As-Salamu Aleykum my brother muslim, Baraka'ALLAHU fikum for your right way of explaining. Unfortunately some of groups in Islam who thinks that they have got a truth and when you are disagree with them , they say that you are kafir, and who is out of Islam and who is not understood Coran and Sunna(SAS) and they like to criticize others muslims(to do takfir) and they think that they are in the right direction. Âuzu BILLÄH. I would like to extend all my best wishes to you and to your family Insha'ALLAH. I have advice to all muslims Study TAWHID and you will succeed Insha'ALLAH. I hope ALLAH will help to all muslims all around the world. Amin As-Salamu Aleykum wa rahmatu'LLAHI wa barakatuhu.
Маа шаа Аллагь. Да воздаст благом вам Всевышний Аллах. Амин.
بارك الله فيكم
جزاكم الله خيرا
بارك الله فيك
As-Salamu Aleykum my brother muslim,
Baraka'ALLAHU fikum for your right way of explaining.
Unfortunately some of groups in Islam who thinks that they have got a truth and when you are disagree with them , they say that you are kafir, and who is out of Islam and who is not understood Coran and Sunna(SAS) and they like to criticize others muslims(to do takfir) and they think that they are in the right direction.
I would like to extend all my best wishes to you and to your family
I have advice to all muslims
Study TAWHID and you will succeed Insha'ALLAH.
I hope ALLAH will help to all muslims all around the world.
As-Salamu Aleykum wa rahmatu'LLAHI wa barakatuhu.
Маша Аллах брат , баракаЛлаху фикум
mashallah Shamsi moj mestnij imam , ocen horoshij brat. vsegda dajut naseeha , ocen skromnij brat v horoshem smisle.
Ма ша’а Ллах 👍🏼
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ما شاء الله
Маша Аллах Да образует тебя Аллах Раем Фирдаусом Шамси из Лондона.
Баракаллаху фика ахи алхамдулиллах мне удалось видеться сним
Да воздаст вам Аллах благом
Ну Рабия Мадхали не согласен же что иман повышается и понижается и может вообще исчезнуть, это же вопрос акыды или я ошибаюсь?
И где же он это сказал?
ما شاء الله