24:18 "Yes. I'm from England. Don't worry about it." I need to get back in touch with any British friends I've had. I must convince them to say that line in response to at least one irrelevant thing a day. Makes me think of, "Two camels in a tiny car." Argument Invalid.
The fight around 30:00 was crippling to your team’s potential (it’s not like they were doing awful, your score at least was pretty damn clean this game) I think if you and Diana died it would’ve been fine, it’s the fact that Talon, Yone AND Jinx all entered the fight and died when they really didn’t need to… It’s like the saying about jumping off a bridge with friends, sometimes you let 2 people die so 3 people can not be dead and reset… not even like major objectives were up either it’s oofs all around
24:18 "Yes. I'm from England. Don't worry about it." I need to get back in touch with any British friends I've had. I must convince them to say that line in response to at least one irrelevant thing a day. Makes me think of, "Two camels in a tiny car." Argument Invalid.
Am I the only one that hears Harry Potter everytime Huzz says "not really" ?
18:30 That's League, baby!!!! Jinxy Poo....perfectly balanced, with no problem abilities. :) That's why I played her +5 years.
The fight around 30:00 was crippling to your team’s potential (it’s not like they were doing awful, your score at least was pretty damn clean this game) I think if you and Diana died it would’ve been fine, it’s the fact that Talon, Yone AND Jinx all entered the fight and died when they really didn’t need to…
It’s like the saying about jumping off a bridge with friends, sometimes you let 2 people die so 3 people can not be dead and reset… not even like major objectives were up either it’s oofs all around
Loved a lot of the early game plays, dat root tho
Morgana ussles need rework
27:02 That Kha'zix build, though...wtf?!?
Morgana is one of my main along side seraphine and zyra
I had to swap Morg out for Lux for the damage last year... hurt me to do so but just had to
Standing in your minions on the first wave if zilean bombs you is just giving them lv2 advantage faster. Be mindful of that.
Also to be calling someone stupid multiple times is toxic.
Agree, you should not do that level 1 or any early crucial level up waves.
I loved that jinx's pentakill
Still loved a good Morg game!
Yikes - that Yone . . .
Always Yone, no Morgana. = Ez win
tank diana game huzzy
Also, i hope Maia is recovering well by now