fun fact: the reason you could still get a wanted level in the middle of nowhere is because animals such as birds, mountain lions, etc. are actually programmed to call the cops
Me: *uses the fastest car in the game during a cop chase* Cop car: *Goes ham on the acceleration* me: *Hijacks cop car* me: *Cop car accelerates like a normal car*
Literally every time I get into a cop car during a chase the tires either immediately get shot out or are already fucked up, and for some reason the other cop card are fast as hell and are indestructible, it’s so many problems with this game I wouldn’t even be able to list it all
Flynner102 The stealth is useless. At least in san andreas you got a couple of missions in which you used it, and it was fun! In here it's just like "Yea, u can.. Y'know... Crouch or whatevah... "
They either have full spider senses and know where the fuck you are at any time so hiding is useless and you cant kill a fly without them showing up to murder you. Or they literally dont do shit to you.
For me, the community, lag in general, the "error go and play campaign", and I only played on ps3 so... The mods, but Rockstar and the rest be like: hA tHat PeoPle is pO0r, letS jUst FoCus oN tHe neXt gEn.
Why GTA V was a fucking disappointment! 1.Lack Of Interiors 2.Can't buy safehouses 3. Extremely terrible and forgettable storyline 4.Unlikeable, annoying and dickheaded protagonists 5.Heists are only structured for the story 6.Can't purchase animals 7.Limited car customization 8.No Gang Wars 9. Cops are annoying as fuck! 10.Controls feel sluggish and extremely slow. If GTA 6 is anything like this, I'm done with the series.
My reasons for why GTA V sucked: 1. CHEATS WERE ASS (Limited invincibility?!? Come ON) 2. No gang wars (You should have freedom to be affiliated if you so choose) 3. No different fighting styles. 4. Hard to make pedestrians fight each other. 5. Can't go work out anymore? Or get fat? Or skinny? 6. NO FUCKING JETPACK??? 7. No fun easter eggs? Can we at least fly the damn spaceships we find?? 8. Because San Andreas was better. Add everything you had for San Andreas back into this and it's the best game ever…. smh
***** Agreed. What i thought was a let down was the lack of enterable buildings, that kind of makes an open world game feel dull. Not only that, but Los Santos doesn't really feel anything like the real-life Los Angeles imo.
This happens to me a lot and it annoys the crap out of me. When I’m escaping the cops at a very high speed on a highway, and I’m about to lose my wanted level, a cop spawns right in my path and I can’t stop since I’m going so fast, then, the moment they see me, they start going 400 mph towards me and I can’t get them off my tail.
Gta 5 is a video game, video games are supposed fun and entertaining so we can escape reality, not have Cockstar try to parody annoying hyper sensitive people from California as poorly designed A.I.
In a way the rager is correct but he kinda over did it. Most of these things are in the game to add realistic and life like this to GTA. And most of the things in this video were overdramatized
2014: What? Why? Sure the game has its problems, but overall it's a masterpiece. 2020: 100% agree, but you forgot about the armed satellites and flying rocket motorcycles.
Character movement sluggish and non fluent, cyborg cops, garbage ass stealth, inconsistant weapon damage, piss poor gta community, overpriced items, passive mode unreliable.....gta online is a piss poor experience.
***** yes. reason 1- same shitty controls 2- nothing new 3- still no animal online 4- graphics is still the same 5- still no casino 6-- still no mansion 7- still the same shitty missions 8- first person sucks 9- exclusives sucks if you pay $60 again for this shit, you are a fool.
***** this is the reason you don't deserve good things. R* laughs at sheep like you. they don't care about you. all they care about is your money. if you are so loyal why don't you sell your parent's house and everything you own and donate the money to R*? id you think GTA PS4 is worth another $60, there is something wrong with you head.
meanwhile in 2021: 1. Cant walk around without some jackass on a oppressor mk2 killing you. 2. Cant go anywhere because a dumbass modder thinks its funny to cage and teleport people to "their" apartment. 3. Cant even do one simple ass heist without being disconnected for some bullshit reason. 4. people never do the armor shipments and make the mission 100x harder to stealth through (or they do it partially so you can headshot the enemy. Which is nice)
Did you mention the bland characters and lackluster story... Nope. The setting and characterisation is why we like GTA games... Other franchises offer "crazy" sandbox and good mechanics. They should'nt have split the game into three or focus so much resources on online. RIP GTA franchise. Greed got you.
And the word "Hipster" needs to be retired. in one mission, Michael accuses Trevor of being a hipster, on the account of his clothing choice, musical tastes and his hometown, because "hipster". That moment when one of the cringey moments of GTA is a mutual conversation between two protagonists.
***** Not to mention in GTA IV, cheats were saved once you typed them on the in-game phone. Who wants to quickly try to press a combination of buttons while you only have so little HP left?
All of this is so fucking true. I've tried playing this game over and over for the past three days now, but the game's general problems combined with the awful online community have just ruined it for me. In the end, I feel like my expectations for the game were set too high thanks to all the praise that I recall people giving it, and because I played the Saint's Row games first and I'm used to how those work (gameplay wise) compared to this one. Honestly, it's a damn shame. I really wanted to like this game, but I just can't. :L
LMAO This video is awesome and true, I love how a murder in the middle of nowhere gets you 1-2 stars, making silencers and stealth rating pointless since there is no such thing as stealth kills apparently even in the middle of the ocean. here's a few more. Get on the FIB building or any other sky scraper, aim your sniper at the hustling, bustling city below you and see.....NO ONE! Becomes a barren wasteland instantly leaving you no targets to shoot. Stealing tanks. jets, cargo planes, etc from the air base load it into your hanger to watch it disappear when you want to use. Apparently GTA has gone soft and wants you purchase vehicles as opposed to stealing them which is the whole meaning of its name. Your characters are capable of driving everything from a bicycle to fighter jets, but apparently trains & ships are too complicated for them. The stock market is like an afterthought only works for Lester missions and pretty much useless after that. GTA 5 overall is a weak release from Rockstar.
Joe Doe No I don't think that it's a weak release but there are many annoying problems that were shown into the video. I'm sure it's better on the new generation consoles. (My PS3 sometimes freezes while I'm playing online :/ )
i_Plagi no these are all bugs on Xbox One/PS4 as well. Like jumping and punching instantly folds your guy in half and he turns into a ragdoll. Hell even Super Mario on NES could jump and punch without falling on his face. Its a weak release imo because of all of half baked ideas thrown into it and things that have been abandoned that should be brought back like in GTA 2 you could pick which of 3 gangs you did jobs for and it would influence the the other twos like/dislike for you. How in 2015 can your option of choosing your own destiny in a sandbox game be removed? Now they just use convoluted stories that don't make sense because the 3 characters in GTA 5 back stories and reasonings don't make any sense. Also attacking is much better on San Andreas because you could learn boxing, kickboxing, karate, etc and you could do hand to hand combat much better than the sloppy looping hooks and slow awkward kicks you do on GTA 5. When you really break it down GTA 5 is not a very good designed game and is a step backwards. You buy some buildings and can't even get into them, you can't keep some vehicles you steal, storing larger vehicles in hangers is buggy and half the time disappears, etc It would be nice if they addressed these bugs and shrunk the map to make every building useable and every vehicle driveable(including trains and ships). I doubt they'll ever fix the flaws with the series though as people buy it just because it's name is on the box at this point so there is no need to actually improve anything.
Joe Doe Yeah GTA V is a great example of a great series selling out extreamly. It gains billions just from the name alone. Instead of feeling like a sequel to GTA it felt more like sellout reboot. The story was forgetful and cliche, and like you poin,t out its filled with missed opportunities and flaws.
Joe Doe I feel you, man. I played V and IV only for the storyline (I even bought an xbox 360 solely for GTA IV) and I quit after that. There's nothing to do. The skyscraper sniping is exactly what happened to me. Nobody to shoot. I remember having much much more fun in VC and SA. There are some great improvements like when robbing a liquor store you actually see the clerk operating the till and when humping a prostitute you can see her in action too, but so many great thing just dissapeared with the hd universe. Hiring your own bodyguards or having your own gang, GORE. Oh I miss gore, im not into bowels lying around and shit, but a minigun would fucking destroy you. And there¨s no chainsaw... Oh crap I bought this game for like 60 dollars or sth and rushed through it and now it's useless. Dont care about online and dont wanna shoot pedestrians for 80 weeks to get money for all the cinemas for michael. only 3 viewable movies...
I was done with this game after story mode- save for pouring god-knows-how-many hours into Online only to reach level 50 a year later. And I wonder why this game depresses me.
Here's what I hate about Gta V/Online Everything's expensive Rockstar only cares about Online Loading screen aka cloud simulator Cops Grinding for hours just to get 1 super car or apartment No story dlc The game gets boring in an hour Players throwing sticky bombs at your personal vehicle and then detonating it Players playing terrible music through their mic
+Josh Houston i know how u feel mostly my garage is full with cars from the street(except kuruma) at least thank god they put passive mode(the only place safe from idiots or hackers)
The passive mode its what rages me the most Like if you put passive mode you can still die from being ram'ed over by other player It will be cool if the player needs to pay a absurdly amount of money just because he ram over you in the passive mode But all he need to pay i like a hundred dollars(in the game) and the majority of the players of gta online(MAJORITY) have at least more than 50K dollars in their bank, so its ridiculous.... The only "good" thing is that if the players do this so much times they get a "lame" hat and put a room with others "lame" players.
Every car has to be at the price of a golden bugatti Like really rockstar, im not playing 1.7 million dollars for a jaguar f type ripoff thats gets beaten easily by cheaper jester race car
It's more than just that. (Don't judge if you don't like, or comment it if you agree) 1. It's known. Peds call 911 for me just standing there doing nothing wrong or punch me without apparent reason. 2. There are very,very and very fucking few few few buildings I can assess, compared to other gta series. Things you can do in this game are limited. 3. There are so many sports, races, parachuting, parkours more than I can find myself doing criminal or heroic activities like San Andreas. 4. The checkpoints on main story is just a fuckin' tiny red circle, I can't see it from far distance, especially when I try to land aircrafts of any kind 5. Aircraft control on pc still does not improve any better 6. Why the hell do we have to play another apps on our real phone to train Chop? I know rockstar tried to prevent people playing cracked version but It's inconvenience. 7. There is a glitch that happens to most people when you try to buy stocks. When you click on one company, it appears on other companies. If you bought some, the money will disappear in thin air. 8. The top part of the map are totally wasted. How often do you pay your visit to that part? 2 or 3 missions? 9. The rewards for collectibles are seriously joking. Besides, most collectibles are hidden in ridiculously inconspicuous places. On top of number 8, exploration sucks, The witcher 3 was so much better. 10. Why we can't threaten shopkeepers at gunpoint other than convenience store like San Andreas? simply put, I hope we can use weapons at store. 11. Physics was so much better in gta 4 as a whole. 12. Why do we have to skip all the cut scenes in order to achieve Gold? I don't understand 13. Sometimes, parts of the mission we have to achieve are even ridiculous. For example, flying a chopper through a tunnel. 14. NPCs can be beaten to death by one or two punches lol 15. The main characters have a fragile constitution when you ran into something like a pole or walls, it's like their bodies are made of paper, even a breeze can blow themselves away. 16. Characters stats do not mean a shit. Max driving and flying are basically useless, special ability can back to square one later on anyway. max shooting, stamina and strength won't make you a lot easier. (I missed that CJ can train to be a dual wielder). Things I love in gta 5 1. Characters switching. The first gta series in the history for players to enjoy playing missions in three different perspectives. The heists are nearly amazing here. 2. Graphics, but not the best compared to other video games.
Leng Zai you forgot.. you can’t even step foot into cop or gang territory. They’ll either shoot you, shout taunts, beat you to death, or all of the above. And they’ll kill you if you try to walk away
I think I know what the problem is with GTA V that most (if not all) of the people that hate it. It's a quite a long explanation, so just bear with me. When the 3D universe GTA's were released starting with GTA 3, even though it was MA-rated title I believe that Rockstar's target audience was people WELL UNDER 17-year-olds. I believe that the intended target audience for GTA 3 was for early- to mid-teens, and as Rockstar progressed through Vice City and San Andreas they were clinging to the SAME target audiences as they grew up and matured; that's why they started adding more and more adult themes in each succeeding game, because they believed that their maturing target audience could handle it (and indeed we did). When it came to the HD universe with GTA IV and RDR (I realize that RDR is outside of the GTA universe) Rockstar started implementing more DARKER tones and even more adult content to make their games more 'realistic,' lifelike with drama and sadness (all ADULT THEMES), and movie/cinema-like because most of their original target audience were either nearing adulthood or were already adults, and could handle the darker tones. In a sense, they stuck with the same target audience as they grew up and matured and accommodated accordingly. But when it comes to GTA V, it feels as though they hit the refresh button on their target demographic and created a game for pre-pubescent children or kids in their early teens. That's why the jokes and so-called 'comedy' in the game are so damn stale, the story was so lackluster not compelling or appealing in any way, the checkpoint system during missions (which they instituted from RDR) made that missions too damn easy and not challenging AT ALL, the shitty driving mechanics and dumbed-down RAGE and Euphoria engines, the OP shooting mechanics where EVERY bullet hits its target in full-automatic (even in GTA IV the outer reticule would expand when firing fully-automatic to let the player know that accuracy IS being affected). All in all, GTA V was a colossal let-down and an epic FAIL in my book. The level of disappointment I experienced while playing this game after restlessly awaiting its release date was absolutely DISHEARTENING, and I believe many of my fellow GTA V haters could attest to my rant.
I couldent agree more. I was looking forward to this game SO much for over a year, I get two weeks paid vacation a year at my job and I even booked a week off the week this game came out, wow what a mistake, barley played it that week, pushed threw the story but didn't enjoy the little time I spent playing. This is 2 terrible games in a row now, when they announce gta6 is coming out I wont care, wont talk about it, wont pre order it, might not ever buy it at all. Rockstar has become one of those game makers that I will have to test, rent or try out the game before buying anything from them in the future. It makes me sick that Rockstar made so much money off GTA5 mainly because of loyal fans like you and me looking forward and hyping up the game so much only for them to turn around and piss all over our faces.
One more thing: Rockstar SHAMELESSLY tried to cover up for their marginally entertaining and mediocre campaign by throwing a bunch of useless free DLCs to distract us from how painfully lackluster the singleplayer was. Shame on Rockstar.
Or the location and time period of the three games are completely different. GTA IV = East Coast. Known for being more serious than West Coast. RDR = Set during the days of the Wild West (or close) Fucking crazy out there. GTA V = West Coast. Completely different world out there.
diehardfan56 and to add to this, the guy who leaves out at the point in a heist where all you need to do is reach the final objective location and get paid... is THE PENULTIMATE DOUCHEBAG OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!! unless its a legit lag-out connection problem, in which case GET A BETTER INTERNET CONNECTION FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not a gameplay footage. It's just a pivot animation showing and demonstrating the problems of the game. (Seriously, people say his vids are mostly jokes, but... I gotta say. ALL OF THEM ARE ACCURATE.)
People talks about gta 4 realism but you guys are hypocrites at the same time. If you stand in front of a cop in real life , what would think it’s going to happen? The cop even warns him about moving away from him , but if he still stands there then that’s where you get arrested. Makes sense. Gta 4 I played it recently and it sucks
I hate whenever the cops crash into your car and act like you did it and start shooting you. The cops does not even feel like cops since theyre not fun to get away from but just annoying
Skydiving I don't open my parachute, but fall in water *Dies* Me: Throws everything out window, then sets it on fire. Then puts it out, just to set it on fire again.
This vid is so true XD From my point of view, GTA V disappointed me. I expected a sequel of GTA SA with GTA IV physics. But they come with a new system that I didn’t like at all. To sum it up in one phrase, GTA V feels dull, emotionless and repetitive due to it’s bad implemented mechanics. Graphics are extremely nice, it feels cool to drive (even though it could be a bit better), the acuatic world and sidequests are cool too, and there are a lot of cool ideas into the game, but all of them are really bad implemented. First, I was very disappointed with the physics. Getting out of the car in GTA IV at 200 km/h and land two km ahead after hitting the shit out of everything was awesome. I was expecting something better here. But no. You just jump out of the car, hit two things and land 20 meters ahead, and the WASTED screen appears with no emotion at all. I wanted to collide front to front with other car and fly the shit out of the window more often than in GTA IV, but no. WASTED. Instead of showing me all the transition of how I fly through the air until I land totally wrecked, I see a single photogram of the dude flying with the WASTED on screen. Why did they do it like that? They removed all the excitement of wrecking all the shit of yourself!! Then the weapons. I don’t feel difference between a pistol and a machinegun. Too much variety of weapons and they feel all the same if you ask me. Except from the missile launcher and the sniper rifle, the rest are all the same. I was expecting the katana from GTA SA, but nope, no katana anywhere. It was a funny detail that they didn’t even bother bringing back. This game needed a bit of gore. No chainsaw, no flamethrower… In fact, they’ve designed a lot of generic weapons that aren’t very different one from another. And some weapons work really bad, like the gas bomb. And also, the fighting system sucks. In the end, the most effective thing you can do is get inside a car and throw sticky bombs and detonated them when you are far away. If you try another thing, you’ll get WASTED in a matter of minutes. This kind of thing gets repetitive over a while. I expected some martial art learning too, like in GTA SA, where you could learn Karate, but nope. The three dudes fight exactly the same. They have the skill thingy, but aside from Franklin’s skill, Michael’s and Trevor one should work longer. I liked the jump and fall feature, but there’s not much you can do with it. As physics suck (or at least are boring), the feature is dull too. And sneaking? Totally useless feature. It just works in some missions and then is useless (Like the silenced pistols) The IA is a disaster. Civilians not only are dumb and not interactive, but annoying and repetitive. Specially the police. During the missions, enemies act as you would expect, and are quite challenging. But then you confront the police and get your ass WASTED. It doesn’t matter if you have a wall behind for the cops not circle you, they fucking rape you. Specially with helicopters: They are annoying. They hit you from up there!! (Well, the main character too XD). And this is when the shooting system fails: you can only focus on one dude, and the rest destroys you, because the player doesn’t resist too much. In my opinion, these games should have dumb IA most of the time in order to have fun doing havoc (Like Just Cause). But nope. They configured the IA in order to be annoying. Maybe some dudes helping you would be cool in order to cause havoc (where you can give them orders maybe), but you are so fucking alone that you get WASTED and frustrated. Then the history is enjoyable, but bad executed (Like almost everything on the game). It starts Ok, but then it gets cheesy. I am not very good at judging stories, but it felt that they’ve developed the worst things and not the most interesting ones. They put more emphasis on Trevor living on a strip club rather than a backstory where Nico Bellic could’ve appeared in the actual game (He was just named!!). Or even CJ could’ve appeared. They could’ve done that at least. But nope. I feel that the story is just too bizarre and childish. The story is cool until Trevor, Michael and Franklin met themselves, then it’s just a linear story with cheesy endings. Then, too much sarcasm. Too much, to the point it gets annoying, disgusting, bizarre and repetitive. You see my point at the beginning? Repetitive is always there. Then customization sucks. For weapons, you only change some colors and all the upgrades are identical for every weapon. Some of them useless, like the silencer, because even if you get on top of a building and shoot, you’ll get nailed by the almighty police. For cars, no nitro, no bumping. But it’s somewhat cool even so. It would’ve been nice if you could modify a car with weapons and gadget (In fact, there are mission where you use cars with gadgets). But nope. Keep using your sticky bombs from the car. Then for clothes, you have little freedom to customize. I want to use smoking with shorts but I can’t. You can’t buy houses (Unless you are on online). And the garage system sucks. Online is cool, it has lots of nice game modes, but you end up waiting more to play than playing itself. And that sucks. I don’t mind getting killed by a kid with a sticky bomb. But you take lots of time to play something and it’s annoying. But what I hate most of this game is the quantity of useless features that it has. They aren’t bad, but they don’t work correctly on the game!! Having a cellphone it’s awesome. You can call people, but most of them are occupied. There are only three dudes from 50 contacts which will wanna do something with you. The rest are useless. You can look things on the web, but you can only use it to buy cars. Yeah, having actions is cool also, but I don’t even know how it works!! You recruit people to make heists, but then you never contact them! Doing yoga is dumb. Doesn’t work at all. On GTA SA you could go to the Gym and develop muscles which helped you to get stronger for real, but here you do some lame ass yoga which fulfills your special gauge whenever it wants. Even the game picked on me when I passed it because I did the yoga minigame one or two times, which is even more annoying. Then the stadistics system is so useless and boring. In GTA SA you could get fat or get musculous. And even get respect, sex appeal, and many cool features which really helped you out! (Dual gunning for example). But here only two or three are effective and are dull and get relatively little difference on your gameplay. And the list continues… All in all, I admit that I am nitpicky and that I come from an older generation of gamers, which prefer details and single player mode. And maybe I am totally wrong. But I don’t know. I want to enjoy the game but I can’t. I feel like I am always doing the same. And I don’t want to try any other feature because it’s annoying for sure (I don’t know how could I walk 8km with Michael on the desert in order to get a new mission). I retake my point: The game has nice features, but they are all badly executed. It’s not like GTA SA, were everything was, idk, cool!! Maybe I am just too nostalgic (In fact, GTA SA was probably the game that most shocked me in my entire life due to it’s open world mechanic) and kids these day feel the same way I do when I played GTA SA for the first time as they play GTA V for the first time. But well, this game along with many others (Like Assassin’s Creed) ended up ruining my love for videogames. I understand that videogames converted into a source of money productive as cars and cellphones, but I don’t understand why did they lose all their magic. Parkour on Prince Of Persia was awesome, but in Assassin’s Creed it feels dull and repetitive. Fighting in POP (Lol) was cool and flashy, Idk why did they change it so much in AC. Final Fantasy IX had such an essense that made wanna play it even though it’s mechanics were a bit dull, while Final Fantasy XIII-2 felt as if the game was playing for me. I’d rather play Dragon Ball Final Bout rather than Xenoverse. I suck so much at online games due to lag and unleveled. And I don’t know if this happen to you, but when I play Uncharted or Last Of Us (Single Player Mode) it feels as if you only have one way to solve something, unlike games like Metal Gear where you have tons of way to solve a situation and you feel like all of them are right. (Maybe I am just nuts or it means I am an obsessive) I don’t know, the games sure look awesome and I don’t say they are bad, but it feels like videogames just play for us and have all the fun, while the player waits until the moment he can do something. That’s my impression these days. I hope somebody realizes this and develop games where players have fully control of them. PD: Sorry for writing too much. I know I won't win anything. But each time I turn my console on, I don’t know what to play because I start thinking all this and I want to know if I am not the only one. I was really disappointed with this game. I expected somthing revolutionary and got the same impression as most of the games out there today.
+Degue1297 that's why i almost take GTA V as a racing game. the creator and driving phiisics are the best features in my opinion. i don't even touch story mode anymore. but the liberty you have to create racetracks is amazing. ''GTA 5 is the best racing game i ever played. you can name hundreds of racing games and i'll say why i prefer GTA.''
+Degue1297 That was a nice read, and I agree with EVERYTHING. For me too, V is a huge dissapointment. Anything V did, both SA and IV just did it a whole lot better. I too was expecting a magic mix of the best things about SA and IV, and only ended up getting a bad mix of the worst things and stupid things from other games. Anything from: Driving, Shooting, Melee Fighting, Characters, Side Activites, Soundtrack, Pedestrian Interaction, Rewards, Story, Protagonists, Cheats!, Wanted Level System, Vehicle List, Weapons, every single one of these dissapointed me in V, but were really really great in both San Andreas and IV.
Let's not forget the 30 frames on Singleplayer, 15 frames on Multiplayer, invisible drivers in Multiplayer, disappearing cars on Multiplayer, and the fact it takes 30 bullets to kill a player...
Because they came to PC, but PC gaming is terrible because it has horrible experience on PC gaming, and also, GTA 5 PC versions will gets copied or pirated easily, Rockstar games should not making this game for PC due the piracy problem
oshawott98 I'm not quite sure what language you are speaking, but I only game on PC and have never had any issues with performance and or my experience. Graphic quality is actually proven to be better on pc, given you have the latest graphics card. Piracy is another thing, but it is possible to pirate games for consoles as well. Its not that hard. Also, the servers for GTA Online are separated (just found about that). PC for PC, and consoles for consoles (separated of course)
Aaro Hirvensalo Um...I'm no professional but they have to play the game, before they can pass fair judgement, right? Would you prefer for someone to judge this game before they've played it? Idiot.
2013: It was released today and we liked it 2014: A re-release of the game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One version of the game was released with various enhancements 2015: A PC release with a Director Mode feature and a Rockstar Editor feature and a Ill Gotten Gains Parts I and II DLC was released featuring a new radio station called The Lab which plays hip hop songs just like Radio Los Santos and West Coast Classics 2016: Some new updates for Grand Theft Auto Online 2017: Still receiving some updates for Grand Theft Auto Online yet again 2018: More updates again 2019: Still more stuff being made 2020: Still going on 2021: We're making some progress 2022: Expanded and Enhanced version has been released for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S version of the game was released with technical upgrades and performance modes like Fedelity, Performance and Performance RT 2023: Somewhat new updates were released 2024: Unconfirmed 2025: Grand Theft Auto VI would have been out by then
In GTA 5, its illegal stand next to a person
It's fine when you break all traffic laws, having your rpg out in public, but standing next to a person? That's fucked up dude.
@Spencer Payton well it's murder what do you expect
4 is wayy better than 5
Social distancing.
Is everything in this game illegal?
Hey, what are you doing? ……
That’s it, I’m calling the cops.
fun fact: the reason you could still get a wanted level in the middle of nowhere is because animals such as birds, mountain lions, etc. are actually programmed to call the cops
They fixed that though.
haha not the birds online.... you mean the KARENS???
@@LiberatedMind1 no they didn't you get cops for anything lol
@@arihalvorsen7122 Oh...
@@arihalvorsen7122 Karens r the devil sibling
whole video should've been a loading screen
nah man nah man that’s fallout 4
Nah man thats metal gear online
@@الفلاح-غ6س no one on those servers lmao, dope fun game online but no one plays it
nah nah nah nah that’s the PS4 version
@@GaminatorA I got ps4 only takes like 1-2 minutes what kinda bootleg ps4 you got?
1:48 that pisses me off when im playing this game
El problema que me ha
dakota B W
Thats why padestrians in gta 5 are 75% stupid
@@axelmendoza7799 more Like 99%
Brandoneieiwie Abrahams why don’t speed Spanish sorry
Me: *uses the fastest car in the game during a cop chase*
Cop car: *Goes ham on the acceleration*
me: *Hijacks cop car*
me: *Cop car accelerates like a normal car*
iStoleAHorse XD cop cars are fast
Yup so true so true
Literally every time I get into a cop car during a chase the tires either immediately get shot out or are already fucked up, and for some reason the other cop card are fast as hell and are indestructible, it’s so many problems with this game I wouldn’t even be able to list it all
I'm laughing at how accurate this is. The stealth is a complete joke.
Flynner102 The stealth is useless. At least in san andreas you got a couple of missions in which you used it, and it was fun! In here it's just like "Yea, u can.. Y'know... Crouch or whatevah... "
Flynner102 Does anybody understand why you get job points in this game? I'm level 214 and I still don't get it... XD
i_Plagi That's JP? Holy shit I've got no idea...
BakuTex XD Yeah! We need to call Rockstar support so they explain it to us! ^^
BakuTex he doesnt even crouch.. he looks like he shit his pants when he "crouches" lol
Tbh it's the cops that ruin GTA V
MrBugsie x111 yea, and cops arrests you FOR no reason, but in IV, they just Chill out.
They either have full spider senses and know where the fuck you are at any time so hiding is useless and you cant kill a fly without them showing up to murder you.
Or they literally dont do shit to you.
and all the loading and server errors
For me, the community, lag in general, the "error go and play campaign", and I only played on ps3 so... The mods, but Rockstar and the rest be like: hA tHat PeoPle is pO0r, letS jUst FoCus oN tHe neXt gEn.
you can turn off the cops in gta4 online sessions
The updated version:
Not able to walk 3 feet without getting orbital cannoned or blown up by some asshole on a mk2
Play story mode
And ladies and gentlemen this is why i stick to Sleeping Dogs nowadays
@@MillennialZ666 I used to love that game, beat it about 4 times once under 24 hours
This whole vid could be the loading screen. By the time it's done you're 10 years older.
quitting session...
+i'm hungry hi
if you are playing on a fucking old gen console it will on my ps4 it loads in half a minute kid
+WERES THE BLEACH well it also depends on your internet speed
Youre salty as hell. Theres nothing wrong in playing gta v on an old gen console. You are the kid in here...
Get pc, get good. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mike Upton u know what isn’t true? The way you spelled true. 😂 jk that was a terrible joke ima go.
1:48 "*Seriosly? Face*"
Standing is an assault, sorry there's no proven of your innocence
@Mike Upton Ture
That part was racist
Loading screen when home alone:
Loading screen when family are around:
Good point
That pedo bear in the distance at 0:17 tho
@@theslaughter1696 *insert lenny face*
Droid mation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
so true
It is be so annoying when your on a bike
Yep it is like wth I used the fastest car but they hit me with there crappy car
Why GTA V was a fucking disappointment!
1.Lack Of Interiors
2.Can't buy safehouses
3. Extremely terrible and forgettable storyline
4.Unlikeable, annoying and dickheaded protagonists
5.Heists are only structured for the story
6.Can't purchase animals
7.Limited car customization
8.No Gang Wars
9. Cops are annoying as fuck!
10.Controls feel sluggish and extremely slow.
If GTA 6 is anything like this, I'm done with the series.
Tetsuo Shima 11. Johnny Klebitz died in this Part...
N4Cer stfu you GTA nuthugger. How old are you, 12? Stupid child.
Sucks with Gta 5 Bull god
N4Cer i only agree with the cops being annoying
sebastian prosperi Tetsuo sees your profile pic
My reasons for why GTA V sucked:
1. CHEATS WERE ASS (Limited invincibility?!? Come ON)
2. No gang wars (You should have freedom to be affiliated if you so choose)
3. No different fighting styles.
4. Hard to make pedestrians fight each other.
5. Can't go work out anymore? Or get fat? Or skinny?
7. No fun easter eggs? Can we at least fly the damn spaceships we find??
8. Because San Andreas was better. Add everything you had for San Andreas back into this and it's the best game ever…. smh
***** online is what sucked for me
micheal plays oh same profile pic I see
***** Agreed. What i thought was a let down was the lack of enterable buildings, that kind of makes an open world game feel dull. Not only that, but Los Santos doesn't really feel anything like the real-life Los Angeles imo.
***** stop being blind by nostalgia
Gta 5 suck
My parents are officer and I can confirm that they do have a speed boost button.
so what husband and wife?
me: uhh standing
Brandon Sweet wut?
1:44 When you notice the color of them you'll realize that this is indeed very realistic
3:27 I bet even in that time, GTA VI didn't come out.
Or Portal 3 or cod BO5
@@kareemkiller3640 it revealed the cod bo5
@@endcena or saints row 5
Or just cause 5
Or gta vi
Come on the loading screen is way more longer than that!
I think I died while waiting.
+Wolf Savage lol
Buy a better Pc
+Solider Doge Its a joke
1:44 is so true man
Aaaa My old account
Bob the Tomato bruh
*stands at a bus stop*
*a person is next to me*
hey? What r u doing?
me: I'm waiting for the b-
that's it I'm calling the cops
me: BRUH
that doesn't happen on next gen tho
Yeah it does
Me: **kills the guy with shotgun**
@@g4z666 Username checks out
@@DJC-System wha?
Best thing about GTA5:
"JOIN THIS PARKOUR FOR 100000000RP AND 10000000000 CASH!!!!"
this video: *exists*
99% of gamers: Why would you say someting so controversial, yet so brave?
More like 99% of bandwagon idiots: I agree for no reason
@@Don_Salieri1899 ? Gta v has flaws. Like DRM
I hate the kill streak screen. It hurts my eyes so much
DerekThe1158th ikr
DerekThe1158th it makes my stomach feel weird
What is the music from the kill streak short on this video I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!
Doggo Died that is so old
Tyler Brown and sorry idk
This happens to me a lot and it annoys the crap out of me.
When I’m escaping the cops at a very high speed on a highway, and I’m about to lose my wanted level, a cop spawns right in my path and I can’t stop since I’m going so fast, then, the moment they see me, they start going 400 mph towards me and I can’t get them off my tail.
Ikr it's very annoying to this day.
Cop AI ruined that game. much rather have a graphical downgrade and keep the old physics engine from gta 4.
I can't even be mad at this video, NPCs in GTA V are either very sensitive or very aggressive there's no in between
It's supposed to be a parody of us.
That's LA (I mean "Los Santos") for you ;)
Gta 5 is a video game, video games are supposed fun and entertaining so we can escape reality, not have Cockstar try to parody annoying hyper sensitive people from California as poorly designed A.I.
@@wilsonno9675 Yeah.
Okay! I've customized my Tornado, lets go back to mansion.
*Almost at the mansion when npc car comes out of nowhere and wrecks my 50's automobile*
I hate this feeling
This is so damn accurate.
Anthony Koval So true! Especially the scene with the plane made me laugh :D :D :D
i_Plagi haha its actually true, you try to take off in a plane and it takes forever!!
calm down bud. no need to tell someone to burn in hell over an opinion. did you forget to grow up yet? you might wanna start now
In a way the rager is correct but he kinda over did it. Most of these things are in the game to add realistic and life like this to GTA. And most of the things in this video were overdramatized
GTAV Online in a shellnut.
Player1: hey dude, you wanna do a mission?
Player2: ...................... *throws Sticky Bomb*
anyone notice the video length?
Oh no..
Smity Head I did lel
420? time to blaze it...🚬😌😏
1:38 like the song? it's called can you feel my heart by Bring me the horizon.
Thanks! You deserve more likes.
Why’d you comment this twice?
3:24 GTA 5 Players waiting for GTA 6 be like:
1:37 like the song? The song is called can you feel my heart by Bring me the horizon.😀 Nuf said.
Its funny that was used before it became the chad meme
Bro is in the illuminati😅😅😅
These are so true but I still love the game for some reason
Because its fun :)
Kayky Gabriel it's boring af
In my opinion its awesome
Because you ain't gotta choice
The story is great
2014: What? Why? Sure the game has its problems, but overall it's a masterpiece.
2020: 100% agree, but you forgot about the armed satellites and flying rocket motorcycles.
LOL, People still play that game?? Man that game sucks!!
Cops hit me first .... Then 1 star ....
Frisk and Chara ya expect one star turn in to 5 stars in 3 minutes
Character movement sluggish and non fluent, cyborg cops, garbage ass stealth, inconsistant weapon damage, piss poor gta community, overpriced items, passive mode unreliable.....gta online is a piss poor experience.
did u play it?
dumb dumb dumb. next gen is just as bad.
yes. reason
1- same shitty controls
2- nothing new
3- still no animal online
4- graphics is still the same
5- still no casino
6-- still no mansion
7- still the same shitty missions
8- first person sucks
9- exclusives sucks
if you pay $60 again for this shit, you are a fool.
this is the reason you don't deserve good things. R* laughs at sheep like you. they don't care about you. all they care about is your money. if you are so loyal why don't you sell your parent's house and everything you own and donate the money to R*? id you think GTA PS4 is worth another $60, there is something wrong with you head.
you are an unfaithful bitch. if you are loyal to rockstar, you should at least spend $1 million dollars on shark cards.
Love how the vid is exactly 4:20 long
GTA 5 : Best Gameplay
GTA IV : Best Storyline
GTA SA : Best Gameplay and Storyline
Like if u agree!
gtasa is best
Yushiro Shihoin Yep
Only 7 people liked Lol
gta3 best nostalgia
+Diamond Pro324 Maybe the endings. But the complete storyline could be resumed in one word: "Cliché"
2:03 this is essentially what happens irl
1:43 is really true every time I walk up to someone there like I'm calling the cops and I'm like are u kidding me
I know right
3:37 me 75% of the time when I try to join a game
Only 75%? Hehe
Your biggest threat is when it says time out locating session
75%? Heh those are baby numbers
meanwhile in 2021:
1. Cant walk around without some jackass on a oppressor mk2 killing you.
2. Cant go anywhere because a dumbass modder thinks its funny to cage and teleport people to "their" apartment.
3. Cant even do one simple ass heist without being disconnected for some bullshit reason.
4. people never do the armor shipments and make the mission 100x harder to stealth through (or they do it partially so you can headshot the enemy. Which is nice)
Did you mention the bland characters and lackluster story... Nope.
The setting and characterisation is why we like GTA games... Other franchises offer "crazy" sandbox and good mechanics.
They should'nt have split the game into three or focus so much resources on online.
RIP GTA franchise. Greed got you.
RIP Grand Theft Auto
And the word "Hipster" needs to be retired. in one mission, Michael accuses Trevor of being a hipster, on the account of his clothing choice, musical tastes and his hometown, because "hipster".
That moment when one of the cringey moments of GTA is a mutual conversation between two protagonists.
***** Not to mention in GTA IV, cheats were saved once you typed them on the in-game phone. Who wants to quickly try to press a combination of buttons while you only have so little HP left?
All of this is so fucking true. I've tried playing this game over and over for the past three days now, but the game's general problems combined with the awful online community have just ruined it for me. In the end, I feel like my expectations for the game were set too high thanks to all the praise that I recall people giving it, and because I played the Saint's Row games first and I'm used to how those work (gameplay wise) compared to this one.
Honestly, it's a damn shame. I really wanted to like this game, but I just can't. :L
The old gta games from 1990's-2000's will always be the best era for rockstar
Nahh you’re smoking
@@YVman24 I'm not
@@christopherarcher5271 yes you are
@@YVman24 I'm not this is just my personal opinion
@@christopherarcher5271 Donkey Kong
7k people can't take a joke.
1:38 bro predicted giga chad memes
I wanted to say the same thing but you already did
1:55 happens to me all the time
Police Cars are faster than my Supersport Cars
@@nahin6553 basically rockstar wants the cops to be fast in order to catch up instead of just blocking the entire street with spike stripes
@@nahin6553 just drive a motorcycle and you won't make it
I use the boost to my advantage.
I pity those who have only played GTA V and Online. Seriously.
@TrSolaretorX َ hands down one of the most underrated titles in the franchise along with LCS
all facts in this video, is true...
it is
it is
espelly the loading screen
I agree
the cancerous fnaf furry is right
and now 2019: 15 fps on free mode consoles.
-Mk II and every stupid ridiculous futuristic weapons and vehicles added to the game since 2017.
I hate the futuristic guns I wanted a Scar or something normal.
LMAO This video is awesome and true, I love how a murder in the middle of nowhere gets you 1-2 stars, making silencers and stealth rating pointless since there is no such thing as stealth kills apparently even in the middle of the ocean.
here's a few more. Get on the FIB building or any other sky scraper, aim your sniper at the hustling, bustling city below you and see.....NO ONE! Becomes a barren wasteland instantly leaving you no targets to shoot.
Stealing tanks. jets, cargo planes, etc from the air base load it into your hanger to watch it disappear when you want to use. Apparently GTA has gone soft and wants you purchase vehicles as opposed to stealing them which is the whole meaning of its name. Your characters are capable of driving everything from a bicycle to fighter jets, but apparently trains & ships are too complicated for them. The stock market is like an afterthought only works for Lester missions and pretty much useless after that. GTA 5 overall is a weak release from Rockstar.
Joe Doe No I don't think that it's a weak release but there are many annoying problems that were shown into the video. I'm sure it's better on the new generation consoles. (My PS3 sometimes freezes while I'm playing online :/ )
i_Plagi no these are all bugs on Xbox One/PS4 as well. Like jumping and punching instantly folds your guy in half and he turns into a ragdoll. Hell even Super Mario on NES could jump and punch without falling on his face.
Its a weak release imo because of all of half baked ideas thrown into it and things that have been abandoned that should be brought back like in GTA 2 you could pick which of 3 gangs you did jobs for and it would influence the the other twos like/dislike for you. How in 2015 can your option of choosing your own destiny in a sandbox game be removed? Now they just use convoluted stories that don't make sense because the 3 characters in GTA 5 back stories and reasonings don't make any sense.
Also attacking is much better on San Andreas because you could learn boxing, kickboxing, karate, etc and you could do hand to hand combat much better than the sloppy looping hooks and slow awkward kicks you do on GTA 5.
When you really break it down GTA 5 is not a very good designed game and is a step backwards. You buy some buildings and can't even get into them, you can't keep some vehicles you steal, storing larger vehicles in hangers is buggy and half the time disappears, etc
It would be nice if they addressed these bugs and shrunk the map to make every building useable and every vehicle driveable(including trains and ships).
I doubt they'll ever fix the flaws with the series though as people buy it just because it's name is on the box at this point so there is no need to actually improve anything.
Joe Doe Yeah GTA V is a great example of a great series selling out extreamly. It gains billions just from the name alone. Instead of feeling like a sequel to GTA it felt more like sellout reboot. The story was forgetful and cliche, and like you poin,t out its filled with missed opportunities and flaws.
Joe Doe I feel you, man. I played V and IV only for the storyline (I even bought an xbox 360 solely for GTA IV) and I quit after that. There's nothing to do. The skyscraper sniping is exactly what happened to me. Nobody to shoot. I remember having much much more fun in VC and SA. There are some great improvements like when robbing a liquor store you actually see the clerk operating the till and when humping a prostitute you can see her in action too, but so many great thing just dissapeared with the hd universe. Hiring your own bodyguards or having your own gang, GORE. Oh I miss gore, im not into bowels lying around and shit, but a minigun would fucking destroy you. And there¨s no chainsaw... Oh crap I bought this game for like 60 dollars or sth and rushed through it and now it's useless. Dont care about online and dont wanna shoot pedestrians for 80 weeks to get money for all the cinemas for michael. only 3 viewable movies...
I was done with this game after story mode- save for pouring god-knows-how-many hours into Online only to reach level 50 a year later. And I wonder why this game depresses me.
0:16 anyone see the bear being a stalker to the girl
Itz ya boi Rj _YT yes
I never notice that and I watch this before. Good eye
No shit
I made this a year ago, epic
Here's what I hate about Gta V/Online
Everything's expensive
Rockstar only cares about Online
Loading screen aka cloud simulator
Grinding for hours just to get 1 super car or apartment
No story dlc
The game gets boring in an hour
Players throwing sticky bombs at your personal vehicle and then detonating it
Players playing terrible music through their mic
+Josh Houston i know how u feel
mostly my garage is full with cars from the street(except kuruma)
at least thank god they put passive mode(the only place safe from idiots or hackers)
+I'm Blue™ Bounties are useless. Like you steal a car then seconds later you have a bounty on you. It's called Grand Theft Auto for a reason.
+Josh Houston ikr some dumbass kept shooting in my first heist setup for humane labs b4 the fucking fib came like wtf
The passive mode its what rages me the most
Like if you put passive mode you can still die from being ram'ed over by other player
It will be cool if the player needs to pay a absurdly amount of money just because he ram over you in the passive mode
But all he need to pay i like a hundred dollars(in the game) and the majority of the players of gta online(MAJORITY) have at least more than 50K dollars in their bank, so its ridiculous....
The only "good" thing is that if the players do this so much times they get a "lame" hat and put a room with others "lame" players.
Every car has to be at the price of a golden bugatti
Like really rockstar, im not playing 1.7 million dollars for a jaguar f type ripoff thats gets beaten easily by cheaper jester race car
The sad thing is, everything in this video is true.
So damn true
not the mototcycle exept for that i never die like that
i use atomic to avoid that but lololololol
you died many
No its not
Why GTA V sucks
Me: *drives up to Los Santos customs* Alright! Time to upgrade my Fut-*WASTED* You were sniped by WowYourALoser
Hahahahahahahah that is my profile name
In gta
Chara Dreemurr plays gta
hold on, a futo? look I aint no car snob but thats a good choice but, but they're bad
Chara Dreemurr - The pain of trying to upgrade your car and someone left proximity mines right at the entrance.
It's more than just that. (Don't judge if you don't like, or comment it if you agree)
1. It's known. Peds call 911 for me just standing there doing nothing wrong or punch me without apparent reason.
2. There are very,very and very fucking few few few buildings I can assess, compared to other gta series. Things you can do in this game are limited.
3. There are so many sports, races, parachuting, parkours more than I can find myself doing criminal or heroic activities like San Andreas.
4. The checkpoints on main story is just a fuckin' tiny red circle, I can't see it from far distance, especially when I try to land aircrafts of any kind
5. Aircraft control on pc still does not improve any better
6. Why the hell do we have to play another apps on our real phone to train Chop? I know rockstar tried to prevent people playing cracked version but It's inconvenience.
7. There is a glitch that happens to most people when you try to buy stocks. When you click on one company, it appears on other companies. If you bought some, the money will disappear in thin air.
8. The top part of the map are totally wasted. How often do you pay your visit to that part? 2 or 3 missions?
9. The rewards for collectibles are seriously joking. Besides, most collectibles are hidden in ridiculously inconspicuous places. On top of number 8, exploration sucks, The witcher 3 was so much better.
10. Why we can't threaten shopkeepers at gunpoint other than convenience store like San Andreas? simply put, I hope we can use weapons at store.
11. Physics was so much better in gta 4 as a whole.
12. Why do we have to skip all the cut scenes in order to achieve Gold? I don't understand
13. Sometimes, parts of the mission we have to achieve are even ridiculous. For example, flying a chopper through a tunnel.
14. NPCs can be beaten to death by one or two punches lol
15. The main characters have a fragile constitution when you ran into something like a pole or walls, it's like their bodies are made of paper, even a breeze can blow themselves away.
16. Characters stats do not mean a shit. Max driving and flying are basically useless, special ability can back to square one later on anyway. max shooting, stamina and strength won't make you a lot easier. (I missed that CJ can train to be a dual wielder).
Things I love in gta 5
1. Characters switching. The first gta series in the history for players to enjoy playing missions in three different perspectives. The heists are nearly amazing here.
2. Graphics, but not the best compared to other video games.
Leng Zai
LOL I just love your #8 spot on! 🤣 But yes I agree great points. I think GTA V is garbage.
Lots of writting
I get the point
Leng Zai you forgot.. you can’t even step foot into cop or gang territory. They’ll either shoot you, shout taunts, beat you to death, or all of the above. And they’ll kill you if you try to walk away
Really really really true
I still watch this to this day.
That was really well made and Hilarious xD
This still makes me laugh, it's so accurate
Armystuntman espacilay the cops in the game, holy shit those dudes will go anywere just to catch you
I think I know what the problem is with GTA V that most (if not all) of the people that hate it. It's a quite a long explanation, so just bear with me.
When the 3D universe GTA's were released starting with GTA 3, even though it was MA-rated title I believe that Rockstar's target audience was people WELL UNDER 17-year-olds. I believe that the intended target audience for GTA 3 was for early- to mid-teens, and as Rockstar progressed through Vice City and San Andreas they were clinging to the SAME target audiences as they grew up and matured; that's why they started adding more and more adult themes in each succeeding game, because they believed that their maturing target audience could handle it (and indeed we did).
When it came to the HD universe with GTA IV and RDR (I realize that RDR is outside of the GTA universe) Rockstar started implementing more DARKER tones and even more adult content to make their games more 'realistic,' lifelike with drama and sadness (all ADULT THEMES), and movie/cinema-like because most of their original target audience were either nearing adulthood or were already adults, and could handle the darker tones. In a sense, they stuck with the same target audience as they grew up and matured and accommodated accordingly.
But when it comes to GTA V, it feels as though they hit the refresh button on their target demographic and created a game for pre-pubescent children or kids in their early teens. That's why the jokes and so-called 'comedy' in the game are so damn stale, the story was so lackluster not compelling or appealing in any way, the checkpoint system during missions (which they instituted from RDR) made that missions too damn easy and not challenging AT ALL, the shitty driving mechanics and dumbed-down RAGE and Euphoria engines, the OP shooting mechanics where EVERY bullet hits its target in full-automatic (even in GTA IV the outer reticule would expand when firing fully-automatic to let the player know that accuracy IS being affected).
All in all, GTA V was a colossal let-down and an epic FAIL in my book. The level of disappointment I experienced while playing this game after restlessly awaiting its release date was absolutely DISHEARTENING, and I believe many of my fellow GTA V haters could attest to my rant.
Well they can't constantly stick with the same people. They have to refresh at some stage.
I couldent agree more. I was looking forward to this game SO much for over a year, I get two weeks paid vacation a year at my job and I even booked a week off the week this game came out, wow what a mistake, barley played it that week, pushed threw the story but didn't enjoy the little time I spent playing. This is 2 terrible games in a row now, when they announce gta6 is coming out I wont care, wont talk about it, wont pre order it, might not ever buy it at all. Rockstar has become one of those game makers that I will have to test, rent or try out the game before buying anything from them in the future. It makes me sick that Rockstar made so much money off GTA5 mainly because of loyal fans like you and me looking forward and hyping up the game so much only for them to turn around and piss all over our faces.
One more thing: Rockstar SHAMELESSLY tried to cover up for their marginally entertaining and mediocre campaign by throwing a bunch of useless free DLCs to distract us from how painfully lackluster the singleplayer was. Shame on Rockstar.
Steve Yagulyan not shame on rockstar shame on your bumb ass
Or the location and time period of the three games are completely different.
GTA IV = East Coast. Known for being more serious than West Coast.
RDR = Set during the days of the Wild West (or close) Fucking crazy out there.
GTA V = West Coast. Completely different world out there.
GTA V has the overpowered cops in all the saga... FBI, Military, COPS with car boosts, etc. kind of ridiculous
Only things in GTA V I hate is everyone in online murdering
and overpriced updates for online
updates are all free
Pat not the content it's a couple million now a days
Play the game and earn money then
I don't support shark cards
another thing to probably add to this video... heists............ ONE STUPID FUCKER LEAVES AND EVERYONE GETS BOOTED!!
diehardfan56 and to add to this, the guy who leaves out at the point in a heist where all you need to do is reach the final objective location and get paid... is THE PENULTIMATE DOUCHEBAG OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!
unless its a legit lag-out connection problem, in which case GET A BETTER INTERNET CONNECTION FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diehardfan56 i know the feelings....
***** lol ikr
Prepare GTA fanboys are comming!!
+Jarno Kockelkoren *gta 5 fanboys*
***** Yes, those people are called:
Hipsters with autism.
MrStickman1997 Exactly.
RandomStuff Stuff Amen
+overgrowntrain5 darjan true
Inaccurate: *Loading screen should have been 3 hours long*
Dislike, I was searching for a parody, no a real game footage
It's not a gameplay footage. It's just a pivot animation showing and demonstrating the problems of the game. (Seriously, people say his vids are mostly jokes, but... I gotta say. ALL OF THEM ARE ACCURATE.)
Are you dumb?
+The Gamer Kid it's a joke, i am saying it is too much realistic
+The Gamer Kid and I liked
actually in GTA IV people don't kill you for staying next to them and police don't trying to kill you at 1st wanted level :3
GTA sa for ever
People talks about gta 4 realism but you guys are hypocrites at the same time. If you stand in front of a cop in real life , what would think it’s going to happen? The cop even warns him about moving away from him , but if he still stands there then that’s where you get arrested. Makes sense. Gta 4 I played it recently and it sucks
*John Wick
Roman Bellic hey Roman wanna go bowling?
*Michael de santa, Trevor Phillips and Franklin Clinton*
I love this GTA game but, I kinda hate it a bit because of:
1: Cops
2: Cops
3: Cops
4: Cops
5: Cops
I hate whenever the cops crash into your car and act like you did it and start shooting you. The cops does not even feel like cops since theyre not fun to get away from but just annoying
Don’t forget about the NPC’s (they really not act like Civilians)
Hey what you doing?!
That's it I'm calling the cops
Me: Throws tv threw the window.
I don't open my parachute, but fall in water
Me: Throws everything out window, then sets it on fire. Then puts it out, just to set it on fire again.
This vid is so true XD
From my point of view, GTA V disappointed me. I expected a sequel of GTA SA with GTA IV physics. But they come with a new system that I didn’t like at all. To sum it up in one phrase, GTA V feels dull, emotionless and repetitive due to it’s bad implemented mechanics.
Graphics are extremely nice, it feels cool to drive (even though it could be a bit better), the acuatic world and sidequests are cool too, and there are a lot of cool ideas into the game, but all of them are really bad implemented.
First, I was very disappointed with the physics. Getting out of the car in GTA IV at 200 km/h and land two km ahead after hitting the shit out of everything was awesome. I was expecting something better here. But no. You just jump out of the car, hit two things and land 20 meters ahead, and the WASTED screen appears with no emotion at all. I wanted to collide front to front with other car and fly the shit out of the window more often than in GTA IV, but no. WASTED. Instead of showing me all the transition of how I fly through the air until I land totally wrecked, I see a single photogram of the dude flying with the WASTED on screen. Why did they do it like that? They removed all the excitement of wrecking all the shit of yourself!!
Then the weapons. I don’t feel difference between a pistol and a machinegun. Too much variety of weapons and they feel all the same if you ask me. Except from the missile launcher and the sniper rifle, the rest are all the same. I was expecting the katana from GTA SA, but nope, no katana anywhere. It was a funny detail that they didn’t even bother bringing back. This game needed a bit of gore. No chainsaw, no flamethrower… In fact, they’ve designed a lot of generic weapons that aren’t very different one from another. And some weapons work really bad, like the gas bomb.
And also, the fighting system sucks. In the end, the most effective thing you can do is get inside a car and throw sticky bombs and detonated them when you are far away. If you try another thing, you’ll get WASTED in a matter of minutes. This kind of thing gets repetitive over a while. I expected some martial art learning too, like in GTA SA, where you could learn Karate, but nope. The three dudes fight exactly the same. They have the skill thingy, but aside from Franklin’s skill, Michael’s and Trevor one should work longer. I liked the jump and fall feature, but there’s not much you can do with it. As physics suck (or at least are boring), the feature is dull too. And sneaking? Totally useless feature. It just works in some missions and then is useless (Like the silenced pistols)
The IA is a disaster. Civilians not only are dumb and not interactive, but annoying and repetitive. Specially the police. During the missions, enemies act as you would expect, and are quite challenging. But then you confront the police and get your ass WASTED. It doesn’t matter if you have a wall behind for the cops not circle you, they fucking rape you. Specially with helicopters: They are annoying. They hit you from up there!! (Well, the main character too XD). And this is when the shooting system fails: you can only focus on one dude, and the rest destroys you, because the player doesn’t resist too much. In my opinion, these games should have dumb IA most of the time in order to have fun doing havoc (Like Just Cause). But nope. They configured the IA in order to be annoying. Maybe some dudes helping you would be cool in order to cause havoc (where you can give them orders maybe), but you are so fucking alone that you get WASTED and frustrated.
Then the history is enjoyable, but bad executed (Like almost everything on the game). It starts Ok, but then it gets cheesy. I am not very good at judging stories, but it felt that they’ve developed the worst things and not the most interesting ones. They put more emphasis on Trevor living on a strip club rather than a backstory where Nico Bellic could’ve appeared in the actual game (He was just named!!). Or even CJ could’ve appeared. They could’ve done that at least. But nope. I feel that the story is just too bizarre and childish. The story is cool until Trevor, Michael and Franklin met themselves, then it’s just a linear story with cheesy endings. Then, too much sarcasm. Too much, to the point it gets annoying, disgusting, bizarre and repetitive. You see my point at the beginning? Repetitive is always there.
Then customization sucks. For weapons, you only change some colors and all the upgrades are identical for every weapon. Some of them useless, like the silencer, because even if you get on top of a building and shoot, you’ll get nailed by the almighty police. For cars, no nitro, no bumping. But it’s somewhat cool even so. It would’ve been nice if you could modify a car with weapons and gadget (In fact, there are mission where you use cars with gadgets). But nope. Keep using your sticky bombs from the car. Then for clothes, you have little freedom to customize. I want to use smoking with shorts but I can’t. You can’t buy houses (Unless you are on online). And the garage system sucks.
Online is cool, it has lots of nice game modes, but you end up waiting more to play than playing itself. And that sucks. I don’t mind getting killed by a kid with a sticky bomb. But you take lots of time to play something and it’s annoying.
But what I hate most of this game is the quantity of useless features that it has. They aren’t bad, but they don’t work correctly on the game!! Having a cellphone it’s awesome. You can call people, but most of them are occupied. There are only three dudes from 50 contacts which will wanna do something with you. The rest are useless. You can look things on the web, but you can only use it to buy cars. Yeah, having actions is cool also, but I don’t even know how it works!! You recruit people to make heists, but then you never contact them! Doing yoga is dumb. Doesn’t work at all. On GTA SA you could go to the Gym and develop muscles which helped you to get stronger for real, but here you do some lame ass yoga which fulfills your special gauge whenever it wants. Even the game picked on me when I passed it because I did the yoga minigame one or two times, which is even more annoying. Then the stadistics system is so useless and boring. In GTA SA you could get fat or get musculous. And even get respect, sex appeal, and many cool features which really helped you out! (Dual gunning for example). But here only two or three are effective and are dull and get relatively little difference on your gameplay. And the list continues…
All in all, I admit that I am nitpicky and that I come from an older generation of gamers, which prefer details and single player mode. And maybe I am totally wrong. But I don’t know. I want to enjoy the game but I can’t. I feel like I am always doing the same. And I don’t want to try any other feature because it’s annoying for sure (I don’t know how could I walk 8km with Michael on the desert in order to get a new mission). I retake my point: The game has nice features, but they are all badly executed. It’s not like GTA SA, were everything was, idk, cool!! Maybe I am just too nostalgic (In fact, GTA SA was probably the game that most shocked me in my entire life due to it’s open world mechanic) and kids these day feel the same way I do when I played GTA SA for the first time as they play GTA V for the first time. But well, this game along with many others (Like Assassin’s Creed) ended up ruining my love for videogames.
I understand that videogames converted into a source of money productive as cars and cellphones, but I don’t understand why did they lose all their magic. Parkour on Prince Of Persia was awesome, but in Assassin’s Creed it feels dull and repetitive. Fighting in POP (Lol) was cool and flashy, Idk why did they change it so much in AC. Final Fantasy IX had such an essense that made wanna play it even though it’s mechanics were a bit dull, while Final Fantasy XIII-2 felt as if the game was playing for me. I’d rather play Dragon Ball Final Bout rather than Xenoverse. I suck so much at online games due to lag and unleveled. And I don’t know if this happen to you, but when I play Uncharted or Last Of Us (Single Player Mode) it feels as if you only have one way to solve something, unlike games like Metal Gear where you have tons of way to solve a situation and you feel like all of them are right. (Maybe I am just nuts or it means I am an obsessive)
I don’t know, the games sure look awesome and I don’t say they are bad, but it feels like videogames just play for us and have all the fun, while the player waits until the moment he can do something. That’s my impression these days. I hope somebody realizes this and develop games where players have fully control of them.
PD: Sorry for writing too much. I know I won't win anything. But each time I turn my console on, I don’t know what to play because I start thinking all this and I want to know if I am not the only one. I was really disappointed with this game. I expected somthing revolutionary and got the same impression as most of the games out there today.
just write a fucking book about gta you piece of shit
+JakeK69 just shit up, butthurt fanboy.
+Degue1297 that's why i almost take GTA V as a racing game. the creator and driving phiisics are the best features in my opinion. i don't even touch story mode anymore. but the liberty you have to create racetracks is amazing. ''GTA 5 is the best racing game i ever played. you can name hundreds of racing games and i'll say why i prefer GTA.''
+anaDRaPs - ok^^
+Degue1297 That was a nice read, and I agree with EVERYTHING.
For me too, V is a huge dissapointment. Anything V did, both SA and IV just did it a whole lot better. I too was expecting a magic mix of the best things about SA and IV, and only ended up getting a bad mix of the worst things and stupid things from other games.
Anything from: Driving, Shooting, Melee Fighting, Characters, Side Activites, Soundtrack, Pedestrian Interaction, Rewards, Story, Protagonists, Cheats!, Wanted Level System, Vehicle List, Weapons, every single one of these dissapointed me in V, but were really really great in both San Andreas and IV.
you forgot one thing
when i try getting into a car and my character walks away from the car then go around it and THEN get in
2:10 Nighmare begins here
40% of the comment section saying this is true
99% butthurt cod fanboys
this doesn't even add up to 100%...
but your name is noscopedew
You should make a 2019 version of this video
a dud
Okay there better be a part two this was amazing
sir this is a 8 year old video
@@SovietDoge7PG I know, but I NEED it! It's awesome, and there are so many scumbag lying GTA RUclipsrs anymore
1:37 Gigachad song before it was the right time
Remember when Rockstar said that they were gonna do away with realism and actually make the gunplay fun? Neither do I.
1:10 I freakin hate when that happenes
Let's not forget the 30 frames on Singleplayer, 15 frames on Multiplayer, invisible drivers in Multiplayer, disappearing cars on Multiplayer, and the fact it takes 30 bullets to kill a player...
The bike one is so true. I only made 3 backflips in a bike, but when the bike lands, i die.
This is soo funny and true at the same hard XD XD XD
+Jorge Torres how the hell did hard come from time?
Yeah 😂
same here
Music blaring DON’T WANNA FALL
Fly’s out the window
And not getting up
Holy shit the nostalgia on this video is crazy
I hate it when I accidentally steal a car that Simeon needs so then I get a wanted level, so goddamn annoying
ONE THING I HATE ABOUT GTA V IS................parkour.
There is no parkour....
Vox Prime Legacy parkour is fun
compared to gta san andreas there is almost no parkour
Vox Prime Legacy parkour in iv was beast
ELONA 😀😀😀😀😀
Video ends at 4:20, to day is 4/20 what else?
oh shits
+Tyler Rivera Hitler's bday is 420
mabe cuz iz dank mlg
+Michael Gaming 4 sho dawg
Answer to most of these:
Passive mode, have good wifi.
not even close
PC is a positive answer, because it actually loads up really fast.
pc sucks
+Evil LeBron James #KingJames23 #kobeSuck no PC is the best! console sucks!
Good internet bot wi-fi Who the fuck uses wi-fi for gaming .-.
1:57 look at the car 😂😂
4k GTA 5 fans didn't liked this video
I bet I don't get likes
Haha lol pussy nub
@@meghanachauhan9380 i guess you are what u eat. That makes u a dick
@@meghanachauhan9380 boom goes da dynamite 🚬 💰 💸 🔫🌿🔪🍑
I hate cops only in GTA 5
I agree
Is it bad that I never played GTA V before?
No, just don't play it.
I still haven't bought GTA V so don't worry about it man.
overlordofdarkness01 Me too, I'm waiting the PC version.
blackeagle988 Even if it comes out for pc I won't be able to play because my pc sucks
GrandAndreasK1 I would LOVE to play it on the pc but I don't have a fast pc or any friends I could probably play with which sucks :c
2014: lmao so true.
The one thing i hate about GTA V is GTA V
Then dont play it. Simple.
+Aaro Hirvensalo seriously? is all what you have,that tells me that you dont have arguments to defend this shit
Because they came to PC, but PC gaming is terrible because it has horrible experience on PC gaming, and also, GTA 5 PC versions will gets copied or pirated easily, Rockstar games should not making this game for PC due the piracy problem
oshawott98 I'm not quite sure what language you are speaking, but I only game on PC and have never had any issues with performance and or my experience. Graphic quality is actually proven to be better on pc, given you have the latest graphics card. Piracy is another thing, but it is possible to pirate games for consoles as well. Its not that hard. Also, the servers for GTA Online are separated (just found about that). PC for PC, and consoles for consoles (separated of course)
Aaro Hirvensalo Um...I'm no professional but they have to play the game, before they can pass fair judgement, right? Would you prefer for someone to judge this game before they've played it? Idiot.
1:16 - lol, so true, even if the shot was not targeted at somebody you still get a instant 1 star
Im think you gotta kill 2 people to get 1 star
Thats how i remember it
Exactly why i stopped playing gta online 😑
well the loading part*
I didn't stop nothing stoping me for playing gta online
Impatient much?
+The doge that Could a 40+min Wait to join a empty session? yeah totally not worth it dog.
Yo I have 90 Megs so I think I'm good
2013: It was released today and we liked it
2014: A re-release of the game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One version of the game was released with various enhancements
2015: A PC release with a Director Mode feature and a Rockstar Editor feature and a Ill Gotten Gains Parts I and II DLC was released featuring a new radio station called The Lab which plays hip hop songs just like Radio Los Santos and West Coast Classics
2016: Some new updates for Grand Theft Auto Online
2017: Still receiving some updates for Grand Theft Auto Online yet again
2018: More updates again
2019: Still more stuff being made
2020: Still going on
2021: We're making some progress
2022: Expanded and Enhanced version has been released for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S version of the game was released with technical upgrades and performance modes like Fedelity, Performance and Performance RT
2023: Somewhat new updates were released
2024: Unconfirmed
2025: Grand Theft Auto VI would have been out by then
I remember when stick figure animations and rage comics were still funny, 2011 was a nice year.