【Resident Evil 7】 I am very bad at horror games

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 253

  • @SwifferTWetJetMop
    @SwifferTWetJetMop 3 года назад +703

    Fauna saying “I simply cannot” and walking down the stairs with her eyes closed was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen

    • @nautica8745
      @nautica8745 3 года назад +10


    • @sui_comet
      @sui_comet 3 года назад +46

      @@nautica8745 1:00:23

    • @theaspie3121
      @theaspie3121 3 года назад +12

      Haven’t even gotten to that part but I can perfectly hear her voice saying that

    • @osmium6832
      @osmium6832 3 года назад +5

      I accidentally scrolled down while in fullscreen and I read your comment less than 3 seconds before she did that. The timing was hilarious on top of the inherent humor of the situation.

    • @christopherdesantis2775
      @christopherdesantis2775 3 года назад +5

      𝘽𝙩𝙤 𝙪 𝙨𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙚? 𝙐𝙧 𝙨𝙤 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙛𝙪𝙡

  • @TheEngieTF2
    @TheEngieTF2 3 года назад +598

    Fauna: I blame civilization for this
    Mumei: **crying in the corner**

    • @YunaLiv
      @YunaLiv 3 года назад +16

      Can I have the timestamp Engi? Or I will sap your Sentry

    • @ricardohoang8452
      @ricardohoang8452 3 года назад

      Cute Mama Nature moment 😆

    • @stepgo95
      @stepgo95 3 года назад


    • @viroszelmire1391
      @viroszelmire1391 2 года назад

      Fauna: I blame civilisation
      Mumei: dude! … uncool

    • @AlastorShadow0
      @AlastorShadow0 2 года назад

      TIMESTAMP!!!!! Also not true! More like.....
      Fauna: I blame civilization for this.
      Mumei: *smiles and chuckles*

  • @ryuran746
    @ryuran746 3 года назад +371

    22:28: The moment, we can see the highiest heartbeat rate
    Thank you for this stream. Its a pleasure to rewatch RE7 gameplay epecially since I really enjoyed seeing Mama making little noises and screams!
    2:21:42: Pumpkin Black Tea wow so be nice

  • @Drail.
    @Drail. 3 года назад +220

    It's impressive how nothing matched the sheer terror of a roach climbing on Ethan's arm. At that moment I knew this playthrough would be perfect

    • @Zenriesz
      @Zenriesz 3 года назад +1

      To be fair, the beginning of RE7 is full of gross stuff.
      Now that Fauna got through the beginning there's not much gross stuff.

    • @angelmcfarland1189
      @angelmcfarland1189 3 года назад +1

      Likely the most scary part of the game for Fauna is seeing the roaches and now that part passes things will be less scary for her unless creepy insect related to her fears :3

    • @tombadil64
      @tombadil64 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@ZenrieszDefinitely HARD disagree from me dude. Margarite boss fight?

    • @Zenriesz
      @Zenriesz 8 месяцев назад

      @@tombadil64 ok yes, Margaret with her vagina bees IS Gross but not as as Gross as The beginning of re7

  • @Blu_Moon_Owl
    @Blu_Moon_Owl 3 года назад +227

    Fauna representing nature is afraid of bugs
    Irony is strong here
    She’s gonna be terrified of Margret whenever she gets to her

    • @blackburn115
      @blackburn115 3 года назад +6

      If she gets to her that is

    • @PhanTuan2212
      @PhanTuan2212 3 года назад +15

      @@blackburn115 Well, as she's a gamer, I think she will keep going until the end. But there will certainly be good clippers material down the line.

    • @digital045
      @digital045 3 года назад +4

      Korone flashbacks

  • @alynntube
    @alynntube 3 года назад +96

    Fauna: dislikes Ethan touching everything.
    Game looking at Ethans hand: whelp. we have displeased Mother Nature. And we must be punished

  • @CasualVader
    @CasualVader 3 года назад +19

    1:39:25 The timing on that voice line is perfect.

  • @TheEngieTF2
    @TheEngieTF2 3 года назад +165

    Fauna's screams whenever she gets jumpscared are strangely satisfying to hear. Nature can be truly weird sometimes

  • @yumial_8698
    @yumial_8698 3 года назад +265

    22:08 the true horror, 157 heart rate
    You did well beating the first boss Fauna! Lots of stuff to be excited about like the new BOX and unarchived karaokes!

  • @bubbasbigblast8563
    @bubbasbigblast8563 3 года назад +32

    "In a fight between me and a cockroache, I would definitely win, but at what cost?"
    -Mother Nature

    • @VTGN-II
      @VTGN-II 9 месяцев назад +3

      Nah, i'd win
      -ceres faunjo

  • @MarcSola7
    @MarcSola7 2 года назад +7

    1:21:51 "Welcome to the family, son." I know many of you wanted to know where in the timestamp is that famous scene, here it is. You're welcome.

  • @Secret_Takodachi
    @Secret_Takodachi Год назад

    Fauna, you were such a brave Kirin to play this game alone as long as you did! In retrospect, wasn't it worth being spooked to "play" with Jack? He really does feel like a "good dad" playing the role of a villain with his kid... even though the virus has him "playing a little rough. " But you gotta admit that boss fight in the garage was really neat! Plus, Jack's such a troll afterward that he "turns auto-aim" on for you to give you one free headshot. WHAT A GUY!

  • @littlemods140
    @littlemods140 3 года назад +51

    I'm through the first 40 minutes of this VoD so far and I can imagine very clearly in my head Botan watching this... and literally dying of laughter.

  • @DuckyTheRubber.
    @DuckyTheRubber. 3 года назад +7

    One of the most fun streams yet! The peak heart rate reaching 157 because of cockroach crawling up the arm was hilarious

  • @derrickmiles5240
    @derrickmiles5240 3 года назад +11

    Fauna: *opens fridge* "Ewwwww"
    Also Fauna: painstaking examines every gross detail

  • @noah.2B
    @noah.2B 3 года назад +8

    1:40 - Stream start

  • @lordrevan6251
    @lordrevan6251 3 года назад +15

    I missed alot due trying to make a living. Going through the vod though and my goodness Fauna's screams are a blessing.
    You did very well for someone who doesn't do well with horror videogames. This will be a series I will enjoy alot. Watching you overcome your fears.

  • @killercart
    @killercart 3 года назад +8

    Woah, the highest heart rate on the start. A lot of screams and jumpscare moments in this one. Congrats on getting a nice start by defeating the first boss of the game. Thanks for the stream, Fauna.

  • @rollstep
    @rollstep 3 года назад +6

    Oh man future streams are about to be popping off! Box and a future KU100 will be absolutely godly!!!! Can't wait for the karaoke

  • @Georgexd56
    @Georgexd56 3 года назад +36

    Thank you Fauna for playing a culture game. There were many moments of fear, laughter and referencing.It's cute when it scares and I scared when the yandere side of fauna came.A classic, heal with alcohol. Box!!
    OH NO what happened to the bird civilization 15:12
    IU!! How dirty are the dishes 19:40
    What fear, what did they do to the bird 20:04
    Ah!! IUh the cockroach got on 22:08 😆157
    Oh Spaghetti 24:51
    It is nothing, it is not scared 41:13
    NOPE LOL 44:21
    What a scare 44:47
    How fast it changes when it's armed 1:15:03
    DEAD FAUNA F 2:01:15
    We did it, YANDERE FAUNA 2:02:12
    OH NO! 2:03:34
    Grandpa is still alive 2:03:41
    Its alive NOO!! 2:06:55

  • @critfail8714
    @critfail8714 3 года назад +13

    Fauna’s infections voice and reactions some how even make a play through of RE relaxing! Now that’s a….natural gift 😉

  • @MultiLetz
    @MultiLetz 3 года назад +21

    I felt so sad i couldn't be here live when I've been waiting for weeks for it, damn college work
    But I'm still proud our big sister did it even after so much hesitating, thank you for this stream! I'll enjoy the vod a lot!

  • @Argumentable
    @Argumentable 3 года назад +15

    This was like 15 minutes of gameplay stretched out into a 2 hour stream because Fauna was cowering in a corner for most of it. I actually found it pretty funny and entertaining despite how that probably sounds! Fauna's streams always seem so pleasant and I'm looking forward to more of this playthrough - just hope she gets a little more brave as things go on! Haha

  • @juni5822
    @juni5822 3 года назад +48

    The more time passes the cuter Fauna gets in my eyes. She's a cutie pie

  • @ceradys7348
    @ceradys7348 3 года назад +7

    Thank you for the stream and the blessed screams, It was a lot of fun really enjoyed the crouching playthrough, i felt immersed with the Sapling PoV Looking forward to the next one . Also Karma Police and The Strokes

  • @beozer
    @beozer 3 года назад +2

    This was one of the cutest streams I’ve ever seen lmao

  • @snaketale7026
    @snaketale7026 3 года назад +3

    That stream was so much fun Fauna! you did a great job conquering your fears and going into the unknown. cant wait to see you play this next time, hopefully i'll be off work for the next time you stream it! thank you so much Fauna

  • @leafonhead777
    @leafonhead777 3 года назад +1

    The combination of a genuinely scary and disturbing game mixed with a purely wholesome motherly voice made for a very entertaining stream!
    Fauna's immediate onset of Stockholm syndrome, and being the most polite one at the dinner table was hilarious!
    And the constant scolding of Ethan!!

  • @EmilioReyes_97
    @EmilioReyes_97 3 года назад +5

    50:11 Wow, look at that heart rate jump 👀....

  • @ymkai7718
    @ymkai7718 3 года назад +9

    Thank you Mama for the RE7 stream! Both brave and scared Mama are cute, what a nice reaction to this game lol

  • @Erionn.
    @Erionn. 3 года назад +3

    Thanks for the stream, lot of nice scares! Can't wait for the ASMR stream in a few days with the new setup

  • @Ec360Gaming
    @Ec360Gaming 3 года назад +6

    5:18 Cool, Fauna watches The Expanse. Mother nature has excellent taste in TV shows

  • @TsGBoo
    @TsGBoo 10 месяцев назад +1

    - her voice and laugh😍

  • @atala_4236
    @atala_4236 3 года назад +1

    i never had this much fun watching a biohazard stream...thank you fauna

  • @TheAmazingAesoup
    @TheAmazingAesoup 3 года назад +3

    I never felt Fauna more than when she said "I really like horror and horror games, but I'm so scared of them myself."

  • @TheGreatBillyMays
    @TheGreatBillyMays 3 года назад

    Thanks for the stream! I'm glad you had fun through all the horrors and jumpscares up to the first boss

  • @Trickattack
    @Trickattack 3 года назад +2

    "I'm not scared anymore"
    few seconds later....
    "I don't wanna go!"
    "I give up!"

  • @Sora383
    @Sora383 3 года назад +1

    This was a lot of fun to listen to and watch while studying for my psych midterm. I’m looking forward to the next run and more panicked Kirin noises

  • @Hadfield15
    @Hadfield15 2 года назад +1

    22:11 God, when is Fauna not cute? Even her terrified screams are lovable

  • @KuroMochiKimchi
    @KuroMochiKimchi 3 года назад +5

    8:25 - Nene is upset somewhere.

  • @Mr.Bravo315
    @Mr.Bravo315 3 года назад

    Thank you for the stream and the scream, Fauna you did so well. Excited for the future RE7 gameplay!

  • @fo-ef8qo
    @fo-ef8qo 3 года назад

    2:02 maybe the most blessed to date

  • @NargusJynk
    @NargusJynk 3 года назад +6

    Thank you, I never played RE before and was exciting por this, and snail make it more perfect. I'm very happy for you singing lessons too.

  • @adamhetagera6960
    @adamhetagera6960 3 года назад +4

    22:08 *relatable*

  • @fromunicornstodragons
    @fromunicornstodragons 3 года назад

    I'm just like you with horror games Fauna. I love them but I can't be the one controlling them. I spend over half of the time cowering in fear just outside of where I know a jumpscare will be. 10 minutes of gameplay might take me an hour and a half to complete lmao. Took me quite a few hours just to watch you play because I had to take breaks haha. Thanks for taking one for the team!

  • @heven41
    @heven41 3 года назад +3

    1:24:13 joker fauna

  • @Renigade16
    @Renigade16 3 года назад +45

    Sneaky Fauna: You should have a Members ONLY Minecraft stream so Kronii can't see and chat can't snitch
    "Lul people into a false sense of security so they trust you. Then you can get away with a lot more than chopping off a hand."
    So Fauna did you just say the quiet part out loud? Is this your plan for the saplings? 😂

  • @edisio23
    @edisio23 3 года назад

    oh man, you don't know how much i loved this, i didn't enjoy a horror game stream like this in a long time, the way she explores and talk about things..., thank you for streaming this Fauna, and for being so brave (in your lovely way).

  • @HongKongHunter
    @HongKongHunter 3 года назад +1

    22:07 fauNYA meet the mighty COCKROACHES🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳

  • @orianashi9919
    @orianashi9919 3 года назад +1

    She has to be the only... Hololive idol who actually avoided the surprise shovel to the wall. And I must say, respect, child.

  • @BonelessFrenchToast
    @BonelessFrenchToast 3 года назад +12

    1:58:34 I know what I want for a voice pack now

  • @Majin_D
    @Majin_D 3 года назад +2

    that was incredibly fun, Fauna~
    RE7 is, indeed, a scary game~!

  • @yz5697
    @yz5697 2 года назад

    When Fauna can make a horror game scary and hilarious at the same time

  • @natsumifujisaki07
    @natsumifujisaki07 3 года назад +3

    Thank you fauna for playing the game even though you are not comfortable but thank you for spoiling us saplings and enjoy your bagel

  • @christian_lied
    @christian_lied 2 года назад

    That was fun to watch. Was funny to watch you fight the papa

  • @megasean3000
    @megasean3000 3 года назад +7

    The average person's heartbeat is 50-60 beats per minute. Fauna seeing a cockroach increased it by three times. That is genuine fear, ladies and gentlemen.

    • @Triflingtales4444
      @Triflingtales4444 Год назад +2

      The average is 60-80 if your heart is at 50!you’re either a extremely trained runner or you need to speak to a doctor

    • @jameshunt9208
      @jameshunt9208 24 дня назад +1

      Actually it's about 80 for women.

  • @thiagohabe
    @thiagohabe 3 года назад +1

    it was an amazing stream! i hope to see you playing more resident evil

  • @angelodescordo8455
    @angelodescordo8455 3 года назад

    Frightened, fun-having Fauna is something everyone needs more of! Honestly, I'd be curious to see how this would continue with drinky drinks... must be quite the ride. Looking forward to the drawing stream and the karaoke stream with anticipation!

  • @Unknownagent887
    @Unknownagent887 2 года назад +1

    ~Gets stabbed in the hand by a knife~ Ethan: ouch! ~Gets stabbed in the hand by a screwdriver~ Ethan: AHHHHHH!!!

    • @Ett.Gammalt.Bergtroll
      @Ett.Gammalt.Bergtroll 2 года назад +3

      It actually makes sense: in the knife scene he was physically fighting Mia for his life. Adrenaline and the fight reflex would’ve made him ignore the pain. The screwdriver scene on the other hand he was incapacitated and all his focus was on it.

  • @chrisbennett6236
    @chrisbennett6236 3 года назад

    Darth Vader is just chilling in the basement.
    Fauna: I'm going to close my eyes and run.

  • @FaufauCute
    @FaufauCute 11 дней назад +1

    22:07 I'll never forget this

  • @Blex_040
    @Blex_040 3 года назад +1

    2:16:20 Wait, Mama is cleaning out her closet? I thought I should be sorry because I never meant to hurt you, I never meant to make you cry, but tonight, I'm cleanin' out my closet

    • @theoneandonlyakou2656
      @theoneandonlyakou2656 3 года назад

      I got some skeletons in my closet and I don’t know if no one knows it😳🎶

  • @hantakorys
    @hantakorys 3 года назад

    fauna is so adorable i cannot get got by the scary things in the game

  • @jpem4664
    @jpem4664 Месяц назад

    Scariest part of Resident Evil is how these characters just walk into a strangers house uninvited.

  • @Solkin.
    @Solkin. 3 года назад +4

    1:00:24 bravely heading down the stairs
    1:12:41 mia jumpscare

  • @rhrdth
    @rhrdth 3 года назад

    "Ohhhh... Wha-We can leave now, right?"
    - Fauna

  • @balderboo
    @balderboo Год назад

    She took so long hiding from Dad that voice lines started to repeat themselfes lmao

  • @Shometsu7
    @Shometsu7 3 года назад +1

    I’ve watched 40 minutes so far and this is one of my favorite streams already 🤣

  • @僕愛くん
    @僕愛くん 2 года назад

    1:41 start

  • @DaiDai_Tama
    @DaiDai_Tama 3 года назад

    Afterwork, winding down with the VOD, hearing Mother Nature’s various noises and s

  • @m.taylor2155
    @m.taylor2155 3 года назад +6

    Mod idea: Mumei went into the Bayou when she heard that there would be berries and now she's being held in the Baker House and needs rescue - - now we just have to add horns onto Ethan's shadow and we're good!

    • @aichistarburst3333
      @aichistarburst3333 3 года назад +1


  • @shaneoleary9919
    @shaneoleary9919 Год назад +1

    Rukia yay awesome video cuddle you

  • @peasant7550
    @peasant7550 3 года назад +2

    35:08 feeling safe from having scapegoats lol how grim

  • @nagito891
    @nagito891 3 года назад

    Thank you for stream Fauna !

  • @_Kodiak
    @_Kodiak 3 года назад

    7:28 please ignore this is for research

  • @Craxipst
    @Craxipst 3 года назад

    Omg this stream is pure gold

  • @drewhaven
    @drewhaven Год назад +1

    great content bro!

    • @Sinfol
      @Sinfol 10 месяцев назад


  • @T0mmy7777
    @T0mmy7777 2 года назад

    Start 1:38

  • @niceemployee
    @niceemployee 3 года назад

    Fauna showed true bravery this stream by getting to the boss battle.

  • @reynanddiasen2019
    @reynanddiasen2019 3 года назад

    22:09 blessed phobia noises

  • @soulses4549
    @soulses4549 3 года назад

    Gonna listen to this while working so this is gonna be good

  • @JasonV935DER
    @JasonV935DER Год назад

    I remember this.

  • @Kyte001
    @Kyte001 3 года назад +2

    "Nothing can be worst than that" What about a house centepede or a giant centepede?

  • @soarin-_1636
    @soarin-_1636 3 года назад +2

    Fauna sometimes screams like Finn from adventure time

  • @Thundrfox
    @Thundrfox 3 года назад

    This is by far my favourite first episode of RE7

  • @grandblue.kitaharaiori
    @grandblue.kitaharaiori 3 года назад +1

    22:11바선생 하드캐리

  • @boyd9558
    @boyd9558 3 года назад

    Ok i watched the archive this morning(i live in europe), this was HILARIUOS haha looking forward to the future streams on this game!

  • @loydcasteneda1950
    @loydcasteneda1950 3 года назад

    Thank you for the stream Fauna

  • @Kurimi13
    @Kurimi13 3 года назад

    Another fun stream, thanks
    That thing about the elytra is interesting too, never knew that.

  • @NotAGoodUsername360
    @NotAGoodUsername360 3 года назад

    Sad I couldn't watch this live but I will treasure this VOD

  • @bellorbellor8921
    @bellorbellor8921 3 года назад +6

    Such a fun stream. I did get worried for Fauna though, 157 bpm is just crazy.

    • @Istarelle112
      @Istarelle112 3 года назад +3

      Lol it's not, watching these heart rate streams has really shined a light on how many people need better health education.

  • @luzmaria5006
    @luzmaria5006 3 года назад +10

    Chat say english because Jack has a phenomenal voice actor, a delightful stream Fauna. And thank for noticing it is really into the uncanny valley the main heroine, I don't know why no one notice. Thanks for the stream, really fun stream.

  • @slackjaw1525
    @slackjaw1525 3 года назад

    I have this mental image of Ethan crabwalking wherever he goes now.

  • @Ole_Rasmussen
    @Ole_Rasmussen 3 года назад +1

    She plays this like I played Amnesia The Dark Descent, except I quit before I encountered the first monster.

  • @viroszelmire1391
    @viroszelmire1391 2 года назад

    As a great man said “we gotta get out of this residence of evil”
    Really enjoyed this stream

  • @sutakku8330
    @sutakku8330 3 года назад

    Insanely fun stream I've played this before but didn't think watching someone else play it would give some of the same tension, but it really did lol Glad you had fun with it and like Daddy Baker so much, it really is a game that's just as wacky and zany as it is tense and it makes it a blast to go through even when it's tense and scary. And hey, broke the heart rate record lmao Looking forward to future ASMR with your fancy new microphone box and cannot wait for the eventually "Not a phase mom! Karaoke night" Thanks again for the entertaining stream Fauna

  • @slxxpyhollow
    @slxxpyhollow 3 года назад

    Fauna watches the tape from Mia
    Fauna: "You lied, divorce!"
    *The End of Resident Evil 7*

  • @01brokenbutterfly
    @01brokenbutterfly 2 года назад

    22:00 32:38 1:00:30 1:39:25

  • @GiGi-ju7po
    @GiGi-ju7po 3 года назад

    This was a lot of fun! Thank you Mama!!!

  • @NexGenCN
    @NexGenCN 3 года назад

    22:20 omg I was worried her heart rate shot up over 150, holy smokes!