A walk along the front of Puerto Del Carmen, Lanzarote - Part two

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @romakochan4594
    @romakochan4594 2 года назад +1

    My love!!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙

  • @mariarobalinho6657
    @mariarobalinho6657 2 года назад +1

    Adoro lanzarott

    @RABIDJOCK 5 лет назад

    This is more top end/new town area of PDC I used to stay up here years ago but tend to stay down nearer the old town now... Nice video .Im in PDC now dec 2019 and its 28 degrees. Thats why we come here in winter..

  • @lolobaker4119
    @lolobaker4119 5 лет назад +1

    Walked this several timess a few weeks ago...cafe at 1.16 has beautiful waterfront area

  • @LivingWalks
    @LivingWalks 5 лет назад

    Thanks for your walk Rob, looks like a cool day for May? the cafe at 1:16 is intriquing. Look forward to seeing more walks from you.

  • @PEEDEE100
    @PEEDEE100 6 лет назад +1

    You missed the Tiny Bar (opposite Antica Trattoria) the best bar in PDC!

  • @chris-12500
    @chris-12500 5 лет назад

    Are there any show bars that which allow for kids at night?

  • @lcvideo2191
    @lcvideo2191 5 лет назад

    Belle vidéo sur Lanzarote, j'ai réalisé 2 vidéos une sur les volcans, l'autre sur les vignobles, elles sont sur you tube je m'abonne Louis

  • @frankmcconnellogue3351
    @frankmcconnellogue3351 6 лет назад

    Oh the sound of jack hammers makes me think or home

  • @aryaresortnusapenidabali5615
    @aryaresortnusapenidabali5615 3 года назад

    Arya Resort Nusa Penida Bali

  • @LivingWalks
    @LivingWalks 5 лет назад

    Oh, what on earth happened here, I only added the one comment?

  • @irishman6124
    @irishman6124 6 лет назад

    this island isn't very colourful .Portugal and Spain are way nicer if your into scenic view

    • @letni9506
      @letni9506 5 лет назад +4

      I find it attractive in a different way.
      The coast is rugged and the sea is a nice blue.
      The best thing though is the weather can be very hot even in the winter.
      Yes southern Spain can be pleasant but it's not like mid 20s pleasant.
      If I go on holiday in the summer i choose Spain but in the winter I always choose the canaries and usually Lanzarote.

    • @danielledewitt1
      @danielledewitt1 5 лет назад

      Alex Merrigan Well. Lanzarote is a volcanic island. We’re going in a few weeks but different part about 40 minutes away from puorta del carmen. There’s one thing you’ve got to watch out for, the volcanos.

      @RABIDJOCK 5 лет назад

      Im here now in dec 2019 and its 28 degrees. That's why we come here ..

  • @benbhoy9
    @benbhoy9 6 лет назад

    Wouldn’t like to think your related to the EVIL one.......👹