Klein Moretti (克莱恩·莫雷蒂), originally known as Paul's victim (保罗的受害者) before waking up in a new world after transmigrating, is a Beyonder of the Fool Pathway and the main protagonist of the novel Lord of the Mysteries. He leads the Tarot Club as the powerful and mysterious entity known only to its members as The Fool.
My Goat 🐐 🗣️
Klein Moretti (克莱恩·莫雷蒂), originally known as Paul's victim (保罗的受害者) before waking up in a new world after transmigrating, is a Beyonder of the Fool Pathway and the main protagonist of the novel Lord of the Mysteries. He leads the Tarot Club as the powerful and mysterious entity known only to its members as The Fool.
W goat
Haven't read Lotm but W
W edit dawg
W edit
W edit 🐑🐑🐑
Biggest Ashura victim
W edit