Epic as always. But I thought it was strange that you haven't posted anything new in a while. I am not active on other social platforms. But I was able to read your message on ticktock. I think it applies to RUclips too, since you haven't added anything new in a while. I hope you take/can take the time you need. I hope you get back on your feet.
お元気ですか? また素敵な笑顔を見せてくださいね (=^・^=)
Wow...this is very nice...❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘 💕 💞
🌻🌻🌻My bass Queen ❤️🔥
It is wonderful to see you again, On_B! You are awesome! Please take very good care of yourself and have an amazing week.
Yeah! Cool playing!!🔥🔥🔥
Epic as always. But I thought it was strange that you haven't posted anything new in a while. I am not active on other social platforms. But I was able to read your message on ticktock. I think it applies to RUclips too, since you haven't added anything new in a while. I hope you take/can take the time you need. I hope you get back on your feet.
어쩌구저쩌구 달려왔습니다
I loved it great as always B
믿고 보는 온비 베이스❤
두둥 베이스 너무 좋아요 🎉
Me a encantado genial como siempre B
フェンダーベースに合ってますね (^_-)-☆
Where did @On_B go?
i don't understand the langusge but your bass playing sounds good 💯
could you please cover dreamcatche's justice~
온비님 저 오늘 생일인데 캐럿으로서 선물 받는 것 같아 너무 좋아요 ㅎㅎ 감사합니당❤❤❤