GT Achilles is my Besty curious if you do and you should do all the Valkyries well in all of them chowder which one is the best and I’ll because I need one of our favorite
both are great, cho-z spriggan because his design is awesome n can beat a lot of beyblade, lord spriggan bc is op but in the anime we don't see yet the blader
my favorite will always be the original achillies,mostly cause I feel like they took the original achillies,swapped around layer design and made the bey more thick,compared to other bey’s evolutions and how they look these evolutions look more like ACHILLIES ON STEROIDS than COOL LAYER DESIGN WITH EPIC BLADES
maybe do a video about if your talking about the previously add on the 24 episode i mean like i watched it on someone's you tube channel type beyblade episode 25 beyblade gt and you will see it😄😄
Who Do You Like More:
Like= Union Achilles
Comment= Lord Spriggan
You’re so cool 😎😎😎😎🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🏆🏆🥇🥇🏆🥇🏆🥇
Union achilles is really good if you have the right stadium
Cool Im going to be a beyblade In 8 Days
Cool Im going to be a beyblade youtuber In 8 Days
It's amezing union achiles
I like union who agrees
i like union achilles and aiga
Zankye please do union Achilles vs all GT BEYBLADE
That's coming in the morning
Zankye please do union Achilles vs all GT beyblade
Hi Zankye
Cool 😎
First fan and first comment
hello sankey can you do your homemade Achilles vs union achilles
My name isn't sankey and no
Ok its.ok
GT Achilles is my Besty curious if you do and you should do all the Valkyries well in all of them chowder which one is the best and I’ll because I need one of our favorite
cho-z valkyrie zenith evolution is the best of all, even vs the new gt slash valkyrie, can confirm that
Unión vs cho
AWESOME video! EPIC battles! I have Z Achilles and Cho-Z Achilles but now they release Union Achilles!
*infinite achillies entered the chat*
*Union achillies left the chat*
Sad life z achilles
Union Achilles
Wow 😊
Awesome battles!
They should have made the plus part of extend blue for union
Achilles vs diabolos
Ha do union achileas vs his self
Aiger vs Aiger vs Aiger
Zankye Union Achilles vs Lord sprigan
Stop spamming I already did that
Yes he is
Wow I saw turbo Achilles dread Phoenix and air night in the super market and they don’t even have them in Target or Kmart
Jamersb_ YeEt. Why don’t you get it
I got dread boii
I love that stadium
Hi zankye do you fight the two beyblade cho z valkyrie vs union achilles
Union Achilles is going to win 😂 😂 😂
And that was a double burst
Zankye hi
In one of your videos you said, comment you're favourite Beyblade mine is Geist fafnir
Union vs Diabollos
Zankeye:no way it did a double k.o
Zankeye 5sec later
Zankeye:double k.o❗❗❗❗
Help me I dont know whether to get cho z spriggan or lord spriggan
both are great, cho-z spriggan because his design is awesome n can beat a lot of beyblade, lord spriggan bc is op but in the anime we don't see yet the blader
Diego Ignacio Sabrepulse thx
3:38 too 4:00 it took spin
seanbeast 63 I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to see it
Arrows aligned= unbalanced and not aligned= balanced
you = wrong
When it is aligned it's center of gravity is increased.
At 3:56 on the video it looks like z Achilles spin steal watch only on z Achilles
Wow it does
my favorite will always be the original achillies,mostly cause I feel like they took the original achillies,swapped around layer design and made the bey more thick,compared to other bey’s evolutions and how they look these evolutions look more like ACHILLIES ON STEROIDS than COOL LAYER DESIGN WITH EPIC BLADES
I want to see union Achilles play all the Achilles is not just one or Siri or two
Who’s your fav Achelies
CZ Achilles
zankye ok
What if Union Achilles vs Bushin Ashura
Did anyone notice that z Achilles started spinning again at or around 3:57
Cho z achilles was doing turbo shield
Where do I get the real life stadiums from
Union Achilles vs Lord spriggan vs slash Valkyrie
Z achilles got a burst on cho z achilles
eposode 25 is out
I know I reviewed 4 days ago
maybe do a video about if your talking about the previously add on the 24 episode i mean like i watched it on someone's you tube channel type beyblade episode 25 beyblade gt and you will see it😄😄
Union achilles is really a good attack layer.. with the right combo it will be overpowered.. Maybe use Quick' or Xtreme' as the driver?
Union Achilles is the best
Aaa sorry Im boy kid
Me: I feel like takara tomy just said... :
Takara tomy:Let's make a burst form of metal fight and call it gt/rise.
Why don't you ask chozy
to make more Achilles
Can u give me cho z Achilles