Figure 8 strafing in apex legends...

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 122

  • @vPA1N
    @vPA1N 2 года назад +41

    Oh sht , here we go again .
    Back to the firing range to learn a new movement tech

  • @okietokki
    @okietokki 2 года назад +76

    I still can't do a pito strafe because I suck at the timing but I really wanna do this, thanks for creating a video on it

    • @Gruic03
      @Gruic03  2 года назад +5


    • @РуфатАлиев-й3ю
      @РуфатАлиев-й3ю 2 года назад

      what pito strafe?

    • @Error-33
      @Error-33 2 года назад +1

      it took me around 5 hours of practice to get so if you really want to learn it fast you can do it in 1 day but Idk if it would be efficient bc of the amount of boredom it can give bc ur doing the same thing for 5 hours it took me around a week to learn it but I haven't mastered it yet instead imma just learn this bc it seems like it can be used in more situations compared to pito strafing

  • @hypnotic_o
    @hypnotic_o 2 года назад +4

    YOOOOO LETS GOOO, I’ve been spamming pito stafing so this should be easy to implement. thanks homie

    • @Gruic03
      @Gruic03  2 года назад +1


  • @misled_who9413
    @misled_who9413 2 года назад +2

    Straight to the point love it.

  • @aqwek
    @aqwek Год назад +1

    tapping s is whats got me beat
    almost ready for clips on br

  • @aa301875
    @aa301875 2 года назад +6

    I've noticed that pito uses his ring finger to control right click so that he strafes so well.

  • @forwardtomars5879
    @forwardtomars5879 2 года назад +1

    this combo making my head hurt like learning tekken combos

  • @AdmiralA
    @AdmiralA 2 года назад +1

    definitely heard "pedo" strafe at first and had a heart attack

  • @drdminded8480
    @drdminded8480 2 года назад +2

    Mad respect bro but have you considered uploading full videos ?
    I mean like gameplays and stuff like that

  • @RA7ENS
    @RA7ENS 2 года назад +19

    Imagine still getting 1 clipped doing this 😭

    • @JayDeeFrm7400
      @JayDeeFrm7400 2 года назад +1

      Uninstalling 😅🤣

    • @AndyBrahimi
      @AndyBrahimi Год назад

      Never playing again

    • @benneary5066
      @benneary5066 10 месяцев назад

      I have 😭😭😭 it was my friend on roller

  • @vaughnalexander31
    @vaughnalexander31 2 года назад

    this is some sweaty tech

  • @verrtic
    @verrtic 2 года назад +2

    Me who misses all my shots, has no aim and uses basic movement: interesting

  • @twister4538
    @twister4538 Год назад

    i subbed just cause you kept is short

  • @itzinfamous6627
    @itzinfamous6627 2 года назад +1

    Great explanation but do you use middle finger for scroll and third finger for ads?

  • @anbtv9442
    @anbtv9442 Год назад

    Cool tutorial.

  • @cowboyfroggirl
    @cowboyfroggirl 2 года назад +1

    always givin us the juicers

  • @devil35633
    @devil35633 2 года назад +3

    very hard, but good

    • @Gruic03
      @Gruic03  2 года назад +3

      Yes, it will take time to get consistently but after that it should become much easier :), and no config file involved

    • @devil35633
      @devil35633 2 года назад

      @@Gruic03 can this movement for wraith? hehe

    • @Error-33
      @Error-33 2 года назад

      @@devil35633 wraith and all legends can do it as far as i've heard but octanes stim makes it faster

  • @youtubeviewer604
    @youtubeviewer604 2 года назад

    You're so helpful baby thank youuuuuuuuu

  • @chradon.
    @chradon. 2 года назад +4

    Do you have to use octane to do this?

    • @Anonymous2627
      @Anonymous2627 2 года назад

      Yep, Banglore can too, but just a few seconds.

    • @JayDeeFrm7400
      @JayDeeFrm7400 2 года назад

      @@Anonymous2627 double timin’ it

  • @notgonnatellu3030
    @notgonnatellu3030 2 года назад +1

    It’ll be funny when respawn says no to this

  • @JoonaJJ
    @JoonaJJ 2 года назад +1

    The only tech japanese and koreans would do in game

  • @onikrux
    @onikrux 2 года назад

    reminds me of doing Butterflies in GunZ

    • @UsernameXOXO
      @UsernameXOXO 2 года назад

      The tech is based on how 3d video games think the diagnoals of a square grid are longer, so yes it's pretty much the same in a hundred shooters

  • @marcel4089
    @marcel4089 Год назад +1

    isnt this just a ras strafe with crouch and tapstrafe on directional keys ? i dont understand what you mean with you do a pito strafe i think its much diffrent. this tech looks for me like ras/wasd strafe.

    • @TJayMid
      @TJayMid Год назад

      i don’t think anyone knows anymore man, we’ve gone to far

  • @ogdemigra4245
    @ogdemigra4245 Год назад

    Fuck no god damn look at him pushing buttons, damn...😂

  • @arkadiuszwysocki1199
    @arkadiuszwysocki1199 2 года назад

    Actually movement professor! Great work sir!

  • @joachimboettcherdamgaard3113
    @joachimboettcherdamgaard3113 2 года назад +2

    would love a more in depth video if thats even possible

  • @taatanka
    @taatanka 2 года назад +6

    Definitely not new to Source games (i.e. Team Fortress 2), but something that will be very powerful.

  • @SynchroFPS
    @SynchroFPS 2 года назад +1

    Isnt this the same as pito strafe?

  • @joachimboettcherdamgaard3113
    @joachimboettcherdamgaard3113 2 года назад +1

    i feel like this is harder than pito strafing. i learned pito strafing in like 30 min to an hour but still cant figure this out. any other tips to getting it down i just feel like my fingers cant do that was-wds-was-wds

    • @Gruic03
      @Gruic03  2 года назад +2

      I would look at my input overlay in 0.25x speed because I may have missed something. Try to mimic it as close as possible :)

    • @joachimboettcherdamgaard3113
      @joachimboettcherdamgaard3113 2 года назад

      @@Gruic03 i have a video of where i think i did it right but ultimately cant tell. I can link it if you wouldnt mind having a look

    • @Gruic03
      @Gruic03  2 года назад +1

      @@joachimboettcherdamgaard3113 sure

    • @joachimboettcherdamgaard3113
      @joachimboettcherdamgaard3113 2 года назад

      @@Gruic03 it keep removing the link i post, do you have a discord maybe i could share it in

  • @quandale5602
    @quandale5602 2 года назад

    what is your rez?

  • @Rain1
    @Rain1 2 года назад

    "easy to do consistently" bro, im feeling real old now, the finger dexterity required to hit those keys in perfect timing over and over to not screw it up is actually a lot. I wish that it didn't require "S" to be pushed because my poor middle finger is having a hard time getting there in time lol

  • @khirek5335
    @khirek5335 2 года назад +2

    0:18 you do a HUH???

  • @fxune
    @fxune 2 года назад


  • @kylebrandon9721
    @kylebrandon9721 2 года назад

    Is this possible to do on every other character?

  • @ANGEL-fg4hv
    @ANGEL-fg4hv 2 года назад

    Why are you playing on PS1 graphics ?

  • @FS-keegxn
    @FS-keegxn 2 года назад


  • @Wazupjojoo
    @Wazupjojoo 2 года назад

    I’m kinda new to this advanced movement techs atm I’m trying to figure how to super glide consistently is that possible without a config

    • @slammed4077
      @slammed4077 2 года назад +1

      what i do to superglide consistently is after doing the initial climb when you reach the point where you jump and crouch instead of doing it with two fingers and pressing spacebar and c or ctrl put your thumb over both your spacebar and your c key and press both using only ur thumb so it makes it easier to press simultaneously making the timing way easier it’ll feel weird the first time but you will get used to it there are many tutorials on youtube that suggest this with the actual keyboard overlay thing on the video so if you don’t understand my explanation i suggest you find one of those videos

    • @bigbutt5647
      @bigbutt5647 2 года назад

      its just muscle memory and practice, its easier with lower fps but essentially if you ever played a fighting game jus think of it as a frame perfect parry or some shit, ppl hype it up but it feels the same as doing electrics with kazuya on tekken, hard to learn but once you get it you get it

  • @amiramandosov9629
    @amiramandosov9629 Год назад


  • @GrimmReaperz95
    @GrimmReaperz95 2 года назад +1

    It might be harder for people to you but it going to also be harder for you to hit people. Trying to adjust aim while down all the crazy movement will take a bit to get used aiming at peeps no matter how good your aiming is lol

  • @naxussh3285
    @naxussh3285 2 года назад

    Hey Geruic i had a question, is the super glide config bannable or allowed!?

    • @Gruic03
      @Gruic03  2 года назад +3

      It’s allowed

    • @bigbutt5647
      @bigbutt5647 2 года назад

      its allowed but ppl usually dont do it bc its sort of looked at as cheap like most people u see superglide do it without configs

  • @MF_R
    @MF_R 2 года назад

    bro one thing, are these all possible on other characters?

    • @Gruic03
      @Gruic03  2 года назад

      Of course

    • @Rain1
      @Rain1 2 года назад

      Although only on characters that gain speed boosts will it be as effective as it is right here on octane

  • @grey1
    @grey1 2 года назад

    Is it like pito strafing but with asd redicrects?

  • @lilSmurf69
    @lilSmurf69 2 года назад

    damn got the strafe now but my aim while doing it is wack damn like hit 3 out of 10 shots loosing battles doing this just need to work on the aiming while doing it the muscle memory needs to get use to it but wont be using it in all my play throughs🙅

  • @XluziiX
    @XluziiX Год назад

    Where can i get the file??

  • @shijou2867
    @shijou2867 2 года назад

    i think i saw timmy did it before and wondered how he did it

  • @peanutbrittle007
    @peanutbrittle007 2 года назад +1

    you on autosprint? does it give you a disadvantage at pointblack fights? since autosprint has this delay when shooting, right?

    • @Gruic03
      @Gruic03  2 года назад +2

      Yes I use auto sprint, honestly this only affects shotguns mainly but the delay is so little that it doesn’t matter to me. Of course, auto sprint off also makes it so that you can sneak up on enemies easier. At the end of the day it is personal preference :)

    • @spryte4371
      @spryte4371 2 года назад

      @@Gruic03 how do you walk with auto sprint on? i couldn't find a keybind to walk

    • @wiljo.
      @wiljo. 2 года назад

      @@spryte4371 You can get a walk bind with an autoexec file. Just copy this there and change the bind if needed:
      bind_US_standard "LSHIFT" "+speed; +walk" 0

    • @spryte4371
      @spryte4371 2 года назад

      @@wiljo. thank you so much

  • @kazearuku518
    @kazearuku518 2 года назад

    this looks easy on controller, ngl. just have to change your crouch button to right stick.

  • @johnweebfps
    @johnweebfps Год назад

    aint nobody got time for that XD

  • @Finn19875
    @Finn19875 2 года назад

    How to do this on controller 🤔

  • @DoozyyTV
    @DoozyyTV 2 года назад

    can only octane do this?

    • @Kultus1337
      @Kultus1337 2 года назад +1

      No, but he has more speed

  • @Rain1
    @Rain1 2 года назад

    crap the timing required to get this consistently without messing up makes me feel old lol... i can get it, but i cant keep speed like yours

  • @BlrrrdFa
    @BlrrrdFa 2 года назад

    My llaystation doesnt even let me move that fast

  • @itachivr8433
    @itachivr8433 Год назад

    Dam I run out of momentum after like 2

  • @usamatariq9897
    @usamatariq9897 2 года назад +1

    bro just hit the enemy LMAO

    • @TZLVredmist
      @TZLVredmist 2 года назад

      Right??? I am having a great time now watching enemy players do a dance, chooch around, jump a zip, and I just stand there and shoot them.

    • @UsernameXOXO
      @UsernameXOXO 2 года назад +1

      @@TZLVredmist the greatest movement tech is patience
      -sun tzu

    • @Error-33
      @Error-33 2 года назад

      @@TZLVredmist well technically the person doing the movement tech can also shoot while doing the tech making him harder to hit while he can just shoot the person but it would take a lot of time to master and probably a different mouse grip to do it while shooting (need middle finger on mouse scroll instead of the index finger (i think that's what you call it on english i hope its correct but idk))

    • @TZLVredmist
      @TZLVredmist 2 года назад

      @@UsernameXOXO I have a new technique called Pinned aim strafing. I stand in one place like a pin, and use my aim to strafe my sights on the enemy target. (Who in turn is not even shooting at me because they are bouncing off walls and stuff) and then I kill them.

    • @Acooky.
      @Acooky. 2 года назад +2

      @@TZLVredmist lets be real that doesnt happen unless you're in bronze, you can do your boomer "i dont do all this stuff i just shoot like the good old days" all you want but the second you're in a gunfight with someone whos actually got good movement you'll get embarrassed

  • @xerpery6233
    @xerpery6233 2 года назад +1

    dats op

    • @Rimudon
      @Rimudon 2 года назад +1


  • @xXTheBigMatt94xX
    @xXTheBigMatt94xX 2 года назад

    What the hell is a pito strafe? And can this be done on console?

    • @rushilpanchal
      @rushilpanchal 2 года назад +1

      No, i think pito strafing can only be done of pc because you need to tap strafe in order to do it

  • @igieswainebragt
    @igieswainebragt 2 года назад

    bro you need to work on how to explain things.. when exactly do you press 's'

    • @Gruic03
      @Gruic03  2 года назад

      Watch my input overlay

    • @Error-33
      @Error-33 2 года назад

      watch the video on slow motion it really helps also write down the movements like this for example
      tap strafe to right:
      jump while running+hold d+move mouse to right while scroll up (scroll up is my tapstrafe key for this example)
      this really helps explain things and not forget what you have to do bc u can just look at it and remember what to do hope this helps it helped me learn how to pito strafe so i hope this works on this aswell

  • @Twinkels-rr3rt
    @Twinkels-rr3rt Год назад

    Im learining pito ras/raf and this movement with my 12 years old hand’s im serious im literally 12

  • @AintPopular
    @AintPopular 2 года назад

    only octane

  • @fancyjello
    @fancyjello 2 года назад

    I thought it was called asian stafe?

    • @STAGNANT-_-
      @STAGNANT-_- 2 года назад +2

      im pretty sure asian strafe is when you jump and move around in a circle

    • @Gruic03
      @Gruic03  2 года назад

      asian strafe is what I did after the figure 8 strafe you will notice it on the enemy POV at the end especially

    • @fancyjello
      @fancyjello 2 года назад

      @@STAGNANT-_- I got them mixed up then xd

    • @fancyjello
      @fancyjello 2 года назад

      @@Gruic03 I got them mixed up when I learned it, srry for the trouble

  • @fatboowee6281
    @fatboowee6281 2 года назад

    I thought controllers were OP?

  • @valerius9751
    @valerius9751 2 года назад

    figure 8 strafing is too long when you say it out loud. bad name for it

    • @Rain1
      @Rain1 2 года назад +1

      Probably better if he called it something like "8 strafe". Just leave that simple like that

  • @RamenN3r
    @RamenN3r 2 года назад

    Eh to hard to learn