It generally doesn't - unless you have a group of people right outside a pub or nightclub lighting up. As a smoker even I enjoyed the restaurants and other indoor places after the smoking ban - the air was a lot fresher. But outside? Oh come now. This is a nonsense law about nothing.
I lived in LA and Chicago within the last five years, and both cities have restrictive smoking rules, but yet, the smell of Marijuana waffling throughout both cities seems to be okay with the tyrannical governments!
When the ban on smoking in public places (cinemas, cafes, offices, etc.) was introduced in Italy years ago, foreigners were surprised that Italians actually stopped smoking in public places. As for this new rule in Milan, I believe they introduced it because of the 2026 Olympics, to satisfy future American tourists. At least theoretically, there will be the possibility of penalizing anyone who smokes outside. >>> But what Milan REALLY needs is a total ban on graffiti. Beautiful architecture and even ancient monuments are defaced all over the city.
In Italy, at least in Milan where I live, nobody smokes inside public places since many many years, that is totally respected (maybe I misunderstood but you told that that is not commonly enforced, that's not true, you'll never see somebody smoking inside a bar or a restaurant, maybe in specific rooms but those are rare normally you have to go you have to go home 😂)
Canadian here. What surprised me on 8 dfferent trips to Rome was 1. smoking is everywhere outside buildings. 2. cigarettes are cheap because they aren't taxed heavily as we do in Ontario. Alcohol is sold everywhere -- you can buy a beer at your pizza takeout place, or a bottle of wine at the local grocery shop. Wine is also cheap because it is not taxed heavily as we tax alcohol in Ontario. 3. Be prepared to pay a Euro or 2 for use of a public washroom.
I read that this year here in Rome the mayor banned fireworks on New Year's Eve. Well, guess what? People behaved as if there wasn't a ban and no one did shit about it.
A shame, as in France they are trying to do a Prohibition on smoking, and cars that aren't Electric. I'm not even a smoker and smoking outside has never bothered me.
I don't smoke at home or work. But as soon as I land in another country I head to the tabacchi shops and get me a pack. I can enjoy smoking at a restaurant. As soon as I see an ashtray on a table I plunk myself down, light one up, and order my meal. When I'm ready to fly back home I smoke my last one at the airport and don't touch cigarettes once I enter the states. Somehow when get home I don't have the urge to light one up.
Im from the US, and I see alot of different state legislations that adopt ideals of their local political monetary contributors that enforce laws to concede to their base with zero regard to the small businesses and communities that populate the areas. These restrictive laws typically coincide with the growing biases of their contemporary fanatic religious base that seems to dominate the ongoing theme of religious unconstitutional support of a marriage of religion and politics with morality plays that act out their agenda. Im so sick of having rules dictated to me from religious zealots that want to enforce and inflict their repressive lifestyles on the public. This is clearly a misuse of verbage for an alterior agenda to appease local monetary interest, most likely in regards to real estate, commercial travel, and tourism, rather than an actual interest in curving pollution or health hazards.
Milan resident here. This ban is a total sham, imo. It's a propaganda tool to be able to say they're doing something against emissions while continuing to worsen the situation gutting public transport (buses and trams). Also, this being an unenforceable quasi total ban, it kinda negates the previous (at least a little bit more enforceable, at least as a logical rule through social pressure) ban at bus stops... No one's gonna ever enforce the ban, like no one ever enforced it at bus stops, but while you could politely ask people to not smoke at bus stops before, pointing to the ban, now that smoking is banned everywhere there's non sense in that...
The problem is with smoking outdoor at terraces/restaurants. Since you need at least 10m between you and other people, most restaurants won’t be able to offer places for smokers. And it’s a shame that they also ban IQOS or vapes, who can hardly be felt outside compared to classic cigs
I live in Greece and totally agree with you. I'm an ex smoker from Australia. I love to be in cities that understand smoking is part of the culture. Sure it's not great for your health but it's not the demon that it's made out to be.
As an asthmatic, this makes me so happy. That was one thing that shocked me when I visited Italy (and England) last year as an American was all the smokers. I'd just had to hold my breath as I passed by them or was close to them. And there was getting the smell in my clothes. Blerg.
Speaking of "ginger," I had ginger tea (bits of ginger root steeped in boiling water.) Ginger is good for treating congestion, so it is a good daily dose to keep respiratory infections away. And by the way, smoking creates congestion of mucus in the lungs that produces that "smokers' cough." It is a low grade infection that is caused by the "irritation" of the lungs with particles in cigarette smoke. That working disease creates a place for various other pathogens that the smoker has built a bit of immunity, but those germs may infect someone else without that "running joke of deadly smoke." So avoid smokers and their "infectious" low grade infections. You might also consider dogs and cats as possible "carriers" of diseases that THEY are immune from, but you are NOT. Of course, some pet owners have immunity from exposure to the junk that animals get into, and can give YOU their "Dog Disease." You are living in what other people give you. ANY matter entering the lugs SHOULD NOT be there, unless it's that AIR you need to be breathing. Period.
@@victoriascranton4322 Well, it's a fake law to save the planet because vaping, that are worse for people's health is ok? As an asthmatic person, second hand vape smoke unleashes havoc on my lungs even worse! But people have a right to smoke in the woods or on the street. Even with the laws in place. It's evil to control everything people do in the name of the planet when the planet is actually doing well without us.
Have you covered "Fleximan" in Umbria Region (maybe others)... 2024 cutting down the automatic devices catching speeding motorists? Hilarious.... seems to have slowed down... but like a 'Robin Hood' kinda vibe in Umbria. Cheers... the 'smoking ban' seems wild....
I was in Italy 🇮🇹 last year. Milan, Naples, Rome and Verona. I noticed how much more they smoke even in railway station platforms. In the UK smoking in stations and even coffee ☕️ shops has been long banned
I just finished watching this, and here’s my take: Why worry about how it’ll affect businesses or whether this ban is meaningful? It’s meaningful by default because it raises awareness about the harm smokers inflict on the planet and all living beings. While it’s their choice to live the way they want (and slowly kill themselves by smoking), that choice comes with the responsibility of understanding - or trying to - how their habits affect others.
The smell of nicotine addiction is the smell of the hundreds of chemicals added to nicotine to make it more addictive than just tobacco. The activation of the urges to answer to an addiction may come across differently to an individual who aligns with self sabotaging practices than it does with one who doesn't. Accommodation requires discernment in the face of impluses that call on reactvity in order to avoid pitfalls.
They'll never enforce it, although I wish they will. You can go to any bar that has an enclosed tent like structure outside the main building and see people smoking inside them.
Ill add a second comment here... it seems governments have more interest in dictating public policies to the excuse of "health or climate interest" vs actually regulating the corporations and businesses that destroy our communities with fracking, pollution, nuclear waste, toxic runoff, plastic emessions, and poison. Laws to adress corporate abandon of polutant liabilty would have a much more signifigant environmental impact vs something of this nature that dictate a public morality debate. Youll never see a government represent its citizens public interest over the corporations that control and manipulate them for profit.
I’m in Canada. We stopped the public smoking over 20 years ago. It was the best decision we made. The restaurants were concerned but it worked out well. My cousin, a restaurant owner, said smokers take up a lot of time smoking but don’t spend any more money. The table can be used for other people waiting in line. Also, the waiters hate serving smokers because they have to inhale the smoke through the whole shift. Last year, I was at a restaurant in Sorrento. A couple sat in front of us and smoked over an hour without ordering food. I got upset. I asked them to stop smoking while I’m eating. He was fine with it but she got upset. They got up and left. The waiter thanked me for telling them to stop because he wasn’t allowed. Smokers don’t really eat. They just smoke. Italy is a place to enjoy food. If you want to smoke, stay home. It is nice walking into a restaurant and not smell the smoke. Finally Italy did it! Bravo!
Smoking indoors is banned since 2007? In my European country if there’s no smoke area with air extractors, even non smokers do it although smoking laws will become more strict this year.
YAY!!! I hope Spain is next. Does France have a band? As an American with a cigarette allergy plus heart condition, cigarette smoke filled venues is what I dread about travel to Europe. Where I live in the US smoking is virtually banned in public places.
I with you, I know the feeling of walking around in Italy especially in the cafe bars tabaccini etc and smelling the smoke, it smells like home! I can't see this working and I'm sure the Italians will not obey, why should the?!!! Viva Italia! bAci
Clean air strategy, is genius. Smoking is one of the major causes of ill health and disease in humanity. Italy needs to remove the smog from factories in cities. Not to mention raising the minimum wage and promote plant based food to help conserve the natural environment. If they ban smoking in France I'll throw a party. If you need a cigar, smoke it in your study.
Amazing how people feel they have the right to blow their smoke into other people's lungs in public spaces. And 2nd hand smoke is proven to cause cancer. No one is saying you can't smoke even though it causes cancer and a host of other horrible health issues, but you shouldn't have the right to force your unhealthy habit literally into other people's bodies. My grandparents were smokers and it caused them heart disease, strokes, and dimentia. I loved them so much and it was so sad seeing how uncomfortable they were because of all their health issues. Smoking doesn't just cause cancer it also causes heart disease and strokes. It's just terrible. As far as social benefits of smoking bans, the first time I went to a concert after smoking was banned it was absolutely amazing! I could actually SEE the band AND I could breathe! And I went home not smelling like disgusting cigarette smoke. I smoked when I was younger for a few years and you really don't know how disgusting it is until you quit and then later smell it. It's really overwhelming! Vaping just seems so toxic. We don't even know yet what those chemicals will do the body...but we can make an educated guess, right?
Yay, Italy! This was my biggest gripe about Italy since I'm asthmatic. We did this in Maryland in the early 2000s, and it's been SO much better. It didn't affect business as the naysayers feared. In fact, more people came out to enjoy indoor and outdoor restaurants in fresh air. In Maryland, the business owners enforce it because it's good for their business. There's nothing good about cigarettes. They're an addictive health hazzard and have been proven to cause cancer and heart disease. And nonsmokers shouldn't have to endure others' toxic smoke. Now, some people here sneak in E cigarettes outdoors. They don't seem as bad as secondhand smoke. But they too are being found to be unhealthy and contain new unregulated toxic substances and will eventually be outlawed as well. Ultimately, all of this will go the way of asbestos. Now, that said, the prevalence of skunk weed here has gotten ridiculous. People smoke it everywhere and in their cars while driving. It smells disgusting and can't be healthy either. It's ironic that it's allowed in places that cigarettes aren't.
Hey! Happy New Year!!!! I'm glad about the ban. Everytime I've visit places in Europe, the smell of nicotine smoke is so yucky. America did it, so can Europe in general.
Glad to see the ban myself. I hate the smell of smoke and seeing cigarette butts everywhere. Such pollution! While it's your life if you want to light up, I know second hand smoke is also unhealthy so I appreciate having more places to go without putting my lungs in more harm's way then necessary.
People can smoke without being close to you and without throwing buts on the floor, read some books snd stop being IGNORANT !!! The next fascist law that will harm you will not make you so happy !!!
I came back for a three week trip to Italy and was disappointed how toxic the air was and to see the streets and lake filled with cigarette buds that look like you being in a third country city. My nose was so irritated for the smoked.
We live in the south of Italy and the smoking culture dominates. Streets are one big ashtray. Want to put the lid on smoking? Tax it heavily like most countries. €5 for a pack? Absurd. As a minority, smokers have an outsized influence on the right of everyone to breathe clean air. Must stop.
The tobacco tax is quite high and is a big source of revenue for government although it should be priced a little higher it can’t be too high or black market ones will start to appear.
Well said! I have absolutely zero tolerance for smokers after living in Berlin, where they seem to be prioritized. Their entitlement to their "right" to smoke, pollute the environment, and harm others is just mind-blowing.
So controlling. Barf. Say goodbye to all those cool impromptu parties in the Piazza. Killjoys ruin it for everyone. Way to change a society. Sincerely, An asthmatic non-smoker.
This is how governments change the culture. Slowly, over years, then one day you wake up and no one is socializing and loneliness increases, and mortality rates drop, etc.
@@samtan4729 You are ridicolous. This is clearly an attempt to limit freedom and socialization and has nothing to do with public health (no government cares about public health, they only care about control) .
@@samtan4729 When they banned smoking, it killed the bar industry. I've seen what controls like this do to society. You're missing the point. Laws were put in place to do what you want outside. This law is BS
it’s a long term plan to reduce smokers, you living in Portugal you should known new tobacco laws was imposed in 2023 but some will come to effect this year, it’s connected with a eu directive from 2022, they want a youth generation free of tobacco in 2040.
At 3:23 you can find where the article mentions specifically 10 meters. I’ve not heard any other specific number other than more than 10 meters or the vague terminology of some non-specific distance… So I’m curious about which facts that you’re referring to?
If you live in NY you should know that smokers have dedicated areas to smoke. Italy should be adapted to the rest of the western wold! Btw I am italian from Milan and I know how it works over there!
No sympathy for smokers here. It’s about time the practice of smoking in public became illegal, and that should mean everywhere. The rest of us deserve smoke free air and not having to reek like old ashtrays after socializing.
Smoke affects everyone, it is cumulative on the body; so don't doubt the negativity of .the smoke from anything. Second hand smoke is an issue, and third hand smoke is also an issue; third hand smoke is the residue remaining on a surface which can be transferred to someone, even a baby crawling on a rug. You are making a lot of suppositions here, so don't confuse the issue as if Trump was your mentor. Here in Waikiki one can not smoke on the beach, let alone restaurants and bars. My building has a 20 foot perimenter for the old people to end their days with a cigarette in their lips. Time to start a new Euro trend.
Finally some great news! NO SMOKING IS FANTASTIC!!!! This should be implemented throughout EUROPE. I lived in Spain, and it's unbearable the disgusting smell of cigarettes. I couldn't enjoy the outdoor seating because everybody lights up a cigarette.
I think it 's great! The BVI banned public smoking over 10 years ago. I'm allergic to cigarette smoke and can't be around it at all. So bravo! I wish they'd do it in Bolzano Bozen. A lot of people smoke and walk here.
No dog in this fight but I oppose the state intruding into the policies of business owners, and singling out groups of people for exclusion (who are no longer permitted to stand near their friends). Air pollution is primarily caused by power generation and vehicle exhaust, especially motorcycles with short exhausts that do not clean the exhaust, and this will have no effect whatsoever on overall air quality. People who are irritated by smoke have nonsmoking establishments to visit in line with their preferences. I sincerely hope the law is flouted as a message to overreaching authorities. Let old people enjoy themselves, they have earned it in this life. PS: I will not engage with indignant responses, so don't bother with those.
When Italy got rid of smoking inside restaurants (2005-ish?), the difference was amazing. Outdoor smoking barely registered to me by comparison.
It generally doesn't - unless you have a group of people right outside a pub or nightclub lighting up. As a smoker even I enjoyed the restaurants and other indoor places after the smoking ban - the air was a lot fresher. But outside? Oh come now. This is a nonsense law about nothing.
I lived in LA and Chicago within the last five years, and both cities have restrictive smoking rules, but yet, the smell of Marijuana waffling throughout both cities seems to be okay with the tyrannical governments!
I live in L.A. and I hate the smell of Marijuana that I keep on smelling on the streets thanks to *George Soros!*
The smell of cigarette smoke in America has been replaced by Marijuana smoke which is far worse in my opinion..
When the ban on smoking in public places (cinemas, cafes, offices, etc.) was introduced in Italy years ago, foreigners were surprised that Italians actually stopped smoking in public places. As for this new rule in Milan, I believe they introduced it because of the 2026 Olympics, to satisfy future American tourists. At least theoretically, there will be the possibility of penalizing anyone who smokes outside. >>> But what Milan REALLY needs is a total ban on graffiti. Beautiful architecture and even ancient monuments are defaced all over the city.
This 70 year old smoker of 50 years is trying to blow every inhale on this screen.
In Italy, at least in Milan where I live, nobody smokes inside public places since many many years, that is totally respected (maybe I misunderstood but you told that that is not commonly enforced, that's not true, you'll never see somebody smoking inside a bar or a restaurant, maybe in specific rooms but those are rare normally you have to go you have to go home 😂)
Great content as always! 💯 Thank you for shedding light on important local issues like this, Rafael! 😊
Canadian here. What surprised me on 8 dfferent trips to Rome was 1. smoking is everywhere outside buildings. 2. cigarettes are cheap because they aren't taxed heavily as we do in Ontario. Alcohol is sold everywhere -- you can buy a beer at your pizza takeout place, or a bottle of wine at the local grocery shop. Wine is also cheap because it is not taxed heavily as we tax alcohol in Ontario. 3. Be prepared to pay a Euro or 2 for use of a public washroom.
I read that this year here in Rome the mayor banned fireworks on New Year's Eve. Well, guess what? People behaved as if there wasn't a ban and no one did shit about it.
Fireworks are also used at the end of a Catholic religious procession on major feast days. I'm sure they will keep up the tradition.
A shame, as in France they are trying to do a Prohibition on smoking, and cars that aren't Electric. I'm not even a smoker and smoking outside has never bothered me.
Grand mother, Mother & I all smoke.
Trying a lockdown without lockdown.
I’m all for this. I live Italy but hate the smoking
I don't smoke at home or work. But as soon as I land in another country I head to the tabacchi shops and get me a pack. I can enjoy smoking at a restaurant. As soon as I see an ashtray on a table I plunk myself down, light one up, and order my meal. When I'm ready to fly back home I smoke my last one at the airport and don't touch cigarettes once I enter the states. Somehow when get home I don't have the urge to light one up.
I'm totally cool with this! ❤❤❤❤❤
Italy needs to tackle other issues like the huge immigration problem and crimes committed by them instead of punishing their own citizens.
Sure it will work well in Sicily
Im from the US, and I see alot of different state legislations that adopt ideals of their local political monetary contributors that enforce laws to concede to their base with zero regard to the small businesses and communities that populate the areas.
These restrictive laws typically coincide with the growing biases of their contemporary fanatic religious base that seems to dominate the ongoing theme of religious unconstitutional support of a marriage of religion and politics with morality plays that act out their agenda.
Im so sick of having rules dictated to me from religious zealots that want to enforce and inflict their repressive lifestyles on the public.
This is clearly a misuse of verbage for an alterior agenda to appease local monetary interest, most likely in regards to real estate, commercial travel, and tourism, rather than an actual interest in curving pollution or health hazards.
Milan resident here. This ban is a total sham, imo. It's a propaganda tool to be able to say they're doing something against emissions while continuing to worsen the situation gutting public transport (buses and trams).
Also, this being an unenforceable quasi total ban, it kinda negates the previous (at least a little bit more enforceable, at least as a logical rule through social pressure) ban at bus stops...
No one's gonna ever enforce the ban, like no one ever enforced it at bus stops, but while you could politely ask people to not smoke at bus stops before, pointing to the ban, now that smoking is banned everywhere there's non sense in that...
The problem is with smoking outdoor at terraces/restaurants. Since you need at least 10m between you and other people, most restaurants won’t be able to offer places for smokers. And it’s a shame that they also ban IQOS or vapes, who can hardly be felt outside compared to classic cigs
I live in Greece and totally agree with you. I'm an ex smoker from Australia. I love to be in cities that understand smoking is part of the culture. Sure it's not great for your health but it's not the demon that it's made out to be.
Canada went through this step nation wide years ago. It has made smoking literally an anti social behaviour. Very few people now smoke.
As an asthmatic, this makes me so happy. That was one thing that shocked me when I visited Italy (and England) last year as an American was all the smokers. I'd just had to hold my breath as I passed by them or was close to them. And there was getting the smell in my clothes. Blerg.
Speaking of "ginger," I had ginger tea (bits of ginger root steeped in boiling water.) Ginger is good for treating congestion, so it is a good daily dose to keep respiratory infections away. And by the way, smoking creates congestion of mucus in the lungs that produces that "smokers' cough." It is a low grade infection that is caused by the "irritation" of the lungs with particles in cigarette smoke. That working disease creates a place for various other pathogens that the smoker has built a bit of immunity, but those germs may infect someone else without that "running joke of deadly smoke." So avoid smokers and their "infectious" low grade infections. You might also consider dogs and cats as possible "carriers" of diseases that THEY are immune from, but you are NOT. Of course, some pet owners have immunity from exposure to the junk that animals get into, and can give YOU their "Dog Disease." You are living in what other people give you. ANY matter entering the lugs SHOULD NOT be there, unless it's that AIR you need to be breathing. Period.
I get creeped out by vape smells...
I am thrilled.
Only because you don't see the big picture.
@@CynthiaWithLove The big picture is for smokers to start caring about others and the planet, not for the world to cater to smokers.
@@victoriascranton4322 Well, it's a fake law to save the planet because vaping, that are worse for people's health is ok? As an asthmatic person, second hand vape smoke unleashes havoc on my lungs even worse! But people have a right to smoke in the woods or on the street. Even with the laws in place. It's evil to control everything people do in the name of the planet when the planet is actually doing well without us.
Have you covered "Fleximan" in Umbria Region (maybe others)... 2024 cutting down the automatic devices catching speeding motorists? Hilarious.... seems to have slowed down... but like a 'Robin Hood' kinda vibe in Umbria. Cheers... the 'smoking ban' seems wild....
Awesome! Hope this gets enforced across the entire country at some point.
Amen! You mean we don’t have to be involuntarily poisoned any more? 🎉
Grown men using the word awesome is unsettling.
Try this in Sicily and you started a civil war 😂😂
Same in Campania. Leave the streets alone!
I am in Sicily in a couple of months, i intend to enjoy smoking cigars whilst there
I am a smoker that lives in Sicily. Can't see the rule being applied here. People would simply ignore it 😂
@ Grazie Millle. I envy you. You’re in a beautiful and amazing Island. Been to few places in Sicily before but first time visiting Palermo.
I was in Italy 🇮🇹 last year. Milan, Naples, Rome and Verona. I noticed how much more they smoke even in railway station platforms. In the UK smoking in stations and even coffee ☕️ shops has been long banned
I just finished watching this, and here’s my take: Why worry about how it’ll affect businesses or whether this ban is meaningful? It’s meaningful by default because it raises awareness about the harm smokers inflict on the planet and all living beings. While it’s their choice to live the way they want (and slowly kill themselves by smoking), that choice comes with the responsibility of understanding - or trying to - how their habits affect others.
The smell of nicotine addiction is the smell of the hundreds of chemicals added to nicotine to make it more addictive than just tobacco. The activation of the urges to answer to an addiction may come across differently to an individual who aligns with self sabotaging practices than it does with one who doesn't. Accommodation requires discernment in the face of impluses that call on reactvity in order to avoid pitfalls.
They'll never enforce it, although I wish they will. You can go to any bar that has an enclosed tent like structure outside the main building and see people smoking inside them.
Ill add a second comment here... it seems governments have more interest in dictating public policies to the excuse of "health or climate interest" vs actually regulating the corporations and businesses that destroy our communities with fracking, pollution, nuclear waste, toxic runoff, plastic emessions, and poison.
Laws to adress corporate abandon of polutant liabilty would have a much more signifigant environmental impact vs something of this nature that dictate a public morality debate.
Youll never see a government represent its citizens public interest over the corporations that control and manipulate them for profit.
I’m in Canada. We stopped the public smoking over 20 years ago. It was the best decision we made. The restaurants were concerned but it worked out well. My cousin, a restaurant owner, said smokers take up a lot of time smoking but don’t spend any more money. The table can be used for other people waiting in line. Also, the waiters hate serving smokers because they have to inhale the smoke through the whole shift. Last year, I was at a restaurant in Sorrento. A couple sat in front of us and smoked over an hour without ordering food. I got upset. I asked them to stop smoking while I’m eating. He was fine with it but she got upset. They got up and left. The waiter thanked me for telling them to stop because he wasn’t allowed. Smokers don’t really eat. They just smoke. Italy is a place to enjoy food. If you want to smoke, stay home. It is nice walking into a restaurant and not smell the smoke. Finally Italy did it! Bravo!
Smoking indoors is banned since 2007? In my European country if there’s no smoke area with air extractors, even non smokers do it although smoking laws will become more strict this year.
You have replaced cigarette smoke with pot smoke in public in Canada! Is that any better?
Well, I dont use a Restaurant that does not allow me to smoke outside
YAY!!! I hope Spain is next. Does France have a band? As an American with a cigarette allergy plus heart condition, cigarette smoke filled venues is what I dread about travel to Europe. Where I live in the US smoking is virtually banned in public places.
That'll teach Donatella & Friends 😉
I with you, I know the feeling of walking around in Italy especially in the cafe bars tabaccini etc and smelling the smoke, it smells like home! I can't see this working and I'm sure the Italians will not obey, why should the?!!! Viva Italia! bAci
Clean air strategy, is genius. Smoking is one of the major causes of ill health and disease in humanity. Italy needs to remove the smog from factories in cities. Not to mention raising the minimum wage and promote plant based food to help conserve the natural environment. If they ban smoking in France I'll throw a party. If you need a cigar, smoke it in your study.
If they can afford to pay fines, no problem I think
Amazing how people feel they have the right to blow their smoke into other people's lungs in public spaces. And 2nd hand smoke is proven to cause cancer. No one is saying you can't smoke even though it causes cancer and a host of other horrible health issues, but you shouldn't have the right to force your unhealthy habit literally into other people's bodies. My grandparents were smokers and it caused them heart disease, strokes, and dimentia. I loved them so much and it was so sad seeing how uncomfortable they were because of all their health issues. Smoking doesn't just cause cancer it also causes heart disease and strokes. It's just terrible. As far as social benefits of smoking bans, the first time I went to a concert after smoking was banned it was absolutely amazing! I could actually SEE the band AND I could breathe! And I went home not smelling like disgusting cigarette smoke. I smoked when I was younger for a few years and you really don't know how disgusting it is until you quit and then later smell it. It's really overwhelming! Vaping just seems so toxic. We don't even know yet what those chemicals will do the body...but we can make an educated guess, right?
What a dream! Human behavior takes time to change. This is just the beginning.
Yay, Italy! This was my biggest gripe about Italy since I'm asthmatic. We did this in Maryland in the early 2000s, and it's been SO much better. It didn't affect business as the naysayers feared. In fact, more people came out to enjoy indoor and outdoor restaurants in fresh air. In Maryland, the business owners enforce it because it's good for their business.
There's nothing good about cigarettes. They're an addictive health hazzard and have been proven to cause cancer and heart disease. And nonsmokers shouldn't have to endure others' toxic smoke.
Now, some people here sneak in E cigarettes outdoors. They don't seem as bad as secondhand smoke. But they too are being found to be unhealthy and contain new unregulated toxic substances and will eventually be outlawed as well. Ultimately, all of this will go the way of asbestos.
Now, that said, the prevalence of skunk weed here has gotten ridiculous. People smoke it everywhere and in their cars while driving. It smells disgusting and can't be healthy either. It's ironic that it's allowed in places that cigarettes aren't.
You went to Italy 🇮🇹??
@jeboccuzzi10 I have been to Italy several times and love it, but never loved the smoke. I live in MD.
Hey! Happy New Year!!!! I'm glad about the ban. Everytime I've visit places in Europe, the smell of nicotine smoke is so yucky. America did it, so can Europe in general.
In czech republic is non smoking. And I am really glad
Glad to see the ban myself. I hate the smell of smoke and seeing cigarette butts everywhere. Such pollution! While it's your life if you want to light up, I know second hand smoke is also unhealthy so I appreciate having more places to go without putting my lungs in more harm's way then necessary.
People can smoke without being close to you and without throwing buts on the floor, read some books snd stop being IGNORANT !!! The next fascist law that will harm you will not make you so happy !!!
Smoking is a privilege play part in social gathering , that doesn't set well with tyrant neocons regime
It’s the same in the USA you can’t smoke at any restaurant near schools hospitals and sports facilities,you are wrong
They are all🐈🐈⬛🐈🐈⬛lmao
I came back for a three week trip to Italy and was disappointed how toxic the air was and to see the streets and lake filled with cigarette buds that look like you being in a third country city. My nose was so irritated for the smoked.
Where did you go?
We live in the south of Italy and the smoking culture dominates. Streets are one big ashtray. Want to put the lid on smoking? Tax it heavily like most countries. €5 for a pack? Absurd. As a minority, smokers have an outsized influence on the right of everyone to breathe clean air. Must stop.
The tobacco tax is quite high and is a big source of revenue for government although it should be priced a little higher it can’t be too high or black market ones will start to appear.
Well said! I have absolutely zero tolerance for smokers after living in Berlin, where they seem to be prioritized. Their entitlement to their "right" to smoke, pollute the environment, and harm others is just mind-blowing.
The era of the Snowflake
Where are you? Are you an American?
Great News 👍
No one follows those kinds of laws in Italy. Nothing will stop them from spoking.
HAHA you can't tell Italians what to do. I bet a million bucks that this won't last.
Grazie per la fiducia 😂😂😂😂😂
@@nicolettastrada5976 XD i work with italians :D
@@mkuc6951you don’t work with me for example😂😂
So controlling. Barf.
Say goodbye to all those cool impromptu parties in the Piazza. Killjoys ruin it for everyone. Way to change a society.
An asthmatic non-smoker.
This is how governments change the culture. Slowly, over years, then one day you wake up and no one is socializing and loneliness increases, and mortality rates drop, etc.
@@CynthiaWithLoveDon't be ridiculous. You can socialize without smoking. It's about promoting public health and you refuse to acknowledge it.
@@samtan4729 You are ridicolous. This is clearly an attempt to limit freedom and socialization and has nothing to do with public health (no government cares about public health, they only care about control) .
@@samtan4729 When they banned smoking, it killed the bar industry. I've seen what controls like this do to society. You're missing the point. Laws were put in place to do what you want outside. This law is BS
it’s a long term plan to reduce smokers, you living in Portugal you should known new tobacco laws was imposed in 2023 but some will come to effect this year, it’s connected with a eu directive from 2022, they want a youth generation free of tobacco in 2040.
It’s not true; you can smoke with in a distance; get your facts straight,
At 3:23 you can find where the article mentions specifically 10 meters. I’ve not heard any other specific number other than more than 10 meters or the vague terminology of some non-specific distance… So I’m curious about which facts that you’re referring to?
If you live in NY you should know that smokers have dedicated areas to smoke. Italy should be adapted to the rest of the western wold! Btw I am italian from Milan and I know how it works over there!
Sadly in Italy laws exist, enforcement not so much
No sympathy for smokers here. It’s about time the practice of smoking in public became illegal, and that should mean everywhere. The rest of us deserve smoke free air and not having to reek like old ashtrays after socializing.
Smoke affects everyone, it is cumulative on the body; so don't doubt the negativity of .the smoke from anything. Second hand smoke is an issue, and third hand smoke is also an issue; third hand smoke is the residue remaining on a surface which can be transferred to someone, even a baby crawling on a rug. You are making a lot of suppositions here, so don't confuse the issue as if Trump was your mentor. Here in Waikiki one can not smoke on the beach, let alone restaurants and bars. My building has a 20 foot perimenter for the old people to end their days with a cigarette in their lips. Time to start a new Euro trend.
Finally some great news! NO SMOKING IS FANTASTIC!!!! This should be implemented throughout EUROPE. I lived in Spain, and it's unbearable the disgusting smell of cigarettes. I couldn't enjoy the outdoor seating because everybody lights up a cigarette.
I think it 's great! The BVI banned public smoking over 10 years ago. I'm allergic to cigarette smoke and can't be around it at all. So bravo! I wish they'd do it in Bolzano Bozen. A lot of people smoke and walk here.
No dog in this fight but I oppose the state intruding into the policies of business owners, and singling out groups of people for exclusion (who are no longer permitted to stand near their friends). Air pollution is primarily caused by power generation and vehicle exhaust, especially motorcycles with short exhausts that do not clean the exhaust, and this will have no effect whatsoever on overall air quality. People who are irritated by smoke have nonsmoking establishments to visit in line with their preferences. I sincerely hope the law is flouted as a message to overreaching authorities. Let old people enjoy themselves, they have earned it in this life. PS: I will not engage with indignant responses, so don't bother with those.
It’s a me a mario
Hundreds, or millions of very cranky people going through withdrawal🤣
LOL They going to lose alot of tourist dollars.