  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 32

  • @Gizmo_Mogwai_
    @Gizmo_Mogwai_ Месяц назад +7


    • @Sumo1-p8e
      @Sumo1-p8e Месяц назад +2

      Ya beat me Gizmo! ^^

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад +1

      They are all the fireeee!!!!!

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад +1

      Lol not the race 🤣

  • @andr-dh3qf
    @andr-dh3qf Месяц назад +2

    2 new interviews with XG just dropped from when they were touring in the US
    XG: The Puppy Interview Buzzfeed
    XG on Zach Sang Show

    • @nguyennhatphongk17hcm4
      @nguyennhatphongk17hcm4 Месяц назад +1

      They are going to tour England soon.

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад

      Ahhhh they gave XG puppies!!!?? Saaay less bestie !!!

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад

      I really hope they are able to make it vack to the states. I understand if they don't it's just my lil pipe dream lol

  • @jonathanwatson5818
    @jonathanwatson5818 Месяц назад +4

    XGprincess dropped XG Vocal Line Guide.
    You should react to it.
    I should tell you that you got some of their lyrics wrong in this reaction so I would suggest either turning on captions.
    That or watching it again with the closed captions on.

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад +1

      Maaan I'm so behind lol!!! Dud i uhhhhgggg i was so into it too lol 😫 I tend to not use the captions at first as an anime kid I'll end up reading and missing visual things too lol buuuuut I should problem do it for the second listen though 😅

  • @chrisneeley8253
    @chrisneeley8253 Месяц назад +1

    Rap line are warriors and vocal line are goddesses...

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад

      Big ol facts!!!! They are just built different

  • @Sabo3081
    @Sabo3081 Месяц назад +2

    You can buy the Album now from the XG Official Shop but itll be a little more expensive due to shipping costs. They had a supply issue for the States so it wont be available in the US until Dec 6th I believe...Coconas Birthday 😂

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад

      OOOOP AAAAND IMA ORDER THAT BC ITS A MUST! I don't care how long it takes lol

    • @Sabo3081
      @Sabo3081 Месяц назад

      @@Tsusviews I'm in Florida, and everything I have ordered from the XG Official Shop that wasn't a presale, has come with in a 5 days.

  • @tylernidy1238
    @tylernidy1238 Месяц назад +3

    Oh slay queen!!!

  • @michaeln3044
    @michaeln3044 Месяц назад +2

    You should check out the in the rain track, going from this to that it’s like oh cmon.

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад

      Ohhhhh ok I need to check out all the XG I can really lol. but thats on this mini album too right??

    • @michaeln3044
      @michaeln3044 Месяц назад +1

      @ yeah it’s prob next song they drop.

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад

      @@michaeln3044 ahhhh i freaking love this group im so happy they have a comeback this year after finding them!

  • @24Lifetimez.
    @24Lifetimez. Месяц назад +3

    Hi Tsu! Regarding the call backs to other songs and visuals, but when you watch the "New Dance" Multiverse video, pay close attention. I won't spoil it for you!

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад +1

      Ahhhh ok ok should I watch that first or watch more videos??

    • @24Lifetimez.
      @24Lifetimez. Месяц назад +2

      @Tsusviews Go at whatever pace and schedule you're already on. Just peep it when you get there. I always Iike when folks go in order after they discover XG. Start from the origin and work their way back to where the discovery point is, but now it's getting to be a lot. They have so much to dive into from the MVs, Dance Practices, Tapes, Vox series, etc. Don't sleep on the behind the scenes reality TV type stuff. Those are my favorite things to watch now, tbh. It's fun to see how excited others get about them. The energy transfers and I seem to feel the dopamine and euphoria all over again. My wife and kids and nieces are all fans now by default and association!

    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад +1

      Awww maaaan I really just want to consume all their content bc they are just soooo different!!! Like there is no other sound or energy like theirs. And ty i just wasn't sure how i could get max XG value from watch order lol. I've just been going by what people ask for or what's on my Spotify play list lol 😆

    • @24Lifetimez.
      @24Lifetimez. Месяц назад

      @Tsusviews I was fortunate to discover them through Cocona's viral video from the Tape #2 Galz Xypher shortly after their debut and before Shooting Star. I watched everything about them I could find right away and have kept up to date ever since. It drove my wife nuts! LOL! But now she passively stans them. We went to the show in Vegas and brought my 2 nieces. There's nothing quite like them. I'm extra fascinated because I'm a music producer and songwriter who has attempted to develop young people into great artists. It's been rewarding to get them to a higher level, but soul crushing when they can't commit to pushing through the adversities that come with trying to be recognized. I do enjoy seeing you become filled with joy while reacting to XG. I can't wait to watch you dive deeper as I've watched other reactors!

    • @24Lifetimez.
      @24Lifetimez. Месяц назад +1

      @Tsusviews Also, I forgot to look close in the Mascara MV also. There's some detail in there that relates to what comes in Howling MV concept.

  • @Sumo1-p8e
    @Sumo1-p8e Месяц назад +2


    • @Tsusviews
      @Tsusviews  Месяц назад +1