon!
Many of those in the comment section that argue with the teaching presented here -- would benefit by #1 hearing all of the message (the rest of the video) & #2 The Mystery of Man and the Earth. The man and Earth mystery teaching is incredible. The things John Paul took authority over was profound, and that teaching is also making a difference in my life. Please, look deeper!
thank you so much! Ive gotten so many questions answered and feel I have a better understanding on prayer a little better now... I feel like ive been praying so out of place and letting my emotions take over that I dont even understand what I would be rebuking. This video truly helped me understand the structure of the 3 heavens and where my authority is and how I can honor God in recognizing His power over the other heavens and not my own. So humbling. Thank you D&M! please keep this coming.
It would be real nice if RUclips did not allow comments. Some of the stuff people post be out of total boredom or rudeness. I am sad to that he passed away in the physical but happy he doesn't have to put up with critics of the world who don't want to learn more truth. There is a Spiritual Warfare going on and it ain't cute. He not telling you not to fight, our fight is through our prayer and God moves when we ask. This video really intrigued me. Don't let the enemy deceive you by discrediting him. Stay woke.
You are very right my dear.. I feel like many hearts are prideful and cannot just accept that many things we all used to think as Christians may not always be so. I was so amazed when I went through the comments and it just feels like people listened not to understand but just to reply. With that, you will never learn. May GOD grant us grace to be humble enough to know that there are mysteries in the word and that if we allow GOD, HE will teach us through HIS servants..
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for sending assistance through your cloud of witnesses. I praise you that you are not slow to answer; Lord have mercy on us all; we humbly lay at your feet what we think we understand, in order to receive your higher thoughts & ways. Lord, I repent for anyplace that well-meaning prayers have been prayed that were out of order according to your Kingdom of Righteousness…as it is written in your Word…man/woman plans their ways, yet it is the Lord’s plans that will prevail. Thank you, Jehovah Nissi, thank you for your banner of protection over me & my family, & for your continued training & equipping, in Jesus’ Almighty Name. Amen.
I noticed this happens all the time after deliverance but in the end, God gives victory in the end. Mark 16:17-18 still makes it clear what we should do as believers. May God give us understanding! ❤️🙏
Luke 10:19King James Version (KJV) 19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️We fight and wrestle using the word of God. And only fight when they come into our spaces. We don't go looking for them. Ephesians 6 reminds us we should stand after being fully clothed. If God wants you to wrestle the Holy Spirit will give you the word in that instant that you would wrestle with. Otherwise, be bold and stand and wait for instructions from Jesus. Shalom
LUke 10 v 19 18So He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you. 20Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”…
PET is referencing earthly authority (over demon spirits) which God gives in increasing measure to those He trusts with it, those who cling to Him in fidelity and know Him intimately (and those who ask for it). JPJ is talking about 2nd Heaven authority in this teaching, not earthly authority. We never have authority to fight spirits that are not on earth (principalities, powers, spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places). Be blessed! :)
Gen 1:26..Let them have dominion over all things on EARTH. 1 John 3:8..He appeared to destroy the works of the devils which are manifested here on earth. Luke 10:19..We have authority over the works of the devils here on earth. The disciples had just returned from destroying the enemy's work on EARTH... Matt 6:10... Thy will be done in EARTH by us who believe. He gave us rulership over what happens on EARTH. JPJ was right.
Kingdom of Heaven and Prayers Ministries I'm not sure what the disagreement is about. The heavens belong to God but He has given the EARTH to humanity, Psalm 115:16. The interference might be from the heavenlies or help might come from the heavenlies, but EARTH is man's operation. JPJ was the first man of God I was directed to when I desired to learn about the spiritual, his teachings has helped me see even spiritual things. Hundreds of experiences. God used him to help open my inner ears and eyes. I respect him.
Kingdom of Heaven and Prayers Ministries. Instructions are coming from superior evil spirits in the heavenlies to the foot soldiers here on earth. Their works are here on EARTH. Christ took on flesh to war against an enemy whose war is on EARTH. Our instructions who believe comes from the third heaven to earth by the Holy Spirit where His Will is carried out by us on who reside in the EARTH. Thy Will be done on EARTH through the believer as it is done in heaven. Yes I'm seated with Christ in the highest heavens my authority is to be used in the EARTH arena. The Angels and God can take care of the heavenly war as Daniel reported. Blessings.
Thank you J.P Jackson your videos are wonderful and for all the people who respond to his information with bad words or disrespect claiming you know the truth well all I can say is a true lover of God and his word would not respond in that manner God Bless you all
I Believe that the best prayer is GOD YOUR WILL BE DONE IN A PERSONS LIFE. OR A A SITUATION. We not need to go into specifics. As We are children of The Most High. Creator of everything. Meaning ? God knows what needs done and whats the best way to do it.
Blessings, Love, Faith & Hope to all according to the measure of the gift of Christ given unto each and everyone... Wonderful message from Mr John Paul Jackson as always and Mercy be extended unto those of them for the harsh comments I have seen... so many examine the scriptures for they think that within them they have eternal life yet never take upon the yoke of Christ for it is easy and his burden is light... Woe to those of them Pharisees Hypocrites! Let Love Light & Lead the Way!
Well, this reminds me about what my mentor taught me years ago. John Paul offered a way to pray for the principalities that control an area or City etc..the way is not by rebuking them directly like the way we rebuke the demons that are on Earth but by asking God to change the hearts of people who are in charge on the area or that the Holy Spirit touches their hearts so they repent and believe in Jesus. The principalities are God's to battle.. so if the church in that area thinks God wants them to pray for the city or an area, they can use the principle above..ask God to change the hearts of the leaders. Ask the Holy Spirit to touch their hearts...not by rebuking and attacking the principalities on the second heaven. But if their minions come to attack our homes, church or family, then we fight back by rebuking them to leave in the Jesus name because the earth is our area or dominion Some people mentioned about Derek Prince. I watched Derek preached that the Antichrist is not ours to fight or battle. The Antichrist is belong to Jesus to fight.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
As I listened to your perspective on engagement in spiritual warfare, I do recall the Lord Jesus saying that whatsoever two of us shall agree upon here on earth would be done in heaven, second and third heavens. Quite alright spiritual warfare demands strategising, hearing from the Spirit of God but the blood of Jesus Christ gives the New Testament Church access to all spheres of heaven. The Lord said ALL POWER has been given unto Him, which power was given to the Church, Luke 10:18-19. He also said in Acts 1:8 that we shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon us to be witnesses. Furthermore the Lord Jesus said He sent the disciples just as God has sent Him, John 20:20 that includes the Church, Christians by extension. Through Paul, the revelation of our location IN Christ was given in Ephesians, seated at the right hand of God the Father in the heavenly places FAR ABOVE principalities and powers, and has put all things UNDER HIS FEET. If Christ Jesus, is the Head of the Church, the Body of Christ, then the the feet is the lowest part of that Body, consequently, anything under His feet is under His Body, the Church, thus our redemptive inheritance in Christ includes our authority over principalities and powers because in us operates the exceeding greatness of His power as Believers, the person of the Holy Spirit. The Ephesians 6 scriptures you referred to also tells us that WE, the CHURCH, in spiritual warfare WRESTLE, and that our wrestle is AGAINST principalities and powers that you said we are not authorized to deal with. Thus you contradict your assertions. I believe the account of your dream but I doubt if the interpretation as given to you is of universal application. Even Paul wrote about wrestling with the BEASTS (principalities) OF EPHESUS, that was one man, but with an apostolic authority. No doubt, there are levels of authority, Ezekiel 47, and that was as depicted in the Samarian incident, where Phillip the Evangelist could not discern the depth of evil in Simon the sorcerer but the visiting Apostles, from their apostolic depth of authority identified the wickedness in the heart of Simon and pronounced judgement on him accordingly. But that does not mean that the redeemed new man in Christ has limitations in terms of spiritual warfare. For the man that Paul knew who went into the third heavens, he must clearly have passed through the 2nd heavens too, by warfare: taking on the powers that be. The first Adam clearly does not have the access to deal with principalities and powers as shown by Daniel's 3 weeks delay in answer to his prayers, because the first Adam lost his dominion mandate of Genesis 1:27-28 to the devil at the fall, but that dominion authority, in the person of the Holy Spirit was restored to man by redemption and so, just like God, MAN, IN CHRIST, HAS AUTHORITY OVER principalities and powers whichever was why Paul reiterated this fact in the Ephesians 6:12 scripture referred to.
Col 2:14-15 Jude v 9 We ask the Lord to spoil the principalities, we ask the Lord to rebuke satan. We do not spoil nor rebuke ourselves...simple enough to understand. Bless you.
I think you missed John's point. A ll he said was to pray for the hearts and minds of the people in a city to change towards GOD rather than rebuke territorial demons because it's not in our place. I don't recall anywhere in the Word that Paul or any man of GOD rebuked any territorial demon. JESUS rebuked demons IN people. HE could have rebuke the demons in cities but HE never did because HE was in human form. So please, listen again, and understand. Paul is not saying here that we do not have authority. He's saying to be in our place and be strong in the LORD and allow HIM do what only HE can do.
Ayomide I totally agree with you. Satan fell trying to lift his throne up to heaven. Revelation falling has not yet happened but all thrones, dominions etc. are under the foot of Jesus.
@@oangulu then what about all authority in heaven and on earth given to Jesus and that Jesus bequeathed to the church? It must have been limited in scope and sphere judging by your analysis.
@@stepheessel6667 But t is the territorial demons that holds them captive IN THEIR MINDS and controls the mentalities and minds of the people. Now to set the people free in their minds i.e. to plunder their houses (strongholds) in the minds of men you will need to FIRST BIND THE STRONGMEN (TERRITORIAL POWERS) holding captive the minds of men. Only then can you pull down their strongholds and the negative thoughts in the hearts of men captive and bring them into the obedience of Christ. BUT your own obedience must also FIRST be complete. So if you do not first bind the territorial demons standing on the authority of the delegated authority of Christ over ALL the powers of the enemy without exception, how then do you intend to get the job done? Even the Lord Jesus saw satan all as lightning when the unregenerated disciples exercised their authorities before Jesus went to the cross. How much more us the post resurrection 3rd Day Believers? That which you refer to as "what only He can do" He already empowered us to at Pentecost by reason of His pronouncement in Acts 1:8
Jesus gave us authority to cast demons out of people and deliverance has saved me tremendously....but all that other sir I wouldn't dare attack a principality because that is for God to deal with..not me. A principality does have a right to be there , I was a little iffy about this teaching until I watched it in entirety. I agree with it,look forward to watching more teaching
The 2nd heaven is where the spiritual warfare takes place. It is true that every christian has his own angel guarding him, when you pray it is the angel which fights against the evil spirits trying to fight your destiny. Only a genuine christian will have an angel guarding him, some with the armor of God and even so it depends on how strong there faith is to our lord Jesus Christ. Lukewarm Christians will not have this because as the word 'lukewarm' describes; they rise today but fall tomorrow. The devils trump card is temptation, and in the world we live in today there is a lot of it. BE READY WE LIVE IN END TIMES.
When GOD talks to you through a dream you should always ask him to reveal it to you. And he will, so dont ever use dream interpretation cards or books.
So you don't believe that this gift is for today, the end times? So if God gave the gift to Joseph He won't give to someone else? Did God change? Is He now a respector of persons? You really need to hear this man's testimony and how God called Him and used him while he was alive.
If the book comes from an anointed person of God that has the gift of dream interpretation then yes we can use the book. There are other dream interpreters besides John Paul Jackson. Thank God that John Paul Jackson was foremost in the knowledge of interpretation of dreams but remember there are other brothers and sisters with this gift. God bless you.
@@anar3602 the problem with dream interpretation books is that not all things/objects/etc in dreams mean the same thing-they are typically intensely personal as God shows people things in a way that person may understand. It is always best to simply pray for interpretation.
@@christincommon5496 That is very true. Not only can the interpretation be personal but cultural. John Paul Jackson was one that ALWAYS emphasized the requirement of relying on Holy Spirit to interpret.
I agree that the dreamer should pray for interpretation, but there are things here (in Brother John Paul's teaching) that can help to educate us in ways we might miss otherwise.
Thank You so much for your kindness and encouragement what a wonderful Fellow you were in our lives and I still appreciate these Videos so much. ❤️🔥😊🙏🌹 we will look you up in Heaven when we get there to say thank you in Person
This man, prophesied over me, after I went to his conference. I never met him. He pulled me out of the crowd and told me about my past and my life. This guy was the real deal.
Robin Bullock,is a true prophet ALSO I also miss John Paul Jackson also. These vedios makes his knowledge live on. Tho praise God
What did he say to you?
He sure was the real deal with 👌🏽
My pastor said he prophesied over him as well and it was spot on. This is how I came to know about him, in church one Sunday for Father’s Day he played the video titled the blessing. I’ve listened to that video sooo many times. I would have loved to have met him. ♥️
I like how he takes the dark or demonic out of for contextual purposes what is supernatural and how through the appropriate channel (truth/source) the divination and signs that are provided in dreams prophesy all that.
Watching this video on May 10th 2024. Hungry for Jesus.
Sometimes my walk is so dry all I do is pray the lords prayer but I never go more than 24 hours without it. Some beat me down for it. Consistency is very important. Awesome to see you're hungry.
“Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6 KJV)
Watching as of 16 November, 2024. May 10, 2024 was my 48th birthday. On this day, I discovered my partner had been cheating on me for the past 4 years. It's been a battle to forgive but also a wake-up call to stop living outside His will. Please 🙏 for me. God Bless.
@@gigiiirenee1996praying 💜💚
Me 2
I stumbled upon his lessons in very late 2013 and Feb. or March of 2014 he suddenly passed away. I felt like he had a mind and heart of truth. Oh I miss him but Yahawah knows best!👑
Wait what? Aug 2024 I am seeing his video for the first time. He passed away? Such a loss. 😢
Yes He passed in 2015, Kim Clement in 2016 , God is still calling his warriors Home.
I saw in 2018..19
I didn't receive this word the first time I heard it, months ago. But this week a friend of mine was doing warfare against a principality and GOD stopped her in her tracks, mid-sentence. He explained to her that WE are NOT given dominion to do this. He gave her several scriptures for her to study and get an understanding. She later shared her story with me. I was amazed! I told her about this video....she'd never heard of it. She'd never heard of ANY teaching on this topic. I told her I'd find the video and send her the link. That's what brought me back here tonight. Thank you God for Your Word and for always protecting and teaching us so we can rightly divide the word of truth!
Could it be a lying spirit, instructing us not to war against principalities directly. Surely God cannot contradict his word.
@@tonem220 we are not told how to war.... We cannot bind principalities and powers. They are wrestled, on Gods command and instructions. Wrestling a principality who commands legion of demons doesn't take an hour, or two, or three..... When the principality hits back, you will know they are not mere demons we can cast out. JESUS SPOKE OF SOME DEMONS CANNOT GO WITHOUT PRAYER AND FASTING.. AND A PRINCIPALITY RULES OVER THOUSANDS OF STRONG DEMONS....
I've been exposed to Spiritual Warfare since I was a child,
and for the first part of my life I didn't understand what it was.
We've been taught about Spiritual Warfare from one of our home churches and gained a very cohesive understanding between good, evil, God's Word, and God's gifts of power and authority
Did your friend test the spirit that
STOPPED her from doing spiritual warfare?
Satan KNOWS and QUOTES Scripture, but is she indwelled with the Holy Spirit to give her that discernment?
I have encountered spiritual warfare physically and spiritually, and
And, yes, once in prayer for my dying father's soul, my mind went completely blank and I could not remember ANY Scripture. I tried three times but the Holy Spirit gave me the wisdom that I was being blocked from speaking, that it WAS spiritual warfare I was encountering.
I rebuked it and cast it out in Jesus' Name, and the Holy Spirit led me back to praying Psalms 91 and the Lord's Prayer in Matthew, among other Psalms.
My father's lips tried repeating the Lord's Prayer, and he passed about twenty minutes later.
I wondered if my father who had lived a lifetime of evil and a dedicated follower of satan received Jesus Christ as his Savior and the Holy Spirit gave me a wisdom:
If your father's soul was completely satan's,
satan would NOT have had a need to block your prayers.
The lesson:
*God fights for each person 's soul*
*literally until his/her last breath.*
I've been delivered from spiritual and physical warfare by the Name of Jesus Christ, and ANY and EVERY attempt to stop that battle is NOT from God, for it only serves satan.
Pray for God's wisdom and discernment
*always* .
Maranatha (He comes) !!!
@@tonem220 principalities are the princes that God Himself set over the nations when He scattered people after Babel. Yes they are wicked, and they also have God’s permission to rule over the nations as judgment over the people who had all rebelled.
Satan is the little “g” god of this world. This is why we are specifically told in Scripture to separate from the world because love of the world is enmity with God.
Our mission is to spread the gospel and disciple people so they follow God and not the wicked world.
Hope this helps.
@tone m don't be overzealous. The spirit realm very organized. Unless instructed by God do not under any circumstance bind a principality.
This word is true. Now I understand. I engaged in warfare against the principalities and since then my life has changed for the worse. God showed me many dreams of my condition. First my soul was arrested by a powerful deamon in a place that look like a dump, I cried and cried desperately to get out because I couldn't accept that I belong there. Another dream, my pastor was telling me that we're not as strong as we think we are. Another dream. I saw my self having to cross a very dangerous bridge, I couldn't cross it because I felt dwon in very dirty disgusting deep waters, that vision repeated like 3 times in the same dream. Another dream I saw my house in fired. Slowly I stopped praying and reading the Bible. Is a disaster. All of this happened within few weeks. I pray for God to save me today with all of my heart and this video was recommended. Never in my Christian life I hear this things but I know is true. The Holy Spirit is giving testimony. I'll repent right now and be set free in Jesus name 🙏
God bless you all.
How are you today since that happened? Something changed?
Sierva de Cristo!!! Your testimony will be heard by many!!! Use your testimony for the KINGDOM!! God is doing great things in your life, yiu just have to GRAB IT!!! God bless 🙏
@OscarLvera Hi. After I repented and confessed my sin ,instantly i felt like i passed from one demention to another.
But the battle of Satan against the believers is non-stop.
But ours is the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏
Stay blessed 🙌
@@JosueNieves-gx4in Yes and amen dear brother 🙏
God bless you and keep you 🙏
Reminds me of what happened to the celestial being sent to Daniel who was detained by the Prince of Persia in Daniel 10
God has answered my BIGGEST prayer through this video! I’m in SHOCK!
John Paul, was real servant of God, may his soul rest in perfect peace and 🙏🙏🙏
Rules of engagement is the same with all kinds of evil. Overcome what has been allowed to be afflicted onto you by praying, praising, fasting and loving. No need to overthink it.
The Lord will fight for you.
Praise is the absolutely most powerful weapon, but even praisers do need to rebuke demons when confronted with them. See Prison to Praise by Merlin Carouthers.
I love hearing his voice! My heart is so sad that John Paul's not still here with us, but I'm so grateful for the awesome and pure legacy he left us to glean from!
Whoever's reading this God loves you
Thank you
Amen! And He loves you! ❤️
He loves you too ❤😊
I really miss you John Paul Jackson😩,.. great teacher💐
What happened to Him???😐
he passed away.. I think was cancer..
I miss John Paul Jackson so much!
@Linda Miscandlon sad for us - not for him. The body of Christ has suffered a great loss. May our faithful God raise up an end-time Elisha to carry JPJ's mantle.
I am a resident of India, I still have not met a person who would understand what God has been trying to do in my life, it seems so bizarre to everyone around me, but I can see clearly see through the eyes of faith. I wish I had someone like Elizabeth to whom Mary (mother of Jesus) could share and be with
I JUST WANT TO THANK YOU !!!! JOHN PAUL JACKSON.....I also had been praying wrongly...I asked GOD forgiveness and things are is true its like throwing a hatchet straight up ..its going to come back down and hit you in the head. I'm going to better at my prayers now..THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely must say that God does act without being asked! I have been the recipient of Divine intervention when in danger of dying more than once. No one prayed, no one even knew what was going on or where I was!
I love God
Oh but he has Intercessor da that he has pray on others behalf .. prayers were answered for you ... by those who don't know you.. so Gods love is so indescribable ! Blessings
Thanks Roni. I was fixing to say the same thing. He will have people across the world praying for you snd not even know who they are praying for.
I have an incredible book to challenge your faith, whether you believe it or not is up to you, but it is scripturally sound and biblical with Bible verses to back it up. It’s called, ‘The Maharishi Of Mt. Kailash’ by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. It’s about a 400 yr old intercessor of God who has been praying for the people of God ever since he was appointed and is still alive.
For we do not know what we should pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes with groans not expressed in words. And the one who searches hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to God's will.
The Best teacher is the Holy Spirit..
🙏amen ❤❤❤
For a fee….go figure.
Sad to see comments accusing JPJ of being a false pastor. This man was deeply founded in scripture and spoke with revelation. For those struggling to understand why he says do not step outside of your domain, he means we all have a hierarchy of authority God has given to us. Read Jude 1:9 even arch angel Micheal did not rebuke the devil but prayed God will deal and rebuke him. This is bearing in mind Micheal is a high rank arch angel, he won't even step out of his domain by rebuking Lucifer! The message explains that when it comes to principalities and powers address your prayer to God directly. This is consistent with Colossians 2:16 Jesus has defeated all principalities and powers. Therefore when we pray ie ask the Lord to deal with the spirit of homosexuality raging rife over our nation, not you trying to bind the principality of homosexuality yourself. He also explained we can cast demons out of people on earth because we have dominion here. Hope this helps your understanding.
CR Zengeya YES preach!
Thank you.
Well answered! We must be careful not to jump to conclusions, but study and pray and ask the Holy Spirit For wisdom knowledge and understanding of the Word of God. I received A prophetic word that my intentions were good in praying but I needed to be careful about how I prayed Because I was being attacked in every area of my life. The man of God is correct we are to stay within our God-given boundaries. Amen!!! And AMEN!!!
Karen Lawson I remember praying during warfare coming against demons and oh my goodness I went through the worst warfare ever. I prayed and the Holy Spirit said never speak to the demons of darkness directly! He said to use the word of God. Whew ! let me tell you I’ll never ever make that mistake again.
I first knew of this man 10yrs ago snd God used him to open my eyes. His father's blessing which was played during his tribute service will forever be a landmark moment in my life. I felt the impartation. You're sorely missed JPJ!!! ❤
Nice to hear John Paul Jackson through his video teachings.. missing his presence in ministry here on earth with the living. Thank God for the videos. I’m very sure he is enjoying God’s Presence as we speak🌹
I started watching this yesterday night, went to bed n i dreamt the encounter i had oh my.
Its been awhile i had that.
Ill keep soaking myself with the scriptures n your teaching.
God is so real.
I thank God for this msg.These days I pray to God and my prayers are answered on the spot! I used to pray wrongly as he has said and get terrible attacks.
This is an important, simple testimony. I have just realized this, and am already praying differently and expecting to see changes.
The explanation John Paul ends with is just terrific. Starting at the 19:19 minute mark, he really sums it up beautifully. I've served the Lord as a missionary for 50 years and have heard all kinds of sermons and talks and this is one of the most inspiring talks I've heard. It was exactly what I needed to hear.
I was just now reading some of the negative remarks here and I could pick each one apart, but I think if we just judge the way we'd want others to judge us, we'll be softer in our speech.
Where was ur mission?
For WE are not FIGHTING against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
Anderson Brown Amen Bro!!
keep me in pray dealing with haters at work also i attack while i am sleeping
everyone one speaks before acknoledging the truth and god lord jesus never lies please stop hurting God what is wrong in this world is his vail im removing from your eyes see and put faith in lord blood jesus i hold all gods people for love peace and hope most of all love whom made one those who love and are made of love come fourth those who nothing of my lord learn look
I disagree we are seated in heavenly places in Christ & God will, when we are led by Him give us as part of His Body responsibility for regions being effected by demonic forces in high places. This goes hand in hand with the other strategies & obedience to God. Yes there will be a battle, but those who aren’t taking up the fight are no threat & still get attacked anyway. God will teach us to cover our families. This will also expose every secret sin & repentance will need to be a way of life. For instance if you church is involved in coming against the spirit of murder, you need to ask God is there anything in my family that is an open door, that’s where we are vulnerable, not being free ourselves, but we can get free. Our cities are not transformed by being scared of the enemy. Like everything else this is Spirit led, we don’t decide we are doing this, but it is definitely part of the big picture. I’m not saying God hasn’t spoken to this man & there are definitely those who are unwise, but I’m only commenting because we cannot be afraid. I had a demon come in my room at night & tell me He was going to take everything from me, he tried....but God! We cannot settle for surviving Jesus paid for victory.
@@juliatherese9460 I totally agree with you dear Julia. Actually most of the people are apt in giving sheep advice and only sheep take that advice. Jesus never said it would be easy. He also pointed out there are few laborers and harvest is heavy! It meant there are few spiritual warriors for no one wants attacks from Satan and let go of little luxuries they have. So they keep saying Jesus has done his job and now we have only to enjoy whereas Jesus clearly pointed that whosoever follows me follow with cross daily. He also says For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Actually everyone wants resurrection but none wants sufferings/attacks from minions of Satan! I do agree we can not do on our own we have to pray and seek our Father and Brother and His Spirit Help but then it does not mean we wont be persecuted and it would be an easy sail through the valley of Satan!
JPJ teaches us so simple in a way but strong. Just amazing teaching from him. Praise God
This popped in my feed just as i needed! I woke up at 10last night rebuking with holy oil out, it was the enemy who came to me in a dream and was after my child and i woke up to hearing banging on the floor, it wasnt until i started to pray to jesus and read scripture it fully went away and stopped, i always have the crazy experiences and dreams or paralysis and its gotten worse. Only through jesus can we over come everything.
Search for Ugo Ezeji on RUclips he can take you through some deliverance sessions..thanks
Before you go to bed Read
Matthew 4 When the enemy was tempting the LORD JESUS Christ and his responses.
Also, if it's happening just as you fall asleep...You're mind is yet engaged, so realize whose child you are. And immediately tell it to go. !
Read Psalm 16:7-9 "I Bless The LORD
Who Counsels me, Even at night my Heart Exhorts me.
I keep the LORD Always before me. With the LORD at my right I shall never be shaken."
PSALM 27. As well. Happy Reading Scriptures. 😊
i am so grateful for JPJ teaching even though he is home now it continues to help us. amen
i am so thanjful we will meet you JPJ at hone mt brother thank you jesus
Very interesting preaching, I am just realizing how much spiritual warfare has been with me in the pass; being that I was a activist. I was pushing too hard on my own. Thank you for your teaching, Looking forward to future teachings I Thank You
No matter the persecution John keep teaching the upcoming Seers in the future so they can carry out The Lord's Will
Wow! Just stumbled across this at 1.15 A.M No wonder the lives of most "Prayer Warriors" come constantly under attack!!
So true. Always wondered why
Amen, thank you for this message JPJ. From his very first message I heard, I was drawn to this man of God. I understand now thru this message how we pray when we are being attacked by Spiritual Warfare. 😇🙏
Oh, Lord help me not to exceed your authority structure. I know you are a God of order, and I want to honor and obey your laws. On earth as it is in heaven.
Londa Hayden Amen! I touch and agree in Jesus’ Name!
In Jesus name. Amen.
Amén 🙏 Aleluyah 🙌🎶🗡️🛡️📖⚔️ Praise the Lord Jesus Christ
In the name of Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
In Agreement, I repent of known and unknown rebellion of structure; Amen 🙏
This is good teaching. Change our hearts Lord. May we truly be humble before God who knows what's best for us and wants the best for us. I agree with JPJ s teaching. All glory to God!!!
He is NOT saying we should refrain from taking authority over demonic powers in our lives or lives of others. He IS saying we are NOT to make an attempt to take authority over/rebuke principalities over REGIONS. This is not our jurisdiction. You pray to God to address those principalities OVER the REGION as we also pray for the transformation of the people in that region.Those powers have AUTHORITY to be there because of the SINS of the people in that region. Therefore, in order to REMOVE the dark powers OVER a REGION you must pray for the HEARTS of the people to be changed. When the people change then the PRINCIPALITIES lose the authority they have over the REGION and thus they will be removed by GOD. I understand that there are also those that believe to be called by GOD to take authority over demonic principalities over a region. If anyone believes they are given authority in an office to war with principalities over a region, go ahead. Make sure you are commissioned to do so by GOD. The consequences are severe if you mis-step. Listen to it again.
So is this what happened to Kim Clement
I agree I just said the same thing we have authority over demons that wage war against us but we are not to wage war over demons over regions
Malcolm Isom it's like a city or territory
@@judahtribe7 what happened to Kim Clement?
He had a gift and gift of understanding ❤ Blessings , ignore the haters
God is light. there is no darkness in Him or any shadow of turning. We can venture into areas we shouldn't but it is not God that sends problems. Good teaching. We do not pull down Anything but wrongs thoughts, high imaginations. In the name of Jesus we command sickness to leave and it goes.
C. 12451 The fact that you are a citizen of a Kingdom doesn't mean you can do anything. You must be responsible.
Luke 10:19 I believe if we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. Then we have power over the evil one. Which is a spirit.
Then WHY is he dead?!
@@KathrynBriley it is appointed once for man to die
Best servant Teacher Ever
Glory to You My Father Elohim
HaShem YAH
Blessings Beloved
Holy One Spirit
Amen! Lord I need a miracle in my life for the glory of your name.
John Paul is always right, hes proved it to me over and over.
When I fast usually 3 times a week I physically mentally and spiritually feel the armor of God how cool is that that's why I fast so often. Yes I believe that my presence changes the atmosphere I believe in Jesus Christ for 30 years maturity in Christ does not come overnight
Fasting is not to gain power of blessings from God it's to grow in intimacy with God and learn discipline...we DO NOT EARN BLESSINGS
You're also to fast in private not brag around town the word of God is very clear..
Need of prayer to move to a new location in downtown Lancaster PA. To the valley.I am number two on my waiting list to move. For safety of my husband.
The content is great as usual but I must say the quality of production is topnotch, the set, lighting and the props are all on point. Great Job Dreams and Mysteries team!
I've been thinking the same thing. The quality of production is superb.
I have been dealing with my wife about this lately because I begin to feel through the Holy Spirit that we have been praying wrong and it caused a lot of confusion in our household. But to God be the Glory. He’s an on time God. I tell you stick close to God during these times and he will show himself to you in all things. Amen
I've just discover JPJ teachings! what a great teacher!! so much love and respect for you sir!
Today I was listening to the audio Bible and I remembered your voice, John Paul Jackson, I used to watch these a lot maybe 7 years ago. I am so shocked to see this video in my RUclips feed. I know God led me to this.
miss you so much, still have so much to learn from you. I know you are well w the Lord at Home in Heaven. I will still serve God all the days till I go home too.
Beautiful teaching. All speak truth of goda word. Help me hy spirit....
Amen! So sad to see a powerful man of God, taken away from us. I greatly appreciate JPJ's wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the word of God. This subject of 'spiritual warfare' has been severely misunderstood and incorrectly taught in the church. I remember 20 years ago, when I left my home country, and the first church I attended in the country where I worked in, the pastor told of a situation when well known intercessors went to Turkey to pray against the Queen of heaven and after that, they suffered severe backlash from the enemy! So he told all of us to be careful with spiritual warfare. We need a proper biblical perspective on this subject. I agree that we must put on the full armor of God every day and stand firm in our faith, so that the evil one's weapons (assignments) against us, will not prosper or be successful. Thanks to JPJ for this excellent teaching and hope to see him in the third heaven, soon!
🙂🙂🙂 what a legacy 👏...Thank you Jesus for john paul you in the Glory...
Wow!! Learned so much in those few minutes GREAT STUFF!!!
Many of those in the comment section that argue with the teaching presented here -- would benefit by #1 hearing all of the message (the rest of the video) & #2 The Mystery of Man and the Earth. The man and Earth mystery teaching is incredible. The things John Paul took authority over was profound, and that teaching is also making a difference in my life. Please, look deeper!
thank you so much! Ive gotten so many questions answered and feel I have a better understanding on prayer a little better now... I feel like ive been praying so out of place and letting my emotions take over that I dont even understand what I would be rebuking. This video truly helped me understand the structure of the 3 heavens and where my authority is and how I can honor God in recognizing His power over the other heavens and not my own. So humbling. Thank you D&M! please keep this coming.
Awesome! Thank You Jesus. May Minister John Paul Jackson Rest in Jesus sweet Peace.
It would be real nice if RUclips did not allow comments. Some of the stuff people post be out of total boredom or rudeness. I am sad to that he passed away in the physical but happy he doesn't have to put up with critics of the world who don't want to learn more truth. There is a Spiritual Warfare going on and it ain't cute. He not telling you not to fight, our fight is through our prayer and God moves when we ask. This video really intrigued me. Don't let the enemy deceive you by discrediting him. Stay woke.
Teirra Allen agreed. We can disagree without being uncivilized and rude. And as Christians, we should be doing just that.
You are very right my dear.. I feel like many hearts are prideful and cannot just accept that many things we all used to think as Christians may not always be so. I was so amazed when I went through the comments and it just feels like people listened not to understand but just to reply. With that, you will never learn.
May GOD grant us grace to be humble enough to know that there are mysteries in the word and that if we allow GOD, HE will teach us through HIS servants..
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for sending assistance through your cloud of witnesses. I praise you that you are not slow to answer; Lord have mercy on us all; we humbly lay at your feet what we think we understand, in order to receive your higher thoughts & ways. Lord, I repent for anyplace that well-meaning prayers have been prayed that were out of order according to your Kingdom of Righteousness…as it is written in your Word…man/woman plans their ways, yet it is the Lord’s plans that will prevail. Thank you, Jehovah Nissi, thank you for your banner of protection over me & my family, & for your continued training & equipping, in Jesus’ Almighty Name. Amen.
I am very blessed, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah, Jesus is my portion, thank you Jesus, you are with me then who can against me. God bless you sir
I noticed this happens all the time after deliverance but in the end, God gives victory in the end. Mark 16:17-18 still makes it clear what we should do as believers. May God give us understanding! ❤️🙏
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Thank you Jesus so much this is very true and really spoke truth on many things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luke 10:19King James Version (KJV)
19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you
Amen! That is the TRUTH!
Note the verse you put only says the *power of the enemy.* Not the enemy himself. Also Genesis tells us that man's authority is over the earth realm.
I agree..this man is false about not casting down strongholds
@@vallesdroid Where did he say that cuz he certainly wouldn't teach that? Or maybe your making an assumption?
I thought of this scripture, thank you for bringing it. Therefore, I respectfully disagree with the teaching.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️We fight and wrestle using the word of God. And only fight when they come into our spaces. We don't go looking for them. Ephesians 6 reminds us we should stand after being fully clothed. If God wants you to wrestle the Holy Spirit will give you the word in that instant that you would wrestle with. Otherwise, be bold and stand and wait for instructions from Jesus. Shalom
His messages were filled with revelation for the end times.
Blessings 😇😇😇😇
One of the BEST teachings I've ever seen!
Hallelujah Lord! God Bless you John Paul Jackson.
Great teaching im blessed with this
Jude 1:9 But even Michael, one of the mightiest of the angels, did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy, but simply said, "The Lord rebuke you!
Truly a committed and steadfast man of God. I miss John Paul Jackson
Thank you Lord Jesus for bringing me to this teaching. I get it. Thought i had the authority to fight demons in the 2nd heaven, but i obviously don't.
So valuable !!! Thank you lord for your correction !!! 🔥
LUke 10 v 19 18So He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you. 20Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”…
Prophetic End Times is he wrong then cause why would they need to repent for praying?
PET is referencing earthly authority (over demon spirits) which God gives in increasing measure to those He trusts with it, those who cling to Him in fidelity and know Him intimately (and those who ask for it). JPJ is talking about 2nd Heaven authority in this teaching, not earthly authority. We never have authority to fight spirits that are not on earth (principalities, powers, spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places). Be blessed! :)
Gen 1:26..Let them have dominion over all things on EARTH. 1 John 3:8..He appeared to destroy the works of the devils which are manifested here on earth. Luke 10:19..We have authority over the works of the devils here on earth. The disciples had just returned from destroying the enemy's work on EARTH... Matt 6:10... Thy will be done in EARTH by us who believe. He gave us rulership over what happens on EARTH. JPJ was right.
Kingdom of Heaven and Prayers Ministries I'm not sure what the disagreement is about. The heavens belong to God but He has given the EARTH to humanity, Psalm 115:16. The interference might be from the heavenlies or help might come from the heavenlies, but EARTH is man's operation. JPJ was the first man of God I was directed to when I desired to learn about the spiritual, his teachings has helped me see even spiritual things. Hundreds of experiences. God used him to help open my inner ears and eyes. I respect him.
Kingdom of Heaven and Prayers Ministries. Instructions are coming from superior evil spirits in the heavenlies to the foot soldiers here on earth. Their works are here on EARTH. Christ took on flesh to war against an enemy whose war is on EARTH. Our instructions who believe comes from the third heaven to earth by the Holy Spirit where His Will is carried out by us on who reside in the EARTH. Thy Will be done on EARTH through the believer as it is done in heaven. Yes I'm seated with Christ in the highest heavens my authority is to be used in the EARTH arena.
The Angels and God can take care of the heavenly war as Daniel reported.
Thank you J.P Jackson your videos are wonderful and for all the people who respond to his information with bad words or disrespect claiming you know the truth well all I can say is a true lover of God and his word would not respond in that manner God Bless you all
I Believe that the best prayer is GOD YOUR WILL BE DONE IN A PERSONS LIFE. OR A A SITUATION. We not need to go into specifics. As We are children of The Most High. Creator of everything. Meaning ? God knows what needs done and whats the best way to do it.
Thank-you for having these out at just the right time!
Very good teaching. Thank you so much
Now I see the problem. Thank you for this teaching. I'm 63. Better late than never. :)
Blessings, Love, Faith & Hope to all according to the measure of the gift of Christ given unto each and everyone... Wonderful message from Mr John Paul Jackson as always and Mercy be extended unto those of them for the harsh comments I have seen... so many examine the scriptures for they think that within them they have eternal life yet never take upon the yoke of Christ for it is easy and his burden is light... Woe to those of them Pharisees Hypocrites! Let Love Light & Lead the Way!
Thank you so much!
We were created to praise God.
This is illuminating thank you. I saw some prayer online that rebukes spirits. Didn't realize it was wrong. Thank you for telling this.
Well done, faithful servant.
An excellent video explaining the spiritual realm to all who have no idea on spiritual warfare and the spiritual dimension
What a blessing these videos are to me!
I am really blessed by this teaching how to pray the right way, thanks so much God bless you Always man of God ❤️💐🇳🇿
Well, this reminds me about what my mentor taught me years ago. John Paul offered a way to pray for the principalities that control an area or City etc..the way is not by rebuking them directly like the way we rebuke the demons that are on Earth but by asking God to change the hearts of people who are in charge on the area or that the Holy Spirit touches their hearts so they repent and believe in Jesus. The principalities are God's to battle.. so if the church in that area thinks God wants them to pray for the city or an area, they can use the principle above..ask God to change the hearts of the leaders. Ask the Holy Spirit to touch their hearts...not by rebuking and attacking the principalities on the second heaven. But if their minions come to attack our homes, church or family, then we fight back by rebuking them to leave in the Jesus name because the earth is our area or dominion
Some people mentioned about Derek Prince. I watched Derek preached that the Antichrist is not ours to fight or battle. The Antichrist is belong to Jesus to fight.
Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
As I listened to your perspective on engagement in spiritual warfare, I do recall the Lord Jesus saying that whatsoever two of us shall agree upon here on earth would be done in heaven, second and third heavens.
Quite alright spiritual warfare demands strategising, hearing from the Spirit of God but the blood of Jesus Christ gives the New Testament Church access to all spheres of heaven.
The Lord said ALL POWER has been given unto Him, which power was given to the Church, Luke 10:18-19. He also said in Acts 1:8 that we shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon us to be witnesses. Furthermore the Lord Jesus said He sent the disciples just as God has sent Him, John 20:20 that includes the Church, Christians by extension.
Through Paul, the revelation of our location IN Christ was given in Ephesians, seated at the right hand of God the Father in the heavenly places FAR ABOVE principalities and powers, and has put all things UNDER HIS FEET. If Christ Jesus, is the Head of the Church, the Body of Christ, then the the feet is the lowest part of that Body, consequently, anything under His feet is under His Body, the Church, thus our redemptive inheritance in Christ includes our authority over principalities and powers because in us operates the exceeding greatness of His power as Believers, the person of the Holy Spirit.
The Ephesians 6 scriptures you referred to also tells us that WE, the CHURCH, in spiritual warfare WRESTLE, and that our wrestle is AGAINST principalities and powers that you said we are not authorized to deal with. Thus you contradict your assertions.
I believe the account of your dream but I doubt if the interpretation as given to you is of universal application. Even Paul wrote about wrestling with the BEASTS (principalities) OF EPHESUS, that was one man, but with an apostolic authority.
No doubt, there are levels of authority, Ezekiel 47, and that was as depicted in the Samarian incident, where Phillip the Evangelist could not discern the depth of evil in Simon the sorcerer but the visiting Apostles, from their apostolic depth of authority identified the wickedness in the heart of Simon and pronounced judgement on him accordingly. But that does not mean that the redeemed new man in Christ has limitations in terms of spiritual warfare. For the man that Paul knew who went into the third heavens, he must clearly have passed through the 2nd heavens too, by warfare: taking on the powers that be.
The first Adam clearly does not have the access to deal with principalities and powers as shown by Daniel's 3 weeks delay in answer to his prayers, because the first Adam lost his dominion mandate of Genesis 1:27-28 to the devil at the fall, but that dominion authority, in the person of the Holy Spirit was restored to man by redemption and so, just like God, MAN, IN CHRIST, HAS AUTHORITY OVER principalities and powers whichever was why Paul reiterated this fact in the Ephesians 6:12 scripture referred to.
Col 2:14-15
Jude v 9
We ask the Lord to spoil the principalities, we ask the Lord to rebuke satan. We do not spoil nor rebuke ourselves...simple enough to understand. Bless you.
I think you missed John's point. A ll he said was to pray for the hearts and minds of the people in a city to change towards GOD rather than rebuke territorial demons because it's not in our place. I don't recall anywhere in the Word that Paul or any man of GOD rebuked any territorial demon. JESUS rebuked demons IN people. HE could have rebuke the demons in cities but HE never did because HE was in human form. So please, listen again, and understand. Paul is not saying here that we do not have authority. He's saying to be in our place and be strong in the LORD and allow HIM do what only HE can do.
Ayomide I totally agree with you. Satan fell trying to lift his throne up to heaven. Revelation falling has not yet happened but all thrones, dominions etc. are under the foot of Jesus.
@@oangulu then what about all authority in heaven and on earth given to Jesus and that Jesus bequeathed to the church? It must have been limited in scope and sphere judging by your analysis.
@@stepheessel6667 But t is the territorial demons that holds them captive IN THEIR MINDS and controls the mentalities and minds of the people. Now to set the people free in their minds i.e. to plunder their houses (strongholds) in the minds of men you will need to FIRST BIND THE STRONGMEN (TERRITORIAL POWERS) holding captive the minds of men. Only then can you pull down their strongholds and the negative thoughts in the hearts of men captive and bring them into the obedience of Christ. BUT your own obedience must also FIRST be complete. So if you do not first bind the territorial demons standing on the authority of the delegated authority of Christ over ALL the powers of the enemy without exception, how then do you intend to get the job done? Even the Lord Jesus saw satan all as lightning when the unregenerated disciples exercised their authorities before Jesus went to the cross. How much more us the post resurrection 3rd Day Believers?
That which you refer to as "what only He can do" He already empowered us to at Pentecost by reason of His pronouncement in Acts 1:8
My family comes into agreement with this message.
please pray for me to get a job and my health thank you God bless
I pray for life and life more abundantly in every area of your life.No ddistress. Thats of satan. Claim it in christ name.
will do
@@Christrulesall2 agreement
Hey it’s 7yrs! Testify!
This message from pastor Jp Jackson has revealed a great truth about spiritual warfare, I praise God for this revelation!
amen great video
A Great Teacher! Definitely of GOD!
This is interesting. I have done this and had my but. handed to me.
I pray for holy wisdom in this and revealing.
Jesus gave us authority to cast demons out of people and deliverance has saved me tremendously....but all that other sir I wouldn't dare attack a principality because that is for God to deal with..not me. A principality does have a right to be there , I was a little iffy about this teaching until I watched it in entirety. I agree with it,look forward to watching more teaching
Watching this over in 2024
Still watching John Paul🙏
The 2nd heaven is where the spiritual warfare takes place. It is true that every christian has his own angel guarding him, when you pray it is the angel which fights against the evil spirits trying to fight your destiny. Only a genuine christian will have an angel guarding him, some with the armor of God and even so it depends on how strong there faith is to our lord Jesus Christ. Lukewarm Christians will not have this because as the word 'lukewarm' describes; they rise today but fall tomorrow. The devils trump card is temptation, and in the world we live in today there is a lot of it. BE READY WE LIVE IN END TIMES.
Thanks ❤
When GOD talks to you through a dream you should always ask him to reveal it to you. And he will, so dont ever use dream interpretation cards or books.
So you don't believe that this gift is for today, the end times? So if God gave the gift to Joseph He won't give to someone else? Did God change? Is He now a respector of persons?
You really need to hear this man's testimony and how God called Him and used him while he was alive.
If the book comes from an anointed person of God that has the gift of dream interpretation then yes we can use the book. There are other dream interpreters besides John Paul Jackson. Thank God that John Paul Jackson was foremost in the knowledge of interpretation of dreams but remember there are other brothers and sisters with this gift. God bless you.
@@anar3602 the problem with dream interpretation books is that not all things/objects/etc in dreams mean the same thing-they are typically intensely personal as God shows people things in a way that person may understand. It is always best to simply pray for interpretation.
@@christincommon5496 That is very true. Not only can the interpretation be personal but cultural. John Paul Jackson was one that ALWAYS emphasized the requirement of relying on Holy Spirit to interpret.
I agree that the dreamer should pray for interpretation, but there are things here (in Brother John Paul's teaching) that can help to educate us in ways we might miss otherwise.
Thank You so much for your kindness and encouragement what a wonderful Fellow you were in our lives and I still appreciate these Videos so much. ❤️🔥😊🙏🌹 we will look you up in Heaven when we get there to say thank you in Person