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  • @2keyblades
    @2keyblades 2 года назад +25

    I made a Lizardfolk who was a Druid with a Paleontologist back round. Therefore he transforms into the animals he excavates

  • @yaburu
    @yaburu 2 года назад +12

    Currently playing a Circle of the Moon Druid Lizardfolk. His tribe was slaughtered and his egg was found by a husband and wife druid after the battle. They raised him from birth, and living around humans gave him the ability to mimic emotions to better fit in. He's also fascinated with the concept of emotions and seeks to understand them better, which is why he chose a circle so focused on wild shape. He's able to feel emotions more when he wild shapes into a mammal.

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 2 года назад +1

      How are you liking this? How is the rest of the table liking it? Interesting about a mammal helping you have more feelings.

    • @yaburu
      @yaburu 2 года назад +2

      @@SkullSplitter The character has definitely helped me flex my roleplaying muscles. I have to strike a balance between how the Lizardfolk brain works and how he acts in front of the party to fit in. Like, when does he make logical, more Lizardfolk decisions, and how often does he go against that instinct to simulate an emotional response?

  • @MarlonShakes
    @MarlonShakes 3 года назад +11

    Just discovered this because I've started playing lizardfolk. Great video, helpful.
    I'm playing a Circle of Spores Druid. Using a couple of magic items to boost armour and a cloak of displacement I've gone front line summoner with shillelagh for melee and loads of summon spells. So ac 21 and always at disadvantage it's going to be hard to stop my spores or my summons from getting to the enemies.
    First real fight is going to be hard for the DM.

  • @DuNdAlALa
    @DuNdAlALa 2 года назад +2

    Infinite Javlins with Lizardfolk, make it a fighter, make sure it has the Spear master feat, and then name it Yeet.

  • @bradking6902
    @bradking6902 2 года назад +7

    I'm playing a Lizardfolk Rogue (Assassin) thats about to multi into Ranger (Gloomstalker). Basically idea was a hunter that enjoyed 'game' hunting so the bigger the bad the more eager he was to fight. With the natural AC, added con and dual weapon fighting feat, I'm running around like a bloody bull haha

    • @calebreynolds9183
      @calebreynolds9183 2 года назад

      About to play a lizardfolk war cleric (with pyromancy skills for flavor.)
      First time doing a lizardfolk. Backstory is that he was raised by a single mother who was a former human-fighter adventurer (made up NPC, not player.) He is one foot in this Homebrew society and quite the patriot, but he has one foot in his natural impulses.
      Hoping this will be fun.
      He’s also a hell of a spy. Guess no one suspects the most obvious individual in the room of being a spy because it’s too obvious.

  • @dappercat9557
    @dappercat9557 Год назад +2

    My Lizardfolk artificer looks like a humanoid Utahraptor, with iridescent black feathers.

    • @manjibean4015
      @manjibean4015 Год назад

      That's cool af, love me a feathered dino

  • @sper1585
    @sper1585 2 года назад +2

    This will be my first time playing. My Lizardfolk is a ranger since my party are 2 fighters and a rogue and our setting is investigating multiple city destructions throughout the empire. When I saw the investigator background I made his backstory to be a human crime investigator who was poisoned by lizardfolk when an investion into several missing persons led him into their domain. Said poison slowly changed him into a lizardfolk until it was himself stopped by healing, I left it open to our DM if the change resumes or recedes, his right breast, arm and eye are still human, the rest of his body is lizardfolk. We shall see how it works out.

  • @mofire5674
    @mofire5674 2 года назад +9

    There is actually surprising synergy with monk! Despite what you might view as a downside of having conflicting armor calculations, the 13+Dex is going to be equal to a monk's unarmored defense (10+Wis+Dex) at +3 Wis, only being higher at a +4. Considering Dex is your main attribute, you can benefit from focusing Con over Wis in the early levels, in order to also gain a bonus from some extra temp hp when using the bonus action bite. This obviously is better in subclasses where you don't need Wis as much, like Kensei. However, you do sacrifice the consistency of stunning strike. Also the natural fangs allow you to cheat a higher unarmed strike damage die in the early levels, and you can use Dex instead of Str. This is obviously a lot of synergy for specifically stacking early level strength, but that gives you some freedom to do something like taking a feat early instead of an ASI without suffering too much.

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 2 года назад +2

      Fair point. Have you run it? What was your favorite part about it?

    • @mofire5674
      @mofire5674 2 года назад +1

      @@SkullSplitter Not yet, it is mostly theory, however I will point out my DM i'm planning to use this idea with allows physical/mental stats to be shuffled around, so I am a bit biased being able to get +2 dex and +1 wis as racials. Monk is definitely not optimal, but I think it could work.

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 2 года назад +2

      Check out custom lineage in Tasha's, may help if your DM allows it. Huzzah!

  • @itzybitzyspyder
    @itzybitzyspyder 5 месяцев назад

    5:20 verbal spells don't require the ability to speak in order to maintain concentration, they just require it to be cast which includes casting them as a prepared action.

  • @TheGrimoiresVoice
    @TheGrimoiresVoice Год назад +1

    An idea I had was flavoring my Lizardfolk as a Tyrannosaurus-esc creature.

  • @eisenfell2818
    @eisenfell2818 3 года назад +2

    Missed quirk about Lizardfolk "Natural Armor", they are the only one who can WEAR armor but calculate with "Natural armor" if that calculation is better than the actual armor, which means you can do following shenanigans, all are RAW and Sage Advice Confirmed.
    #Wear a Leather Armor or Studded Leather Armor and still confess +1 armor Defensive fighting style. while having 13AC+Dex instead of 11+Dex or 12+Dex.
    #Wear a Leather Armor or Studded Leather Armor with magical properties like resistance to an element and still getting that resistance.
    #Wear a Adamantine Armor chainshirt 13+2dex getting the immunity to critical Damage said material conferees but once their Dex surpasses a +3modifyer they can again fall back to Natural Armor which is basically 13+Dex (Uncapped) allowing them like you said to reach plate armor levels of AC with the added benefit of not getting crit damage.

  • @joylessalaskan9794
    @joylessalaskan9794 2 года назад +2

    I'm so gonna make a lizardfolk druid for my first character

  • @beowulfodinson9230
    @beowulfodinson9230 3 года назад +1

    I have a Lizardfolk character named Ashraketh. He’s a Rogue/Barb multi class, he’s themed off Bayou Ghost Gator myths, so he has a solid white crocodilian aesthetic.

  • @vololudo4671
    @vololudo4671 Год назад +1

    I am getting ready to play a lizard folk drakewarden in a few weeks

  • @davidharris9833
    @davidharris9833 3 года назад +3

    I'm playing a goblin Paladin in one of my friends games over the internet

  • @Dragon_Song1
    @Dragon_Song1 Год назад +2

    I can see why cunning artisan is more of a ribbon ability.
    But at are table the DM rules cunning artisan being a lot more useful. (I also look for any or all available opportunities to use it, because it’s really really cool. 😅🙏)

    • @itzybitzyspyder
      @itzybitzyspyder 5 месяцев назад

      Same. My DM let me take bone working instead of woodworking so I can really create quality gear by synergizing a feature with a tool proficiency.

  • @Metalmenace_
    @Metalmenace_ 3 года назад

    Ristkage is a character I made on a friend's Morrowind game when I was super young. A dark, necrotic mash of snake and lizard. Using bones and fang to intimidate and cold logic to persuade.

  • @bradleyscott7967
    @bradleyscott7967 3 года назад +1

    Keep it up brother you have some great videos.

  • @hyperhydra9042
    @hyperhydra9042 2 года назад +1

    I made a lizard of death named Darastrix: I love role playing him as a cavemanish persona of not knowing how the world works. Our biggest running joke about him is he’s obsessed with sticks instead of treasure.

  • @bloodmoon5171
    @bloodmoon5171 2 года назад +2

    Him:natural attacks are cool
    Also him:it’s not really useful

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 2 года назад

      Unless you optimize a build for em.......

  • @jasonlyon5675
    @jasonlyon5675 3 года назад +3

    Gloomstalker ranger with couple fighter lvls was awesome. Played self sufficient build and all gear i could make with tool prof or cunning artisan. Making weapons out of things and eating everything was too good!

  • @memepayne2540
    @memepayne2540 3 года назад +2


  • @guyman9655
    @guyman9655 2 года назад +2

    My next character is going to be a mercy monk or some kind of druid. I like the idea of playing a lizard shaman like a warhammer fantasy lizardfolk

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 2 года назад

      Nice. Do you have a name picked out?

    • @guyman9655
      @guyman9655 2 года назад

      @@SkullSplitter not yet, Im still thinking of it

  • @zavianandjessicaparr1868
    @zavianandjessicaparr1868 19 дней назад

    Well I was a lizardfolk fighter that had the leaping lizard, sheild, and that rapier, and not to forget about the defensive tactics as my fighting style and when I tried to do this my DM whent hell no and destroyed my character now the only thing I have is my bite and hungry jaws and that is it nothing else

  • @james739123
    @james739123 3 года назад +5

    my lizardfolk
    name: Orn Ner (Silver Spear)
    classes: Hunter ranger/scout rouge
    weapons: winged spear (ash wood shaft with as steel tip coated in silver), javelins made of bone and random wood, Viking shield with croc teeth on the rims for bashing, bone dagger
    appearance: 6ft 4in, forest green scales with silvery grey strips across his face and back and a silvery grey frill, sea foam green underbelly, bright orange eyes
    clothing/armour: starts with a loincloth mad of a leporid skin, gains just a rib cage chest, skull shoulder guards and a skull helmet, a back quiver for his javelins and a rope belt with a shaft for the dagger
    origin: before he was born, in the deep reagents of a swamp lies a human fortress/keep that serves as an outpost and small settlement for a kingdom, the lizardfolk kept to themselves for the most part but when an army of invading knights from a tyrant kingdom tried to take the keep for themselves as a staging point for a greater invasion, the two factions fought for months, the lizardfolk mostly killed any who got close to their tribes, originally they attacked both sides, but after a while the humans in the keep were able to gain them as allies due to the lizardfolk only taking the bodies and some of the weapons and leaving the jewellery, armour and other things to be reclaimed, making them an offer that if they aided in defending the keep, they would be allowed to entry for trade into the keep, provided protection and resources to better their tribe homes and full autonomy, with the the enemy forces driven out, the keep kept their word, Orn Ner was given his silver markings due to his farther having a poor understanding of precious metals like silver and they were just piled over the eggs f himself and his siblings with the plains they used, when he became 7 years old, a black dragon moved into the swamp and terrorised the inhabitancies and corrupted some of the tribes to attack each other and the keep, eventually the none corrupted tribes and most humans gathered a fighting force to slay the dragon and after it was killed, very few lizardfolk remained and Orn Ner was orphaned, he was able to survive with what was left and with the humans in the keep allowing them shelter and provided what little education they could give them, now 21 a party of adventurous are looking for the lair of the black dragon as it may have had connections with a powerful green dragon and may have an artefact they need, Orn Ner offered to be their guide in the swamp, he was then given a choice, stay or join them on their quest
    personality: though he was by no means super intelligent, he was surprisingly resourceful, wise and insightful beyond his years, he was blunt and understood little about the outside world, but was never mean and always stood by his allies through thick and thin

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 3 года назад +2

      Thus proving the most dangerous profession in D&D: parenting.

    • @james739123
      @james739123 3 года назад +2

      @@SkullSplitter hay now, his father wasn't that bad, why he cut down 10 corrupt lizard fold before falling in battle, and the party tolerated his strange behaver and in carton points even encouraged his desire to eat people especially when it came to bandits who hid their loot
      Female Human Fighter: Where's all the loot you stole from those farmers?
      Bandit: I ain't telling you spit!
      Fighter: ...Orn Ner. (grabs bandit's left hand and holds it up to Orn Ner' face)
      Orn Ner: ...Oh, don't be minding if I do. (bits down on his hand and tears off 3 fingers)
      Male Hill-Dwaf Cleric: Says the daft lad that thought he could pillage from hard working villagers and innocent bystanders and thought he could get away with, now you listen her lad, you can tell us where the gold a jewels ya took are and we'll just take ya to the local authorities, or ye keep you mouth shut and we'll just cut our looses and have our Lizard friend have his way with ya.

  • @andrewbehn3678
    @andrewbehn3678 Месяц назад

    Just like dragonborn it's weird to not have darkvision, but at the same point to many races have darkvision. I also think they should be able to get water and rations from short rest with the cunning artisan because in various lore they eat pretty much anything including humanoids and humans. Meaning if it has bones it probably has meat and blood to. I also think lizardfolk should have poison resistance but maybe that would be to much but they should be able to safely eat raw meat and water that might be to dirty for other races especially if you have a gator/croc based lizardfolk. Dnd works better as a guideline than strict rules though sometimes races need tweaking to balance out better.

  • @Ryuujiish
    @Ryuujiish Год назад +1

    i got some questions. how does a monk lizardfolk work exactly? they have their bite weapon as unarmed strikes for 1d6. so if i use flurry of blows, do i use d6 instead of d4s? and how does the martial die increase at certain levels work if the lizardfolks unarmed strikes are its claws, jaws and tails whic all use d6. does it increase into d8s at lvl 5-10, d10s at lvls 11-16, d12s at lvls 17-20?

  • @textoffender3410
    @textoffender3410 7 месяцев назад

    Natural weapons that are considered unarmed strikes or simple weapons can be pretty good on monks, but I wouldn't really consider the lizardfolk to be a great choice here. If you are in a game that allows the plane shift races, Naga are absolutey insane monks due to their natural weapons.

  • @davidharris9833
    @davidharris9833 3 года назад +2

    Im starting to figure out druids and im looking at lizardfolk shamin

  • @heatherroberts3735
    @heatherroberts3735 3 года назад +1

    I made mine before I saw this and my character is literally just the leaping lizard

  • @danieljimenez1680
    @danieljimenez1680 Год назад +2

    I know it's an old video but I'm playing a Lizardfolk Barbarian and I'm trying to figure out how the unarmored mechanic works. If I can use either.

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter Год назад +1

      Either? Yes

    • @WolfHreda
      @WolfHreda Год назад

      Yes, you can use one or the other. Chances are, your Natural Armor will be higher than Unarmored Defense until you bump your Constitution higher than 16.

  • @jollimaiahtacksworth
    @jollimaiahtacksworth 2 года назад

    I was thinking a Chameleon Lizardfolk who grew up in a human city, very detached from his heritage, named Zark Muckerberg?

  • @TheFuzzBall19
    @TheFuzzBall19 2 года назад +3

    I made a Fighter Champion Lizardfolk who would eat his enemies after combat as his ideals were "You were a good fight, I will gain some of your strengths by eat your body parts".
    He eventually gain better cooking methods as his party could not stomach his meals so he makes sure to add better flavors to the next Troll steak with lemons squeezed in for extra flavor.
    But above all he would always carry a ridicules amout, 20 Strength ment I was sometimes carrying npc that were knocked out, in heavy armor, while carrying 3 weapons, a sheild, 4 javelins my tent, bedroll and other junk. We figured out 20 Strength meant 400lbs

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 2 года назад

      Love it. What's the worst thing the party ate?

    • @TheFuzzBall19
      @TheFuzzBall19 2 года назад +2

      @@SkullSplitter The first time was amazing cause after fighting a big snake I failed a few checks and added its poison glands into the mix

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 2 года назад +1

      "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, see?" *Carries unconscious party members to clerics*

  • @leichter_panzerspahwagon
    @leichter_panzerspahwagon 4 месяца назад +1

    question is there a lizardfolk varient that are chameleons and if so which version of dnd are they in and can i also make it a gunslinger

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 4 месяца назад

      Not that we're aware of, but check with your dm. They might be able to work with you to remove some lineage features and give you newer ones (like say advantage on stealth checks, etc)

  • @ryanabsalom7509
    @ryanabsalom7509 3 месяца назад

    currently making a Lizard folk but hardstuck on the background that make sense. Why would a lizard folk venture out with a group or party if they are all about survival of their tribes?

    • @ryanabsalom7509
      @ryanabsalom7509 3 месяца назад

      i am in chult with aheavy undead presence and would like to make a cleric. I want something more in depth than im out to kill the undead XD

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 3 месяца назад

      Food. Seriously. It's a powerful motivator!

  • @lucktr6149
    @lucktr6149 6 месяцев назад

    Why does he look like an alternate version of DiCaprio?

  • @clancampbell7619
    @clancampbell7619 3 года назад +1

    Unlimited javelins

    • @Nyrufa
      @Nyrufa 3 года назад

      DM: You have run out of ammo
      Player: Are there dead enemies nearby?
      DM: Yes there are.
      Player: Then I have ammo!

    • @johnermactavish1162
      @johnermactavish1162 2 года назад

      @@Nyrufa running…out of ammo? What is this

  • @thomash.5473
    @thomash.5473 3 года назад +3

    Liked it but you might want to re-edit it. I think I heard you repeat yourself.

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 3 года назад

      Did you pass your perception check?

    • @thomash.5473
      @thomash.5473 3 года назад +1

      @@SkullSplitter Yeah I thought I did but then maybe not. Do you guys even check this stuff before you put it out? I preferred the second take anyway. :-)

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 3 года назад

      We roll natural ones on occasion, it is 2020 after all...should be fixed shortly.

  • @noelroberts9118
    @noelroberts9118 2 года назад +2

    Your thumbnails for the videos include little digital versions of the race/class on them. Looks an awful lot like SketchGoblins artwork. Do you have his permission for them?

    • @SkullSplitter
      @SkullSplitter 2 года назад +1

      Yes, we paid him for them!

    • @noelroberts9118
      @noelroberts9118 2 года назад +1

      Awesome, love seeing proper support for artist. Glad to hear!

  • @TBrogren
    @TBrogren 3 года назад +1

    Currently running a lizardfolk in tomb of annihilation. Name of Arcath (draconic for 'Magic'). They (oh yes, Arcath is genetically genderfluid, born with the sort of Jurrasic Park genetic trait that causes the person to switch genders in a single gendered dominated environment), are an outcast for not being able to reliably reproduce in one form or another. Seeing dinosaurs as both kin and competition, Arcath is a moon druid that exclusively assumes Dino forms in their wildshaping. In the annihilation setting, the cunning artisan gets much more use in crafting javelins as the DM is more stringent on us about our disposable resources. I've really loved playing this character as the lush jungle and many bandit camps allow for observing social niceties in not eating the party while still indulging in the lizardfolks favorite of meats, human.