Very beautiful Video! Excellent! I am very sympathetic and understanding about Prince Paul. He was a very good man and indeed whatever he did it was because he wanted to save his Country from the horrors of war. Hvala,Thank you very much!
Jako dobra ideja sto se snimanja filma tice i to iz najmanje dva razloga:predstavice princa Pavla onako kako bi zaista trebalo i drugo, popravice reputaciju srbije u svetu a to nam je svoma jako potrebno.
16 лет назад+1
Gospodja Miro vase emisije su pravo zadovoljstvo, zelim vam jos puno puno emisija i dobrog zdravlja...
@MrSlomar Shame on you! You wrote that your little comment on every video of Catherine Oxenberg. Princess or not, she seems like a really nice person that could do a lot on improving image of Serbia.
Jadno ,dosta jadno, a naj više žalim jadnog princa Pola i knjeginju Olgu koja je završila staračkom domu.Ovo suša o sitnice ,komadici istorije koji su ostali za njima .Sve su jadni morali da prodaju da bi ore živeli.
Hmm... zanima me se kako u tu pricu o divnoj kraljevskoj porodici uklapaju informacije o iluminatima, blood lines, reptilima itd, koje su sve vise dostupne preko interneta...
This is rubbish! Catherine Oxenberg does not have right to call herself princess. Hers mother is a princess but she cannot call her children prince or princess. It is no lawful. Princess Elizabeth does not comes from kings family she comes from the brother of kings family. Princess Elizabeth was marrried to Mr Oxenberg. He was not royalty and so Catherine is Miss Catherine Oxenbeg and not princess of anything. Stop this rubbish. Too many people died for monarchy for you to make fun of it.
Very beautiful Video! Excellent! I am very sympathetic and understanding about Prince Paul. He was a very good man and indeed whatever he did it was because he wanted to save his Country from the horrors of war.
Hvala,Thank you very much!
Da li je snimljen film?
Jako dobra ideja sto se snimanja filma tice i to iz najmanje dva razloga:predstavice princa Pavla onako kako bi zaista trebalo i drugo, popravice reputaciju srbije u svetu a to nam je svoma jako potrebno.
Gospodja Miro vase emisije su pravo zadovoljstvo, zelim vam jos puno puno emisija i dobrog zdravlja...
Gledam ovaj video 13godina posle snimanja. Da li je film o Knezu Pavlu snimljen?
Very interesting. This was 11 years ago. Did they ever make this movie and what is it called? I would love to see it.
Long live the King, zive Kralj, long live the royal family of Serbia...
@MrSlomar Shame on you! You wrote that your little comment on every video of Catherine Oxenberg. Princess or not, she seems like a really nice person that could do a lot on improving image of Serbia.
Jadno ,dosta jadno, a naj više žalim jadnog princa Pola i knjeginju Olgu koja je završila staračkom domu.Ovo suša o sitnice ,komadici istorije koji su ostali za njima .Sve su jadni morali da prodaju da bi ore živeli.
princeza živi u potkrovlju.
Hmm... zanima me se kako u tu pricu o divnoj kraljevskoj porodici uklapaju informacije o iluminatima, blood lines, reptilima itd, koje su sve vise dostupne preko interneta...
koje veze ovi sa Srbijom imaju hahaha,budalastine
Ona nije princeza.
This is rubbish! Catherine Oxenberg does not have right to call herself princess. Hers mother is a princess but she cannot call her children prince or princess. It is no lawful. Princess Elizabeth does not comes from kings family she comes from the brother of kings family. Princess Elizabeth was marrried to Mr Oxenberg. He was not royalty and so Catherine is Miss Catherine Oxenbeg and not princess of anything. Stop this rubbish. Too many people died for monarchy for you to make fun of it.
Prince paul was week not strong as alexandar was becose of him Serbs payed the price