  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @AirsoftHeadHunters
    @AirsoftHeadHunters 2 года назад +2

    there s nothing better than a gbbr. Well played man!

  • @HOUDINIIAirsoft
    @HOUDINIIAirsoft 3 года назад +3

    Man This looks like a ton of fun!!! This is a great vid!

  • @not_ezzibnmw_gaming
    @not_ezzibnmw_gaming 2 года назад +4

    Looks like fun bro, wish I had a gbbr

    • @Jfiejdjdjb
      @Jfiejdjdjb Год назад

      This We tech is only around 400 with good quality. It’s actually cheaper than some of the AEGs, I’ve used this twice in Milsim, never let me down

  • @jaiparaskevas824
    @jaiparaskevas824 2 года назад +2

    good shit. just ordered one one of these guns.

  • @daltont1459
    @daltont1459 Год назад +1

    What field is this it looks awesome!?

  • @thinkairsoft5995
    @thinkairsoft5995 3 года назад +1

    That’s some tense shit

  • @lavenderpurpleamethyst
    @lavenderpurpleamethyst 2 года назад +1

    Wow lots of comments XD, Actually Airsoft Kinda Is Useful :)

  • @josephstalin1223
    @josephstalin1223 2 года назад

    How did you remove the front sight post? And where do you buy parts for this gun? Were you running any modified internals such as a NPAS device? And if so which one did you get?

    • @doomducky9201
      @doomducky9201  2 года назад +1

      i just hammered out the pins and it comes right off, and there are a bunch of good websites depending on what country you live in. currently the gun is just using stock internals, ive had it for about 3 and ahalf years now and it still works great. only issues i have is the bolt release wearing down and not catching on the last shot everytime, but im pretty sure that parts only like 20-30$ CAD

    • @josephstalin1223
      @josephstalin1223 2 года назад

      @@doomducky9201 Yeah that part is cheap. I've heard people talking about steel bolt carrier groups but I imagine you need to beef up other parts too because of that slamming into other parts. By the way nice CQB and communication, that was fun to watch. It's fine if you don't remember but what FPS were you running when you did this? And if it's something lower like 350 is that what the gun shoots out of the box? or did you modify the FPS?

    • @doomducky9201
      @doomducky9201  2 года назад +1

      @@josephstalin1223 it was cronoing at 330-340 with .25 bbs that day, it was shooting a little hot but just acceptable enough to be allowed at the field, honestly has been shooting that fps since it came out of the box. Never had a reason to upgrade, thanks for watching man! i appreciate the feedback 😄

    • @josephstalin1223
      @josephstalin1223 2 года назад

      @@doomducky9201 Nice! Thanks for the info man

  • @paologonzales5793
    @paologonzales5793 2 года назад

    Hey buddy do u think a 9.5 inch rail would be compatible on this gun?

    • @doomducky9201
      @doomducky9201  2 года назад

      yeah it should be if its designed by we tech!

  • @Terminatorbart
    @Terminatorbart 3 года назад +1

    Is that supposed to be a jail building?

    • @doomducky9201
      @doomducky9201  3 года назад +1

      I believe so! Its an awesome field

    • @eat_some_lettuce8749
      @eat_some_lettuce8749 2 года назад

      @@doomducky9201 whats the field and where is it located?

    • @doomducky9201
      @doomducky9201  2 года назад

      @@eat_some_lettuce8749 barrie paintball in barrie ontario canada! its an awesome field