While it is a scary place, I’m not sure if it’s Biblically accurate that all the demons will be torturing humans in Hell. Even the demons themselves are afraid of Hell! They don’t want to be down there. All I know is the book of Matthew refers it as there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Also being a lake of fire.
@arisefansson1589 No dear one. The God that created us is not the monster Christendom takes him out to be. They know nothing about the loving heavenly father Jehovah God, whose name they even hide and deny that he is our creator. It believes in the Trinity, a pagan god with three heads originating from Babylon 5,000 years ago. Don't be afraid. A sinner will simply die and re- turn to the dust from whence he came like Adam. The Bible uses fire as a metaphor of eternal death even spiritual death, when one loses faith it's called the same. What human would do such a horrible thing to his own children and watch them burn forever without end? Do we have more love for our children than God has for us? Eccles.9:5 and 6 mercifully reveals the condition of the dead: ''5. For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages because the remembrance of them has been for- gotten. 6. Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.'' vs.10 ''All that your hands find to do, do with your very power for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in ''She'ol'' the (grave), the place to which you are going. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, our redeemer and reigning king was in She'ol, also called ''Hades,'' ''Hell,'' for three days. Fire is used to destroy, so the meaning is the same. Also, look up Rev. 20:14: ''And death and Hades were hurled into the lake of fire...'' How can death and Hades suffer in a lake of fire? It just means they will be no more. Rev.19:20. A ''wild beast,'' a ''false prophet,'' (a political false prophet), were likewise hurled into the lake of fire. All destroyed to be no more. There was never a real wild beast! It means all world governments will fall into ashes with their armies at Har-Ma.ged'-don. Rev. 16:16. Those calling upon JEHOVAH'S name will be saved. Romans 10:13; Matthew 12:21. All religions are doomed with their idols and teachings of demons which are an abomination before the true God JEHOVAH! Amen.
Alloh mexribon va raxmli zot! U bandalariga yomonlikni ravo ko'rmaydi, xuddi bolasidek va undan ham yaqin. Qo'rqmanglar. Faqat dunyoda to'g'ri yashang qo'lingizdan kelganicha.
This very well done.. If not accurate, or juzt mythology, it depicts the concept pretty well.. Very Well.. Lets fight that the earth we live on isnt a Hell on Earth, cuz life can replicate this concept before death in a way.
Hell is just an ordinary word. Actually staying in hell is quite another thing! Hell should be avoided because it is also Heaven for people (Pakao je samo jedna obicna rec. Stvarno boraviti u paklu je vec sasvim drugo! Treba izbeci pakao jer je i Raj za ljude! -Пакао је само једна обична реч.Стварно боравити у паклу је већ сасвим друго! Треба избећи пакао јер је и Рај за људе!)
A huge number of innocents or those with minor sins suffer unjustly in hell from sadistic tortures, who enjoy torturing them, while many (mass) murderers go unpunished , along with sadistic torturers! Where is the justice?! Justice and law do not go together!!!(Ogroman broj nevinih ili sa malim gresima nepravedno pate u paklu od sadista mucitelja, koji ih sa uzivanjem muce, dok mnogi teski zlocinci i (masovne) ubice ostaju nekaznjeni, zajedno sa sadistima muciteljima! Gde je tu pravda?! Pravda i pravo ne idu zajedno!!!)
I believe God is just. We don't know who is in Hell or why or what it's like. We can only imagine. I am certain that God does not punish people unjustly. Heaven and Hell are personalized for each of us, perhaps as shown in the film What Dreams May Come.
Adolat qiyomatda bóladi .Bu dunyo esa sinovdir ,kimdir mazlum ,kimdir esa zolim unutmang bu dunyoda mazlumlarga qiyomatda yengillik bordir zolimlarga esa azob va horlik kutib turibdi qiyomatda
Y muchas personas ignoran que eso es un hecho si no se arrepienten. Lastimosamente las religionuchas no les dicen ese tema, algunas disque "cristianas" dicen que al morir vas al descanso eterno sin dar cuentas de tus acciones así como la católica que con veladoras vas al cielo, o sea... o musulmán que te tocan hombre sabe cuantas mujeres al placer en el cielo... o sea lucifer que habrá hecho? Si en el cielo hay esas depravaciones Amigos si entre tus acciones, le hiciste daño a alguien o llevaste una vida grotesca Bien claro Él Señor Jesús contó la historia de Lázaro y el Rico.. dónde el Rico describe como está siendo atormentado por llamas y calor sofocante, por seguir placeres descontrolados. También se menciona por el mismo Señor Jesús que si no se arrepienten vendrá el lloro y crujir de dientes (hasta este punto, para que una persona cruja los dientes, es porque el dolor es agobiante no?).... También profeta Isaías describió que después de la destrucción del cuerpo viene gusanos serán tu cama y gusanos te comerán, Cabezas rapadas en vez de hermosura. Para los ateos o enojados con Dios.. obvio Él no los quiere enviar allá, para eso mando a su hijo el la cruz para pagar el precio de tus pecados, el precio ya fue saldado. Te toca a ti reclamar la factura, bien fácil arrepintiendo te y llevando una vida digna de Dios enseña en la biblia. Y no no está en vestimenta o religión. Si no como solo Dios manda, lee la biblia y sabrás que es bueno y que es malo. Y búscalo en oración y deja los placeres que hasta para nivel social son inadecuados. Dios dice ven a mi los que están cargados y cansados que yo haré descansar.. si tú el drogadicto, el violento, el despreciado, el abominable, el borracho, el Odio hacia Dios y ateo, el que solo piensa cosas sucias y no puede dejarlo. Todo ese peso déjenlo en Él Señor Jesucristo y los librará de todo eso. Y tendrá vida y vida en abundancia 😊😊😊😊
Yagona Allah sizning rabbingiz iltimos insonga siĝinmaylar Iso alayhisalom Allahning Bibimaryamga tushirgan pok kalimasi va paÿgambari .Iso alayhisalom ham Allahni yagona deb biluvchi musulmondir .agar siz Iso alayhisalomga ergashuvchi bólsangiz yagona Allahga iymon keltiring
God sees and hears everything! But sometimes he 'forget' to testify!? (Bog sve vidi i sve cuje! Ali ponekad 'zaboravi' da svedoci!? -Бог све види и све чује! Али понекад 'заборави' да сведочи!?)
Allah hamma narsani kóruvchi va eshituvchidir hech qachon u hech narsani unutmaydi Allah yetarlicha Guvohlik qila oladi va inkor etmas dalillarni allaqachon tayyorlab qóygan notóĝri fikrlaringizga tavba qiling
Out of all of that you pick the broken glass being the worst? That looked like a walk in the park compared to other areas...hey direct me to the broken glass area if I have to be there.😂
The world of the buckley name. They told you in subliminal messages during your life in earth as tv entertainment. When the name means goatboy being a buckley is better than money. Let's not forget it's on that too 😂.
Nie wierzę w takie piekło bo bardziej przypomina chore fantazje , jakie cierpienie wyrządziłeś innym takie samo ty dostaniesz tylko przeze wieczność to jest moim zdaniem realne.
tôi tin nhân nhân quả nên tin rằng bất cứ hoàn cảnh nào đến với mình cũng là do chính tâm mình đã tạo ra (xấu tính, ngu si, hay tốt, giỏi) ở kiếp này hoặc tiền kiếp. mong rằng ai cũng luôn tồn tại như những đoá hoa để sau khi chết không ai bị hối tiếc. lạy PHẬT và CHÚA
I had a dream I was in hell... They made me get in s firey furnace. But it was like a shoot , I had to get in I slid down. They they shut the door. It was terrible I woke up.
Que vallan haciendo lugarcito para Alberto Fernández, Cristina F.de Kirchner ,Maduro, Lopez Obrador, Hugo Moyano entre otros... Allá si hay olorcito a asado!😂
Аллах говорит в Коране : Желанием их будет выйти из Огня, но никогда им из него не выйти, им - вечные мученья». «Поистине, того, кто не уверовал и беззаконие творит, не помилует Аллах, и не наставит их на путь, кроме пути Геенны, где оставаться им навечно».
todo se resume al libro de juan 3:16 de tal manera amo Dios al mundo que a dado su hijo unigénito para que no se pierda en el infierno más tenga vida eterna en el cielo
Вот спасениие: Господи Иисусе Христе Сыне Божий помилуй меня Г(г)решного и гордого. Работаем, русские. Освобождение Киево-Печерской Лавры. Это наша главная цель. Дальше битва с антихристом в Иерусалиме.
I wanna share a dream with you all i had a few days ago. Myself and a group of other people.... We we're in hell, now they had us at this certain area. As I'm looking around it's like we was in this cavern. So the demon was talking to me without even saying anything, it was like everything was coming to me. So it was letting me know that, i had to get in this trash shoot type thing you get in and slide to the bottom. So i did just that , yall!... I look around i was naked in this fiery trash shoot type thing I started screaming and woke up. Any thoughts or concerns?
In my opinion it's is important that we acknowledge that hell is real and that it is eternal torment and that there is no escape and right now it's very important to pray to God make the right life choices and well yes Jesus died for our sins but we cannot on any level take advantage of that and just do whatever we would like we can't commit murder of any kind we must follow the ten commandments and we as humans in my opinion have no right whatsoever to take another's life that is God's choice not ours and we can have judges sentence people who are bad and all that and sure we sentence people to death but it is not us whom shall judge it is God and even if we carry out executions the judge in this trial of life from the time we are born until we take our last breath we all have a job to do which is to be a genuine human being pray and worship God and acknowledge him as our creator and once we,if we pass the trials of life we will have eternal everlasting life and when we do pass we will be judged by God and he will determine if we are worthy of his kingdom we shall pass through the gates to heaven and we will be granted eternal everlasting life and we will be in paradise forever 🙏 💙 If anyone agrees with me and follows a similar path as me comment AMEN 🙏 🙌 ☺️ 😊
The bad news is that we’re all destined to be in this horrible place because we righteously deserve it! Hell is eternal because the flames can’t burn away our sins, but here’s the good news, Hell wasn’t designed for us, but we all need a Savior so God sent His Son Jesus who was without sin and lived a perfect life and then went willingly to the cross and took on God’s righteous Wrath upon Himself in our place!! He took our punishment and paid our debt to set us free from death our sins bring!! We have a choice to make live life as we want or repent of our sins and accept His gift of Salvation and forgiveness and put our trust in Him!! By doing this the perfect life that Jesus lived is credited to our account and we can stand before God as if we had lived a perfect life!!
Así es el infierno arepiantansd su maldad dise el señor edereska los caminos torcidos bautisense en el nombre del señor buske al rey el esla lus mundo la lus briya en las tinieblas
Eu não sinto um pingo de pena dessas pessoas que vão para esse lugar. Pois tem tanta gente ruim nesse mundo que é impossível conviver com essas pessoas em paz
All these descriptions of hell are bull this is not what the hell is going to be like hell will be based upon your sins on Earth there will be no chains and demons lowering people into flames and in my description of hell why don't you just read the Bible? Man?
Imagine the regret and fear and pain. Better to avoid Hell! Pray to God for salvation.
Господи помилуй это так страшно не хочу туда вечно мучаться !!!😢😢😢😢😢
Проблема в том что тебе хочется умереть но не можешь ,одни вечные мучения .
While it is a scary place, I’m not sure if it’s Biblically accurate that all the demons will be torturing humans in Hell. Even the demons themselves are afraid of Hell! They don’t want to be down there. All I know is the book of Matthew refers it as there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Also being a lake of fire.
This is thee true concept of, "YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CANT HIDE"
Oh Ok.. eat your pills now
@@AngelaCrabtree-bk7qy Fake idea, HAHAHAHA
@@Resolute13esse lugar vai ser teu futuro ae vamos ver vc fazer HAHAHAHAHA 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@@Star-c6d7h I don't know, but if I saw any of those things coming for me you best believe I'm running.
Yur gonna leave a trail
They will find you
They're praying to God when it's too late. It's terribly sad. But they rejected God when they were alive. The point is to listen now.
Господи Иисус споси нас от этих преисподней и вечного мучении которого нет конца...😢
начинай каждое воскресенье ходить в православную церковь на литургию и Бог спасёт тебя.
Да успокойся это сказка😂😂😂😂нееросеть
@@ВадимКоролёв-я6ц а то что ты рано или поздно умрёшь тоже нейросеть?
@@ВадимКоролёв-я6цum dia tu vai saber se é ou não um conto de fadas ateu 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Allah akıl fikir versin. İsa insandır rab olabilirmi. İlah olabilirmi. Tek bir allah vardır. Çocuk bile güler buna.
Por mais realista e assustador que seja, acredito que esse vídeo seja uma ínfima parte do que realmente será lá.
And old priest told me the comical verse: "If in Heaven we do not meet, hand in hand we'll face the heat."
Tengo miedo de ir al infierno en un lugar de tormento 😱
97% of people here on earth will go there. The 3% will be the ones who repent for there sins and turn away from them
Sim isso é verdade
Not even close enough of truth of what Hell is .
No where to hide Father God have mercy on us Lord please 🙏🙏🙏🙏
You can hide in the wounds of Yahusha in his sacrifice.. you need to love Yahuah only..
God doesn't care if you love him, The rules is just be a good person.
JESUS PLS have mercy on us AMEN.
Are people supposedly torn to shreds over and over again in eternal damnation of Hell.
No dear one. The God that created us is not the monster Christendom
takes him out to be. They know nothing about the loving heavenly father
Jehovah God, whose name they even hide and deny that he is our creator.
It believes in the Trinity, a pagan god with three heads originating from
Babylon 5,000 years ago. Don't be afraid. A sinner will simply die and re-
turn to the dust from whence he came like Adam. The Bible uses fire as
a metaphor of eternal death even spiritual death, when one loses faith it's
called the same. What human would do such a horrible thing to his own
children and watch them burn forever without end? Do we have more love
for our children than God has for us? Eccles.9:5 and 6 mercifully reveals
the condition of the dead: ''5. For the living are conscious that they will die;
but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they
anymore have wages because the remembrance of them has been for-
gotten. 6. Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already
perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything
that has to be done under the sun.'' vs.10 ''All that your hands find to do,
do with your very power for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge,
nor wisdom, in ''She'ol'' the (grave), the place to which you are going.
Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, our redeemer and reigning king was in
She'ol, also called ''Hades,'' ''Hell,'' for three days. Fire is used to destroy,
so the meaning is the same. Also, look up Rev. 20:14: ''And death and Hades
were hurled into the lake of fire...'' How can death and Hades suffer in a
lake of fire? It just means they will be no more. Rev.19:20. A ''wild beast,''
a ''false prophet,'' (a political false prophet), were likewise hurled into the
lake of fire. All destroyed to be no more. There was never a real wild beast!
It means all world governments will fall into ashes with their armies at
Har-Ma.ged'-don. Rev. 16:16. Those calling upon JEHOVAH'S name will be
saved. Romans 10:13; Matthew 12:21. All religions are doomed with their
idols and teachings of demons which are an abomination before the true
God JEHOVAH! Amen.
@@aristefansson1589 I always thought everyone got their own personal hell. I mean I could be wrong but I just thought no two were the same.
Impecável sensacional cada dia mais profissional estou quase sem palavras 😮
Repentance is the only way to avoid this.
Hell ist real there ist No light only darkness and a looooot of demons (evil Spirits)
No Joke .... God is real this life is your Chance....
This is just a fiction. Real hell and tortures are here on earth.
потрясающе спасибо 🙏🙏🙏
Alloh mexribon va raxmli zot! U bandalariga yomonlikni ravo ko'rmaydi, xuddi bolasidek va undan ham yaqin. Qo'rqmanglar. Faqat dunyoda to'g'ri yashang qo'lingizdan kelganicha.
In hell souls are naked
Hell is only a word! The reality is much, much worse. They won't need eyes 👀 to see where they are going.
Dr. Weir
In a way that movie is what I imagine hell to be, just fears brought to life
In Event Horizon he says that. Not sure we was on the same page there but saw the comment that looked like that line
This very well done.. If not accurate, or juzt mythology, it depicts the concept pretty well.. Very Well.. Lets fight that the earth we live on isnt a Hell on Earth, cuz life can replicate this concept before death in a way.
Hell is just an ordinary word. Actually staying in hell is quite another thing! Hell should be avoided because it is also Heaven for people
(Pakao je samo jedna obicna rec. Stvarno boraviti u paklu je vec sasvim drugo! Treba izbeci pakao jer je i Raj za ljude!
-Пакао је само једна обична реч.Стварно боравити у паклу је већ сасвим друго! Треба избећи пакао јер је и Рај за људе!)
Medo, dores, sofrimento eterno.
A huge number of innocents or those with minor sins suffer unjustly in hell from sadistic tortures, who enjoy torturing them, while many (mass) murderers go unpunished , along with sadistic torturers! Where is the justice?! Justice and law do not go together!!!(Ogroman broj nevinih ili sa malim gresima nepravedno pate u paklu od sadista mucitelja, koji ih sa uzivanjem muce, dok mnogi teski zlocinci i (masovne) ubice ostaju nekaznjeni, zajedno sa sadistima muciteljima! Gde je tu pravda?! Pravda i pravo ne idu zajedno!!!)
I believe God is just. We don't know who is in Hell or why or what it's like. We can only imagine. I am certain that God does not punish people unjustly. Heaven and Hell are personalized for each of us, perhaps as shown in the film What Dreams May Come.
Thank you!
Eu não vou paga pra ver isso pode ser tarde @@thinkforyourself2109
Adolat qiyomatda bóladi .Bu dunyo esa sinovdir ,kimdir mazlum ,kimdir esa zolim unutmang bu dunyoda mazlumlarga qiyomatda yengillik bordir zolimlarga esa azob va horlik kutib turibdi qiyomatda
Y muchas personas ignoran que eso es un hecho si no se arrepienten. Lastimosamente las religionuchas no les dicen ese tema, algunas disque "cristianas" dicen que al morir vas al descanso eterno sin dar cuentas de tus acciones así como la católica que con veladoras vas al cielo, o sea... o musulmán que te tocan hombre sabe cuantas mujeres al placer en el cielo... o sea lucifer que habrá hecho? Si en el cielo hay esas depravaciones Amigos si entre tus acciones, le hiciste daño a alguien o llevaste una vida grotesca Bien claro Él Señor Jesús contó la historia de Lázaro y el Rico.. dónde el Rico describe como está siendo atormentado por llamas y calor sofocante, por seguir placeres descontrolados. También se menciona por el mismo Señor Jesús que si no se arrepienten vendrá el lloro y crujir de dientes (hasta este punto, para que una persona cruja los dientes, es porque el dolor es agobiante no?).... También profeta Isaías describió que después de la destrucción del cuerpo viene gusanos serán tu cama y gusanos te comerán, Cabezas rapadas en vez de hermosura.
Para los ateos o enojados con Dios.. obvio Él no los quiere enviar allá, para eso mando a su hijo el la cruz para pagar el precio de tus pecados, el precio ya fue saldado. Te toca a ti reclamar la factura, bien fácil arrepintiendo te y llevando una vida digna de Dios enseña en la biblia. Y no no está en vestimenta o religión. Si no como solo Dios manda, lee la biblia y sabrás que es bueno y que es malo. Y búscalo en oración y deja los placeres que hasta para nivel social son inadecuados. Dios dice ven a mi los que están cargados y cansados que yo haré descansar.. si tú el drogadicto, el violento, el despreciado, el abominable, el borracho, el Odio hacia Dios y ateo, el que solo piensa cosas sucias y no puede dejarlo. Todo ese peso déjenlo en Él Señor Jesucristo y los librará de todo eso. Y tendrá vida y vida en abundancia 😊😊😊😊
Yagona Allah sizning rabbingiz iltimos insonga siĝinmaylar Iso alayhisalom Allahning Bibimaryamga tushirgan pok kalimasi va paÿgambari .Iso alayhisalom ham Allahni yagona deb biluvchi musulmondir .agar siz Iso alayhisalomga ergashuvchi bólsangiz yagona Allahga iymon keltiring
Аллах, единственный, бог,
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂HELL IS ON EARTH...
ON EARTH.....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
God sees and hears everything! But sometimes he 'forget' to testify!? (Bog sve vidi i sve cuje! Ali ponekad 'zaboravi' da svedoci!?
-Бог све види и све чује! Али понекад 'заборави' да сведочи!?)
Allah hamma narsani kóruvchi va eshituvchidir hech qachon u hech narsani unutmaydi Allah yetarlicha
Guvohlik qila oladi va inkor etmas dalillarni allaqachon tayyorlab qóygan notóĝri fikrlaringizga tavba qiling
Broken glass. Owwwwwww.😈
Out of all of that you pick the broken glass being the worst? That looked like a walk in the park compared to other areas...hey direct me to the broken glass area if I have to be there.😂
O meu deus 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 que sofrimento 😭😭😔😭😭 pai
Hell😂😂😂 I used to have a nightmares a lot, but now I learned how to control them😈😈😈😈
The world of the buckley name. They told you in subliminal messages during your life in earth as tv entertainment. When the name means goatboy being a buckley is better than money. Let's not forget it's on that too 😂.
Isn't that a movie??
@@T800FLEX I get it. Great movie,a little scary in these times.
I know I saw the movie
Mouth of the void is scarier than hell
Nie wierzę w takie piekło bo bardziej przypomina chore fantazje , jakie cierpienie wyrządziłeś innym takie samo ty dostaniesz tylko przeze wieczność to jest moim zdaniem realne.
the world dont know hell is god wrath this may be ai but its still scary .
tôi tin nhân nhân quả nên tin rằng bất cứ hoàn cảnh nào đến với mình cũng là do chính tâm mình đã tạo ra (xấu tính, ngu si, hay tốt, giỏi) ở kiếp này hoặc tiền kiếp.
mong rằng ai cũng luôn tồn tại như những đoá hoa để sau khi chết không ai bị hối tiếc.
lạy PHẬT và CHÚA
Ух как хорошо нейросеть ад нарисовала
Now we know what the inside of Mar LARGO looks like. 😅😅😅
I thought it was luxurious, maybe there is hell in the basement
I had a dream I was in hell... They made me get in s firey furnace. But it was like a shoot , I had to get in I slid down. They they shut the door. It was terrible I woke up.
it's just a dream
Aí sim parabéns.
The effects are like so 1990s LOL 🤣🤣🤣😂
@@WelovefunJustlookatus thank you 😊
@RealScaryTok No problem keep up the fake hell.
L'enfer pour moi, est un état d'esprit, pas un lieu
Ces vidéos sont du grand n'importe quoi
Is this hell for humans torturing place but demons and the devils paradise?or it's a torturing place for everything that is in it?am just concerned
lol. This is tough
Boia ti piace parecchio la computer grafica
Que vallan haciendo lugarcito para Alberto Fernández, Cristina F.de Kirchner ,Maduro, Lopez Obrador, Hugo Moyano entre otros...
Allá si hay olorcito a asado!😂
Is this from a movie
This is worse than Hellraiser with Pinhead and the cenobites
This is crazy I have seen the flames in there but No one burning 🥵 this is just crazy.
Funniest thing is that somme People actually believe this
People have died and been there. Look up hell NDEs. They are quite sincere. They were there.
Всего навсего фантазия автора данного ролика,ни кто на самом деле не знает что на оом свете !!!!
надо читать случай с Клавдией Устюжаниной которая умерла на операционном столе и Бог ей показал ад а потом сам Христос с ней говорил .
Если это есть на самом деле ,то почему люди совершающие зло не боятся ада? Воры ,,насильники ,убийцы.
Это не ад, это бутофори
Аллах говорит в Коране : Желанием их будет выйти из Огня, но никогда им из него не выйти, им - вечные мученья». «Поистине, того, кто не уверовал и беззаконие творит, не помилует Аллах, и не наставит их на путь, кроме пути Геенны, где оставаться им навечно».
Que quieres decir con esto scary ya te irías al infierno
కొలుముల పల్లి తాండా --->
Вообще чётко. Красиво 💪💪💪👍👍👍👍
А мне частенько такие сну снятся
Jasón nadie sabe cómo será el infierno
todo se resume al libro de juan 3:16 de tal manera amo Dios al mundo que a dado su hijo unigénito para que no se pierda en el infierno más tenga vida eterna en el cielo
Вот спасениие: Господи Иисусе Христе Сыне Божий помилуй меня Г(г)решного и гордого. Работаем, русские. Освобождение Киево-Печерской Лавры. Это наша главная цель. Дальше битва с антихристом в Иерусалиме.
Still better than Biden administration..
Sooooo scary 😳 Jesus
I wanna share a dream with you all i had a few days ago. Myself and a group of other people.... We we're in hell, now they had us at this certain area. As I'm looking around it's like we was in this cavern. So the demon was talking to me without even saying anything, it was like everything was coming to me. So it was letting me know that, i had to get in this trash shoot type thing you get in and slide to the bottom. So i did just that , yall!... I look around i was naked in this fiery trash shoot type thing I started screaming and woke up. Any thoughts or concerns?
Эти, ангелы, выполняют, приказ, аллаха
In my opinion it's is important that we acknowledge that hell is real and that it is eternal torment and that there is no escape and right now it's very important to pray to God make the right life choices and well yes Jesus died for our sins but we cannot on any level take advantage of that and just do whatever we would like we can't commit murder of any kind we must follow the ten commandments and we as humans in my opinion have no right whatsoever to take another's life that is God's choice not ours and we can have judges sentence people who are bad and all that and sure we sentence people to death but it is not us whom shall judge it is God and even if we carry out executions the judge in this trial of life from the time we are born until we take our last breath we all have a job to do which is to be a genuine human being pray and worship God and acknowledge him as our creator and once we,if we pass the trials of life we will have eternal everlasting life and when we do pass we will be judged by God and he will determine if we are worthy of his kingdom we shall pass through the gates to heaven and we will be granted eternal everlasting life and we will be in paradise forever 🙏 💙
If anyone agrees with me and follows a similar path as me comment AMEN 🙏 🙌 ☺️ 😊
Excelente ,tô amando ver isso🖤
There is no hell !
The bad news is that we’re all destined to be in this horrible place because we righteously deserve it! Hell is eternal because the flames can’t burn away our sins, but here’s the good news, Hell wasn’t designed for us, but we all need a Savior so God sent His Son Jesus who was without sin and lived a perfect life and then went willingly to the cross and took on God’s righteous Wrath upon Himself in our place!! He took our punishment and paid our debt to set us free from death our sins bring!! We have a choice to make live life as we want or repent of our sins and accept His gift of Salvation and forgiveness and put our trust in Him!! By doing this the perfect life that Jesus lived is credited to our account and we can stand before God as if we had lived a perfect life!!
Abusados bitor viejo papá Victor chico tiene COVID solo busca contagiar
E o diabo não tem dó nenhuma .
۹۵ ب بسم الله❤ الرحمن❤ الرحیم❤ ۱۹
Show this to trump.
Así es el infierno arepiantansd su maldad dise el señor edereska los caminos torcidos bautisense en el nombre del señor buske al rey el esla lus mundo la lus briya en las tinieblas
ALL IS LIAS....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Saquen al Buda y al papá alos curitas
Мусульманский книга Куран есть давно это
Sieht echt gut aus. Aus meiner Sicht aber viel zu Soft für die abscheulichkeit mancher Individuen.
Бу. Кандай. Нарса. Булиши. Мумкунми
Are there hell? Hell is real?
Jesus.cristo salvador tem misericordia ilumine meu caminho .😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.
Di neraka GK ada orang yg sudah tua dan yang jaga neraka juga bukan para iblis
Qual o propósito mesmo desse vídeo? Para impor medo e controlar? Não é justo isso!!!...
Jesus paid the price for you on the cross but these people didn’t accept what He did for them. Jesus saved us from this fate. Jesus is our Savior.
Eu não sinto um pingo de pena dessas pessoas que vão para esse lugar.
Pois tem tanta gente ruim nesse mundo que é impossível conviver com essas pessoas em paz
MAKE HEAVEN not hell !
Hell is definitely not like that its spiritual burning
All these descriptions of hell are bull this is not what the hell is going to be like hell will be based upon your sins on Earth there will be no chains and demons lowering people into flames and in my description of hell why don't you just read the Bible? Man?
Come to Yeshua and receive eternal life by having your sins forgiven. John 3:16-17 and Romans 10:9-10. ✝️
Ijoooo ijoooo this is terrible,scary and horrible, imagine urself there or brother or sister or yr own son ijoooo
Doamne e doar un film iartane
Nic moc teda
Carrying out God's work amen