Tsis Tos Hlub Zaum 2 Thiaj Tsis Mob. 11/25/21

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии • 90

  • @chuanhoang6105
    @chuanhoang6105 3 года назад +1

    Kuv nyob nplog teb zoo siab heev koj cov neej neeg zoo heev li os

  • @lnchannel1186
    @lnchannel1186 3 года назад +9

    Txiv neej mas tseev hlub yus los yeej lav tsis tau li vim lawv ntsib tus tshiab ces lawv yeej yuav ua phem. Tus hlub yus tshaj ces yog yus tus kheej xwb

  • @sombunman5551
    @sombunman5551 2 года назад

    Thov ghuas tus hais kawg nkaus , Cas yuav txawj hais tau txaus siab kawg

  • @pebtsevxeemthoj3391
    @pebtsevxeemthoj3391 3 года назад +2

    Mloog ntau zaj neej neeg lawm nej txheej laus Thaub ub mas tham txog lawv txoj kev hlub mam nim sib2 hlub txog qhab yuav noj tshuaj tuag thiab tabsi thaum sib tau lawm tseem twb tsi hlub thiab tseem txheev siab ua siab phem rau lawv tus niam tsev thiab.

  • @myself.kuvxwb8406
    @myself.kuvxwb8406 3 года назад +3

    Whoa, what a sad sad story. Thank you tu niam ntsev you are on very smart person woman. When someone you love very much betray you it will never be the same again.

  • @leelaiyah789
    @leelaiyah789 3 года назад +2

    This is why women prefer rich guys over poor guys at least when he cheats he work hard for his money unlike poor guys, you come in a build his life then he f you up. Nkim tag ib tiam.

    • @monkeybanana9269
      @monkeybanana9269 3 года назад +1

      Yeah. I can't understand women who pick poor puppy eyes guys. Just cause they suffered doesn't always mean they have a good heart. As soon as the situation change, their black heart comes out. That goes to any man or woman of black heart out there. Best pick someone that can contribute equal value on the table with you.

  • @ShouaTojsiab
    @ShouaTojsiab 3 года назад +1

    Tus niam laus aw ua ib siab txhob rov mus yuav tus txiv ntxeev siab rau Koj lawm mog. Nws twb cov lus ruaj khov npaum no nws tseem ntxeev siab. Thaum nws tau kev txom nyem nws mam thov koj rov yuav es txhob nco lawm mog. Yuav tau hlub koj tus kheej

  • @nouvang4059
    @nouvang4059 3 года назад

    Niam ntsuab teev,Qhov koj hais tias koj tsis muaj dab tsi ua peb tsaug, koj thov Vajtswv Yexus foom koob hmoov rau peb xwb cem peb yeej tau koob hmoov lawm ua koj tsaug nawb

  • @aimeelor1351
    @aimeelor1351 3 года назад

    Tus viv ncaus aw... thaum yus lub zog thiab yus cov nyiaj nchuav los hlab yus mas mob siab tshaj li os mog.... koj tus txiv ntawd mas tsab ntse tiag2 li nawb.

  • @Missyoumorethananything
    @Missyoumorethananything 3 года назад +1

    Yog leej twg 6 tus viv ncaus no txhais khau Los yeej tsis yooj yim zam tau lub txim li thiab os lawm aw....

  • @colleenchan9872
    @colleenchan9872 3 года назад

    Zoo kawg uas koj tsis ruam tsis rov mus yuav niag ntsej muag txiv siab phem siab dub ko os!! Nyob taus li ko los yeej kaj siab tshaj plaws li os nawb..

  • @nkaujhmoobdaisiabvang8141
    @nkaujhmoobdaisiabvang8141 3 года назад

    Niam lau..kv nyob sab nplog teb od .kv nyiam mloog koj cov neej neeg heev li od .

  • @caaspasvang7427
    @caaspasvang7427 3 года назад

    Tos tej laus pheej txwv2 tej tub tej ntxhais ces ntshai txoj kev ko ntag mas

  • @maityme84
    @maityme84 3 года назад +2

    Txiv neej tsis sawm zoo.

  • @neejkhuamsiabkwm8044
    @neejkhuamsiabkwm8044 3 года назад

    Neeg tsis sawm zoo niam txiv quav yeeb yus thiaj txom nyem thaum yus muaj lub neej niam tais yawm txiv txhawb yus lub neej los tsheej neeg yus ho ntxeev siab lub neej yeej kawg ua dev thawj thiab xwb mog ib tsoom neeg siab phem tsi hais ploj niam los yog txiv neej.

  • @meechang63
    @meechang63 3 года назад

    Kuv nyob thaib teb os niam ntsuab teev kuv noog koj txhua2 zaj neej neeg thaum pib los txog hniaj hnub no noog2 xov tooj poob dej kiag hehe

  • @159nightangel
    @159nightangel 3 года назад

    Zoo kawg uas koj ua taus siab tawv os tus niam laus. Tsua yog dev thiaj rov noj dev ntuav xwb os

  • @hmootojsia9292
    @hmootojsia9292 3 года назад

    Txij hnu no mus tsis txho ru neeg quav yee los hlu lawm os mog thiaj tsis taug txais txoj Kev lwj sia os tsoom viv ncaus aw

  • @gaosayvu6554
    @gaosayvu6554 3 года назад +1

    Neeg qub siab qub xwb os txhob ntseeg nws, nws tsis hlub koj lawm os mog yog nws hlub ces nws yeej tsis ua phem rau koj, vim nws tws kev lawm xwb es nws thiaj xav rov los

  • @koumoua2980
    @koumoua2980 3 года назад +3

    Tus niam tsev aw, Thov qhuas koj qhov uas koj tsis rov mus yuav koj niag txiv siab phem xyob txhiaj rau zaum ob!👏👏 Muaj coob tus cov niam tsev raug dag rau zaum ob vim lawv hlwb tsawg esthaum kawg lawv thiaj tau txais kev mob siab dua. Qub neeg ces qub siab, av tsis lim nws ces yeej tsis tso tseg tau nws txoj kev siab phem, kev liam. Yog ho xav yuav txiv dua los maj mam mus nrhiav dua tus tshiab. Proud of you!

  • @Susan79pojhmoob
    @Susan79pojhmoob 3 года назад +2

    Majority all young marriages love at first sights usually does NOT last. I'm glad tus niam tsev walked away for her own good. Sadly it hurts but she did the right thing. Probably they aren't meant to be but only for awhile.
    Urgghh the last words from the wife is too 😔 sad.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  • @chialee9941
    @chialee9941 3 года назад

    Happy things giving rau koj thiab Niam ntsuab teev

  • @nkaujhmoob7642
    @nkaujhmoob7642 3 года назад +1

    Happy thanksgiving 🦃 rau koj thiab os niam ntsuab teev.

  • @chaituaher724
    @chaituaher724 3 года назад

    Tug pluag nwg yeej tam ntawv lug pluag tab sis vim tug sab zoo nwg zoo tshaaj qhov zoo nwg txha kaam lug qheb tug pluag lub qhov muag tab sis vim nwg yeej tam ntawv lug le ntawd es nwg txha le rov xaiv moog taug nwg txuj kev ces ca nwg moog nwg os cheem nwg nyob los yeej tsi zoo qhov twg tuaj lawm.

  • @maivpaxiongandjulie9721
    @maivpaxiongandjulie9721 3 года назад

    Sad sister 😢 😞 😔

  • @shoualee8815
    @shoualee8815 3 года назад

    Niam ntsuab teev koj tsis xis neej los ua cas koj hais lus zoo li koj sab sab na?

  • @nkaujhmoob7642
    @nkaujhmoob7642 3 года назад +1

    Loves the dog 🐕

  • @ntxhebxyooj5441
    @ntxhebxyooj5441 3 года назад

    Cov vauv niam tai yawm txiv hlub2 ce zoo li no faum ntau xwb tiag yom

  • @ntxhebxyooj5441
    @ntxhebxyooj5441 3 года назад

    Cov txiv zoo li no ce tua dev qua lawm xwb os zoo siab qhov koj tsi mu yuav nw lawm os

  • @dghryu8629
    @dghryu8629 3 года назад +1


  • @bluexiong3492
    @bluexiong3492 3 года назад

    Tus saib kawg li ua sib hlub los tsis sib tau tua los los

  • @maitongslifechannel176
    @maitongslifechannel176 3 года назад

    Ca peb cov txiv neej Hmoob e cov zoo muaj tsawgz xwb os

  • @paweenahanwachira9883
    @paweenahanwachira9883 3 года назад

    Paub tiag siab phem li kom cia kom tuag thaum u ua ib txoj kev nco rau koj xwb tau yuav lub siab nqeg lawm tswm ib txoj kev mob rau koj thiab tseem mom koj txwv txheej thiab tub qaug neeg tiag2 li

  • @Ncokojtshaj
    @Ncokojtshaj 3 года назад +1

    May, koj xwb thiaj hais tau zoo mloog, kuv mloog koj ib leeg xwb, koj cov qub neej neeg ces kuv muab mloog tag 2-3 lwm lawm. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  • @minecraftboy2676
    @minecraftboy2676 3 года назад +10

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Hmoob people. Love you all. Stay safe and social distance, don't forget to wear mask and wash your hands!!!

  • @caaspasvang7427
    @caaspasvang7427 3 года назад +2

    Don’t ever go back to his cave will be the same when life come better

  • @maimvang2370
    @maimvang2370 3 года назад

    neeg siab phem txhob nco lawm mog.

  • @mayvue8369
    @mayvue8369 3 года назад


  • @vaxiong7122
    @vaxiong7122 3 года назад +1

    Happy Thanksgiving rau koj May

  • @daovang7148
    @daovang7148 3 года назад +2

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too

  • @daovang7148
    @daovang7148 3 года назад +1

    Dev tsis swm zoo sawm noj quv xwb os koj niam

  • @hmongremark2686
    @hmongremark2686 3 года назад

    Kev tu ncua hauv ib nkawm niam txiv twg txoj kev sib hlub tsis muaj lawm ces ib tug yeej txawj tib ib tug vim koj los pheej xav kom ua li koj hais thiab kuv los tib yam nkaus. Tej yam zoo li no tshwm sim tas los rov tshwm sim dua tuaj ces nkawv thiaj kawg xaus rau qhov sib nrauj zoo dua li nyob ua ke. Qhov no twb vim yog avoid ib tug nqaij ntuag hos lwm tus tshav los xwb.

  • @pajvue1309
    @pajvue1309 3 года назад +1

    Happy Thanksgiving🦃 May Vang and your family

  • @touxiong1530
    @touxiong1530 3 года назад

    Tsis to zaum ob es Koj Thiaj mu to Koj tu Hmoob nyab laj daj ntsheg noj tuv no tuaj meska cuag hmoob meska tsis muaj qhau thiab qhau tsis loj yom.????

  • @pameelee7343
    @pameelee7343 3 года назад

    Koj niag txiv ko mas cas tsi tsim nyog qhov thaum ub nws tsi tau koj es yuav mus tuag lis os

  • @hmoobdaisiabyangchannel2340
    @hmoobdaisiabyangchannel2340 3 года назад

    Happy new year December 2021 my friend 👌🖐️😁

  • @vavang4773
    @vavang4773 3 года назад

    Tus txivneej uas tsis tau tus Hluas nkauj es quaj2 yuav tuag ces txog thaum kawg nws yeej pauv siab thiab nws mus ntsib tus tshiab ces nws yeej hais tau tias yog nws tsis tau tus tshiab ces nws yuav tuag thiab no os…. Kuv thawj tug txiv ces coj li zaj dabneeg no mas!!!!

  • @chueyang6847
    @chueyang6847 3 года назад

    Niam ntsuab teev .kuv yog tswb yaj. Kuv yuav ua cas thiaj muab Tau kuv zaj neeg Lim hiam no 6 koj pab Hais thiab yom

  • @MsBL32
    @MsBL32 3 года назад +1

    So sad how he could leave you for someone else after all that you and him went thru! He doesn’t deserve you, let him go.

  • @tonythao5362
    @tonythao5362 3 года назад +6

    May's Thanks for makes all the story possible and I hope one days mine story will be told?....Happy Thanksgiving!

  • @javismoua1873
    @javismoua1873 3 года назад

    Koj niag txiv tsaug dab phim nyuj vaim lawm ne es koj tus txiv thiaj li feeb tsi meej lawm ne, koj niag txiv thiaj zoo li niag dev vwm lawm xwb.

  • @bliaxiong9563
    @bliaxiong9563 3 года назад

    Ib cos nkauj nrab niam no txawj uas khaw koob rau cov txiv tsev,yog nej tsis ceev faj.

  • @วราภรณ์วงศ์บุญชัญเลิศ

    Kuv nyiam mloog koj hais tshaj li os tus niamlaus may

  • @chrismoua6919
    @chrismoua6919 3 года назад

    I used to respect Niam Ntsuab Teev tab peb mus saib Niam Ntsuab Teev thiab Ntsuab Teev nkawv, nkawv tsis txais tos peb txij ntawv ces kuv paub tias Niam Ntsuab Teev nkawv zoo lub ncauj xwb lub siab nqaim heev

    • @saibuakevlomzem828
      @saibuakevlomzem828 3 года назад

      You are not related by blood, don’t expect to be welcome and invited like family. You have never done anything for her, but follow her as a fan, no way she is going to treat you like a friend. May Vaj is just a RUclips celebrity, no one important enough to pay her the honor using your precious time to go visit her without any relations to her in the first place.

  • @hlubmos2chah945
    @hlubmos2chah945 3 года назад

    A 10!

  • @NtxawmCheng
    @NtxawmCheng 3 года назад

    Tus viv ncaus aw thaum ua hluas nkauj hluas nraug ces lo phem lo zoo los muab hais tag thiaj sib tau tabsis sib tau lawm twb tsis sib hlub thiab ho txawj ua phem ua luaj li ne yom. Txhob tu siab os thiab txhob yuav nws rov qab lawm cia nws txom nyem txog hnub tuag nawb mog

  • @solomoua5520
    @solomoua5520 3 года назад +7

    That’s what happened when you raise a poor guy into a rich guy. He is not a good man. It’s all lie from his mouth🙄
    Guy like him are 😈

  • @flryprn745
    @flryprn745 3 года назад +1

    Too many stories w same results. Why the husband always come back to 1st wife?? This means 1st wife is always BETTER!!

  • @kaciewanh1986
    @kaciewanh1986 3 года назад

    Vidncaus aw, neeg tsis muaj hlwb ces hloov tsis tau, kawg rov qab rau lub qhov txomnyem dua xwb.

  • @myyearmouanoutoua6908
    @myyearmouanoutoua6908 3 года назад

    koj tsis muaj kev zam txim yom tus viv ncau

  • @Lifemoments54
    @Lifemoments54 3 года назад +3

    Nothing in this world last forever. This is a testament of it. Love yourself and live a happy life without him.

  • @Tay3257
    @Tay3257 3 года назад +5

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you on this day. Be thankful for all you have.

  • @dreamerslane
    @dreamerslane 3 года назад

    Too many stories like this. So sad.

  • @seng-yeroutdoor6784
    @seng-yeroutdoor6784 3 года назад

    Me niam laus aw!!!. Cov niag txiv neej muaj lub siab phem li ko koj tsis tag yuav hais rau saum no tias tseem nco2 nws kom nws muaj2 plus li os. Cov txiv dev nad maum dev ko mas lawv ntse kawg hos. Lawv yeej sib tuav tswv yim koom ua ib lub siab pheem rau yus os.kuv tsuas hais rau cov neeg liam2 xwb tus tsis liam nws nyob nws chaw zoo2 nawb.

  • @minecraftboy2676
    @minecraftboy2676 3 года назад +6

    You are better without a loser like him. You are the one that came into his life to make it better and love him so much more than what he started with and his parents. He went from nothing to somebody with your help and your parents'. Karma got him good and he did it to himself. He deserved it. He was so unappreciated. That is what happens to people who you do so much to.

  • @thomasveu8365
    @thomasveu8365 3 года назад

    Txiv tsev hmoob ruam, tsiaj hav zoov, nws yog dev yug xwb nawb, nws npam lawm tsis ntev ces twb yuav tuag mus

  • @leahvon5905
    @leahvon5905 3 года назад +2

    The grass is not always greener on the other side, Remember that!

  • @pahouaxyooj
    @pahouaxyooj 3 года назад

    Pub nab rog ces nab tom.

  • @hmooblubneejpok
    @hmooblubneejpok 3 года назад

    May aw kj txawj hai lus heev li tab sis zoo li kj saib dej ua ntu saib neeg ua plu xb vim kv hai li no 6 kj los kv muab kv li tuaj 6 kj g hai kv hu foos kj g teb kv hu fb los kj g teb kv hai lus 6 fb los kj g teb kv sau ntawv los kj g teb kv muab uaj 6 kj tau 6 lub xyoo lawm hai kj g teb li

    • @avnamo5787
      @avnamo5787 3 года назад

      Tej zaum nws tsis paub koj cov ntawd.

  • @Loves_GodSR
    @Loves_GodSR 3 года назад

    You don't need him, sister.

  • @somman9639
    @somman9639 3 года назад

    Thaud koj niam koj txiv phem heev nyem no nws ua pauj ob niah laus ntag !
    Tab si niag ntsej muag ruam aw ob niag laus ua xwb naj . Koj tus poj niam hlub koj kawg nkaus li naj ais koj tseem ua phem rau nws tau li cas nab ? Niag ntsej muag ruam aw koj tsis tas mus caus poj laib li os koj cais mus yuav kiag tshuaj ntxuav nyiaj los haus kiag ais caum yawm txiv gab mus xwb tau lawm nawb . Poj niam yuav koj yuam kev lawd kheev mus yuav lwm tus mas zoo heev lawd

  • @chuvang5487
    @chuvang5487 3 года назад

    Hmoob ruam hmoob twb haistias tuaj txog luag ntuj lawm ces kom yoog raws li luag txuj, tuaj txog luag teb lawm ces kom yoog raws li luag txoj cai no cas hmoob tseem pheej siv hmoob txoj niag cai uas yog dev npua cai thiab twb tsis muaj zwm rau hauv ntaub ntawv tseg.
    Rooj teb no luag muaj nom muaj tswv kav, luag nom tswv yeej tsim tau txoj cai los tswj kav luag lub tebchaws vim li cas hmoob yuav mus ua nyuaj ua luaj li ma ? sib yuav los nyuaj, yuav sib nrauj los nyuaj, puas paub tias tebchaws no hnub nyoog tshaj 18 xyoo lawm yog tsis txaus siab nyob ua ke lawm ib tug tsis muaj cai yuam ib tug no ! yog hmoob yuav siv hmoob txoj cai ntawm tus nplaig ces rov qab mus lawm tim nplog teb.

  • @debbieyaj4642
    @debbieyaj4642 3 года назад

    Koj mas ruam dhau lawm os poj hmoob aw. Niagvtxiv dev ntawd thaum xub thawj koj niam koj txiv twb tsis pub koj yuav los koj nim yuav qhi mus yuav kiag tsev niag neeg quav yeeb ntawd. Nws nim npav ntuj npav teb tias yuav hlub koj mus kom kawg tiamsi hnub no nws ntxeev siab rau koj puas mob koj siab nab.

  • @yiatho8830
    @yiatho8830 3 года назад +1

    Tus txiv neej ntxeev siab li no txhob ntseeg nws lawm os yog muaj tus tshiab zoo los yuav tus tshiab xwb yog ho tsis muaj lawm los nrog koj tej minyuam nyob xwb zoo lawm

  • @neejnom8323
    @neejnom8323 3 года назад

    Ua neeg nyob ces yog thaum yus txiav txim siab cias ib tug neeg twg aim yus lawm ces yus yeej yuav nco tus neeg ntwv mus tas ib sim thiab nws yeej yog tus zoo tshaj plaws xwb.

  • @mailee2312
    @mailee2312 3 года назад +3

    Happy Thanksgiving Day to you sister May and your family ❤️❤️Thank you for your story

  • @vavang4773
    @vavang4773 3 года назад

    Tus txivneej uas tsis tau tus Hluas nkauj es quaj2 yuav tuag ces txog thaum kawg nws yeej pauv siab thiab nws mus ntsib tus tshiab ces nws yeej hais tau tias yog nws tsis tau tus tshiab ces nws yuav tuag thiab no os…. Kuv thawj tug txiv ces coj li zaj dabneeg no mas!!!!