I spent a lot of time. My com port's speed is set to 9600 bps. And so I wrote there in Arguments -b9600. When I changed the baud rate to 115200 I was able to patch the program into the Arduino micro controller. I programmed an Atmega328 with FTDI from Microchip Studio in similar way, too. Thank you very, very much for your instructions!
im cannot build solutions , the error said : invalid redefinition of 'SIGNATURE_000' is it the problem , when i choose atmega328 at the begining project or what is the problem actually?
Thank you for the walk-through!
I was able to get it to work thanks to you :)
Hi, I am glad that you have found the video useful.
Hi sir, immaculate explanation!
Can you upload video on basic assembly instructions for AVR most used ones
Hi, thank you for your comments. Yes, I will be uploading more AVR assembly instructions in my future videos.
Thanks a lot
Just what i've been looking for and it worked!
Thanks sir I have been looking for this kind of video thanks for sharing ❤
Thanks. I am glad you found what you looking for.
That was exquisite....
So after doing this, any other code I write in atmel studio can be loaded to the avr by clicking on my new external tool
Thank you so much. Exactly what I needed.
Glad it helped!
At 4:15 your LED is not connected to the positive lead.
Noted with thanks.
Thank you very much, it worked perfectly
@dominicamoakobaah9516 I'm glad to hear that.
I have a question. What is different between ISP and this method?
With ISP you need an ISP programmer.
Hi, Sir. I have a question. If I don't need ISP programmer, why then it request stk500: avrdude.exe: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
I don't know why it request stk500. Can you describe and give more details please?
I spent a lot of time. My com port's speed is set to 9600 bps. And so I wrote there in Arguments -b9600.
When I changed the baud rate to 115200 I was able to patch the program into the Arduino micro controller.
I programmed an Atmega328 with FTDI from Microchip Studio in similar way, too.
Thank you very, very much for your instructions!
@@jfp5303 I am glad that you managed to resolved the problem.
im cannot build solutions , the error said : invalid redefinition of 'SIGNATURE_000'
is it the problem , when i choose atmega328 at the begining project or what is the problem actually?
There is a possibility that you may have a faulty microcontroller. You may want to try using a different microcontroller to see if the issue persists
@@vooiyap u mean the setup before start the coding right?
where could i find the test button under tools, it not pop up
@@SyazwiHuzaimiofficial You need to set the "Test"option. The instructions to do this starts a 4:59 of the video. Please check it out.
@@vooiyap thank you i solved it already
under tools i am not getting test what can i do sir
Hi, I am not sure what you are referring to. There is no 'test' under Tools.
so helpful thank you
You are welcome.
Thanks sir 👍
You are welcome
i love you
you are the best
Thank you. I am glad you like the video.