Tyler B #2 Bad argument. Obeying YHWH’s Messiah is serving YHWH. Instead of doing jumping jacks around peripheral references, why not look where the question is explicitly asked and answered by revelation: “Who do you say I am?” “You are the Messiah - the Son of the Living God!” Don’t deceive yourself. Yeshua isn’t the Living God. But rather, the son of the Living God. It’s that simple. Yeshua didn’t correct Peter’s confession, but endorsed it.
@Tyler B #2 utterly A Stupidity No Verse gives A Proof text of the Ambiguity to Say Just because Christ is Respected In Terms He Should Also Be Lord God . He Is Man Messiah ( The Christ ) and Christ Means Anointed Not Lord God Almighty .
@Tyler B #2 I’m Fairly sure it means the word, as in the testimony of God/YHWH in the flesh. Not the word itself. Look up the word used for word. Logos. It has multiple meanings. Don’t forsake the Father.
Also Joshua 5:13-15: “When Joshua was near Jerʹi·cho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua walked up to him and asked: “Are you on our side or on the side of our adversaries?” 14 To this he said: “No, but I have come as prince of Jehovah’s army.” With that Joshua fell with his face to the ground and prostrated himself and said to him: “What does my lord have to say to his servant?” 15 The prince of Jehovah’s army replied to Joshua: “Remove your sandals from your feet, because the place where you are standing is holy.” At once Joshua did so.”
Back then (15 years ago) I felt like I was one of the “weird” people that see scripture this way. I didn’t know any respectable biblical Unitarian scholar (with the exception of Sir Anthony Buzzard and one or two people). It has been refreshing to know about Dr Dale Tuggy, Dustin Smith and others. Let’s pray for a real 21st restoration and that this century can be known for more clarity on this
For Jews, the term 'son of God' as it is used at Psalm 82, does not necessarily mean a divine being, but can mean a Prophet who receives God's divine communications. For a Gentile coming out of paganism, a son of God would mean a demigod. But a demigod, a god who mated with a woman, would be a Nephilim, a giant hybrid.
Context is king. People will stretch the definition of a single Greek word to completely dismiss the context of any passage that they read their theology into. Thanks, Dale for such a sound teaching that encourages common sense and context over everything else. I read “The One” by J Dan Gill once a year (a book you sent me years ago) just to refresh the common sense part of my study.
Just wanted to add, that Jesus also claimed to be the Messiah and son of GOD, and that many people today are not actually aware of this, and thus, contributing to their vulnerability to modern day false teachings and distortions of the truth.
Galatians 4:14: “And though my physical condition was a trial for you, you did not treat me with contempt or disgust; but you received me like an angel of God, like Christ Jesus.”
Yes, and he is preching a false Christ. Read scriptures for yourself, study the prophecies, read Jesus' statements concerning Himself in the book of John, look for the "I am" statements, see how the Jews reacted when Jesus said God is His Father. Do not believe these false unitarian teachers, this is an old heresy. "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." Colossians 2:8
@@bernardohermont9067 :I AM" really, is this all you got?? Was God being Jesus the Second/Last Adam? How does that work for You?? You sir are listening to false teachers and if you were truly wise you would take seriously what dale Tuddy is teaching. Just saying.
@bernardohermont9067 dude, Jesus is saying he's the messiah... that's all. The trinity is the steering wheel pulled all the way to the left and oneness is the wheel pulled all the way to the right. I hope you've looked more into what they've said here on this channel. I'm not even telling you I agree with everything they say, but Jesus is not God.
@@bernardohermont9067 John 12:49-50 Jesus says "For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say." Jesus has claimed many times over to be the Son of God. Not God the Son. None of the people that followed Jesus saw Jesus has God. Jesus even asked “who do you think I am?” It sure as hell wasn’t LORD. Stop cherry picking quotes. The trinity is a man made belief, it did not come from Yahweh, it came from Greek philosophers almost 400 years later.. the same kind of philosophers you just warned everyone and calling this guy heresy. Heresy how? Disagreeing with an opinion? The trinity isn’t fact and shouldn’t be seen as fact and I find it overwhelmingly shocking that Christian’s will go along with this that’s fine. Even so, I don’t think it matters not even in the slightest how you see Jesus, as long as you know he died for your sins and he is the only way into The Fathers Kingdom.
Epic, thank you for your work!! waking up is hard to do, I'm still convincing ppl the earth is motionless and flat, just like the Bible teaches, man has deceived the whole earth into believing in outer space, spinning at un-conceivable speeds, and trying to reprogram your brain takes Elohim's power and mercy to do so, so please seek His help and mercy and He will reveal this to you, and get your mind in a place where everything is back on the table!!
6:31 - _"We're really just down to three options..."_
Unlike mere human beings, who are made _IN the image_ of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God *_IS_* _the image_ of God the Father (2 Cor.4:4, Col.1:15, Heb.1:3). Here then are the three options restated:
1. God the Father's image is human only. 2. God the Father's image is divine only. 3. God the Father's image is a "divine human".
Options (2) and (3) are indeed false, but option (1) is also false, as can be shown by way of illustration...
If, while you were watching this presentation, someone approached you, pointed to your electronic display, and asked _"Who's that?",_ you'd likely say _"Dr. Dale Tuggy."_ You would NOT say _"That's not a who, that's an _*_it_*_ - Dr. Dale Tuggy's _*_image_*_ - on my electronic display"._
So Dale's *image* is actually identifiable as Dale *himself* (in a different "dimension"). With this in mind, how would the three options look when applied to _Dale's_ image instead of God's image?
1. Dale's image is pixels only. 2. Dale's image is human only. 3. Dale's image is "human pixels".
Options (2) and (3) are obviously false, but option (1) is false as well, and here's why...
If we were to hone in on a single pixel in the middle of Dale's image, the color of that pixel would change throughout the course of the presentation in accordance with Dale's movements, gestures, and so forth. But if Dale's image is "pixels ONLY", that single pixel in the middle of Dale's image would NEVER change color, _because pixels "themselves"_ *_are inanimate objects incapable of changing their own color._* The reason that the pixels are changing color is because of Option number _FOUR:_
4. Dale's image IS Dale - the human _himself_ - *manifest* as pixels.
And likewise...
If God the Father's image is "human ONLY", then the man Christ Jesus could NEVER - for example - forgive the sins of the man sick of the palsy, something only God the Father could do. The reason that the man Christ Jesus could forgive the sins of the man sick of the palsy is because of Option number Four:
4. God the Father's image IS God the Father - the eternal Spirit _himself_ - *manifest* as a human.
-- "Human Dale" and his image - "Pixel Dale" - are one and the same Dale, _in vastly different dimensions._ -- "God the Father" and _his_ image - "The everlasting Father" (Isa.9:6) - are one and the same Father, _in vastly different dimensions._
*1 TIMOTHY 3:16 (KJV)* _And without controversy _*_GREAT is the mystery of godliness:_*_ _*_*GOD*_*_ _*_was manifest in the flesh,_*_ justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory._
It's a mistake to collapse together me and some image of me - some things are true of the one that aren't true of the other. See trinities podcast 124 for more on that. About this "If God the Father's image is "human ONLY", then the man Christ Jesus could NEVER - for example - forgive the sins of the man sick of the palsy" - this is shown to be false by the texts discussed in the presentation.
@@DaleTuggy _>>> "It's a mistake to collapse together me and some image of me - some things are true of the one that aren't true of the other."_
Indeed, some things are true of the invisible *"root of David"* that aren't true of the root of David's visible _image_ - i.e., the *"offspring of David"* - yet...
*REVELATION 22:16 (KJV)* *_I JESUS_* _have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches._ *_I am the root AND the offspring of David,_* _and the bright and morning star._
-- One who _precedes_ David in a genealogy *is the father of* one who _succeeds_ David in that genealogy. -- The root of David _precedes_ David. -- The offspring of David _succeeds_ David. -- Therefore, the root of David *is the father of* the offspring of David. -- The root of David is Jesus. -- The offspring of David is Jesus. -- Therefore, *Jesus **_is the father of_** Jesus.*
The distinction between the Father and the Son is not a distinction of _persons,_ but rather a distinction of _dimensions_ of one and the same "Spirit person", whose name forevermore is JESUS.
*2 CORINTHIANS 3:17 (KJV)* _Now the Lord _*_IS_*_ that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty._
@Tyler B #2 Simple: Matthew 28:13: "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." Jesus says it himself. He is given power and authority to do all things in Heaven and on Earth. From my understanding, a supreme being like YHWH isn't given something as he has all things and lacks nothing within his nature. God can give power to other beings but He doesn't need power from someone or something else as He is all-powerful. Jesus doesn't fit this description based on his own testimony right here. And again, as I explained, he was given his power from the Supreme Being, the Holy One, the great I Am, the Father. Therefore, it makes sense that Jesus would say what he said in John 5:19. He holds all power vested in him by God. He does all things through the Father who works in him
@Tyler B #2 Okay? Which powers are those? The verse says “all authority and power” has been given unto Christ? Okay I agree with you about the OT statement. Now let’s go with that. Jesus also testified about him being the Son of God to the Jews that he was sent for. He did the works of his Father. Why didn’t the Jews believe that he was God? Yeah, he will give authority of the kingdom over to God. But you’re still ignoring the fact here that it was given to Jesus by God himself. Jesus is simply giving it back to God. It was the Father’s to begin with. All power, authority, and dominion over the heavens and the earth belongs to God the Father initially. It was given Christ Jesus for him to reign over and will be given back when Christ’s mission is complete. Continue reading 1 Cor 15:25-28: “For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.” This explains why Christ was handed rule over everything, and more interestingly, why Christ must hand the rule back to God. Even the Son himself will be made subject to One “who put everything under him”. Wow. This further put into question how Christ can be God if Christ will be subjected to God. I thought they were equal??
@@raya7052 Absolutely. Jesus also said that he can do nothing of himself. Jesus also gave the disciples the authority to heal the sick and raise the dead. Were they God??
For more videos on this topic watch RUclips video's, 'THE TRINITY - A WARNING TO SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST PART 1 - (and part 2) -PIONEERING AGAIN' and 'Warfare Over the Matter - Judgement Hour' and 'The Future of Unity and the Trail of the Serpent - Judgement Hour' and 'But Whom Say Ye That I Am? (Part 1&2) - Judgement Hour'.
Jesus is unique. He is the express image of God his father. How can we say that there is not something very unique about that? He was able to say that anyone who has seen him has seen the father? We can say with absolute confidence that Jesus truly is the son of God. It doesn't need to be explained. Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead... This is a key verse that neither the Unitarians nor Trinitarians ever refer to. The invisible things, God's eternal power and Godhead, can be understood by the things he created. What is the one creation that was made in the image of God?
It was a matter perhaps of salvation: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: -Philippians 2:6 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. -1 Corinthians 15:28
Thing of it is, Phil 2.6 does not actually say what you yourself cited here - ie When we look to the Greek manuscripts(texts), we find the son did not seek equality with GOD while in the form of GOD in heaven, and moreso, that the words 'thought it not robbery' are nowhere found in that passage, and moreso, that these are more along the lines of fabrications than accurate translation; _'...who existing in the form of GOD, did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped...'_ - Phil 2.6
This was an excellent presentation but there was one Unitarian view that was not mentioned that should have been at least touched on. Some Unitarian Christians believe that while on earth and prior to Jesus death, he was 100% human.. But after his death he was raised and exalted to a divine immortal being. This understanding would explain many passages of scripture clearly.
Do not all Christians believe that Jesus was raised and exalted to a "divine" and immortal being? I guess it depends on how you define "divine". But he is definitely immortal. There should be no question about that. But in the same way, all who are in the first resurrection would be immortal too. Revelation also says that they will reign with him and sit on his throne (at the right hand of God) with him.
@@Eclectifying I am of the opinion that Jesus was raised as a divine and immortal being but most Unitarians don't acknowledge this. Most think that Jesus is still a man. I certainly agree that all Christians who are part of the first resurrection will be immortal but 2 Peter 1-4 expands on the Christian hope and states "you may become partakers of the divine nature". Certainly it stands to reason that if Christians have both the hope of immortality and even the divine nature then Jesus must have both of these attributes. That to me is very plain. If you are given the divine nature and are immortal you are definitely no longer a man.
@@Eclectifying Personally I don't think that statement requires an interpretation. It's a simple but powerful statement that clearly shows we will not continue into the next world with a human nature. I think it helps to expand on the promises made in 1 Corinthians 15 - 42 to 54 about the resurrection of Christ's body of believers. We experience a change from mortal to immortal and from flesh and blood to spirit beings.
@@coreymihailiuk5189You seem to be neglecting a critical consideration: "...See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” - Luke 24:39
Hi Dr. Tuggy. This was an excellent study. Thank you. I have a couple comments or questions. When you presented the 3 possible options for who Jesus is - God, man, or God-man - the criteria you used changed, thus making it not a totally fair comparison. In the first portion, you acknowledged several instances where Jesus is recognized in some sense as God or divine, but in a lesser sense than THE One God Almighty with His plenitude of God attributes. However when you try to show the contradiction in the last category, of Jesus being both God and man, you switch and use criteria for God in the absolute sense (omniscient, omnipotent, not temptable, immortal, etc.). Wouldn't it be more fair to use the "God in a lesser sense" in this last category, since that is what you acknowledged in the earlier category? And related to this is his virgin birth. If Jesus was man, human being only, what was the necessity for the virgin birth? What are the implications of a virgin birth re- Jesus' nature as God, or man, or "God-man"? Another important facet in this discussion, which you never touched on here, is whether Jesus was pre-existant to Bethlehem. I'm guessing you flatly deny this, but would have liked to see you address the passages which seem to say he was pre-existant. It seems your conclusion is that Jesus was GIVEN everything which we might consider God-like, and bore nothing divine intrinsically. But then in what sense is Jesus GOD"S SON? Was he just "appointed" as Son, or was he truly a biological son? And if a biologic son, in what way? Was Jesus sinless and perfect in his character? How did this happen? Is it possible Jesus was a literal, born, begotten Son of God already BEFORE he was sent into the world, and that he gave up much of his glory in order to become truly 100% human, but still retained the intrinsic goodness and sinlessness which he inherited from his Father? Do you have a video which goes through all the Scriptures, like you did here, but with the aim of finding out whether they support pre-existance or not? But even apart from that question, I still feel you need to flesh out in the "God-man" category whether he might be fully human, but with some divine characteristics of "God in a lesser sense" (like sinlessness), and what the implications are for a virgin birth. Thanks for this excellent study. I am happy to have stumbled onto your channel, though I had learned your name on the Restitutio website and have just bought, but not yet read, your book, "What is the Trinity".
I just watched your video on "The Case AGAINST the Pre-existence of Christ". You made a lot of good points which I can agree with, but you did NOT adequately counter all of the "troublesome verses", and truths taught by the "totality of Scripture', and actually in sum this video resulted in doing the opposite of what you intended - it strengthened the case FOR the pre-existence of Christ in my understanding, (not as if he was eternal like God the Father, but rather that he was born or begotten sometime before the creation of the world, and later "born again" in Bethlehem, indeed even born a third time with his resurrection). And again, you didn't address the virgin birth and what the implications of this are. I will of course view some of the many other videos on your website/channel as I am still learning and have not arrived at a firm conclusion, however your "weak case" , IMO, served to make me happy because it appears there is NOT obvious, strong, irrefutable proof against Jesus' pre-existence after all or you would have brought it up. (Also, you say human beings must arrive in the normal and customary ways from mother and father. Adam and Eve did not arrive this way, and if ever it were justified to have "exceptions" to the norm, surely the Son of God would qualify.) Thanks for the clear way you teach.
Some debate the Ebionites were the family & followers of Jesus centred in Jerusalem led by James. No debate the Ebionites were a Jewish sect that accepted Jesus as messiah, had their own version of the gospel of Matthew.but rejected Paul & the virgin birth.
Brother you teach that Jesus was not preexistent. You are in error. And you need to read The Bible.Rejohn chapter 16 verse 28. Jesus says he is returning back to the father From where he came. John chapter 17 the whole chapter explains that Jesus was preexistent . he was with the father at the beginning of the world .How do you explain these verses , And statements by Jesus.? I know Jesus is not the father God, But we also know that he did not come into existence when he was born. Jesus is God's begotten son, that just means, begotten, when he was born into the flesh. it's obvious.
Jesus is unique. He is the express image of God his father. How can we say that there is not something very unique about that? He was able to say that anyone who has seen him has seen the father? We can say with absolute confidence that Jesus truly is the son of God. It doesn't need to be explained. Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead... This is a key verse that neither the Unitarians nor Trinitarians ever refer to. The invisible things, has eternal power and Godhead, can be understood by the things he created. What is the one creation that was made in the image of God?
friend, that which is born of the SPIRIT (father) is that same SPIRIT (son) and not clay John 3.6 Jesus is the Almighty God (Holy Spirit) Himself, not a 2nd person of a trinity.
Trinity and oneness are the same thing. To say that Jesus is the Almighty God is heresy against the truth. It leaves out his flesh! It takes away the true sonship of Jesus. The scriptures do not say that the Almighty God, or that the Holy spirit was made flesh. It says the Word was made flesh. John 1:1 says the Word was God, it does not say the word is God.
@@jc4me17 it is not the flesh that saves but the love of God manifested on earth. Only faith in the love of God (the Christ) can save you. Not faith in the flesh.
God is the spirit according to John 4:24. Angels or spirits according to Hebrews 1:7. Angels are also Messengers sent by God. A human is not a spirit, but a human can be a messenger sent by God like Moses, like Jesus at John 17:3. Jesus was a spirit in heaven according to John 1:1 who became a man on earth according to Philippians 2:5-11. He was not both at the same time. Jesus clearly defines his Father, and himself at John 17:1-3. He says knowing this definition is so important that it means everlasting life.
Seems like a possible straw man is being employed here 😕 I didn't know of any religious traditions that teach that Jesus was an angel while he walked on the earth. So I asked an AI to do some research for me and it was unable to find any either. Various religious traditions teach that he was resurrected and became different and so you could certainly say that some believe that he was an angel after he was on earth, but absolutely no religion that I could find indicated that they believe that he was an angel while he walked the earth 😐 why would Dr Tuggy put that as an option given no one believes it? Was it a straw man of those who believe in pre-existence of Jesus as an angel? (Similar to what Arius taught?)
If you accept the idea that Jesus is in fact The only direct creation of God . And has served as a messenger of God to the human servants of God. And that all other creations where created through him and for him. All those scripturally supported thoughts lend one to understand that Jesus has a prehuman existence as a messenger of Hod ( Angel) but was actually a maker of angels and after his earthly coarse was given a higher rank above the angels. This resolves the quandary some have. Jesus is The Only begotten Son of God . Not God Himself but as godlike as any angel and as human physically while on earth and in experience after the resurrection as any man. The perfect representative and judge for both humanity and Angels.
Let us not neglect a very important fact - Jesus had a human spirit when He was born, and just before He died, He commended it to His Father. God doesn't have a human spirit. He received His Father's Spirit upon Him at baptizm, and I believe the Scripture below indicates that the Lord God replaced Jesus' human spirit with His (Almighty God) Spirit, permanently, as a promise to Him. It is this Spirit, of His Father, that Jesus received upon ascension and glorification, that is put into our hearts at the new birth. (Luke 23:46) _And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend _*_my spirit:_*_ and having said thus, he gave up the ghost._ (Acts 2:33) _Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and _*_having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit,_*_ he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear._
What about it? The problem with Islam vs Christianity (that I know of) is 3 things. #1) The death and resurrection of Jesus is explicitly denied while in Christianity/New Testament it is explicitly affirmed. #2) Jesus is explicitly denied the title “God’s Son” in Islam while in Christianity/New Testament it is explicitly affirmed #3) There are certain re-imposed or added laws in Islam whereas in Christianity they are non binding/not important for salvation. Food laws, laws of prayer, pilgrimage, punishment. Possibly also the state of death and “after-life” may differ in Islam. So if both these religions and their texts say opposite things then they cannot both be right. The New Testament gives its reasonings as to why it presents a new way that differs from the law of Moses based in different things like this being Gods original plan in his great foresight and in Israel’s disobedience, and that it was never Gods intention for it to be permanent, etc. Islam gives its reason as that the New Testament and Christianity has been changed, corrupted without anyway of recovering the original, or that Islam is the restoration of the original. The only problem with that is evidence does not support that the New Testament has been corrupted in that level, so while some denominations may have been corrupted the actual texts they claim to believe/follow have not. If I am incorrect about anything I’ve stated here someone please correct me.
A messiah of God Yehovah the anointer is someone who will make people serve Jehovah the true God like David and Yehoshua the son of Nun and not someone who will cause people to worship him as God in place of God Yehovah
Oops Dale. Love you 😍. I must correct your interpretation of Rodeo Clowns. Not there to entertain. Definitely not sub intelligent. They are there to save lives. Brave and brilliant is a better way to describe those heros. Just like you. Brave and brilliant. Hugs.
Proverbs 8:1-2 is the key to finding the mystery of Jesus. The whole chapter after that. Then Gen.. 1:3. The NT gospels were written as an spiritual allegory. The truth will set you free. No human being is going to return to earth from heaven.
Sneering?!! No! The whole point is that I'm taking them seriously in their testimony about God and his Son, even if this goes against some long-cherished traditions. I'm sorry if something about my nerdy personality gave you that impression.
God stated what He wanted his children to know he would make it plain. He is not trying to mystify us with hair splitting arguments on how many He is or Who His son is - He is very CLEAR!
@@DaleTuggy friend, that which is born of the SPIRIT (father) is that same SPIRIT (son) and not clay John 3.6 Your carnal mind is in opposition to God and you are not saved, for the faith you have (in human sacrifice) is not the faith that you need to receive His saving grace. You are in great danger for you are still deceived by the trinity doctrine as you cannot image Jesus being Almighty God unless He is part of a trinity.
For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, (the Man Christ Jesus, ) who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, for which "God can not die. yet Jesus Christ did". God is not Jesus Christ & Jesus Christ is not God! It's probably that Lord & God is a title for Jesus Christ not that he was a Lord & God. He was the begotten Son of God. " if Jesus is a God who then was he praying to in these verses while on the Cross"?- Three prayers on the cross: "Father forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34) "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matt 27:46, Mark 15:34) "Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46) "If Jesus Christ was God then who is Jehovah"?. ", if Jesus Christ was God then why did he pray"?. " if Jesus Christ was God why did he sleep"? All of us are Sons and daughters of God- Acts 17:28-29, that doesn't make us God. All it does is make us in the image and likeness of God and Jesus Christ Gen 1:26-27. Before Christ came to the Earth. "Jesus became a God and reached His great state of understanding through consistent effort and continuous obedience to all the Gospel truths and universal laws." The Gospel Through the Ages; Deseret Book Co. 1945, p.51
So the WORD came to the prophets in the OT? Trinitarians say that the WORD didn't come until Mary created him without human seed. Sounds to me Trinitarians need to explain the WORD that came to Ezekiel, the Son of Man, in the OT. Was it Jesus before he had been born by a miracle?
Dale confuses people. Here is why Jesus is God incarnate: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” John 1:1-3 “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 a. The Greek word logos is translated as “word.” In the beginning, the Logos was with the Father. One person was with another person. b. “With” is also a key word in this text. There are three ways this English word is brought through from the Greek. In this case, the Greek word translated as “with” in this passage is pros, which means “face to face intimacy.” Jesus was intimately associated with the Father. c. The verse also says that Jesus not only was with God, but that He was God. The Word is differentiated from God, but is also identified with God. It was because of plain teaching like this in the New Testament that the church developed the doctrine of the Trinity.
@@Justas399 you said God was referred to jesus so that means he is almighty God but bible says God was referred to many prophets and even kings Also jesus isnt the creator. Jehovah God is . Jesus was a master worker . Jehovah had the plans and used his firstborn to create . Everything was created through jesus and for jesus Jesus always said hes Gods son or son of God and always did what pleases the father . Jesus couldn't do anything without the father
Can’t say I see consistency in what he says he views scripture. He says he uses common sense and takes verses at face value. And does that for verses that imply that Jesus is man but then doesn’t do that for verses that imply Jesus is God. Seems to me that he’s breaking his own rules there for not reliable 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Mormons believe in the glorification of man! To say Jesus is more than a "mere" man does not help. This ideology is wrong! Jesus demands all the things that God the father demands. He told his disciples and others, if you don't love me more than father or mother, you are not worthy of me. Jesus says that he is the Shepherd of the sheep. Read Psalm 23, the Lord God is the Shepherd. Now when you receive the Holy Spirit, the bible calls it the "Spirit of the Son," and "Spirit of adoption," that we receive and cry "Abba Father."
Mankind has potential to progress to Godhood (Exaltation, just as Christ) after death, provided the rules are followed We are Gods in the making (premature) because we are the actual spirit children of Heavenly Father - Psalms 82:6-7 Christ himself states we are all (potential) Gods by quoting Psalms 82:6, and uses it to explain his role - John 10:34-36 The trials of this life mask the glory that will be revealed in us, which will be equal to that of Christ - Romans 8:17-18 Christ warns not to let other people take away your crown - Rev. 3:11 In due time, we may enjoy exaltation for ourselves, provided we humble ourselves before God - 1 Peter 5:6 We shall be as the Gods - Genesis 3:5, Psalms 82:6 The dead become Gods - 1 Samuel 28:13 Because of coming to know right from wrong, Adam can become “one of us” according to God in Genesis 3:22 There are many Gods in the heavens, but while we are on earth, we are to have only one God (Heavenly Father) and one Lord, his son Jesus Christ (directly stated as being two separate individuals) - 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 Earthly life does not reflect the glory that will eventually be revealed in all of us -Romans 8:18 Christ states he has done nothing that he hasn't seen his Father already do (implying progression to Godhood) - John 5:19 We get to overcome and sit on Christ's throne, just as Christ overcame and sits on his Father's throne - Revelation 3:21 Very few are aware that there are many Gods (eluding to abundant corruption of doctrine) - 1 Corinthians 8:5-7 We may progress to Godhood, however death in the flesh is a requirement (eluding to Earth's purpose) - Psalms 82:6-7 Christ's judgment takes place amidst the other Gods, other Gods described as being a multitude/congregation - Psalms 82:1 Since we are literal children of the Father, we shall be glorified as heirs of kingdoms the same as Christ - Romans 8:16-17 We can become heirs of God (inheriting what He has, Godhood) since we are his actual spirit children - Galatians 4:7 Holy Spirit testifies that we shall be equally exalted as Christ (who is the God of the Old Testament) - Romans 8:16-17 We, the sons of God, become like him, even in physical body - 1 John 3:2 Just men are eventually made perfect - Hebrews 12:23 Christ appointed his own Godly kingdom by the Heavenly Father - Luke 22:29, Romans 8:16-17 (we're equals with Christ) Live righteously and endure to the end in Christ and we are made rulers (not servants) - Matthew 25:21 Christ, while in Heaven, tells us we get to inherit kingdoms that were promised to us before creation - Matthew 25:34 Christ makes us millennial rulers after our resurrection, not "subjects" - Revelation 20:6 First we are earthly, and then progress to being Heavenly - 1 Cor. 15:49
He never demanded being thought of as his own Father, the creator, the all powerful, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Israel, being his own God, being good, having power/immortality/words inherent in himself, of being the un-killable one etc the list really would just keep going on and on. “Tell them I go to my Father and your Father, to your God and my God”...who is their God who is also his God, that he is not equal to or superior to (how are you equal to your God?)?
@@youngknowledgeseeker Let me answer you with scripture. John 10:30-33 I and my Father are one. 31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. 32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? 33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Did you get that! Now what were you saying?
First off, Jesus was not His name. He was called Yeshu. Another thing, the two images that you showed at the beginning of your presentation has corrupted the entire presentation. It is known that Jesus was not a Caucasian, nor was He pale skinned. He looked like the typical Israelite, dark-skinned, wooly-haired. I see this presentation as another attempt by a Gentile trying to claim a bloodline that is not His own. If the tone of his skin is irrelevant, why not use the correct brown tone?
Oh great a bhi , can you tell me the biblical description of a Nazarite? And the verse you’re TWISTING to say Jesus is black is a verse saying His hair is white AS wool ,not in texture but in what?color. Kinda makes sense you know since sheep have wool and Jesus is called the Lamb of God
@@ronaldochristopher669 not a black Hebrew Israelite by any means. I will say that it is well documented that the original Israelites were dark-skinned.. I say that with no racism in my heart at all. It is simply a fact that all original peoples were of a darker hue, which in my eyes means absolutely nothing.. it’s just the Truth. So please forgive me if my original post came off a bit over the top. I am aware of the meaning of Nazarite, it’s etymology and such. My intent from the start was to express how Jesus and all biblical characters have been misrepresented intentionally. May God bless you!
Trinitarian's and Unitarians have it wrong. This teacher placed no focus at all on the fact that Jesus is the Word made flesh. God is the father of Jesus and nothing will ever change that. Jesus is the son of God and the son of man. Jesus referred to himself as the way, the truth, the life. He is not "just" human. Jesus is unique. He is the only begotten of the father. How can this teacher imply that there is nothing unique about Jesus??? The one thing that Unitarians and Trinitarian is miss, the key thing missing in their teachings, is the authority given to the Son and what exactly that means. Teachers like this spend all her time talking about who or what Jesus is not. Teachers like this are full of good words and fair speeches. Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
I used to think the same as you - but actually I see the man's views. I realized that I was the one who was missing it. I now believe that He is right on.
@@Psalm-pu2jq teaching anything but Jesus as God clothed in humanity to come take the sins of the world is the spirit of anichrist! I pray you also repent and turn back to truth.
Trinitarian's and Unitarians have it wrong. This teacher placed no focus at all on the fact that Jesus is the Word made flesh. God is the father of Jesus and nothing will ever change that. Jesus is the son of God and the son of man. Jesus referred to himself as the way, the truth, the life. He is not "just" human. Jesus is unique. He is the only begotten of the father. How can this teacher imply that there is nothing unique about Jesus??? The one thing that Unitarians and Trinitarian is miss, the key thing missing in their teachings, is the authority given to the Son and what exactly that means. Teachers like this spend all their time talking about who or what Jesus is not. Teachers like this are full of good words and fair speeches. Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
Especially at the very end where you point out that Jesus is no "mere man"! Thank you for digging into this in detail!
Excellent! All glory be to YHWH - THROUGH His only begotten Son!
Tyler B #2
Bad argument. Obeying YHWH’s Messiah is serving YHWH.
Instead of doing jumping jacks around peripheral references, why not look where the question is explicitly asked and answered by revelation:
“Who do you say I am?”
“You are the Messiah - the Son of the Living God!”
Don’t deceive yourself. Yeshua isn’t the Living God. But rather, the son of the Living God. It’s that simple. Yeshua didn’t correct Peter’s confession, but endorsed it.
@Tyler B #2 utterly A Stupidity No Verse gives A Proof text of the Ambiguity to Say Just because Christ is Respected In Terms He Should Also Be Lord God . He Is Man Messiah ( The Christ ) and Christ Means Anointed Not Lord God Almighty .
@Tyler B #2 Seriously! Is this all you got??
@Tyler B #2 I’m Fairly sure it means the word, as in the testimony of God/YHWH in the flesh. Not the word itself. Look up the word used for word. Logos. It has multiple meanings. Don’t forsake the Father.
@Tyler B #2 your deceived. You have to get to the truth yourself if your not willing to listen, and only prove others wrong.
All The Glory Be To God And His Only Unique Son Whom God Made Him Lord And Christ.
YaH's "designated" son.
Dr. Tale.. a very well academical presentation.. simple for audience.. clear and eloquent! May God bless you ❤
Also Joshua 5:13-15: “When Joshua was near Jerʹi·cho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua walked up to him and asked: “Are you on our side or on the side of our adversaries?” 14 To this he said: “No, but I have come as prince of Jehovah’s army.” With that Joshua fell with his face to the ground and prostrated himself and said to him: “What does my lord have to say to his servant?” 15 The prince of Jehovah’s army replied to Joshua: “Remove your sandals from your feet, because the place where you are standing is holy.” At once Joshua did so.”
I really enjoyed this presentation
Halleluja! Finally I can believe what I have read/seen in the scriptures 💥💗
Back then (15 years ago) I felt like I was one of the “weird” people that see scripture this way. I didn’t know any respectable biblical Unitarian scholar (with the exception of Sir Anthony Buzzard and one or two people).
It has been refreshing to know about Dr Dale Tuggy, Dustin Smith and others. Let’s pray for a real 21st restoration and that this century can be known for more clarity on this
This is amazing! Thank you and Hallelujah!
God bless us all who believed in one God the Father and not three persons. Great teaching. Gob bless u Dr. Dale.
For Jews, the term 'son of God' as it is used at Psalm 82, does not necessarily mean a divine being, but can mean a Prophet who receives God's divine communications.
For a Gentile coming out of paganism, a son of God would mean a demigod. But a demigod, a god who mated with a woman, would be a Nephilim, a giant hybrid.
Context is king. People will stretch the definition of a single Greek word to completely dismiss the context of any passage that they read their theology into.
Thanks, Dale for such a sound teaching that encourages common sense and context over everything else. I read “The One” by J Dan Gill once a year (a book you sent me years ago) just to refresh the common sense part of my study.
It's really amazing how this person states that he has the answers, that his "critical thinking" presentation will give you the full picture.
His disciples said that he is the messiah, the son of God. Just remember that Jesus is the messiah, God has never ever been known as messiah.
Just wanted to add, that Jesus also claimed to be the Messiah and son of GOD, and that many people today are not actually aware of this, and thus, contributing to their vulnerability to modern day false teachings and distortions of the truth.
Galatians 4:14: “And though my physical condition was a trial for you, you did not treat me with contempt or disgust; but you received me like an angel of God, like Christ Jesus.”
Trying to "explain" who Jesus is in our own words is like trying to explain how one person can come out of two people
This man is not a New Testament scholar, he is a philosopher. People should keep that in mind.
Yes, and he is preching a false Christ. Read scriptures for yourself, study the prophecies, read Jesus' statements concerning Himself in the book of John, look for the "I am" statements, see how the Jews reacted when Jesus said God is His Father. Do not believe these false unitarian teachers, this is an old heresy. "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." Colossians 2:8
@@bernardohermont9067 :I AM" really, is this all you got?? Was God being Jesus the Second/Last Adam? How does that work for You?? You sir are listening to false teachers and if you were truly wise you would take seriously what dale Tuddy is teaching. Just saying.
@bernardohermont9067 dude, Jesus is saying he's the messiah... that's all. The trinity is the steering wheel pulled all the way to the left and oneness is the wheel pulled all the way to the right. I hope you've looked more into what they've said here on this channel. I'm not even telling you I agree with everything they say, but Jesus is not God.
John 12:49-50
Jesus says
"For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say."
Jesus has claimed many times over to be the Son of God. Not God the Son. None of the people that followed Jesus saw Jesus has God. Jesus even asked “who do you think I am?” It sure as hell wasn’t LORD. Stop cherry picking quotes. The trinity is a man made belief, it did not come from Yahweh, it came from Greek philosophers almost 400 years later.. the same kind of philosophers you just warned everyone and calling this guy heresy. Heresy how? Disagreeing with an opinion? The trinity isn’t fact and shouldn’t be seen as fact and I find it overwhelmingly shocking that Christian’s will go along with this that’s fine. Even so, I don’t think it matters not even in the slightest how you see Jesus, as long as you know he died for your sins and he is the only way into The Fathers Kingdom.
Epic, thank you for your work!!
waking up is hard to do, I'm still convincing ppl the earth is motionless and flat, just like the Bible teaches, man has deceived the whole earth into believing in outer space, spinning at un-conceivable speeds, and trying to reprogram your brain takes Elohim's power and mercy to do so, so please seek His help and mercy and He will reveal this to you, and get your mind in a place where everything is back on the table!!
"Son of the living God" might have been added in 'Matthew' 16:16 then since 'Mark' came before 'Matthew'.
The "hold" time value of the dynamic range compressor is set a bit high.
6:31 - _"We're really just down to three options..."_
Unlike mere human beings, who are made _IN the image_ of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God *_IS_* _the image_ of God the Father (2 Cor.4:4, Col.1:15, Heb.1:3). Here then are the three options restated:
1. God the Father's image is human only.
2. God the Father's image is divine only.
3. God the Father's image is a "divine human".
Options (2) and (3) are indeed false, but option (1) is also false, as can be shown by way of illustration...
If, while you were watching this presentation, someone approached you, pointed to your electronic display, and asked _"Who's that?",_ you'd likely say _"Dr. Dale Tuggy."_ You would NOT say _"That's not a who, that's an _*_it_*_ - Dr. Dale Tuggy's _*_image_*_ - on my electronic display"._
So Dale's *image* is actually identifiable as Dale *himself* (in a different "dimension"). With this in mind, how would the three options look when applied to _Dale's_ image instead of God's image?
1. Dale's image is pixels only.
2. Dale's image is human only.
3. Dale's image is "human pixels".
Options (2) and (3) are obviously false, but option (1) is false as well, and here's why...
If we were to hone in on a single pixel in the middle of Dale's image, the color of that pixel would change throughout the course of the presentation in accordance with Dale's movements, gestures, and so forth. But if Dale's image is "pixels ONLY", that single pixel in the middle of Dale's image would NEVER change color, _because pixels "themselves"_ *_are inanimate objects incapable of changing their own color._* The reason that the pixels are changing color is because of Option number _FOUR:_
4. Dale's image IS Dale - the human _himself_ - *manifest* as pixels.
And likewise...
If God the Father's image is "human ONLY", then the man Christ Jesus could NEVER - for example - forgive the sins of the man sick of the palsy, something only God the Father could do. The reason that the man Christ Jesus could forgive the sins of the man sick of the palsy is because of Option number Four:
4. God the Father's image IS God the Father - the eternal Spirit _himself_ - *manifest* as a human.
-- "Human Dale" and his image - "Pixel Dale" - are one and the same Dale, _in vastly different dimensions._
-- "God the Father" and _his_ image - "The everlasting Father" (Isa.9:6) - are one and the same Father, _in vastly different dimensions._
*1 TIMOTHY 3:16 (KJV)*
_And without controversy _*_GREAT is the mystery of godliness:_*_ _*_*GOD*_*_ _*_was manifest in the flesh,_*_ justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory._
It's a mistake to collapse together me and some image of me - some things are true of the one that aren't true of the other. See trinities podcast 124 for more on that. About this "If God the Father's image is "human ONLY", then the man Christ Jesus could NEVER - for example - forgive the sins of the man sick of the palsy" - this is shown to be false by the texts discussed in the presentation.
_>>> "It's a mistake to collapse together me and some image of me - some things are true of the one that aren't true of the other."_
Indeed, some things are true of the invisible *"root of David"* that aren't true of the root of David's visible _image_ - i.e., the *"offspring of David"* - yet...
*_I JESUS_* _have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches._ *_I am the root AND the offspring of David,_* _and the bright and morning star._
-- One who _precedes_ David in a genealogy *is the father of* one who _succeeds_ David in that genealogy.
-- The root of David _precedes_ David.
-- The offspring of David _succeeds_ David.
-- Therefore, the root of David *is the father of* the offspring of David.
-- The root of David is Jesus.
-- The offspring of David is Jesus.
-- Therefore, *Jesus **_is the father of_** Jesus.*
The distinction between the Father and the Son is not a distinction of _persons,_ but rather a distinction of _dimensions_ of one and the same "Spirit person", whose name forevermore is JESUS.
_Now the Lord _*_IS_*_ that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty._
@Tyler B #2 Simple:
Matthew 28:13: "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."
Jesus says it himself. He is given power and authority to do all things in Heaven and on Earth. From my understanding, a supreme being like YHWH isn't given something as he has all things and lacks nothing within his nature. God can give power to other beings but He doesn't need power from someone or something else as He is all-powerful. Jesus doesn't fit this description based on his own testimony right here. And again, as I explained, he was given his power from the Supreme Being, the Holy One, the great I Am, the Father. Therefore, it makes sense that Jesus would say what he said in John 5:19. He holds all power vested in him by God. He does all things through the Father who works in him
@Tyler B #2 Okay? Which powers are those? The verse says “all authority and power” has been given unto Christ?
Okay I agree with you about the OT statement. Now let’s go with that. Jesus also testified about him being the Son of God to the Jews that he was sent for. He did the works of his Father. Why didn’t the Jews believe that he was God?
Yeah, he will give authority of the kingdom over to God. But you’re still ignoring the fact here that it was given to Jesus by God himself. Jesus is simply giving it back to God. It was the Father’s to begin with. All power, authority, and dominion over the heavens and the earth belongs to God the Father initially. It was given Christ Jesus for him to reign over and will be given back when Christ’s mission is complete.
Continue reading 1 Cor 15:25-28: “For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.”
This explains why Christ was handed rule over everything, and more interestingly, why Christ must hand the rule back to God. Even the Son himself will be made subject to One “who put everything under him”. Wow. This further put into question how Christ can be God if Christ will be subjected to God. I thought they were equal??
@@raya7052 Absolutely. Jesus also said that he can do nothing of himself. Jesus also gave the disciples the authority to heal the sick and raise the dead. Were they God??
For more videos on this topic watch RUclips video's, 'THE TRINITY - A WARNING TO SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST PART 1 - (and part 2) -PIONEERING AGAIN' and 'Warfare Over the Matter - Judgement Hour' and 'The Future of Unity and the Trail of the Serpent - Judgement Hour' and 'But Whom Say Ye That I Am? (Part 1&2) - Judgement Hour'.
Love Yahshua Ha Messiah ( YEsha Al-Masih ) 💓💓
😮, I just listened to a Harris speaking to Nechemyah Gordon.
Jesus is unique. He is the express image of God his father. How can we say that there is not something very unique about that? He was able to say that anyone who has seen him has seen the father? We can say with absolute confidence that Jesus truly is the son of God. It doesn't need to be explained.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead...
This is a key verse that neither the Unitarians nor Trinitarians ever refer to. The invisible things, God's eternal power and Godhead, can be understood by the things he created.
What is the one creation that was made in the image of God?
What is Unitarian ?
It was a matter perhaps of salvation:
Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: -Philippians 2:6
And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. -1 Corinthians 15:28
Thing of it is, Phil 2.6 does not actually say what you yourself cited here - ie
When we look to the Greek manuscripts(texts), we find the son did not seek equality with GOD while in the form of GOD in heaven, and moreso, that the words 'thought it not robbery' are nowhere found in that passage, and moreso, that these are more along the lines of fabrications than accurate translation;
_'...who existing in the form of GOD, did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped...'_ - Phil 2.6
I would agree with that interpretation.
This was an excellent presentation but there was one Unitarian view that was not mentioned that should have been at least touched on. Some Unitarian Christians believe that while on earth and prior to Jesus death, he was 100% human.. But after his death he was raised and exalted to a divine immortal being. This understanding would explain many passages of scripture clearly.
Do not all Christians believe that Jesus was raised and exalted to a "divine" and immortal being? I guess it depends on how you define "divine". But he is definitely immortal. There should be no question about that. But in the same way, all who are in the first resurrection would be immortal too. Revelation also says that they will reign with him and sit on his throne (at the right hand of God) with him.
@@Eclectifying I am of the opinion that Jesus was raised as a divine and immortal being but most Unitarians don't acknowledge this. Most think that Jesus is still a man. I certainly agree that all Christians who are part of the first resurrection will be immortal but 2 Peter 1-4 expands on the Christian hope and states "you may become partakers of the divine nature". Certainly it stands to reason that if Christians have both the hope of immortality and even the divine nature then Jesus must have both of these attributes. That to me is very plain. If you are given the divine nature and are immortal you are definitely no longer a man.
@@coreymihailiuk5189 I get what you are saying. That also depends on how you interpret “partakers of the divine nature”.
@@Eclectifying Personally I don't think that statement requires an interpretation. It's a simple but powerful statement that clearly shows we will not continue into the next world with a human nature. I think it helps to expand on the promises made in 1 Corinthians 15 - 42 to 54 about the resurrection of Christ's body of believers. We experience a change from mortal to immortal and from flesh and blood to spirit beings.
@@coreymihailiuk5189You seem to be neglecting a critical consideration: "...See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” - Luke 24:39
Hi Dr. Tuggy. This was an excellent study. Thank you. I have a couple comments or questions. When you presented the 3 possible options for who Jesus is - God, man, or God-man - the criteria you used changed, thus making it not a totally fair comparison. In the first portion, you acknowledged several instances where Jesus is recognized in some sense as God or divine, but in a lesser sense than THE One God Almighty with His plenitude of God attributes. However when you try to show the contradiction in the last category, of Jesus being both God and man, you switch and use criteria for God in the absolute sense (omniscient, omnipotent, not temptable, immortal, etc.). Wouldn't it be more fair to use the "God in a lesser sense" in this last category, since that is what you acknowledged in the earlier category? And related to this is his virgin birth. If Jesus was man, human being only, what was the necessity for the virgin birth? What are the implications of a virgin birth re- Jesus' nature as God, or man, or "God-man"? Another important facet in this discussion, which you never touched on here, is whether Jesus was pre-existant to Bethlehem. I'm guessing you flatly deny this, but would have liked to see you address the passages which seem to say he was pre-existant. It seems your conclusion is that Jesus was GIVEN everything which we might consider God-like, and bore nothing divine intrinsically. But then in what sense is Jesus GOD"S SON? Was he just "appointed" as Son, or was he truly a biological son? And if a biologic son, in what way? Was Jesus sinless and perfect in his character? How did this happen? Is it possible Jesus was a literal, born, begotten Son of God already BEFORE he was sent into the world, and that he gave up much of his glory in order to become truly 100% human, but still retained the intrinsic goodness and sinlessness which he inherited from his Father? Do you have a video which goes through all the Scriptures, like you did here, but with the aim of finding out whether they support pre-existance or not? But even apart from that question, I still feel you need to flesh out in the "God-man" category whether he might be fully human, but with some divine characteristics of "God in a lesser sense" (like sinlessness), and what the implications are for a virgin birth. Thanks for this excellent study. I am happy to have stumbled onto your channel, though I had learned your name on the Restitutio website and have just bought, but not yet read, your book, "What is the Trinity".
Hi again. I just went to visit your website and found a video re -pre-existance. I guess I spoke too soon. Sorry.
I just watched your video on "The Case AGAINST the Pre-existence of Christ". You made a lot of good points which I can agree with, but you did NOT adequately counter all of the "troublesome verses", and truths taught by the "totality of Scripture', and actually in sum this video resulted in doing the opposite of what you intended - it strengthened the case FOR the pre-existence of Christ in my understanding, (not as if he was eternal like God the Father, but rather that he was born or begotten sometime before the creation of the world, and later "born again" in Bethlehem, indeed even born a third time with his resurrection). And again, you didn't address the virgin birth and what the implications of this are. I will of course view some of the many other videos on your website/channel as I am still learning and have not arrived at a firm conclusion, however your "weak case" , IMO, served to make me happy because it appears there is NOT obvious, strong, irrefutable proof against Jesus' pre-existence after all or you would have brought it up. (Also, you say human beings must arrive in the normal and customary ways from mother and father. Adam and Eve did not arrive this way, and if ever it were justified to have "exceptions" to the norm, surely the Son of God would qualify.) Thanks for the clear way you teach.
Who were the true followers who succeeded the apostles?
Some debate the Ebionites were the family & followers of Jesus centred in Jerusalem led by James. No debate the Ebionites were a Jewish sect that accepted Jesus as messiah, had their own version of the gospel of Matthew.but rejected Paul & the virgin birth.
@@robbielee2148 Have you studied this topic. If so do you have any recommended sources?
The Catholics
@@brg1213 please explain
@@robbielee2148 what is your source??? Why do you say no debate?
Hey Dale, is this your Antioch lecture from August?
Yes it was.
Brother you teach that Jesus was not preexistent. You are in error. And you need to read The Bible.Rejohn chapter 16 verse 28. Jesus says he is returning back to the father From where he came. John chapter 17 the whole chapter explains that Jesus was preexistent . he was with the father at the beginning of the world .How do you explain these verses , And statements by Jesus.? I know Jesus is not the father God, But we also know that he did not come into existence when he was born. Jesus is God's begotten son, that just means, begotten, when he was born into the flesh. it's obvious.
Support u My Bross ..
Love Original Christans 💓..
Muslim 💓Non-Trinitarian christans ( original messanic jews ) 💓💓.
Baruch Alohim( Barak Allah )
Jesus is unique. He is the express image of God his father. How can we say that there is not something very unique about that? He was able to say that anyone who has seen him has seen the father? We can say with absolute confidence that Jesus truly is the son of God. It doesn't need to be explained.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead...
This is a key verse that neither the Unitarians nor Trinitarians ever refer to. The invisible things, has eternal power and Godhead, can be understood by the things he created.
What is the one creation that was made in the image of God?
friend, that which is born of the SPIRIT (father) is that same SPIRIT (son) and not clay John 3.6
Jesus is the Almighty God (Holy Spirit) Himself, not a 2nd person of a trinity.
Trinity and oneness are the same thing. To say that Jesus is the Almighty God is heresy against the truth. It leaves out his flesh! It takes away the true sonship of Jesus. The scriptures do not say that the Almighty God, or that the Holy spirit was made flesh. It says the Word was made flesh. John 1:1 says the Word was God, it does not say the word is God.
@@jc4me17 it is not the flesh that saves but the love of God manifested on earth.
Only faith in the love of God (the Christ) can save you. Not faith in the flesh.
God is the spirit according to John 4:24.
Angels or spirits according to Hebrews 1:7. Angels are also Messengers sent by God.
A human is not a spirit, but a human can be a messenger sent by God like Moses, like Jesus at John 17:3.
Jesus was a spirit in heaven according to John 1:1 who became a man on earth according to Philippians 2:5-11. He was not both at the same time.
Jesus clearly defines his Father, and himself at John 17:1-3. He says knowing this definition is so important that it means everlasting life.
Seems like a possible straw man is being employed here 😕 I didn't know of any religious traditions that teach that Jesus was an angel while he walked on the earth. So I asked an AI to do some research for me and it was unable to find any either. Various religious traditions teach that he was resurrected and became different and so you could certainly say that some believe that he was an angel after he was on earth, but absolutely no religion that I could find indicated that they believe that he was an angel while he walked the earth 😐 why would Dr Tuggy put that as an option given no one believes it? Was it a straw man of those who believe in pre-existence of Jesus as an angel? (Similar to what Arius taught?)
If you accept the idea that Jesus is in fact The only direct creation of God . And has served as a messenger of God to the human servants of God. And that all other creations where created through him and for him. All those scripturally supported thoughts lend one to understand that Jesus has a prehuman existence as a messenger of Hod ( Angel) but was actually a maker of angels and after his earthly coarse was given a higher rank above the angels.
This resolves the quandary some have. Jesus is The Only begotten Son of God . Not God Himself but as godlike as any angel and as human physically while on earth and in experience after the resurrection as any man. The perfect representative and judge for both humanity and Angels.
Let us not neglect a very important fact - Jesus had a human spirit when He was born, and just before He died, He commended it to His Father. God doesn't have a human spirit. He received His Father's Spirit upon Him at baptizm, and I believe the Scripture below indicates that the Lord God replaced Jesus' human spirit with His (Almighty God) Spirit, permanently, as a promise to Him. It is this Spirit, of His Father, that Jesus received upon ascension and glorification, that is put into our hearts at the new birth.
(Luke 23:46) _And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend _*_my spirit:_*_ and having said thus, he gave up the ghost._
(Acts 2:33) _Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and _*_having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit,_*_ he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear._
Bb bu but what about islam? 🤔
What about it? The problem with Islam vs Christianity (that I know of) is 3 things.
#1) The death and resurrection of Jesus is explicitly denied while in Christianity/New Testament it is explicitly affirmed.
#2) Jesus is explicitly denied the title “God’s Son” in Islam while in Christianity/New Testament it is explicitly affirmed
#3) There are certain re-imposed or added laws in Islam whereas in Christianity they are non binding/not important for salvation. Food laws, laws of prayer, pilgrimage, punishment. Possibly also the state of death and “after-life” may differ in Islam.
So if both these religions and their texts say opposite things then they cannot both be right. The New Testament gives its reasonings as to why it presents a new way that differs from the law of Moses based in different things like this being Gods original plan in his great foresight and in Israel’s disobedience, and that it was never Gods intention for it to be permanent, etc. Islam gives its reason as that the New Testament and Christianity has been changed, corrupted without anyway of recovering the original, or that Islam is the restoration of the original. The only problem with that is evidence does not support that the New Testament has been corrupted in that level, so while some denominations may have been corrupted the actual texts they claim to believe/follow have not. If I am incorrect about anything I’ve stated here someone please correct me.
A messiah of God Yehovah the anointer is someone who will make people serve Jehovah the true God like David and Yehoshua the son of Nun and not someone who will cause people to worship him as God in place of God Yehovah
Oops Dale. Love you 😍. I must correct your interpretation of Rodeo Clowns. Not there to entertain. Definitely not sub intelligent. They are there to save lives. Brave and brilliant is a better way to describe those heros. Just like you. Brave and brilliant. Hugs.
Proverbs 8:1-2 is the key to finding the mystery of Jesus. The whole chapter after that. Then Gen.. 1:3. The NT gospels were written as an spiritual allegory. The truth will set you free. No human being is going to return to earth from heaven.
I usually like Dale duggly but he is almost sneering at the nt writers. H. Christ is a phenomenon difficult to describe and understand
Sneering?!! No! The whole point is that I'm taking them seriously in their testimony about God and his Son, even if this goes against some long-cherished traditions. I'm sorry if something about my nerdy personality gave you that impression.
God stated what He wanted his children to know he would make it plain. He is not trying to mystify us with hair splitting arguments on how many He is or Who His son is - He is very CLEAR!
Wow he just apologized personally for just something that was perceived about him but perhaps not actually true. Doesn’t get classier than this.
@@DaleTuggy Dale, why does Jesus call himself the Almighty in Revelation?
@@DaleTuggy friend, that which is born of the SPIRIT (father) is that same SPIRIT (son) and not clay John 3.6
Your carnal mind is in opposition to God and you are not saved, for the faith you have (in human sacrifice) is not the faith that you need to receive His saving grace.
You are in great danger for you are still deceived by the trinity doctrine as you cannot image Jesus being Almighty God unless He is part of a trinity.
For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, (the Man Christ Jesus, ) who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, for which
"God can not die. yet Jesus Christ did".
God is not Jesus Christ & Jesus Christ is not God!
It's probably that Lord & God is a title for Jesus Christ not that he was a Lord & God. He was the begotten Son of God.
" if Jesus is a God who then was he praying to in these verses while on the Cross"?-
Three prayers on the cross: "Father forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34) "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matt 27:46, Mark 15:34) "Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46)
"If Jesus Christ was God then who is Jehovah"?.
", if Jesus Christ was God then why did he pray"?.
" if Jesus Christ was God why did he sleep"?
All of us are Sons and daughters of God- Acts 17:28-29, that doesn't make us God.
All it does is make us in the image and likeness of God and Jesus Christ Gen 1:26-27. Before Christ came to the Earth.
"Jesus became a God and reached His great state of understanding through consistent effort and continuous obedience to all the Gospel truths and universal laws." The Gospel Through the Ages; Deseret Book Co. 1945, p.51
So the WORD came to the prophets in the OT? Trinitarians say that the WORD didn't come until Mary created him without human seed. Sounds to me Trinitarians need to explain the WORD that came to Ezekiel, the Son of Man, in the OT. Was it Jesus before he had been born by a miracle?
Dale confuses people. Here is why Jesus is God incarnate:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” John 1:1-3
“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
a. The Greek word logos is translated as “word.” In the beginning, the Logos was with the Father. One person was with another person.
b. “With” is also a key word in this text. There are three ways this English word is brought through from the Greek. In this case, the Greek word translated as “with” in this passage is pros, which means “face to face intimacy.” Jesus was intimately associated with the Father.
c. The verse also says that Jesus not only was with God, but that He was God. The Word is differentiated from God, but is also identified with God. It was because of plain teaching like this in the New Testament that the church developed the doctrine of the Trinity.
Word was God ? So he wasnt almighty God anymore? That's impossible for almighty God
@@AstariahJW To be God means you are Almighty. That is one of the attributes of deity.
@@Justas399 so moses and satan and judges of Israel are also almighty God
Your reasoning has faults
@@AstariahJW No. Moses, Satan and judges never created the universe nor are the all=powerful, all knowing and eternal like the Trinity is.
@@Justas399 you said God was referred to jesus so that means he is almighty God but bible says God was referred to many prophets and even kings
Also jesus isnt the creator. Jehovah God is . Jesus was a master worker . Jehovah had the plans and used his firstborn to create . Everything was created through jesus and for jesus
Jesus always said hes Gods son or son of God and always did what pleases the father . Jesus couldn't do anything without the father
The Father the Son a
the Holy Spirit are One God. Stop twisting the truth.
Where was this written in the bible?
Can’t say I see consistency in what he says he views scripture. He says he uses common sense and takes verses at face value. And does that for verses that imply that Jesus is man but then doesn’t do that for verses that imply Jesus is God. Seems to me that he’s breaking his own rules there for not reliable 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Any unitarian will ask you what verses say Jesus is God?
Mormons believe in the glorification of man! To say Jesus is more than a "mere" man does not help. This ideology is wrong! Jesus demands all the things that God the father demands. He told his disciples and others, if you don't love me more than father or mother, you are not worthy of me. Jesus says that he is the Shepherd of the sheep. Read Psalm 23, the Lord God is the Shepherd. Now when you receive the Holy Spirit, the bible calls it the "Spirit of the Son," and "Spirit of adoption," that we receive and cry "Abba Father."
Mankind has potential to progress to Godhood (Exaltation, just as Christ) after death, provided the rules are followed
We are Gods in the making (premature) because we are the actual spirit children of Heavenly Father - Psalms 82:6-7
Christ himself states we are all (potential) Gods by quoting Psalms 82:6, and uses it to explain his role - John 10:34-36
The trials of this life mask the glory that will be revealed in us, which will be equal to that of Christ - Romans 8:17-18
Christ warns not to let other people take away your crown - Rev. 3:11
In due time, we may enjoy exaltation for ourselves, provided we humble ourselves before God - 1 Peter 5:6
We shall be as the Gods - Genesis 3:5, Psalms 82:6
The dead become Gods - 1 Samuel 28:13
Because of coming to know right from wrong, Adam can become “one of us” according to God in Genesis 3:22
There are many Gods in the heavens, but while we are on earth, we are to have only one God (Heavenly Father) and one Lord, his son Jesus Christ (directly stated as being two separate individuals) - 1 Corinthians 8:5-6
Earthly life does not reflect the glory that will eventually be revealed in all of us -Romans 8:18
Christ states he has done nothing that he hasn't seen his Father already do (implying progression to Godhood) - John 5:19
We get to overcome and sit on Christ's throne, just as Christ overcame and sits on his Father's throne - Revelation 3:21
Very few are aware that there are many Gods (eluding to abundant corruption of doctrine) - 1 Corinthians 8:5-7
We may progress to Godhood, however death in the flesh is a requirement (eluding to Earth's purpose) - Psalms 82:6-7
Christ's judgment takes place amidst the other Gods, other Gods described as being a multitude/congregation - Psalms 82:1
Since we are literal children of the Father, we shall be glorified as heirs of kingdoms the same as Christ - Romans 8:16-17
We can become heirs of God (inheriting what He has, Godhood) since we are his actual spirit children - Galatians 4:7
Holy Spirit testifies that we shall be equally exalted as Christ (who is the God of the Old Testament) - Romans 8:16-17
We, the sons of God, become like him, even in physical body - 1 John 3:2
Just men are eventually made perfect - Hebrews 12:23
Christ appointed his own Godly kingdom by the Heavenly Father - Luke 22:29, Romans 8:16-17 (we're equals with Christ)
Live righteously and endure to the end in Christ and we are made rulers (not servants) - Matthew 25:21
Christ, while in Heaven, tells us we get to inherit kingdoms that were promised to us before creation - Matthew 25:34
Christ makes us millennial rulers after our resurrection, not "subjects" - Revelation 20:6
First we are earthly, and then progress to being Heavenly - 1 Cor. 15:49
So this is how Mormons defend their exalted man to God theology?
He never demanded being thought of as his own Father, the creator, the all powerful, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Israel, being his own God, being good, having power/immortality/words inherent in himself, of being the un-killable one etc the list really would just keep going on and on.
“Tell them I go to my Father and your Father, to your God and my God”...who is their God who is also his God, that he is not equal to or superior to (how are you equal to your God?)?
Let me answer you with scripture.
John 10:30-33
I and my Father are one.
31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
Did you get that! Now what were you saying?
First off, Jesus was not His name. He was called Yeshu. Another thing, the two images that you showed at the beginning of your presentation has corrupted the entire presentation. It is known that Jesus was not a Caucasian, nor was He pale skinned. He looked like the typical Israelite, dark-skinned, wooly-haired.
I see this presentation as another attempt by a Gentile trying to claim a bloodline that is not His own.
If the tone of his skin is irrelevant, why not use the correct brown tone?
Oh great a bhi , can you tell me the biblical description of a Nazarite? And the verse you’re TWISTING to say Jesus is black is a verse saying His hair is white AS wool ,not in texture but in what?color. Kinda makes sense you know since sheep have wool and Jesus is called the Lamb of God
@@ronaldochristopher669 not a black Hebrew Israelite by any means. I will say that it is well documented that the original Israelites were dark-skinned.. I say that with no racism in my heart at all. It is simply a fact that all original peoples were of a darker hue, which in my eyes means absolutely nothing.. it’s just the Truth. So please forgive me if my original post came off a bit over the top.
I am aware of the meaning of Nazarite, it’s etymology and such.
My intent from the start was to express how Jesus and all biblical characters have been misrepresented intentionally.
May God bless you!
@@thebibledecoder5761 there’s no evidence of Israelites being dark skinned idk where u think ur getting ur info
@@ronaldochristopher669 there is plenty of evidence. I don’t know why you’re not aware of this.
@@thebibledecoder5761 lol all u say is there is evidence but say no proof
Trinitarian's and Unitarians have it wrong. This teacher placed no focus at all on the fact that Jesus is the Word made flesh. God is the father of Jesus and nothing will ever change that. Jesus is the son of God and the son of man. Jesus referred to himself as the way, the truth, the life. He is not "just" human.
Jesus is unique. He is the only begotten of the father. How can this teacher imply that there is nothing unique about Jesus??? The one thing that Unitarians and Trinitarian is miss, the key thing missing in their teachings, is the authority given to the Son and what exactly that means.
Teachers like this spend all her time talking about who or what Jesus is not.
Teachers like this are full of good words and fair speeches.
Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
This is a false teacher for sure! Hope his eyes are open to the truth.
I used to think the same as you - but actually I see the man's views. I realized that I was the one who was missing it. I now believe that He is right on.
@@Psalm-pu2jq teaching anything but Jesus as God clothed in humanity to come take the sins of the world is the spirit of anichrist! I pray you also repent and turn back to truth.
God's a delegator.
Trinitarian's and Unitarians have it wrong. This teacher placed no focus at all on the fact that Jesus is the Word made flesh. God is the father of Jesus and nothing will ever change that. Jesus is the son of God and the son of man. Jesus referred to himself as the way, the truth, the life. He is not "just" human.
Jesus is unique. He is the only begotten of the father. How can this teacher imply that there is nothing unique about Jesus??? The one thing that Unitarians and Trinitarian is miss, the key thing missing in their teachings, is the authority given to the Son and what exactly that means.
Teachers like this spend all their time talking about who or what Jesus is not.
Teachers like this are full of good words and fair speeches.
Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.