I’ve got a Ribble cgr e it’s brilliant it’s around 13 kegs are you sure yours is thirty kgs as you say towards the end of your video .? The bike is not at all heavy for an electric assist e-bike
Hi, interested to know if the bar tape you mentioned comes as standard or have you added a new tape, if so which brand? I've got a Ribble CGR ALe and love it.
It did come as standard- I never paid for any upgrade. There are limited colours on the Ribble website to buy as single items. As I mentioned once or twice- I love it! Thanks for watching!
Hi! They are Deda Metal Blast Extensions. They are quite good, and they do provide additional hand positions for longer rides, but they do take up a lot of real estate on the top of your bars (especially the armrests). I would recommend the Farr Aero Gravel bars above these, and the 'bridge' part does not take away any space along the top. I hope this helps!
It does have a fair bit of oomph. But as with all bikes, there is a tipping point where the overall weight is too much for the motor to overcome once gravity comes into play. This bike is one of the lighter e-bikes on the market- a quick glance around your LBS will quickly show you there are a lot heavier e-bikes you can buy with the same power motor. However, as this one is designed to be ridden offroad, you will soon come up against steeper terrain than you would cycling around urban areas. And it is these hills on which you will reach the limits quicker. I hope this helps!
@spaddon it does thank you. I'm in a right dilemma as I'm going to get an e-gravel bike but just cannot decide. Possibly the Ribble, possibly an Orbea D30 1x, possibly the Cairn Rambler or even the Canyon On 7. Probably too much time spent choosing and not riding.
Wow- thats a nice problem have!@@AreWeDust As far as I know, they are all great bikes (I do like the Cairn Rambler- a proper beast of the bike!). Make sure you let us know which one you pick!
So close to getting one, i just wish they would give you more color options on this model.
It's a great bike! Dont forget, you can choose your own color when buying it- they do great custom sprays!
It looks better in person. Everyone that's commented on it has said they love the colour before anything else.
@@NaeMuckle It does- the colour is subtle but lovely!
I’ve got a Ribble cgr e it’s brilliant it’s around 13 kegs are you sure yours is thirty kgs as you say towards the end of your video .? The bike is not at all heavy for an electric assist e-bike
No, this was my error- it is 30lb. A great weight considering whats included.
Hi, interested to know if the bar tape you mentioned comes as standard or have you added a new tape, if so which brand? I've got a Ribble CGR ALe and love it.
It did come as standard- I never paid for any upgrade. There are limited colours on the Ribble website to buy as single items. As I mentioned once or twice- I love it! Thanks for watching!
hi, what were those mini tt bars you were using? Do you find them useful
Hi! They are Deda Metal Blast Extensions. They are quite good, and they do provide additional hand positions for longer rides, but they do take up a lot of real estate on the top of your bars (especially the armrests). I would recommend the Farr Aero Gravel bars above these, and the 'bridge' part does not take away any space along the top. I hope this helps!
are you saying that the motor doesnt have enough oomph for steep hills?
It does have a fair bit of oomph. But as with all bikes, there is a tipping point where the overall weight is too much for the motor to overcome once gravity comes into play. This bike is one of the lighter e-bikes on the market- a quick glance around your LBS will quickly show you there are a lot heavier e-bikes you can buy with the same power motor. However, as this one is designed to be ridden offroad, you will soon come up against steeper terrain than you would cycling around urban areas. And it is these hills on which you will reach the limits quicker. I hope this helps!
@spaddon it does thank you. I'm in a right dilemma as I'm going to get an e-gravel bike but just cannot decide. Possibly the Ribble, possibly an Orbea D30 1x, possibly the Cairn Rambler or even the Canyon On 7. Probably too much time spent choosing and not riding.
Wow- thats a nice problem have!@@AreWeDust As far as I know, they are all great bikes (I do like the Cairn Rambler- a proper beast of the bike!). Make sure you let us know which one you pick!