[Ailun] How to install screen & lens protector on iPhone 16 Pro/16 Pro Max (with Installation Frame)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 6

  • @FlyandStay-524
    @FlyandStay-524 25 дней назад +4

    Ilthis is amazing I just did my iPhone 16pro. Worked perfect

  • @you_are_a_baka
    @you_are_a_baka 19 дней назад +2

    3/10 we ordered one from you guys and the orange thing wasnt there but it was good but the orange thing wasnt there while i was trying to put it. It fell on the ground now it has dust and stuff i really need the guide

    • @AilunOfficial
      @AilunOfficial  17 дней назад

      Dear Customer,
      Thank you for contacting Ailun Service Team and bringing this matter to our attention.
      As seller, we take responsibility for the products we sold. Our products have 12-months after-sale warranty.
      According to the new rule of Amazon, seller is prohibited to contact buyer out of Amazon website in order to protect the buyer's individual privacy from reveal and abuse.
      Below are the steps to contact us through Amazon
      1. Sign in your Amazon account, find the option of "Your orders", then find the order that you are having trouble with and click "View order details"
      2. Confirm the Seller Name and click the product title to enter the product detail page
      3. On the detail page, find "Other Sellers on Amazon" option and click to see all the sellers
      4. Find the correct seller of your order then click the seller name. On the next page, select "Ask a question" ( click " An item for sale " and just leave one message.)
      So will you please contact us through Amazon?
      Your understanding will be highly appreciated.
      We are so sorry for the trouble it caused.

  • @jeffreyromans8174
    @jeffreyromans8174 9 дней назад

    Mine didn’t come with an installation screen

  • @man-by9iz
    @man-by9iz Месяц назад +2

    I like this one better than magic John, but I like the fat guy at magic John. Can you get someone like that please?

  • @ClaudiaNormaMoralesdelaCabeza
    @ClaudiaNormaMoralesdelaCabeza 12 дней назад

    A sea rulos 😅😮🎉😂