Thanks for the detailed video! I'm looking at doing a project to measure the current going through a relay. The current that I will be measuring will be 0-1 A at upto 30V (from a variac as the variable current source) Would this be a good CT or would I need a something more presise? one of the relay trip settings is 0.52 A and I need to accurately be able to measure to 10mA accuracy
Can we use 11:50 this code for ESP8266? and which ESP8266 version (CP2102, CH340, CH9102X or HW-364B) is betterr? I am think about getting the HW-364B one thank you, it is a lot easier when you explain it in such a detail
I am going to use it for my UPS output and battery (charging and discharging current), so how many of these can we connect to a single ESP8266? also would be great to see these on Google sheet (laptop or phone) and would be great if historical data can show load/usage for past few years to the day thank you
Hi, I just visited the resource page. there is link. However the links are the same color as the text. It shows like: Download Robojax WCS Library (right-click and select Save Link as) The website is goign to get updated soong.
Got to love your detailed videos. Watched many of them! Thumbs up!
Awesome! Thank you!
Can you check and confirm if these sensors can read currents both side in DC because the manufacturers claims that it is +/- Ampere for DC? Thanks!
How if that hall current wanna to connect with PLC?
Thanks for the detailed video! I'm looking at doing a project to measure the current going through a relay. The current that I will be measuring will be 0-1 A at upto 30V (from a variac as the variable current source) Would this be a good CT or would I need a something more presise? one of the relay trip settings is 0.52 A and I need to accurately be able to measure to 10mA accuracy
can you measure it? although the voltage value is 30v?
Can we use 11:50 this code for ESP8266?
and which ESP8266 version (CP2102, CH340, CH9102X or HW-364B) is betterr? I am think about getting the HW-364B one
thank you, it is a lot easier when you explain it in such a detail
I am going to use it for my UPS output and battery (charging and discharging current), so how many of these can we connect to a single ESP8266?
also would be great to see these on Google sheet (laptop or phone) and would be great if historical data can show load/usage for past few years to the day
thank you
do you have the code for measuring AC current with this current sensor?
excellent video, does it also work with DC currents? also does it show negative values when current is in opposite direction?
it depends on the WCS sensor you use. The example shown is DC.
how can i download the zip i can not see any link
I just visited the resource page. there is link. However the links are the same color as the text. It shows like: Download Robojax WCS Library (right-click and select Save Link as)
The website is goign to get updated soong.
i can't compile the program when iam use ESP32
it won't work with esp32. I will write library for ESP32 in the furture God willing.