The WEALTH wound is often very deep. Ultruistic people tend to struggle with "survival" notions around money, and a wound re feeling worthy to barely survive. Wealth therefore seems accessive and "wrong". Evil even. But as a spiritual worker, your work provides WEALTH and should not be short-changed in that regard. Healing this type of wounding is so deep, profound and ancestral. It needs you to be willing to be uncomfortable.
The WEALTH wound is often very deep. Ultruistic people tend to struggle with "survival" notions around money, and a wound re feeling worthy to barely survive.
Wealth therefore seems accessive and "wrong". Evil even.
But as a spiritual worker, your work provides WEALTH and should not be short-changed in that regard.
Healing this type of wounding is so deep, profound and ancestral. It needs you to be willing to be uncomfortable.
You are sprinkling deep words of wisdom in a way that seems so effortless. Really cool! 💜